THE TRAVANCORE-COCHIN CHEMICALS LIMITED TENDER No.TCC/ PROJ/CP-01/ H2/2013 TENDER DOCUMENTS FOR SALE OF HYDROGEN GAS The Travancore-Cochin Chemicals Ltd P.B No.4 Udyogamandal Kochi-683501 Kerala state Ph-0484 2545083 Email 1 The Travancore-Cochin Chemicals Ltd INDEX Clause No. Description 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Notice inviting Tender Brief profile of TCC Technology & Manufacturing Facilities Sale of bidding documents Instruction to bidders- Section-1 Section-11- BID Evaluation Criteria Quantity offered for Sale Specification of Hydrogen Gas Activities under TCC’s Scope limited to this tender Submission of Bids 11. Security Deposit 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Price Escalation Minimum Guaranteed Off take Payment Terms Period of Contract Mode of Supply of Gas Measurement of Gas Compliance of Statutory obligations Location of Plant of Buyer Disqualification Execution of detailed Agreement Conflicts of interest Confidentiality Governing law for disputes Amicable settlement Termination Force Majeure General Instructions ANNEXURE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Annexure-1- Format Proforma of Technical Bid Annexure-11- Format Acceptance of Proforma Annexure-111-Format Financial bid proforma Annexure-1V - Format of Authorisation Letter Annexure- V - Format for covering letter Format for Certificates-I,II,&III 2 The Travancore-Cochin Chemicals Limited P.B.No.4, Udyogamandal P.O. Eloor, Kerala State-683501, Ph-0484-2545083 TENDER No.TCC/ PROJ/CP-01/ H2/2013 Date: 03.05.2013 1. NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sub: Tender Document for “Sale of HYDROGEN GAS” from TCC, Udyogamandal 1. The Travancore-Cochin Chemicals Limited (TCC), Project Department, invites sealed bids under Competitive biddings in two bid system against open tender for “Sale of Hydrogen” produced from its Chlor-alkali plants at Udyogamandal, Kerala State Salient details of the Tender are as under: I Tender number II Purpose of Inviting tender III Type of tender IV System of bidding V Required validity of bid V1 EMD (Bid Security) Security Deposit/Performance Bond (Performance Security). (for successful bidders only). VIII Tender Fee VI VII TCC/ PROJ/CP-01/ H2/2013 For Sale of 15000NM3/day (approx.) Hydrogen gas produced in Caustic soda Electrolysers. Open Competitive Bidding Two bid system 90 days from the date of Techno-Commercial Bid Opening. Rs.25000.00 Value of one month’s allotted quantity as on agreement date, with validity of 60 days beyond the contract expiry date. Rs. 1000.00 IX Tender Sale period X Place for sale of tender forms and submission of bids/ Dy. General Manager (Projects) The Travancore- Cochin Chemicals Ltd Udyogamandal P.O. Eloor, Kerala -683501 Contact No 0484-2545083. XI Closing date and time for submission / receipt of bids 03.06.2013 (16:00 Hours) Date and Time for opening of Techno-commercial (un- priced) XII bids From 03.05.2013 to 25.05.2013 04.06.2013 (14:00 Hours) 3 2. BRIEF PROFILE OF TCC The Travancore-Cochin Chemicals Limited (TCC) is a State Public Sector Undertaking owned by Government of Kerala. Located at Udyogamandal in Cochin Industrial belt and accredited with ISO 9001:2008 certification. TCC is a heavy chemical industry engaged in the manufacture and marketing of Caustic Soda, Chlorine and allied chemicals. TCC is one of the major manufacturers of basic industrial chemicals in the State of Kerala. The main products of TCC are Caustic soda, Hydrochloric acid, Chlorine and Sodium Hypochlorite. Presently TCC has an installed capacity to produce 175 TPD Caustic soda, 72 TPD Liquid Chlorine, 350 TPD Hydrochloric acid (32% commercial) and 45 TPD Sodium Hypochlorite. The venture was started in 1950 as a partnership concern in the name The Travancore Mettur Chemicals with Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Ltd, (FACT) and MCIC (Mettur Chemicals and Industrial Corporation) as partners. In 1951, the partnership was registered as a Public Limited Company, with the State Government contributing the major share of equity.The company was then renamed as THE TRAVANCORE-COCHIN CHEMICALS LTD. The Commercial production of Caustic Soda from the first plant of 20 TPD capacity was started in 1954 January. TCC is the first unit in India to manufacture Rayon grade Caustic Soda. The turnover of TCC for the last three financial years 2009-10, 2010-11, and 2011-12 was Rs.1161, 1418 and 1695 million respectivelyThe factory and registered office is located 20 Km from Kochi International Airport, 15 Km from Ernakulam Railway station and 18 km from Vallarpadam terminal. 3. TECHNOLOGY & MANUFACTURING FACILITIES For the production of caustic soda TCC employs membrane cell technology supplied by world renowned technology leaders, like ASAHI GLASS COMPANY, JAPAN and UHDE GERMANY, Membrane technology is considered to be the most environment friendly technology available. Caustic soda is produced by electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride solution during which chlorine and H2 are also produced. In the membrane cell process, ion exchange membrane separates the anode and cathode compartments. Saturated sodium chloride solution is fed to the anode compartment where chlorine gas is liberated at anode and the sodium ion migrates to the cathode compartment. At the cathode, water is decomposed and hydrogen is evolved as a co-product. The H2 produced is cooled and filtered to 40-45 0 C and collected in a gas holder. These Electrolysers will be in operation throughout the year except during shut down due to plant interruption/maintenance or due to any unforeseen constraints connected with marketing/raw material availability. Part of the H2 collected in the holder is consumed for the production of HCl and the balance H2 is used for firing in furnace. With some changes in the product mix, H2 can be made available for direct selling to other consumers for better realization. This Tender is therefore intended for utilizing the available excess H2. 