Marking criteria / Grade descriptors in the Department of French

Marking criteria / Grade descriptors in the Department of French, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Leeds
The following table lists criteria used for the marking of essays. The criteria are not applied mechanically. A piece of work can vary enormously in the inclusion of some good qualities
and the exclusion of others. For example, a marker may want to award a class I to an essay of rare originality even though the essay lacks the coherence normally found in a First
Class performance.
Level 3
At this level you should be using and evaluating secondary literature which reflects current research and thinking on the topic to help you develop fully your own ideas. Merely
reformulating what others have said will not earn you a high mark. Your analysis and argument should be well-developed, precise, supported and nuanced. You should use an
academic writing style and referencing conventions.
Class and
Essays will demonstrate:
Presentations will conform to the criteria for essays where appropriate
grade score
Respect for word limits
Respect the time constraints;
Comprehensive level of knowledge and full understanding of topic;
Be presented in an engaging way, with good pace and clear, wellFirst (I):
Sophisticated, focussed and original response to question;
projected delivery;
Critical analysis which may challenge received views;
Show exceptional awareness of audience needs and ability to involve
Coherent, elegant and nuanced analysis;
Clear structure to and progression of complex, persuasive argument, addressing fully the
Be supported by clear, imaginative, well-referenced handouts and/or
key issues and relating theory to practice or questioning established theory;
visual material.
Points fully supported and discussed using a range of well-chosen examples;
Use and critical evaluation of wide range of primary and secondary sources;
Evidence of engagement with current research and of independent research;
All references fully and correctly acknowledged;
Full, appropriate and correctly presented bibliography;
Sophisticated writing style;
May be considered suitable for publication as it stands.
Respect for word limits
Respect the time constraints;
First (I):
Thorough knowledge and full understanding of topic;
Be presented in a lively and accessible way, with good pace and
Focussed and full response to question, with some originality of approach;
Coherent and clearly expressed critical analysis;
Show good awareness of audience needs and responsiveness to
Clear structure to and progression of well-developed, persuasive argument, identifying key
audience questions;
issues and relating theory to practice;
Be supported by clear, helpful, well-referenced handouts and/or visual
Points fully supported;
Use and evaluation of a wide range of primary and secondary sources;
Evidence of engagement with research;
Evidence of personal research;
References fully and correctly acknowledged;
Full, appropriate and correctly presented bibliography;
Clear writing style, with correct spelling and helpful punctuation.
Second (IIi):
Second (IIii):
Third (III):
Bad Fail:
Respect for word limits
Broad knowledge and understanding of topic;
Good, focussed response to question, showing sound grasp of key issues;
Critical analysis which is coherent and lucid;
Clear structure to and progression of argument, identifying key issues and referring to
theoretical concepts where appropriate;
Points supported by appropriate examples;
Appropriate use of both primary and secondary sources;
Reference to published academic research;
Clear and appropriate references;
Bibliography contains a range of appropriate items;
Clear writing style, with correct spelling and punctuation.
Reasonable knowledge and understanding of topic;
Reasonable understanding of requirements of question;
Some critical analysis, but may be descriptive in part;
Reasonably competent structure to argument, with some awareness of key issues and
theoretical concepts;
Points broadly relevant and at least partially supported;
Use of limited primary and secondary sources;
Bibliography limited and not always appropriate;
Some attempt at referencing;
Writing style adequate to express ideas, but may lack sophistication.
Some knowledge or understanding of topic;
Shows little understanding of requirements of question;
Shows little or no critical analysis, and the answer will be largely derivative or descriptive;
Argument, if present at all, will be poorly sustained, and sometimes incoherent;
Points inadequately supported or may be of little relevance to the question;
Little use of primary sources;
No evidence of secondary reading;
Writing style barely adequate to express ideas, with inadequate or inappropriate punctuation.
Very limited level of knowledge of topic;
Generally relevant to the topic, but may fail to focus on the question;
No critical analysis, and the answer will be descriptive;
Little, if any, argument, and response to question unclear and possibly incoherent; little
discernible structure;
Points that are not supported / irrelevant;
Little or no use of primary sources;
Writing style barely adequate to express ideas, with inadequate or inappropriate punctuation.
Extremely limited, if any, knowledge of topic;
Completely irrelevant and superficial response to question;
No critical analysis, and the answer will be descriptive;
No argument, and response to question inappropriate and possibly incoherent; no discernible
No use of primary sources;
Writing style barely adequate to express ideas, with inadequate or inappropriate punctuation.
