2007-2008 REU/Internships - The University of Texas at Austin

2007-2008 REU/Internships
Websites with links to many programs:
Texas Research Opportunities
1. UT MD Anderson Summer Program (STEP-UP)
-Go to the undergraduate office for more information
(Deadline: February 15)
2. UT Medical School at Houston Summer Program
(Deadline: February 1)
3. Sematech NanoScholar Internship Program
http://www.austincc.edu/nanotech/information.php (Deadline: Check website)
4. DeBakey Summer Surgery Program
(Deadline : Postmark-January 2nd; Due-January 15th)
5. Baylor Summer Medical and Research Training Program
http://www.bcm.edu/smart/ (Deadline: January 10)
6. Texas A&M University (Corpus Christi) REU
http://www.sci.tamucc.edu/surf/ (Deadline: March 3rd)
7. UT Southwestern SURF Program
http://www8.utsouthwestern.edu/utsw/home/education/surf/index.html (Deadline: February 8)
8. American Physiological Society: Undergraduate Research Fellowship
http://www.the-aps.org/education/ugsrf/ (Deadline: February 1)
9. UT Austin Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Cellular and Molecular Imaging for
Diagnostics and Therapeutics
http://www.bme.utexas.edu/reu/ (Deadline: February 1)
10. UTMB Galveston SURP
http://www.gsbs.utmb.edu/surp/info.html (Deadline: February 18)
Texas Industry Opportunities
1. National Instruments
(Deadline: None Given)
2. Zimmer Internship
(Deadline: None Given)
3. UT links
Out of State Research Opportunities
1. Amgen Scholars
http://www.amgenscholars.com/ (Deadline: Various)
2. NIH Biomedical Engineering Summer Internship Program (BESIP)
http://www.nibib.nih.gov/Training/UndergradGrad/besip/home (Deadline: February 10)
3. National Institutes of Health Biomedical Internship
http://www.training.nih.gov/student/sip/index.asp (Deadline: March 1)
4. Boston University BME REU
http://www.bu.edu/eng/reu/bme/ (Deadline: February 15)
5. Georgia Tech/Emory Center for the Engineering of Living Tissues REU
http://www.gtec.gatech.edu/reu/index.html (Deadline: February 4)
6. Harbor Branch Oceanographic Internship
http://www.hboi.edu/marineed/internships.html (Deadline: March 1)
7. Mayo Clinic REU
http://www.mayo.edu/mgs/surf.html (Deadline: February 1)
8. Mote Marine Laboratory REU
(Deadline: February 15)
9. University of Washington REU
http://www.uweb.engr.washington.edu/education/reu/ (Deadline: February 1)
10. Case Western Reserve University REU
http://bme.case.edu/reu/ (Deadline: February 1)
11. Centers For Disease Control REU’s
http://www.cdc.gov/employment/studentjobs.htm#presmanage (Deadline: Depends on program)
12. Indiana University REU
http://www.indiana.edu/~imsd/ (Deadline: February 1)
13. Johns Hopkins University REU
http://www.cisst.org/undergraduate-programs (Deadline: February 8)
14. Maine Medical Center Research Institute REU
http://www.mmcri.org/education/ssrpmain.html (Deadline: Jan 31)
15. Marquette University REU
ence.html (Deadline: Jan 31)
16. Oakland State University REU
http://sibhi.secs.oakland.edu/ (Deadline: March 17)
17. University of Illinois REU
http://www.uic.edu/labs/AMReL/NSF-REU.htm (Deadline: Feb 29)
18. University of Maine REU
http://www.jax.org/education/ssp.html (Deadline: Jan 18)
19. University of Maryland REU
http://www.umbc.edu/bsure/ (Deadline: March 1)
20. University of Rochester REU
http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/GEBS/summer.htm#sumProgDet (Deadline: March 1)
21. Office of Naval Research Internship
http://www.asee.org/nreip/index.cfm (Deadline: January 18)
22. Wisconsin-Madison University REU
http://studentservices.engr.wisc.edu/diversity/sure/ (Deadline: February 15)
Out of State Industry Internships
1. Bayer Internship
http://www.bayerjobs.com/recruiting/recruiting/internships/index.html (Deadline: None Given)
2. Baxter Internship
(Deadline: None Given)
3. Columbia Institute Internship
http://www.ciintern.com/ (April 15)
4. G. E. Medical Systems Internship
dex.html (Deadline: None given)
5. Genentech Internship
http://www.gene.com/gene/careers/university/internships/index.html (Deadline: None given)
6. Genzyme Internship
http://www.genzyme.com/corp/careers/intern_positions.asp (Deadline: None given)
7. Boston Scientific
yRelations.html (Deadline: None given)
8. Johnson & Johnson Internship
(Deadline: None given)
9. Medrad Internship
http://www.medrad.com/careers/interns-coops.html (Deadline: None given)
10. Medtronic Internship
http://www.medtronic.com/employment/summer_assoc.html (Deadline: None given)