4 4. SALE OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS: 4.1 Tender document will be on sale between 10:00 Hours to 16:00 Hours on all working days from 03.05.2013 to 25.05.2013 on written request enclosing prescribed tender fee in the form of Bank Draft / Cash . 4.2 Tender Document shall be available for sale at the, Projects Department, TCC Ltd., Udyogamandal, Eloor, Kerala-683501 4.3 Bank Draft towards tender fee valid at least up to 90 days beyond the date of issue of this Notice Inviting Tender, must be drawn in favour of “The Travancore-Cochin Chemicals Ltd.”, payable at Aluva/Udyogamandal. 4.4 Alternate option: Complete Tender document in PDF format is uploaded on TCC’s website Intending bidders can download the tender document within the time specified for the sale of tender document and use the same for participating in the tender. Such bidders should ensure to submit tender fee a l o n g w i t h B i d s t o Project Department, TCC , Udyogamandal. Note: The Tender document is non transferable. The Tender can only be submitted in the name of the Bidder in whose name the Tender document was issued by TCC/ whoever paid tender fee in case the tender is downloaded. 4.5 It is to be noted that mere issuance of Tender Document to any bidder or paying Tender fee will not mean that the bidder is qualified. Bids shall be evaluated strictly as per the conditions of Bidding Document. 4.6 Bids sent by post must be sent under registered post / Speed post / Courier or can be submitted in person so as to reach the Project Department, TCC well before closing date and time for submission / receipt of bids, as mentioned in the Notice Inviting Tender herein above. 4.7 Notwithstanding anything stated herein above, TCC shall reserve the right to accept or reject any bid, without assigning any reason whatsoever. 5 5. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS SECTION-1 1. 2. Eligibility of the bidder: Same shall be as per clause (B) 1.2 of Bid Evaluation Criteria (Section-II) TRANSFER OF TENDER DOCUMENT: The Tender document is not transferable. 3. COST OF BIDDING: The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid. TCC will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 4 The bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms & conditions and specifications in the Bidding document. Failure to furnish all information required under the Bidding document will be at the bidder’s risk. Tenders not complying with the tender conditions will be rejected. 5. Amendment to Bidding Document : 5.1 At any time prior to the Last date for submission of bids, TCC may, for any reason, modify the bidding documents by amendment(s). 5.2 All prospective Bidders who have received the bidding documents will be notified of the amendments in writing. 5.3 6. In order to allow prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take the amendments into account in preparing their bids, TCC may, at its discretion, extend the closing date for the submission of bids. PREPARATION OF BIDS 6.1 LANGUAGE AND SIGNING OF BID The bid prepared by the bidder and all correspondence and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the Bidder and TCC shall be in English language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the Bidder may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in English, in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the bid, the translation shall prevail. 6.2 The bids can only be submitted in the name of the Bidder who has purchased the tender document / downloaded and submitted fee as per provisions of tender document. The bid papers, duly filled in and complete in all respects shall be submitted together with requisite information and all Annexures , certificates etc. 6 6.3 The bidder should indicate at the time of quoting against this tender their full postal a d d r e s s and Telephone /fax n u m b e r s . 6.4 Any interlineations, erasures or overwriting shall be valid only if they are initialed by the person or persons signing the bid. 6.5 The original bid should be signed manually by the authorised signatory(ies) of the bidder. The complete bid including the prices must be written by the bidders in indelible ink. Bids and/or prices written in pencil will be rejected. 7.0 The original Bidding documents as received by the Bidder, along with Bidder’s Bid and all required Certificates, Annexure etc. duly signed on each page should be submitted. 8.0 PRICE BID: The Bidder shall duly fill the price Bid format provided in the bidding document at Annexure – III to submit in a separate envelope. However, in the techno-commercial bid, in the price format, quantity applied for is to be written and price columns, only tick marked. 9.0 VAGUE AND INDEFINITE EXPRESSIONS: Bids qualified by vague and indefinite expressions such as "Subject to so and so” etc. will not be considered. 10.0 PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF BIDS 10.1 The Bid shall be valid for acceptance for the period as indicated in the “Notice Inviting Tender” (hereinafter referred to as validity period) and shall not be withdrawn on or after the opening of bids till the expiration of the validity period or any extension agreed thereof. 10.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original bid validity period, TCC may request the bidder for a specified extension in the period of validity. The requests and the responses shall be made in writing. The Bidder will undertake not to vary/modify the bid during the validity period or any extension agreed thereof. Bidder agreeing to the request for extension of validity of offer shall be required to extend the validity of Bid Security correspondingly. 