Respect the time constraints;
Be presented in a lively and accessible way, with confident pace and
Show awareness of audience needs, and ability to answer questions;
Make appropriate use of referenced handouts and/or visual material.
May not entirely respect the time constraints;
Be presented in a largely accessible way, with reasonable pace and
Show some awareness of audience needs but may struggle to answer
questions effectively;
Make some use of handouts and/or visual material.
May not respect the time constraints;
Be presented in a largely accessible way, with reasonable pace and
delivery although use of language may impede understanding;
Show little awareness of audience needs and unable to engage
Make inadequate use of handouts and/or visual material, which maybe
poorly presented.
May not respect the time constraints;
Be characterised by poor delivery and use of language, with
inappropriate pace, hampering understanding;
Show little or no awareness of audience needs and an inability to
respond to questions;
Handouts or visual material may be inadequate, misleading, unhelpful
or absent.
Will not respect the time constraints;
Be characterised by poor delivery and use of language, with
inappropriate pace, seriously hampering understanding;
Show no awareness of audience needs and an inability to respond to
Not be accompanied by handouts or visual material.
Level 2
At this level you should be using more advanced secondary literature to broaden your understanding of the topic and to stimulate your ideas. You should be learning to explore your
own ideas about the topic of study rather than merely reformulating what others have said. You should be developing an academic writing style and using academic conventions to
reference those works upon which you have drawn.
Class and
Presentations will conform to the criteria for essays where appropriate
Essays will demonstrate:
grade score
Wide-ranging level of knowledge and full understanding of topic;
Respect the time constraints;
Comprehensive and focussed response to question;
Be presented in an engaging way, with good pace and clear delivery;
First (I):
Evidence of independent thought and evaluation;
Show high level of awareness of audience needs and ability to involve
Coherent critical analysis with awareness of nuance;
Clear structure and progression of persuasive argument addressing fully the key issues and
Be supported by clear, well-thought out and well-referenced handouts
relating theory to practice;
and/or visual material;
Points fully supported and discussed using well-chosen examples;
Excellent use and integration of a wide range of relevant primary and secondary sources;
Evidence of engagement with research;
Full and correct referencing and appropriate bibliography;
Advanced writing style enabling expression of sophisticated ideas.
Thorough knowledge and full understanding of topic;
Respect the time constraints;
First (I):
Focussed and full response to question with insightful personal contribution;
Be presented in a lively and accessible way, with good pace and
Cogent evaluation of others’ arguments;
Coherent critical analysis;
Show good awareness of audience needs and responsiveness to
Clear structure to and progression of well-developed, persuasive argument, demonstrating
audience questions;
an understanding of key issues and referring to theoretical concepts;
Be supported by clear, helpful, well-referenced handouts and/or visual
Points well-supported using relevant examples;
Use of a range of relevant primary and secondary sources with awareness of need for
Correct referencing and appropriate bibliography;
Writing style shows precision of expression, enabling communication of ideas.
Broad knowledge and understanding of topic;
Show attention to planning for timing;
Good, focussed response to question with awareness of its implications;
Be presented in an accessible way, with confident pace and delivery;
Second (IIi):
Lucid evaluation of others’ arguments;
Show awareness of audience needs, and some ability to answer
Coherent, well-expressed analysis;
Clear structure to and progression of argument, identifying key issues and showing
Make appropriate use of handouts and/or visual material.
awareness of theoretical concepts;
Points supported using relevant examples from both primary and secondary sources;
Evidence of significant, relevant secondary reading;
Adequate and appropriate bibliography;
Clear writing style, with correct spelling and punctuation.
Second (IIii):
Third (III):
Bad Fail:
Reasonable knowledge and understanding of topic;
Reasonable understanding of requirements of question;
Attempts at analysis, but may be descriptive or narrative at least in part;
Reasonably competent structure to argument, but may be somewhat derivative;
Points broadly relevant and at least partially supported;
Use of limited primary and secondary sources;
Bibliography limited and not always appropriate;
Some attempt at referencing;
Writing style adequate to express ideas, although it may be rather unsophisticated in use of
vocabulary, syntax and punctuation.
