BE/CNH: Disparate Scales of Process and Nearshore Fishery Management OCE-0308440. $1,995,951 to David A. Siegel, Bruce E. Kendall, Christopher Costello, Robert R. Warner, and Steven D. Gaines (UC Santa Barbara). 09/01/2003 – 08/31/2008. Subcontractors: Ray Hilborn (University of Washington) Steve Polasky (University of Minnesota) Kraig Winters (University of California, San Diego) Reporting Period: Year 5 (2007-2008) The “Flow, Fish and Fishing” (F3) Biocomplexity Project The goal of the “Flow, Fish and Fishing” (F3) biocomplexity project is to develop a process-level description of nearshore fisheries and their management, patterned after California coastal environments. Specifically, our aim is to examine the emergent complexity that arises due to the interaction between chaotic patterns of coastal circulation, the life cycle of fished organisms, the productivity and suitability of nearshore habitats, the intensity and nature of fish harvesting, the economics governing fisheries, fishermen and fishery regulations and the bureaucratic system which implements regulations with the aim of assessing the balance points among costs, profits, uncertainties, stock viability and ecological values of nearshore fished environments. (you repeat the above sentence) A Component View of the F3 Biocomplexity Project Our initial efforts have been spent on developing the modeling tools required to address the questions and hypotheses posed by the Flow, Fish and Fishing biocomplexity project. In our first three years of the F3 project, we have implemented 1) idealized ocean circulation models to explore the statistical properties of larval dispersal (Siegel / Winters), 2) a spatially explicit fish population dynamic model that allows us to explore the consequences of stochastic dispersal and heterogeneous fishing effort (Kendall / Siegel) and 3) economic models to evaluate the optimal management strategy when there is complete information of the fishery (Costello / Polasky). Also we conducted collection and analysis of available empirical data sets to assess the validity and skill of these models (Warner / Gaines). In the last two years of the F3 project, we further advanced each of the three (Flow, Fish and Fishing) modeling components, and began to synthesize them at higher levels. For the flow part, more realistic flow simulations for the Southern California Bight (SCB) have been employed so that we can apply the developed “Flow, Fish and Fishing” framework to real-life applications (e.g., ongoing implementation plan of a network of marine protected areas). The spatially-explicit population dynamics model accounts for stochastic larval dispersal in a more realistic way, based upon the flow simulation model products, and has revealed that stochastic larval dispersal is key to species coexistence. Our economic models have been substantially improved in their efficacy and applicability, and have been implemented in the simulated flow fields for the SCB. In the following we summarize the modeling framework developed in the last year of the F3 project, including their implications. Results point to several exciting conclusions, including: (1) in the coastal environment, the statistics of larval dispersal over the course of a single season are spatially heterogeneous, reflecting interannual and seasonal regional circulation patterns, and highly variable due to chaotic coastal eddy motions; (2) spatially-heterogeneous, temporally-intermittent larval dispersal regulates the spatial heterogeneity in fish stock dynamics; (3) if the primary source of density dependence is post-settlement, then marine protected areas can increase fisheries profits, and there is a wide range of nearly equivalent solutions in terms of both total area and reserve configuration; and (4) in the absence of temporal environmental fluctuations, the optimal management strategy is a location-specific temporally constant escapement level. Modeling of Larval Connectivity in the Coastal Ocean Scaling of Stochastic Connectivity Eddy motions predominate in the variability of ocean circulation, and have been considered to be a major source of stochasticity in settlement and recruitment events. We clarified intrinsic stochasticity arising from coastal eddy motions in larval dispersal by introducing simple scaling theory that counts the number of arriving eddies to suitable habitats for a single spawning season (Siegel et al, 2008), as described below. This scaling theory suggests that coastal eddy motions set a strong source of uncertainty in connectivity of coastal marine species for a single spawning season even when extreme abundance of larval production is available. Larval connectivity can be modeled as a superposition of arriving larval “packets” formed by coastal eddies (Siegel et al., 2008). The resulting settlement pattern will depend on the total number of larval packets arriving for the domain, N ev, and the spatial extent for each settling packet, δev (normalized by the domain size). A large number of events, each providing settlers over relatively large spatial scales, will result in a smooth connectivity pattern; whereas fewer, smaller sized events will result in a patchy pattern of connectivity. The spatial coefficient of variation in number of settlement packets, CVset, is a useful measure for assessing heterogeneity. If the probability that a given packet lands on a particular site is δev and each event is independent, then the expected number of packets arriving at a site is δev Nev and CVset can be approximated using binomial sampling theory as. CVset = [ (1-δev) / (δev Nev ) ]1/2 If Nev or δev