previous applications - Church of Ireland College of Education

Church of Ireland College of Education
Training Course for Special Needs Assistants
2012 - 2013
The Church of Ireland College of Education invites applications for enrollment on the following
courses for Special Needs Assistants, who have not been in receipt of prior training, to be
delivered during 2012-2013. These courses are approved by the Teacher Education Section
(DES) and will be offered subject to demand.
 Introductory Course (Twenty hours)
 Certificate Course (Sixty hours).
These courses will be delivered in the Church of Ireland College of Education, Rathmines,
Dublin 6. Attendance is a course requirement. You must be available to attend at CICE on the
dates indicated below in order to apply for the course.
Introductory Course
This course will be of twenty (20) hours duration, delivered over three days on the following
dates, from 9.00 am to 4.40 pm each day:
 Wednesday 31st October 2012
 Thursday 1st November 2012
 Friday 2nd November 2012.
On successful completion of this course, participants will be eligible to be considered for the
Certificate course. Please note, any SNA who has already completed an approved introductory
course may apply for the Certificate course. A photocopy (not the original) of the certificate
awarded on completion of the introductory course must accompany any application.
Certificate Course
This course will be of sixty (60) hours duration and will be delivered on the following dates, from
9.00 am to 4.40 pm each day:
 Saturday 17th November
Saturday 23rd February
 Saturday 1 December
Saturday 9th March
 Saturday 8th December
Saturday 23rd March
 Saturday 19 January
Saturday 13th April.
 Saturday 2nd February
Applicants must be currently employed as special needs assistants in mainstream primary or
post-primary schools or in special schools. All applications must be made on the appropriate
form, a copy of which accompanies this notice and can be downloaded at .
Completed application forms (including a photocopy of the relevant introductory course
certificate, if appropriate) should be marked ‘SNA Application’ and returned to the Church of
Ireland College of Education, 96, Upper Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6, by close of
business on Friday 19th October 2012.
Church of Ireland College of Education
Courses for Special Needs Assistants 2012 – 2013
Application Form
Name of Applicant:
Home Address:
Date of Birth:
Home Phone Number: _________________
Email Address:
School Name:
School Address:
Mobile No: ______________
Roll Number:
Principal’s Name:
School Telephone No: ____________________
Fax No.:____________
School E-mail Address: ________________________
Sector: (Please tick as appropriate)
Special School
Other (Please Specify)  ____________________________________________________
What course/s are you applying for? Introductory Course
Certificate Course
Have you satisfactorily completed the 20 hour introductory course for SNAs? Yes  No 
Date of course completion: _________________
Venue: ________________ Education Centre.
Please note:
This form MUST be accompanied by a copy of the certificate issued to SNAs by their Education
Centre upon successful completion of the APPROPRIATE Introductory Course for SNAs. You
must include a copy of the relevant certificate in order to be eligible to proceed directly to the
Certificate course.
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Have you applied previously to the Church of Ireland College of Education for a place on
the Certificate Course for Special Needs Assistants? (Please state the year of your
application and venue for which you applied).
Yes __________ No __________
No. of previous applications ________________________
Year of application
Venue for which you applied
EMPLOYMENT (Please tick as appropriate)
Are you employed on a full-time yearly contract?
If you are on a part-time contract, how many hours do you work per week?: _________
Please give details of any previous training you have undertaken in relation to your role as a
SNA, indicating the level at which it occurred (e.g. PLC, certificate, diploma, FETAC award,
degree, etc).
Please give details of any work experience relevant to your application:
I confirm that the information contained in this form is correct, to the best of my knowledge.
Signed (Special Needs Assistant): ________________________ Date: ___________
I confirm that the applicant is employed in this school as a Special Needs Assistant for
Signed (Principal):
________________________ Date: ___________
The Church of Ireland College of Education reserves the right to withdraw the offer of a
place in circumstances where, on the date on which the course commences, the
applicant is not working in full-time recognised employment as a special needs assistant.
Please return this fully completed form (along with a photocopy of the relevant
introductory course certificate, if appropriate) by close of business on Friday, 19th
October 2012 to the Church of Ireland College of Education, Rathmines, Dublin 6.
(Please mark the envelope ‘SNA Application’).
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