Some knowledge and understanding of topic;
Shows little understanding of requirements of question;
Shows little or no critical analysis, and the answer will be largely derivative or descriptive;
A largely descriptive argument in which progression may be incoherent;
Points that may be unsupported or of little relevance to the question;
No evidence of secondary reading;
Writing style barely adequate to express ideas, with inadequate or inappropriate punctuation.
Very limited level of knowledge of topic;
Generally relevant to the topic, but may fail to focus on the question;
Argument that is descriptive or narrative;
Response to question unclear and possibly incoherent; little discernible structure;
Points that are not supported / irrelevant;
No use of primary sources;
Writing style barely adequate to express ideas, with inadequate or inappropriate punctuation.
Extremely limited, if any, knowledge of topic;
Little attempt at a response to question, or response which is inappropriate and possibly
incoherent; no discernible structure;
No reference to primary sources;
Writing style barely adequate to express ideas, with inadequate or inappropriate punctuation.
May not respect the time constraints;
Be presented in a largely accessible way, with reasonable pace and
Show some awareness of audience needs but may struggle to answer
questions effectively;
Make some use of handouts and/or visual material.
May not respect the time constraints;
Be presented in a largely accessible way, though pace and delivery
may be inappropriate and use of language may impede understanding;
Show little awareness of audience needs and unable to engage
Make inadequate use of handouts and/or visual material, which maybe
poorly presented.
May not respect the time constraints;
Be characterised by poor delivery and use of language, with
inappropriate pace;
Show little or no awareness of audience needs and an inability to
respond to questions;
Be accompanied by inadequate, misleading or unhelpful handouts or
visual material, or they may be absent.
Will not respect the time constraints;
Be characterised by poor delivery and use of language, with
inappropriate pace, seriously hampering understanding;
Show no awareness of audience needs and an inability to respond to
Not be accompanied by handouts or visual material.
Level 1
At this level you will be learning to use secondary literature to broaden your knowledge of the topic. You should use secondary literature, which may be at an introductory level, in your
essays and seminars, and begin to appreciate that it is insufficient merely to repeat what you have heard in lectures or read in handouts. You should be developing a more
sophisticated writing style than you used in school, and observing academic conventions for referencing those works which you have consulted.
Class and
Essays will demonstrate:
Presentations will conform to the criteria for essays where appropriate
grade score
Wide knowledge and understanding of topic;
Show thorough attention to time management;
A significantly original approach to the assignment;
Demonstrate excellent oral communication and audience engagement;
First (I):
Focussed response to question, considering other viewpoints and major areas of relevance
Be supported by clear, appropriate handouts and/or visual material.
to the topic;
Analysis and evaluation of information;
Sustained and clearly structured argument;
Mastery of key issues and concepts;
Points supported using well-chosen examples;
Excellent ability to integrate a wide range of primary and secondary sources;
Evidence of wide and often critical reading;
Appropriate referencing and bibliography;
Accurate, concise and precise expression.
Thorough knowledge and understanding of topic;
Be well timed;
First (I):
An original approach to the assignment;
Be well paced and clear, delivered at a suitable volume, with the
Focussed response to question, considering other viewpoints and major areas of relevance
audience well engaged;
to the topic;
Be supported by very good use of appropriate handouts and/or visual
Analysis and evaluation of information;
Sustained and clearly structured argument;
Mastery of key issues and concepts;
Points supported using well-chosen examples;
Ability to paraphrase and integrate a wide range of primary and secondary sources;
Evidence of wide and often critical reading;
Appropriate referencing and bibliography;
Minimal or no errors of syntax, vocabulary or punctuation.
Broad knowledge and understanding of topic;
Show attention to planning for timing;
Clear and consistent response to question;
Be presented in an accessible way, with appropriate pace and clear
Second (IIi):
Sound understanding of key issues and concepts;
delivery and the audience engaged;
Developing ability to evaluate information;
Show good use of supporting handouts and/or visual material.
Logically structured, analytical argument;
Points supported using well-chosen examples;
Ability to paraphrase and express in own words ideas from a range of primary and secondary
Evidence of a range of relevant reading;
Appropriate referencing and bibliography;
Few errors of syntax, vocabulary or punctuation.
Second (IIii):
Third (III):
Bad Fail:
Reasonable knowledge and understanding of topic;
Generally relevant to the question;
Sound understanding of key issues and concepts;
Developing ability to evaluate information;
A logically structured argument with some attempt at analysis, although it may be largely
Most points supported using examples from reading;
Growing ability to paraphrase and express in own words ideas from primary and secondary
Evidence of some relevant reading;
Appropriate referencing and bibliography;
No serious errors of syntax, vocabulary or punctuation.