decrease, the settlement pattern will become more stochastic. Other factors can influence δev, such as bathymetry and spatial wind variations. Scale estimates for Nev can be derived knowing the number of eddies in the domain that can advect larvae (parameterized as the larval release duration, T, normalized by the eddy time scale, τ, multiplied by the fraction of the coastline corresponding to the size of each eddy, 1/δev) and the fraction of possible arriving packets that contain settling larvae, fsv, or Nev = (T / τ) (1/δev) fsv. The survivability fraction, fsv, will be controlled by a variety of factors, including the larval development time course, larval mortality, late stage swimming, etc.. We demonstrated that the scaling theory can accurately account for eddy-induced stochasticity in simulated dispersal patterns obtained from idealized coastal circulation simulations of the California Current (Fig. We are currently working on a manuscript to report the results (Mitarai 2008c). Figure 1: Comparison of the coefficient of variation for the number of settlements among sites (CV set) obtained from the idealized circulation simulations (symbols) and predicted by scaling theory (packet model) as a function of the number of spawning seasons. For the circulation simulations, two seasonal upwelling conditions are tested: a strong upwelling condition of summer (black symbols) and a weak upwelling condition of winter (open symbols). Two different scenarios are examined for ontogenetic vertical migration: staying near the top surface (circles) and migrate 30 m after 5 days from release (triangles). The horizontal dotted line indicates CVset = 0.13, where connectivity can be approximated by a smooth and homogeneous diffusion model. The scaling relationship can be used to develop a “packet model” of larval connectivity where Nev independent, equally-sized, settlement packets are superimposed to model larval connectivity (Siegel 2008). The packet modeled connectivity retains the stochastic character seen in the flow simulations and provides a method for including transport stochasticity in spatial models of nearshore marine populations. The packet model provides a means to quantify eddy-induced stochasticity in connectivity, and gives new insights into the nature of larval dispersal and its potential for regulating population dynamics of nearshore marine species. Modeling of larval connectivity in the Southern California Bight We have made significant progress in modeling larval connectivity in the Southern California Bight (SCB). Connectivity among nearshore sites via advection of water parcels is assessed using Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) solutions for the SCB produced by Dong and McWilliams (2007). Connectivity among 137 sites is simulated each with a 5-km radius (Fig. 2 a) using a Lagrangian transition probability density function (PDF) formalism (Mitarai et al, 2008a). The scale for each site is fine enough to characterize spatial patterns in connectivity while remaining reasonable for building a network of marine protected areas (MPAs). Connectivity is calculated by simulating the trajectories of many larvae released from a given site (e.g., Siegel et al. 2008; Mitarai et al. 2008; 2008a; 2008b). Figure 2b shows a sample connectivity matrix estimated using 30-day trajectories of all particles released from 1996 through 1999. The simulated connectivity patterns are not homogeneous in space (Fig. 2 b). We found that some sites are better sources (y-axis) or destinations (x-axis) than others. In general, the mainland sites are good sources while both the Northern and Southern Channel Islands (sites 64-97 and 98-137, respectively) are much poorer source sites though they do receive significant larval fluxes from the mainland sites. Figure 2: a) Nearshore sites and b) connectivity matrix linking the nearshore sites via advection using the ROMS simulations. Each site has a 5-km. Here, the connectivity matrix quantifies the degree of inter-site connectivity for a planktonic larval duration of 30 days. The solid black lines in panel b divide the nearshore sites into three regions: mainland (i, j = 1, 2, .., 63), Northern Channel Islands (i, j = 64, 65, …, 97) and Southern Channel Islands (i, j = 98, 99, …,137). The connectivity matrix shown above hold for a particular larval life history coupled with a long-term view of the SCB circulation. Changes in larval life history (cf., planktonic larval duration [PLD], spawning season or duration, larval behavior, etc.) or the exact flow field used (long-term mean, single season, etc.) can alter connectivity pattern (Siegel et al., 2008; Mitarai et al. 2008; 2008a; 2008c). We have examined changes in larval connectivity patterns in the SCB caused by changes of spawning season (e.g., strong upwelling in summer, etc.), planktonic larval duration (a week to a few months), climate state (El Niño vs. La Niña years) and larval behavior (surface following vs. vertically migrating larvae). Larval connectivity changes dramatically from year-to-year as well as depending on spawning season and PLD (Mitarai et al. 2008a). These connectivity matrices assume that each site is an equally good source of and destination for larval productivity. To assess that, information about habitat and egg productions need to be included, as further described below. Modeling Spatial Temporal Dynamics of Nearshore Fish Stocks Fish population dynamics in the Southern California Bight Figure 3: Spatial distribution of suitable habitat in the SoCal Bight. Area and color represent a combination of giant kelp cover where substrate