Biology 211 Intro Molecular Cell Biology Laboratory Bradford Protein Assay Week 9 Purpose: To learn the Bradford procedure for determining protein concentration on cell extract samples. References: Bradford, M. M. (1976) A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry 72, 248-254 Robyt, J. F. and White, B. J. 1987. Practice. Brooks/Cole, Monterey, CA. Biochemical Techniques: Theory and Background: Many procedures used in cell biology require knowledge of the protein content of cells or organelles. We will use the Bradford assay to determine the amount of protein in a sample of the cell extract we prepared from the NIH 3T3 cells. The Bradford assay uses a dye, Coomassie brilliant blue G-250, which has a negative charge and binds with positive charges on the protein. The dye exists in a red form and a blue form (Amax =595 nm). The red form is the predominant form in solution and when its negative charge binds to the positive charges on the protein, it is converted into the blue form. The reaction is highly reproducible and rapid and is essentially complete after 2 min. with color stability over 1 hour. At 595 nm absorption is linear over a specific and narrow range of 10-100 ug protein. Because many proteins have nearly identical response curves, the method can be applied using a single set of standards. Standard curves are commonly prepared using bovine serum albumin (BSA). A standard curve provides a reference for measuring the amount of protein in a solution of unknown concentration. It is constructed by measuring the absorption of several known concentrations of protein in the range of 10-100 ug. Then, when a solution of unknown concentration is measured, its absorbance at 595 nm can be compared to the standard curve. The Bradford Assay Lab involves two parts. First, a standard curve will be constructed using a solution of known concentration of bovine serum albumin (BSA). Then a sample of the cell extract will be tested for its absorbance in the assay and its concentration will be determined from the standard curve. 1 Procedure: Bradford Assay of Protein 1. The standard curve a. Obtain a sample of bovine serum albumin (BSA) prepared in distilled water at a concentration of 100 ug/ml. b. Label a set of test tubes (13 x 100 mm) from 1-7 using a black Sharpie marker. Following the chart below fill the tubes sequentially with BSA, water and Bradford reagent. NOTE: It is important to mix the tubes rapidly and thoroughly immediately after the dye is added, one tube at a time. Tube ddH20 ml 1 BSA @100 ug/ml ml 0 ml 2.4 ml Bradford Reagent ml 0.6 ml 2 0.1 ml 2.3 ml 0.6 ml 3 0.2 ml 2.2 ml 0.6 ml 4 0.4 ml 2.0 ml 0.6 ml 5 0.6 ml 1.8 ml 0.6 ml 6 0.8 ml 1.6 ml 0.6 ml 7 1.0 ml 1.4 ml 0.6 ml ug protein* X-axis A595 Y-axis 0 (blank) 0 ug * calculate ug protein by multiplying BSA concentration (100 ug/ml) by the volume used (ml) Use the tube #1, the BLANK, to set the absorbance at 595 nm to zero. Measure the A595 of each of the other tubes. Write the values in the chart above. Plot your data on graph paper, or using the excel spreadsheet provided, with ug protein on the X axis and A595 on the Y axis. Show your graph to the instructor. 2. Assay of the cell extract In this portion of the laboratory you will determine the concentration of the cell extract you prepared last week. To break the cells open, the cells were frozen at -80C, then thawed. This cycle was repeated several times to create a "freezethaw" extract. 2 a. Obtain your tubes of extract and keep on ice. b. Label a test tube for each tube of extract you wish to test. Add the components in the order protein sample, water, Bradford reagent and mix thoroughly. Tube Cell extract Sample 0.1 ml ddH20 Bradford reagent (ml) 2.3 ml ug protein A595 (from std. Curve) 0.6 ml c. Determine the absorbance reading for the cell extract sample. Use the standard curve to determine the the amount of protein (in ug) for the sample. If the absorbance reading falls outside the linear range of the standard curve, repeat the Bradford Assay using less sample 10-50 ul (=0.01 to 0.05 ul). d. The remainder of the cell extract should be kept on ice to be returned to the 80 C freezer for next week's lab. e. For next week's lab, you will need to determine a volume of cell extract that contains 10-20 ug protein. We will have access to micropipets that can measure smaller volumes (in microliters). 1000 ul = 1 ml 100 ul = 0.1 ml 10 ul = 0.01 ml f. Hand in your completed tables, your standard curve and your calculations (of the protein concentration in the cell extract and the volume to use for electrophoresis), by next week’s lab. This assignment is worth 20 points. 3