Some knowledge and understanding of topic;
Generally relevant to the question, but may fail to focus on the question;
Some understanding of key issues and concepts;
Some attempts to compare and contrast ideas or information;
A largely descriptive argument in which progression may be incoherent;
Points that may be unsupported or of little relevance to the question;
No evidence of secondary reading;
Errors of syntax, vocabulary or punctuation.
Very limited knowledge and understanding of topic;
Some relevance to the topic, but fails to focus on the question;
Little understanding of key issues and concepts;
Descriptive or narrative that fails to address question adequately;
Little discernible structure;
Points that are not supported / irrelevant;
No evidence of secondary reading;
Errors of syntax, vocabulary or punctuation.
Extremely limited, if any, knowledge of topic;
Little relevance to the topic;
No understanding of key issues and concepts;
Description or narrative which fails to address the question and shows no attempt at
Points that are not supported;
No evidence of secondary reading;
Widespread errors of syntax, vocabulary or punctuation.
Show some limitations in managing timing;
Be delivered clearly, though pace and volume may not be entirely
appropriate; the audience responsive;
Show some good use of handouts and/or visual material.
May not keep within the time limits;
Demonstrate sometimes inappropriate pace and volume, and poor
delivery may impede understanding; limited audience involvement;
Make use of handouts and/or visual material which may be inadequate
or poorly presented.
May not keep within the time limits;
Demonstrate inappropriate pace and volume, and poor delivery and use
of language will impede understanding; failure to involve audience;
Make use of handouts and/or visual material which may be inadequate,
misleading or absent.
Will not keep to the time limits;
Demonstrate inappropriate pace and volume, and poor delivery and use
of language will seriously impede understanding; failure to involve
Make no use of handouts and/or visual material.
Language skills (written and oral)
The following table lists criteria used for the marking of language work. The criteria are not applied mechanically. A piece of work can vary enormously in the inclusion of some good
qualities and the exclusion of others. In the case of a version (translation into English) due weight is also given to the grammatical accuracy and the style of the English.
Level 3
At this level you will be expected to use complex and sophisticated French syntactical structures with few errors, and to use idiomatic and natural language, in both English and French.
Class and Receptive skills:
grade score Reading and listening skills will demonstrate:
First (I):
First (I):
Second (IIi):
Ability to synthesise and exploit a wide range of
materials in written or spoken French;
Detailed knowledge and mastery of syntactical
principles required to analyse French;
A broad knowledge and critical understanding of
the culture and society of France;
Virtually no problems of comprehension, except in
the case of difficult vocabulary or idiomatic
Well-developed sensitivity to register, nuance and
implied meanings.
Ability to exploit a wide range of materials in
written or spoken French;
Detailed knowledge and mastery of syntactical
principles required to analyse French;
A broad knowledge and critical understanding of
the culture and society of France;
Very few problems of comprehension, except in
the case of difficult vocabulary or idiomatic
Sensitivity to register and nuance.
Ability to exploit a range of materials in written or
spoken French;
Broad knowledge and mastery of syntactical
principles required to analyse French;
A broad knowledge and understanding of the
culture and society of France;
Almost full comprehension of wide range of
vocabulary and syntactical structures, plausible
attempts to overcome problems;
Awareness of register and nuance.
Productive skills:
Spoken and written French will demonstrate:
Fluent and appropriate communication;
Near-native accent and intonation in oral French;
Confident use of nuance, register and style;
Virtually flawless and detailed use of grammar and
complex syntax and, where appropriate, varieties of
Extensive, precise and appropriate use of vocabulary
and idiomatic expressions;
Idiomatic and natural expression throughout.
Translations and interpretation will demonstrate:
Ability to apply effectively and appropriately language skills in
professional context;
Accurate and full reflection of the original throughout, in sense
(including nuance and ambiguity), register and style;
Extensive command of specialised vocabulary;
Idiomatic and natural expression throughout – mediation into
English should not reveal that the text was not conceived in
English; those into French will be of near native-speaker
quality in nearly all respects;
Comprehensive understanding of cultural background and
ability to convey its significance in context.