is less than 100m and the fraction of rock (a value of 1 is the most suitable habitat). A fundamental question in marine ecology is "What sets the spatial structure observed in species distributions?" The spatial heterogeneity seen in the distribution of sessile nearshore marine species can be attributed to two major forces; heterogeneity in suitable habitat and/or heterogeneity in larval connectivity. We are currently investigating the relative importance of habitat and connectivity in setting adult spatial structure (Watson et al., 2008). Using spatial demographic models, stock abundances can be simulated for a given larval connectivity (Fig. 2b) and habitat distribution (Fig. 3). Equilibrium distributions of a fish stock (patterned after a rockfish) are shown in Fig. 4. The left panel of Figure 4 shows the case where the larval connectivity is spatially uniform and the suitable habitat is varied spatially while in the right panel shows the case where the larval connectivity is varied spatially but the habitat is uniform. These results illustrate that both connectivity and habitat can be important in the spatially structuring fish abundance. Our goal is to understand how fish life history and demographic characteristics determine whether flow or habitat will spatially structure fish stocks. These results will be also of great value to the MPA planning process for the SCB enabling decision support tools such as MARXAN to use spatial connectivity and habitat information in a much more rigorous manner. Figure 4: Equilibrium fish stock distributions patterned after a rockfish. The left panel shows the case where the larval connectivity is spatially uniform while habitat is varied (as Fig. 3). The right panel is where larval connectivity is varied spatially (as Fig. 2b) and the habitat is assumed to be uniform. The color indicates the number of adults per 5-km site. Species Coexistence due to Eddy-induced Variability in Larval Dispersal Eddy-induced variability in larval dispersal can have important consequences in structuring nearshore marine populations. One case where coastal eddy motions can play an important role in marine population dynamics is in the case of interspecific interactions where competition among larvae may be important for determining post- settlement recruitment rates. Larvae from different spawning periods can “catch” different eddies, resulting in different dispersal patterns on a year-to-year or generationto-generation basis. Hence, there is the possibility that larvae from an inferior competitor will occasionally land in locations that are free of the superior competitor’s larvae – if it happens often enough, the two species can coexist (Kendall 2008). We demonstrated that coastal eddy motions can be a dominant mechanism enabling marine species co-existence in an advective environment (Mitarai 2008b). Imagine two identical species that disperse in an advective environment with initial conditions in which one species is distributed upstream from the other. The two species are demographically identical (e.g., the same mortality, same fecundity, same competency time windows and post-settlement density dependence factors), and competing for limited resources (or space). Here, the upstream species has a great advantage because it can send more larvae to settling sites downstream due to the mean advection in the system. We assessed the role of eddy-induced stochasticity in enabling upstream invasions by comparing the two different cases i) where connectivity matrices are given by diffusion models and ii) when connectivity matrices are given by the packet model (described above). Figure 5: Predictions by a population dynamics model along a hypothetical straight coastline modeled after central California. There is a mean southward (downward) flow in the domain. Upper panels: spatio-temporal patterns of two species' (A and B) population dynamics when a) larval dispersal is described as a diffusion process and b) larvae are transported by coastal eddies as a coherent packet. The color indicates the composition of the population. The red indicates that 100% of the population consists of the species A. The blue, on the other hand, indicates 100% of population consists of species B. Initially, species A is introduced in upstream while B in downstream. Species A and B compete for recruitment at settling sites. Notice that there is multi-decadal oscillations in species dominance (indicated with blue and red ovals) along certain portions of the model domain. For the diffusion model case, species coexistence is not achievable because there is no mechanism that makes the upstream invasion of the downstream species possible (Fig. 5 upper panel). The downstream species is nearly extinct after several decades. For the packet model case, on the other hand, the population dynamics model show that the two species can coexist (Fig. 5 lower panel). Downstream species is able to invade upstream because their larvae can be occasionally transported upstream as a coherent packet, not as a weak diffusion processes, into areas where upstream species happen to be rare. The number of successful settlements at a site will show substantial variation year to year, even without any other sources of uncertainties. The “packet” transport of larvae by coastal eddy motions, coupled with life history, can structure nearshore marine populations because it adds strong inter-annual variation in settlements. Economic Modeling of Optimal Harvest Marine protected areas and profits Predictions on the efficacy of marine reserves for benefitting fisheries differ in large part due to