CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS – SAMPLE ONE WEEK MANAGEMENT PLAN PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A SAMPLE PLAN. VISITBRITAIN STARTS A SEVEN DAY MANAGEMENT PLAN WHEN A CRISIS IS IDENTIFIED. TIMING MANAGEMENT EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS FIRST HOUR VB Staff alert Crisis Comms Team/press office to incident Log all media calls, no proactive statement issued until basic facts are verified. Crisis Comms team to work with HR on initial communications to staff. This should include: Any specific advice for staff welfare – ie from the Met Police or TfL Request for all staff to update voicemails and stop using internet Emphasis on all media queries going through press office Update on what action VB is taking Incident is verified with official sources Comms team alerts Chief Exec, Chairman, Directors, Department Heads, DCMS Crisis Comms Team Leader and Chief Exec decide how incident will be managed – ie if out of hours, in office or from home – and which staff members are required Establish incident folder within G Drive, Business Continuity Management folder. Ask IT for priority status. Check that any overseas journalists or trade brought to UK by VB are safe. SECOND HOUR Fact gathering/liaison with relevant partners – RDPs’, NTBs, overseas offices, industry partners, DCMS, FCO, DEFRA If severe incident Director of Strategy & Comms to call TIER meeting for following day. Chief Exec office alert Board members. Holding statement drafted as soon as possible. To include facts only, no speculation on nature or impact of incident. Distribute to stakeholders as appropriate. Alert overseas managers and press officers to incident and request monitoring and update of overseas news reporting. Holding statement to be used for consumer websites overseas at managers’ discretion. Identify any industry mailings or marketing activity which may need to be pulled in light of the crisis. In a major incident press office to draw up 24hr rota for media handling Update holding statement and place on website. Send statement to overseas offices for use at the manager’s discretion for either consumers or media. Send statement to BLVC to answer customer queries. Arrange an IAG Meeting. Issue managers checklist. Contact BLVC, determine who is manager and key contact at that time and brief as above. Consider need for separate message to overseas-based staff. Update staff and BLVC on incident. Stress all media enquiries must go through press office. Continue to give any security and travel advice at regular intervals. Continue to keep overseas staff briefed. CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS – ONE WEEK MANAGEMENT PLAN (cont.) THIRD HOUR Establish lines of communication with other parties involved in incident e.g police/emergency services/government departments. If possible, a more substantive statement should be signed off by Chief Exec/Director of Strat Comms and issued to media, TIER and IAG. Post statement on website send to overseas offices and BLVC. Updated statement to be issued to staff and BLVC. Continue to give any security and travel advice at regular intervals. Identify VB spokespeople. Continue to log media calls and monitor news outputs and emergency services websites. FOURTH HOUR END OF DAY ONE First meeting of IAG. Agree status of incident, VB team to handle the incident, implications for current marketing activity, staff welfare issues, and external communication requirements. Decide whether additional measures are required such as a 24 hour rota, travel to overseas office if that is where the incident has occurred, technology requirements. Continue to log media calls and monitor news outputs and emergency services websites. Decide what the out-of-hours staffing and technology requirements are. This should include media spokespeople. Establish out-of-hours service and update voicemails. Ensure managers checklist and overseas impact questionnaire have been issued. Continue to give any security and travel advice at regular intervals. Issue managers checklist. Identify out-of-hours contacts for key organisations such as NTBs or DCMS. Log all media interviews, alert media monitoring agency if tapes are required. TIER – Tourism Industry Emergency Response group (chaired and managed by VB) IAG – VB’s Internal Action Group Any further information/statements emailed to staff. MORNING DAY TWO IAG meet to review developments and handling of incident. Decide on actions required for the day, identify media spokespeople for the day. Monitor news outputs and travel and security advice. Update statement if necessary, including any appropriate feedback from overseas offices. If required, TIER meeting to take place at Thames Tower/BLVC to discuss impact of incident on the industry and how TIER will handle the incident. Agree TIER statement at the meeting. Issue statement from TIER if required. Distribute to crisis comms distribution list. Send industry e-bulletin. TIER take decision re commission of impact assessment study. AFTERNOON DAY TWO Brief IAG via email or meeting on the outcomes of TIER meeting. Decide what the out-of-hours staffing and technology requirements are. This should include media spokespeople. Update staff at earliest opportunity with status of the crisis and any security or travel advice and what actions VB is taking. Contact relevant tourism businesses to determine what impact the crisis may be having. Establish out-of-hours service and update voicemails. Any further information/statements emailed to staff and BLVC. Identify out-of-hours contacts for key organisations such as NTBs or DCMS. Log all media interviews, alert media monitoring agency if tapes are required. DAY THREE If required, IAG meet to review developments and handling of incident. Decide on actions required for the day, identify media spokespeople for the day. Monitor news outputs and travel and security advice. Update statement if necessary, including any appropriate feedback from overseas offices and industry. Update on incident and VB’s Crisis Comms, issued via intranet. DAY FOUR FIVE AND SIX Brief IAG with developments and handling of incident. Decide on actions required for the day, identify media spokespeople for the day. Monitor news outputs and travel and security advice. Update statement if necessary, including any appropriate feedback from overseas offices and industry. Update on incident and VB’s Crisis Comms, issued via intranet. DAY SEVEN Brief IAG with developments and handling of incident. Decide on actions required for the day, identify media spokespeople for the day. Monitor news outputs and travel and security advice. Update statement if necessary, including any appropriate feedback from overseas offices and industry. Update on incident and VB’s Crisis Comms, issued via intranet. TIER Meeting to review developments and handling of incident. Update statement Consider marketing recovery activity. Ensure Board, BTDC and strategic partners are kept informed. Arrange meeting accounts. of key