Fluent and appropriate communication;
Ability to apply effectively and appropriately language skills in
Excellent accent and intonation in oral French;
professional context;
Appropriate use of nuance, register and style;
Accurate reflection of the original throughout, in sense
Few or no errors in grammar, vocabulary and
(including nuance), register and style;
sometimes complex syntax;
Wide-ranging command of specialised vocabulary;
Wide-ranging and appropriate use of vocabulary and Idiomatic and natural expression throughout – mediation into
expressions, showing few gaps other than in
English should rarely reveal that the text was not conceived in
specialised vocabulary;
English; those into French will be of near native-speaker
Idiomatic and natural expression.
quality in many respects;
Rare need to paraphrase;
Very good understanding of cultural background and ability to
convey its significance in context.
Fluent and appropriate communication;
Ability to apply language skills in professional context;
Good accent and intonation in oral French, although Largely accurate reflection of the original, in sense and
may be recognisably non-native;
Awareness of nuance, register and style;
Wide command of specialised vocabulary;
Few, if any, serious errors in grammar, vocabulary
Largely idiomatic and natural expression – mediation into
but some complex syntactical constructions wrong;
English may occasionally contain awkward English;
Broad range of vocabulary and idiomatic
Occasional need to paraphrase when translating or
expressions, but may nevertheless show some gaps; interpreting into French, but used appropriately;
Largely idiomatic and natural expression.
Good understanding of cultural background and attempt to
convey its significance in context.
Second (IIii):
Third (III):
Bad Fail:
Ability to exploit materials in written or spoken
Adequate knowledge and mastery of syntactical
principles required to analyse French;
Some knowledge and understanding of the
culture and society of France;
Comprehension of range of vocabulary and
syntactical structures, reasonable attempts to
overcome problems;
Some awareness of register.
Appropriate communication, though sometimes
Accent and intonation of oral French may sound
Some inappropriate use of register;
Some serious errors in grammar;
Syntactical structures adequate but somewhat limited
and complex constructions often wrong;
Vocabulary shows gaps in less usual contexts;
Some evidence of idiomatic expression.
Some ability to exploit materials in written or
spoken French;
Limited knowledge and understanding of
syntactical principles required to analyse French;
Basic knowledge and understanding of the culture
and society of France;
Some gaps even in common vocabulary;
Some misunderstanding of basic syntactical
Limited awareness of register.
Little ability to exploit materials in written or
spoken French;
Severely limited knowledge and understanding of
syntactical principles required to analyse French;
Knowledge and understanding of the culture and
society of France goes little beyond general
Serious gaps in vocabulary of all types;
Misunderstanding of basic syntactical structures;
Little if any awareness of register.
Hesitant communication, which is sometimes difficult
to follow;
Accent and intonation of oral French sounds very
Some inappropriate use of register and of idiomatic
Some serious errors even in basic grammar and
Vocabulary gaps hamper comprehension.
Great difficulty in exploiting materials in written or
spoken French;
Severely limited knowledge and understanding of
syntactical principles required to analyse French;
Knowledge and understanding of the culture and
society of France is limited to general knowledge;
Serious gaps in vocabulary of all types;
Widespread misunderstanding of basic syntactical
No awareness of register.
Communication very limited and difficult to follow;
No evidence of attempt to imitate accent and
intonation of oral French;
No awareness of register or idiomatic use of French;
Serious and very wide-spread errors even in basic
grammar and syntax;
Virtually no awareness of basic grammatical
functions – French sounds like a word for word
transliteration from the English;
Lack of vocabulary seriously compromises ability to
communicate in French.
Hesitant communication, which is often very limited
and difficult to follow;
Accent and intonation sounds very English;
Little if any awareness of register and of idiomatic
use of French;
Many serious errors in basic grammar and syntax;
Limited awareness of basic grammatical functions –
French sounds like a word for word transliteration
from the English;
Vocabulary inadequate.
Limited ability to apply language skills in professional context;
Some failure to reflect the sense of the original;
Some gaps in command of specialised vocabulary;
Some use of idiomatic and natural expression – but
translations and interpretation into English may occasionally
contain clumsy, over-literal English which gives the impression
of being translated in parts;
Frequent and sometimes inaccurate paraphrase; or
oversimplification which may obscure sense of the original
when translating into French;
Some understanding of cultural background and awareness of
need to convey its significance in context.