assumptions of models of either intra-cohort or inter-cohort population density regulating fish recruitment. We considered both processes, and examined using a bioeconomic model how density dependent recruitment dynamics interact with harvest costs to influence fishery profit with reserves. Reserves consolidate fishing effort, favoring fisheries that can profitably harvest low-density stocks of species where adult density mediates recruitment. Conversely, percentage coastline in reserves that maximizes profit, and relative improvement in profit from reserves over conventional management, decline with increasing harvest costs and the relative importance of intracohort density dependence. We quantitatively synthesized diverse results in the literature, showed disproportionate effects on the economic performance of reserves from considering only inter- or intra-cohort density dependence, and highlighted fish population and fishery dynamics predicted to be complimentary to reserve management. Figure 6: Mean (surface) ± maximum/minimum (grids) relative fishery profit under optimal reserve versus optimal conventional management, as influenced by the stock effect (θ) and inter- relative to intra-cohort density dependent recruitment processes (“Density dependence”, D). Values greater than one indicate reserves were optimal and increased fishery profit; values equal to one indicate conventional management was optimal. Grey region indicates parameter space over which reserves were never optimal. Means and ranges summarize results across all adult productivity and adult natural mortality parameter values. We provided an analytic framework that quantitatively synthesizes disparate conclusions of the literature on the economic efficacy of reserve-based management (White 2008). Using a bioeconomic model of nearshore fish population and fishery dynamics, we considered the stock effect and coupled inter-and intra-cohort density dependent recruitment processes. We demonstrated how harvest costs and recruitment dynamics interact nonlinearly to influence relative maximum profits between reserve and conventional management. We identified past conclusions that result from considering endpoints of a continuum of density dependent and stock effect conditions, and related these results to each other and to results generated under interior biological and economic conditions. We highlighted stock effect and density dependent conditions – and discussed associated fisheries and species – suggested by the results to be more favorable to reserve management. Finally, we outlined biological and socio-economic factors important to the evaluation of fishery management that have yet to be considered collectively. Fishermen Travel Behavior and Effort Allocation Fishing fleet effort and catch distribution Due to imperfect knowledge of the biogeographical environment and issues of uncertainty and confidentiality associated with fishery dependent data, fishermen within a fleet are often considered homogeneous and average values are used to describe fish and fishing in stock harvest models. We found that heterogeneity exists among fishermen within a fishing fleet and we address the role of heterogeneity on fish stock size and fleet catch. Analysis of catch and effort anomalies in California Department of Fish and Game fish block data reveals fleets with large, tightly clustered portions of below average effort and catch and smaller but more widely spread portions of far above average effort and catch. We found that individuals are consistent over time and that fishermen in different portions of a fleet have distinctly different characteristics and behaviors. Most importantly we found noticeable differences in both the spatial and temporal behavior between those fishermen with consistently high catch per unit of effort (CPUE) and the rest of the fleet (those with consistently low CPUE and those with highly variable CPUE). While we do not have data on boat size, engine size, total years of experience, or similar variables that one would expect to be highly correlated with CPUE, we found that in many cases a fisherman’s fishing performance is consistent and have thus developed a method for clustering members of a fishing fleet by their CPUE relative to the entire fishing fleet (Fig. 7). Furthermore, we found that certain variables, both environmental and fishery-specific, have a strong influence on expected CPUE. We found that many of these variables that influence a fisherman’s behavior and performance are non-linear, requiring flexibility in time trends, seasonal effects, and environmental and fishery-specific variables and a modeling environment that allows for a relaxation of these fixed parameters. We therefore choose a setting which allows us to address a number of shortcomings of linear models, namely nonlinearity of covariants, correlation of spatial and temporal observations, and heterogeneity among individuals and segments of the fishing fleet. When we compared aggregate (pooled) and disaggregate fishing fleet behavior models we found that these differences between consistently high CPUE fishermen and the rest of the fleet produce “average” conditions which may not, in fact, be indicative of any members of the fishing fleet. Oftentimes the behavior of the consistently high CPUE fishermen, a smaller percentage of the fishing fleet, is overwhelmed by the behavior of the not consistently high CPUE fishermen, the majority of the fleet. One significant impact of this heterogeneity is the conclusion that the fish biomass removed by the below average portions of the fishing fleets does not