Very limited ability to apply language skills in professional
Sense of the original often inaccurately reflected;
Serious gaps in specialised vocabulary;
Some clumsy, over-literal mediation into English;
Excessive and sometimes inaccurate paraphrase and/or
oversimplification obscuring sense of the original when
translating into French;
Little understanding of cultural background or awareness of
need to convey its significance in context.
Little if any ability to apply language skills in professional
Only some of the sense of the original conveyed
Little evidence of mastery of specialised vocabulary;
Clumsy and over-literal translations and interpretation into
English with unacceptable gaps;
Text largely misunderstood or inappropriately translated or
interpreted into French;
Little understanding of cultural background or attempt to
convey its significance in context.
Little if any ability to apply language skills in professional
Very little of the sense of the original conveyed
No evidence of mastery of specialised vocabulary;
Clumsy and over-literal translations and interpretation into
English with many gaps;
Widespread misunderstanding or inappropriate translation or
interpreting into French;
Little or no understanding of cultural background and no
attempt to convey its significance in context.
Level 2
At this level you will be expected to continue to practise and master French vocabulary, idioms, grammar and structures and be able to discuss them using appropriate terminology.
Using translation you will develop an ability to express concepts and ideas in idiomatic, natural French.
Class and Receptive skills:
grade score Reading and listening skills will demonstrate:
First (I):
First (I):
Second (IIi):
Second (IIii):
Ability to exploit a range of materials in written or spoken
Detailed knowledge and developing high level of
understanding of grammatical principles required to
analyse French;
A broad knowledge and understanding of the culture and
society of France;
Virtually no problems of comprehension, except in the
case of difficult vocabulary or idiomatic expressions;
Developing sensitivity to register and nuance.
Ability to exploit materials in written or spoken French;
Detailed knowledge and developing high level of
understanding of grammatical principles required to
analyse French;
A broad knowledge of the culture and society of France;
Few problems of comprehension, except in the case of
difficult vocabulary or idiomatic expressions;
Developing sensitivity to register and nuance.
Ability to exploit materials in written or spoken French;
Developing very good knowledge and understanding of
grammatical principles required to analyse French;
A broad knowledge of the culture and society of France;
Some problems of comprehension in the case of difficult
vocabulary, idiomatic expressions or complex
Developing awareness of register and nuance.
Some developing ability to exploit materials in written or
spoken French;
Developing knowledge and some understanding of
grammatical principles required to analyse French;
Some knowledge of the culture and society of France;
Some problems of comprehension in the case of difficult
vocabulary and non-basic syntactical constructions;
Limited awareness of register.
Productive skills:
Spoken and written French will demonstrate:
Fluent and appropriate communication;
Excellent accent and intonation in oral French;
Excellent awareness of register and style;
Virtually flawless use of grammar and syntax;
Developing wide-ranging, precise and appropriate use
of vocabulary and expressions;
Awareness of need for idiomatic and natural
Translations and interpretation will demonstrate:
Accurate and full reflection of the original throughout,
in sense (including nuance and ambiguity), register
and style;
Idiomatic and natural expression throughout –
translations into English should not reveal that the
text was not conceived in English; those into French
will approach near native-speaker quality in many
Excellent understanding of cultural background and
its significance in context.
Fluent and appropriate communication;
Accurate reflection of the original, in sense (including
Good accent and intonation in oral French;
nuance and, occasionally, ambiguity), register and
Developing good sense of register and style;
Few errors in grammar and syntax;
Idiomatic and natural expression – translations into
Developing wide and appropriate use of vocabulary
English will generally read naturally; those into
and idiomatic expressions.
French will sometimes show ability to translate into
idiomatic French;
Good understanding of cultural background and its
significance in context.
Appropriate communication with developing fluency;
Largely accurate reflection of the original, in sense,
Good attempt to imitate accent and intonation of oral
register and style;
Largely idiomatic and natural expression –
Developing sense of register and style;
translations into English will contain some awkward
Few serious errors in grammar and syntax, but some
more complex syntactical constructions wrong and
Some need to paraphrase when translating into
some errors of spelling and gender;
French, but evidence of attempt to do so
Developing range of vocabulary and idiomatic
expressions, but with some gaps.
Some understanding of cultural background and its
significance in context.
Communication often hesitant;
Some failure to reflect the sense of the original;
Attempt to imitate accent and intonation of oral French; Some use of idiomatic and natural expression –
Difficulty in appropriate use of register;
translations into English will contain some clumsy or
Some serious errors in grammar and more complex
inappropriate English;
syntactical constructions often wrong;
Frequent and sometimes inaccurate paraphrase or
Gaps in and infelicities of vocabulary.
oversimplification when translating into French;
Some awareness of cultural background and its
significance in context.
Third (III):
Bad Fail:
Some difficulty in exploiting materials in written or spoken
Poor knowledge and understanding of grammatical
principles required to analyse French;
Limited knowledge of the culture and society of France;
Problems of comprehension of vocabulary and
syntactical constructions;
Limited awareness of register.
Hesitant communication, which is sometimes difficult to
Accent and intonation of oral French sounds very
Some inappropriate use of register;
Some serious errors in grammar and basic syntactical
constructions sometimes wrong;
Big gaps in command of vocabulary.
Difficulty in exploiting materials in written or spoken
Severely limited knowledge and understanding of
grammatical principles required to analyse French;
Knowledge of the culture and society of France limited to
general knowledge;
Severe problems of comprehension of vocabulary and
syntactical constructions;
Little or no awareness of register.
Hesitant communication, which is difficult to follow;
Accent and intonation of oral French sounds very
Little if any awareness of register;
Serious errors in grammar and basic syntactical
Big gaps in command of vocabulary.
Great difficulty in exploiting materials in written or spoken
No evidence of knowledge and understanding of
grammatical principles required to analyse French;
Knowledge of the culture and society of France limited to
general knowledge;
Severe and widespread problems of comprehension of
vocabulary and syntactical constructions;
No awareness of register.
Great difficulty in communicating in French;
No attempt to imitate accent and intonation of oral
French; words difficult to understand;
No awareness of register;
Serious errors in grammar and no evidence of attempt
to use basic French syntactical constructions;
Big gaps in command of vocabulary.
Sense of the original often misconstrued or
inaccurately reflected;
Little use of idiomatic and natural expression –
translations into English will contain clumsy, overliteral or inappropriate English;
Excessive and often inaccurate paraphrase or
oversimplification when translating into French;
Little awareness of cultural background and need to
take it into account in context.
Much of the sense of the original misconstrued or
inaccurately conveyed;
Little attempt to use idiomatic and natural expression
– translations into English will contain clumsy, overliteral English which often may not make sense;
Excessive, inaccurate paraphrase or
oversimplification, or poor attempt to fill in any gaps
when translating into French;
Little or no awareness of relevance of cultural
Sense of only the occasional phrase of the original
No attempt to use idiomatic and natural expression –
translations into English often contain gaps or wild
guesses or may not make sense;
Excessive, inaccurate paraphrase, or frequent gaps
when translating into French;
No awareness of relevance of cultural background.
Level 1
At this level you will be expected to learn grammatical terminology, and to use your private study to practise and master the grammar and structures covered in lectures and seminars.
You should broaden your vocabulary and become increasingly aware that idiomatic French does not consist of a word for word translation from the English. You should begin to
broaden your knowledge and appreciation of French culture.
Class and Receptive skills:
grade score Reading and listening skills will demonstrate:
First (I):
First (I):
Second (IIi):
Ability to engage with a range of materials in written or
spoken French;
Developing high level of understanding of grammatical
principles required to analyse French;
A broad knowledge of the culture and society of France;
Virtually no problems of comprehension, except in the
case of difficult vocabulary or idiomatic expressions;
Developing awareness of register and nuance.
Productive skills:
Spoken and written French will demonstrate:
Appropriate communication with some fluency;
Excellent attempt at natural accent and intonation in
oral French;
Excellent awareness of register, although may show
some errors;
Virtually flawless use of grammar and syntax covered
so far;
Developing wide-ranging and appropriate use of
vocabulary and expressions;
Awareness of need for idiomatic and natural
Ability to engage with a range of materials in written or
Appropriate communication with some fluency;
spoken French;
Very good attempt at natural accent and intonation in
Developing high level of understanding of grammatical
oral French;
principles required to analyse French;
Good awareness of register, although may show some
A broad knowledge of the culture and society of France; errors;
Very few problems of comprehension, except in the case Few errors of grammar and syntax covered so far;
of difficult vocabulary or idiomatic expressions;
Developing wide-ranging and appropriate use of
Developing awareness of register.
vocabulary and expressions;
Awareness of need for idiomatic and natural
Ability to engage with a range of materials in written or
Appropriate communication with some fluency;
spoken French despite some problems of
Attempt at natural accent and intonation in oral French;
Developing awareness of register, despite errors;
Developing good understanding of grammatical
Generally accurate but some errors of grammar and
principles required to analyse French;
syntax covered so far, and of gender and spelling;
Developing good knowledge of the culture and society of Developing appropriate use of vocabulary and
idiomatic expressions but with some gaps.