balance the consistently above average portions to generate predicted “average” fleet catches. The imbalance suggests that harvest models using average values for fishing effort and harvested biomass could significantly underestimate fleet impacts on fish stocks. Figure 7: Fleet catch per unit of effort rankings for fishermen with 6 or more years of experience in the red sea urchin and market squid fleets and 5 or more years of experience in the spiny lobster fleet. Dotted lines show cluster analysis cutoffs. Integrating the F3 Biocomplexity Project We have implemented most of the disparate pieces of “Flow, Fish and Fishing (F3)” and have many other components under way, and have been working on the careful integration of these pieces into a whole bigger than the parts. We still have component research objectives we are working on and need to publish these results. There are several activities that we are working on now that will insure the integration of the F3 components. The first is the work being conducted by F3 PIs and their students on the modeling of marine protected area (MPA) design and effectiveness. Some of this was addressed previously in the report. Our MPA work is being done in support of on-going state and federal processes on designating and evaluating MPA deployed in California waters. Several of the PIs are involved in public service aspects of the MPA process (Gaines / Costello / Hilborn / Warner / Siegel). The MPA problem is also a good one for getting students to start modeling as it provides a spatial restriction on fishing access which helps students develop intuition to this problem. We have been working with several California fishing industries. For example, Ray Hilborn has met with representatives of the California Sea Urchin fishing industry and California state researchers and managers several times and they have developed an initial population dynamics and fleet model of the fishery in San Diego (a reasonably simple fishery). We will use this experience as a prototype for the Santa Barbara/Channel Islands fishery and have started to work with a wider range of industry groups in cooperative data mining activities. Last, we have gone to great lengths to insure there is effective project communication among its participants. The UCSB group meets biweekly and detailed discussions of research projects and papers which blend economists and ecologists, students and professors. We have developed mailing lists where people regularly post work, papers to read, etc. We have a website ( where all presentations, working papers, simulation codes, etc. are available. We also hold annual whole project workshops. Educational Activities There are 10 graduate students (3 female) and one postdoc working on the F3 Biocomplexity project. We have been successful in leveraging other sources to expand the pool of students contributing to F3. Although only one-half of these students will focus their dissertations directly on F3, all will gain skills and direction based upon the F3 project. In some ways, F3 is becoming the analytical heart of the marine ecological work happening at UCSB. The UCSB group meets biweekly for two hours as an extended group meeting for students and PIs. A similar activity is occurring at UW. This past year, three graduate seminars were convened at UCSB to support the learning required for students involved in F3. In addition, Kendall and Costello are both faculty in the Bren school and faculty there have supervised a group master thesis (3 to 5 masters students working on a yearlong group project) on the spiny lobster fishery and this interest will grow throughout the project. Last, we continue our work with the commercial sea urchin divers in California and California Department of Fish and Game. We held two meetings with them during the year and have moved forward our model of the urchin-fleet interaction. Graduate Students Robin Pelc Elizabeth Madin John Lynam Crow White Heather Berkley Brian Kinlan Michael Robinson Nicolas Guiterez Tim Chaffey James Watson Andrew Rassweiler UCSB UCSB UCSB UCSB UCSB UCSB UCSB UW UCSB UCSB UCSB Female Female Male Male Female Male Male Male Male Male Male US US Ireland US US US US Uruguay US England US NSF & UCSB fellowships NSF & DHS fellowships F3 F3 + other grant F3 & UCSB fellowships Hertz fellow support F3 Fulbright Fellowship F3 + other grant F3 other grant Postdoc Satoshi Mitarai UCSB Male Japan F3 Publications (all attribute F3 support) 2003 – 2006 publications Siegel, D.A., B.P. Kinlan, B. Gaylord and S.D. Gaines, 2003: Lagrangian descriptions of marine larval dispersion. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 260, 83-96. Guichard, F.R., S. Levin, A. Hastings and D.A. Siegel, 2004: Toward a metacommunity approach to marine reserve theory. Bioscience, 54, 1003-1011. Gaylord, B., S.D. Gaines, D.A. Siegel and M. Carr, 2005: Marine reserves can exploit life history and population structure to enable higher fisheries yields. Ecological Applications, 15, 2180-2191. Kinlan, B., S.D. Gaines, and S. Lester., 2005: Propagule dispersal and the scales of marine community process. Diversity and Distributions, 11, 139-148. Baskett, M.L., S.A. Levin, S.D. Gaines, and J. Dushoff, 2005: Marine reserve design and the evolution of size at maturation in harvested fish. Ecological Applications, 15, 882-901. Warner, R.R., S E. Swearer, J.E. Caselle, M. Sheehy, and G. Paradis, 2005: Natal trace-elemental signatures in the otoliths of an open-coast fish. Limnology and Oceanography 50, 1529-1542. Halpern, B., S.D. Gaines, and R.R. Warner, 2005: Habitat size, recruitment, and longevity as factors limiting population size in stage-structured species. American Naturalist 165, 82-94. Ruttenberg, B.I., S.L. Hamilton, M.J.H. Hickford, G.L. Paradis, M.S. Sheehy, J.D. Standish, O. Ben-Tzvi, and R.R. Warner, 2005: Elevated levels of trace elements in cores of otoliths and their potential for use as natural tags. Marine Ecology Progress Series 297, 273-281. Stoms, D.M., F.W. Davis, S.J. Andelman, M.H. Carr, S.D. Gaines, B.S. Halpern, R. Hoenicke, S.G. Leibowitz, A. Leydecker, E.M.P. Madin, H. Tallis, and R.R. Warner, 2005: Integrated coastal reserve planning: making the land-sea connection. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 3, 429-436 Hilborn, R., F. Micheli, and G. DeLeo, 2006: Integrating Marine Protected Areas with catch regulation. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 63, 642-649. Branch, T.A., R. Hilborn, A.C. Haynie, G. Fay, L. Flynn, J. Griffiths, K.N. Marshall, J.K. Randall, J.M. Scheuerell, E.J. Ward, and M. Young, 2006: Fleet dynamics and fishermen behavior: lessons for fisheries managers. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63: 1647-1668. 2007 publications Mitarai, S., D.A. Siegel, and K.B. Winters, 2007: A numerical study of stochastic larval settlement in California Current System. Journal of Marine Systems, 69, 295. O'Connor, M.I., J.F. Bruno, S.D. Gaines, B.S. Halpern, S.E. Lester, B.P. Kinlan, and J.M. Weiss, 2007: Temperature control of larval dispersal and the implications for marine ecology, evolution, and conservation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 104(4):1266-1271. Grafton, R. Q., Kompas, Q., and Hilborn, R. W, 2007: Economics of Over exploitation Revisited. Science. 318: 1601. Hilborn, R., 2007: Reinterpreting the state of fisheries and their management. Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-007-9100-5. Hilborn, R., 2007: Managing fisheries is managing people: what has been learned? Fish and Fisheries. 6: 285-296. Walters, C. J., R. Hilborn, and R. H. Parrish, 2007: An equilibrium model for predicting the efficacy of marine protected areas in coastal environments. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64:1009-1018. Hilborn, R., 2007: Moving to Sustainability by Learning from Successful Fisheries. Ambio. 36: 296-303. Hilborn, R., 2007: Biodiversity loss in the oceans: how bad is it? Science 316: 12811282. Hilborn, R., 2007: Defining success in fisheries and conflicts in objectives. Marine Policy 31: 153-158. Lester, S.E., S.D. Gaines, and B.P. Kinlan, 2007: Reproduction on the edge: large-scale patterns of individual performance in a marine invertebrate. Ecology 88(9):2229-2239. Gaines, S.D., B. Gaylord, L.R. Gerber, A. Hastings, and B.P. Kinlan, 2007: Connecting places: the ecological consequences of dispersal in the sea. Oceanography 20(3):9099. Lester, S.E., B.I. Ruttenberg, S.D. Gaines, and B.P. Kinlan., 2007: The relationship between dispersal ability and geographic range size. Ecology Letters 10:745-758. 2008 publications Siegel, D.A., S. Mitarai, C.J., Costello, S.D. Gaines, B.E. Kendall, R.R. Warner, and K.B. Winters, 2008: The stochastic nature of larval connectivity among nearshore marine populations. Proceedings of National Academy of Science, 105, 8974-8979. Costello and Polasky. 2008. Optimal harvesting of stochastic spatial resources. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 56(1):1-18. White, C., B.E. Kendall, S. Gaines, D.A. Siegel, and C. Costello., 2008: Marine Reserve Effects on Fishery Profit. Ecology Letters 11:370-379. Gunderson, DR, Parma, AM, Hilborn, R, Cope, JM, Fluharty, DL, Miller, ML, Vetter, RD, Heppell, SS, and Greene, HG, 2008: The challenge of managing nearshore rocky reef resources. Fisheries 33: 172-179. Hard, J. J., Gross, M. R., Heino, M., Hilborn, R., Kope, R. G., Law, R., and Reynolds, J. D., 2008: Evolutionary consequences of fishing and their implications for salmon. Evolutionary Applications 1: 388-408. Grafton, R. Q., Hilborn, R., Ridgeway, L., Squires, D., Williams, M., Garcia, S., Groves, T., Joseph, J., Kelleher, K., Kompass, T., Libecap, G., Lunden, C. G., Makino, M., Matthiasson, T., McLoughlin, R., Parma, A., San Martin, G., Saita, B., Schmidt, C.-C., Tait, M., and Zhang, L. X., 2008: Positioning fisheries in a changing world. Marine Policy 32: 630-634. de Mutsert, K., Cowan, J. H., Jr, Essington, T., and Hilborn, R., 2008: Reanalyses of Gulf of Mexico fisheries data: Landings can be misleading in assessments of fisheries and fisheries ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: 2740-2744. Sethi, S. A., and Hilborn, R., 2008: Interactions between poaching and management policy affect marine reserves as conservation tools. Biological Conservation 141: 506516. In Press Gaines, S.D., S.E. Lester, G. Eckert, B.P. Kinlan, R. Sagarin and B. Gaylord, In Press: Dispersal and geographic ranges in the sea. In Marine Macroecology (J. Witman and K. Roy, eds.), University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, in press. White, C. and B.E. Kendall, In Press: Reassessment of equivalence in yield from marine reserves. Oikos. In Review Walters, C.J., R. Hilborn, and R. Parrish, In Review: An equilibrium model for predicting efficacyof Marine protected areas in coastal environment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. McGilliard, C.R., R. Hilborn, In Review: Modeling no-take marine reserves in regulated fisheries: assessing the role of larval dispersal distance. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Jurado-Molina J.J., J.S. Palleiro-Nayar, and N.L. Gutirrez, In Review: Developing a Bayesian stock assessment framework and decision analysis for the red sea urchin fishery in Baja California, Mexico. ICES Journal of Marine Science. Suresh A., S. Sethi, and R. Hilborn, In Review: The interaction between poaching and management policy choice affect marine reserves as conservation tools. Biological Conservation. White, C., J. Watson, K.A. Selkoe, D.A. Siegel, D.C. Zacherl and R.J.Toonen, In Review: Seascape Genetics Reveals Pattern Beneath the Chaos. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences White C., In Review: Density Dependence, Economics and the Efficacy of Marine Reserves. Fish and Fisheries Mitarai, S., Siegel, D.A., Watson J.R., Dong, C., and McWilliams J.C., In Review: Quantifying connectivity in the coastal ocean with application to the Southern California Bight, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. Presentations 2003 presentations Siegel, D., C. Costello, S. Gaines, R. Hilborn, B. Kendall, S. Polasky, R. Warner, K. Winters, 2003: Flow, Fish and Fishing: Sources and Implications of Uncertainty in Nearshore Fishery Management. Presented at the 50th Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference, Catalina Island, Sept. 2003. Hilborn, R., 2003: The conflict between science and advocacy, Invited Presentation, Western Society of Naturalists, Long Beach CA. November 2003. Hilborn, R., 2003: Achieving sustainable fisheries, Invited Presentation – IFEMER Laboratory Montpellier France, December 2003. Hilborn, R., 2003: Achieving sustainable fisheries, Invited Presentation – London Zoological Society, December 2003. 2004 presentations Kinlan, B., D. Siegel, B. Gaylord, and S. Gaines, 2004: Marine Larval Dispersion and Prediction in Coastal Fisheries Science. Presented at the 2004 AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland OR. January 2004. Siegel, D., B. Kinlan, B. Gaylord, and S. Gaines, 2004: Lagrangian descriptions of marine larval dispersion. Presented at the 2004 ASLO/TOS Oceans Conference, Honolulu, HI, February 2004. Siegel, D., 2004: Applying LTER principals to the establishment of marine reserves in coastal systems. Presented at the 4th NSF-LTER Symposium at the National Science Foundation, Arlington VA, February 26, 2004. Gaines, S., 2004: A Seaweed's Perspective on Marine Reserve Design. Phycological Society of America. Newport Oregon, 2004. Siegel, D., 2004: Flow, Fish and Fishing. Seminar presented to the Biological Sciences Department of the University of Southern California. March 9, 2004. Costello, C., 2004: Spatial management of renewable resources under uncertainty. Invited presentation at the Spatial-dynamic Models of Economics and Ecosystems meeting, Trieste Italy, April 2004. Gaines, S., 2004: Large Scale Patterns in Marine Ecosystems. University of Maryland. April 2004. Hilborn, R., 2004: Achieving sustainable fisheries, Invited Seminar – Bren School of Environmental Studies, U.C. Santa Barbara, May 2004. Kendall, B., D. Siegel, C. Costello, S. Gaines, R. Hilborn, R. Warner, K. Winters, 2004: Population Dynamics in a Stirred, not Mixed, Ocean. Ecological Society of America meeting, Portland OR, August 2-6, 2004. White, C., B. Kendall, D. Siegel, and C. Costello, 2004: Marine reserve spacing and fishery yield: practical designs offer optimal solutions. Ecological Society of America meeting, Portland OR, August 2-6, 2004. Berkley, H., B. Kendall, D. Siegel, C. Costello, 2004: Fishery in a stirred ocean sustainable harvest can increase spatial variation in fish populations. Ecological Society of America meeting, Portland OR, August 2-6, 2004. Gaines, S., 2004: The design of marine reserve networks. Association of Pacific Rim Universities. August 2004. White, C., B. Kendall, D. Siegel, and C. Costello, 2004: Marine reserve spacing and fishery profit: practical designs offer optimal solutions. Western Society of Naturalists meeting. November 11-14, 2004 Mitarai, S., D. Siegel, and K. Winters, 2004: Stochastic larval settlement in nearshore marine system. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA, December, 2004. Gaines, S., 2004: The design of marine reserve networks. University of Alaska, Juneau. December, 2004. Gaines, S., 2004: A larval biologist's perspective on fisheries management. University of Alaska, Anchorage. December 2004. 2005 presentations Siegel, D., 2005: It’s Stirred, Not Mixed!! Role of Fluid Stirring in Aquatic Ecosystems. Seminar presented to the Marine Sciences PhD program at UC Santa Barbara, February 2005. Siegel, D., 2005: It’s Stirred, Not Mixed!! Role of Fluid Stirring in Aquatic Ecosystems. Plenary talk presented at the 2005 ALSO Meeting Salt Lake City, February 2005. Siegel, D., Costello, C., Gaines, S., Hilborn, R., Kendall, B., Polasky, S., Warner, R., Winters, K., 2005: Flow, Fish And Fishing: A Biocomplexity Project. 2005 ALSO Meeting Salt Lake City, February 2005. Mitarai, S., Siegel, D., Winters, K., 2005: A numerical study of stochastic larval settlement in nearshore environments. 2005 ALSO Meeting Salt Lake City, February 2005. McGilliard, C., and Hilborn, R., 2005: Effects of larval dispersal at the interface of Marine Protected Areas and traditional management regimes. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 2005. Costello, C., 2005: Spatial Bioeconomics Under Uncertainty. Conference on “Spatial Models in Economics and Ecology” Trieste Italy, April 2005. Warner, R., 2004: Dispersal scales and connectivity among marine populations. International Coral Reef Congress, Okinawa, 2005. Warner, R., 2005: Plenary: Dispersal scales and connectivity among marine populations. IndoPacific Fish Conference, Taiwan, May 2005. Warner, R., 2005: Dispersal scales and connectivity among marine populations. Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, November 2005. Costello, C., 2005: Can Reserves Increase Profits? Conference “Occasional workshop on environmental economics” Santa Barbara CA, October 2005. 2006 presentations Siegel, D., Mitarai, S., White, C., Berkeley, H., Costello, C., Gaines, S., Hilborn, R., Kendall, B., Polasky, S., Warner, R., and Winters, R, 2006: Inherent Uncertainties in Nearshore Fisheries: The Biocomplexity of Flow, Fish and Fishing. 2006 Ocean Science Meeting, Honolulu, February 2006. Mitarai, S., Siegel, D., Warner, R., and Winters, K., 2006: Investigation of the role of larval behavior in determining nearshore habitat connectivity. 2006 Ocean Science Meeting, Honolulu, February 2006. Crow, W., Kendall, B., Siegel, D., and Costello, C., 2006: Fishing for Profit, Not Fish: A Economic Assessment of Marine Reserve Effects on Fisheries. 2006 Ocean Science Meeting, Honolulu, February 2006. Berkley, H., Kendall, B., and Siegel, D., 2006: Oceanography Creates Stochastic Larval Dispersal: Implications for Fishery Dynamics. 2006 Ocean Science Meeting, Honolulu, February 2006. McGilliard, C., 2006: Marine Protected Areas used with effort limits: the role of larval biology and the older female. Quantitative Seminar, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, 2006. McGilliard, C.R., and Hilborn, R., 2006. Modeling MPAs in regulated fisheries: assessing the role of larval dispersal distance. NSF F3 Grant Working Meeting, University of California Santa Barbara.) Gutirrez N., 2006: Using the Barefoot Ecologist Program data in sea urchin individual based models. San Diego Watermen's Association. December 8th 2006, San Diego, CA. 2007 presentations Chaffey, T., Mitarai, S., and Siegel, D., 2007: A Description of the Effects of Headland on Marine Larval Dispersal Using Computational Models. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography 2007 Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, February 2007. Watson, J., Siegel, D., Mitarai, S., Oey, L., and Dong, C., 2007: Simulating Larval Dispersal in the Santa Barbara Channel. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography 2007 Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, February 2007. Mitarai, S., Siegel, D., Warner, R., Kendall, B., Gaines, S., and Costello, C., 2007: A Scaling Tool to Account for Inherent Stochasticity in Larval Dispersal. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography 2007 Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, February 2007. Caselle, J., 2007: Revealing patterns of larval connectivity: Bringing multiple tools to the table. The 31st Larval Fish Conference, St Johns Newfoundland, July 2007 Costello, C., 2007: Optimal spatial fisheries management. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco 2007 McGilliard, C., 2007: Space and the state of the fishery in models of no-take marine reserves. Thesis Defense Seminar; School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, 2007. Gutirrez N, 2007: Analysis of the Barefoot Ecologist Program data and its relevance for sea urchin stock assessment models. San Diego Watermen's Association. June 14th 2007, San Diego, CA. White, C., J. Watson, K.A. Selkoe, R.J. Toonen, and D. Zacherl., 2007: Population Connectivity of an Emerging Coastal Fishery Species and the Influence of ENSO on Larval Dispersal-Mediated Gene Flow. Western Society of Naturalists. Ventura, CA Kinlan, B.P., D. McArdle, S.D. Gaines, and K. Emery, 2007: Hierarchical Bayesian analysis of the Spiny Lobster fishery in California. WSN Annual Meeting, Ventura, CA, 8-11 Nov 2007. 2008 presentations Costello, C., 2008, Numerous presentations of the F3 model by Costello as he served as member of Science Advisory Team for Marine Life Protection Act. Warner, R., 2008, at Bamfield marine lab (in BC, Canada), to a meeting on marine reserves in Brussels (TPAGE - European Union), and at the International Coral Reef Symposium. Robinson, M., 2008: Fishing fleet behavior: Causal structure modeling. Santa Barbara Channel Long Term Ecological Research annual meeting, June 2008. Robinson, M., 2008: Heterogeneity and consistency in commercial fishing fleets: Effects on fleet modeling and fish stock management. Association of American Geographers annual meeting, Boston, MA, April 2008. Robinson, M., 2008: Location Choice and Expected Catch: Determining Causal Structures in Fisherman Travel Behavior. University of California Transportation Center annual meeting, January 2008. Kinlan, B.P., 2008: Changes in kelp forest habitats in and around the Channel Islands Marine Protected Areas." California Islands Symposium, Special Symposium on Monitoring of the Channel Islands Marine Protected Areas, Oxnard, CA, 9 Feb 2008. Mitarai, S., Siegel, D.A., Watson, J.R., Dong, C., and McWilliams, J.C., 2008: Simulated coastal connectivity in the Southern California Bight. California Marine Life Protection Act Initiative Oceanography Workshop (Department of Fish and Game, State of California, El Segundo, 2008). Mitarai, S., Siegel, D.A., Warner, R.R., Gaines, S.D., Kendall, B.E., Costello, C.J., and Winters, K.B., 2008: Larval dispersal and population dynamics in the turbulent coastal ocean. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2008 (American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Orlando, 2008). Watson J R., Selkoe K., White C., Siegel D A., Mitarai S., Dong C., McWilliams J., 2008: Simulating the effect of El nino of the genetic structure of nearshore species in the Southern California Bight. 2008, Ocean Sciences meeting. Orlando. February 2008