Some problems of comprehension, mostly in the case of
difficult vocabulary or idiomatic expressions;
Developing awareness of register.
Translations and interpretation will demonstrate:
Accurate and full reflection of the original throughout,
in sense and register;
Idiomatic and natural expression throughout
translations into English, rarely betraying the French
origin of the text;
Accurate translations into French, although not fully
idiomatic at this stage;
Excellent awareness of significance in context of the
cultural background.
Accurate reflection of the original, in sense and
Idiomatic and natural expression in translations into
English, only occasionally betraying the French origin
of the text;
Largely accurate translations into French, although
not fully idiomatic at this stage;
Very good awareness of significance of the cultural
Largely accurate reflection of the original, in sense
and register;
Some idiomatic and natural expression in translations
into English but with some awkward phrases;
Largely accurate translations into French, although
sometimes unidiomatic at this stage;
Some awareness of significance of the cultural
Second (IIii):
Third (III):
Bad Fail:
Some developing ability to engage with a range of
materials in written or spoken French despite sometimes
significant problems of comprehension;
Developing understanding of grammatical principles
required to analyse French;
Developing knowledge of the culture and society of
Some problems of comprehension of vocabulary and
syntactical constructions;
Limited awareness of register.
Difficulty in engaging with materials in written or spoken
Poor understanding of grammatical principles required to
analyse French;
Limited knowledge of the culture and society of France;
Problems of comprehension of vocabulary and
syntactical constructions;
Little or no awareness of register.
Inability to engage significantly with materials in written
or spoken French;
Little understanding of grammatical principles required to
analyse French;
Knowledge of the culture and society of France limited to
general knowledge;
Severe problems of comprehension of vocabulary and
No awareness of register.
Inability to engage with materials in written or spoken
No evidence of understanding of grammatical principles
required to analyse French;
Knowledge of the culture and society of France limited to
general knowledge;
Severe and widespread problems of comprehension of
vocabulary and syntax;
No awareness of register.
Hesitant communication;
Difficulty in imitating natural accent and intonation in
oral French;
Frequent errors of register;
Some serious errors of grammar and syntax covered
so far, and of gender and spelling;
Gaps in and infelicities of vocabulary.
Some failure to reflect the sense of the original;
Some use of idiomatic and natural expression in
translations into English but with some clumsy or
inappropriate English;
Difficulty in translating into French, resulting in
sometimes inaccurate paraphrase or approximation;
Little awareness of significance of the cultural
Very hesitant communication, often difficult to follow;
Accent and intonation of oral French sounds very
Frequent errors of register;
Many basic errors of grammar and syntax covered so
far, but with some things right;
Big gaps in vocabulary.
Sense of the original poorly reflected;
Little use of idiomatic and natural expression in
translations into English and clumsy or inappropriate
English which may be difficult to understand;
Difficulty in translating into French, resulting in
inaccurate paraphrase or approximation or significant
Little if any awareness of the cultural background.
Little of the sense of the original reflected;
Little or no use of idiomatic and natural expression in
translations into English and clumsy or inappropriate
English which is frequently difficult to understand or
contains large gaps;
Difficulty in translating into French, resulting in
inaccurate paraphrase or approximation and/or many
Little if any awareness of the cultural background.
Virtually none of the sense of the original reflected;
Little or no use of idiomatic and natural expression in
translations into English and clumsy or inappropriate
English which does not make sense or contains large
gaps or wild guesses;
Inability to translate into French, resulting in
inaccurate paraphrase or approximation and/or large
Little if any awareness of the cultural background.
Very hesitant communication, often difficult to follow;
Accent and intonation of oral French sounds very
Frequent errors of register;
Many serious basic errors of grammar and syntax
covered so far, with little right;
Severe gaps in vocabulary.
Inability to communicate in French;
No attempt to imitate accent and intonation of oral
French; words difficult to understand;
No awareness of register;
Widespread serious basic errors of grammar and
syntax covered so far, with virtually nothing right;
Severe and widespread gaps in vocabulary.