11.0 BID SECURITY / EMD 11.1 The Bid Security/EMD is required to protect TCC against the risk of Bidder's conduct which would warrant the security's forfeiture in pursuance to clause 11.7. 11.3 The Bidders must enclose bid security/EMD with their techno-commercial/ un-priced bid. The amount for bid security has been indicated in the "Notice Inviting Tender”. 11.4 The Bid Security shall be acceptable in the form of Bank Draft in favour of TCC valid for 90 days from its date of issue. 11.5 TCC shall not be liable to pay any bank charges, commission or interest on the amount of Bid 7 Security. 11.6 Offers without Bid Security will be rejected. 11.7 The Bid Security shall be forfeited by TCC in the following events: a) If the Bid is withdrawn during the validity period or any extension thereof, duly agreed by the Bidder. b) If Bid is varied or modified in a manner not acceptable to TCC during the validity period or any extension of the validity duly agreed by the Bidder. c) If a Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its bid, fails to furnish Security Deposit within 15 days of notification of such acceptance. 11.8 The Bid Security (EMD) of unsuccessful Bidders will be returned on finalization of the bid. The Bid Security of successful bidder will be returned on receipt of Security Deposit/Performance Bond (Performance Security). 13.0 SUBMISSION OF BIDS - SEALING AND MARKING OF BIDS. 13.1 The original Bidding documents as received by the Bidder, along with Bidder’s Bid and all required Certificates, Covering letter, Annexure etc. duly signed on each page should be submitted. 13.2. THE UNPRICED BID , ( Envelope -1) AND PRICE BID (Envelope -2) SHOULD BE IN SEPARATE SEALED COVER. The envelopes should be addressed to: DY.GENERAL MANAGER (PROJECTS) THE TRAVANCORE-COCHIN CHEMICALS LIMITED. P.B.NO.4, UDYOGAMANDAL P.O., ELOOR, KERALA -683501 13.3 In the “UN-PRICED BID” (Envelope -1), only quantity applied for is required to be written in Price bid format given in Annexure-III and price columns have to be only tick marked ( √ ) However, in “PRICE BID” (Envelope-2) quantity applied for & Rate/NM3 offered in figures and words have to be written legibly in the respective columns. 13.4 The right to reject any offer which fails to comply with the above instructions is reserved to TCC. Only one bid should be enclosed in one cover. 13.5 Price bids, which remain unopened with TCC, will be returned to the concerned bidders within 5 (five) working days of receipt of Performance Guarantee Bond(s) from the successful bidder(s). 13.6 Any change in quotation after opening of the tender will not be considered. 8 13.7 TCC will not be responsible for the loss of tender form or for the delay in postal transit. 14.0. CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Bid must be received by TCC at the address specified in "Notice Inviting Tender” not later than 1600 Hrs (IST) on the notified date of closing of the tender. Offers sent by hand delivery should b e handed over to the concerned man-in-charge at the specified office not later than 1600 Hrs. (IST) on the specified date. All out-station tenders, if sent by post, should be sent under registered cover/Speed Post. 15.0 LATE BIDS: Bidders are advised in their own interest to ensure that bid reaches the specified office well before the closing date and time of the bid. Any bid received after the dead line for submission of bid, will be rejected and returned unopened. 16.0 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS: No bid may be modified after the dead line for submission of bids. 17.0 OPENING OF BIDS 17.1 The un-priced technical bid will be opened at 1400 Hrs. (IST) on the date of opening indicated in "Notice Inviting Tender”. The Bidder or his authorised representative may be present at the time of opening of bid on the specified date, but a letter in the form at Annexure - IV hereto must be forwarded to this office and a copy of this letter must be produced in the office by the person attending the opening of bid. Unless this letter is presented by him, he may not be allowed to attend the opening of bid. 17.2 After the evaluation /Scrutiny of the Techno-Commercial (Un-priced Bids), the Price Bid of the successful Bidders will be opened. The date and time of opening of Price Bid of such successful bidders will be informed to respective parties appropriately. The Bidder or his authorised representative may be present at the time of opening of Price bid on the specified date, but a letter in the form at Annexure - IV hereto must be forwarded to this office and a copy of this letter must be produced in the office by the person attending the opening of the bid. Unless this letter is presented by him, he may not be allowed to attend the opening of bid. 17.3 In case of unscheduled holiday on the closing/opening day of bid, the next working day will be treated as scheduled prescribed day of closing/opening of bid, the time notified remaining the same. 18.0 EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF BIDS: Evaluation and comparison of bids will be done as per provisions of Bid Evaluation Criteria at Section-II . 19.0 UNSOLICITED POST TENDER MODIFICATIONS: modification will lead to straight away rejection of the offer. 20.0 EXAMINATION OF BID Unsolicited post-tender 9 20.1 TCC will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed and whether the bids are generally in order. 20.2 TCC will determine the conformity of each bid to the bidding documents. Bids falling under the purview of “Rejection Criteria” of the bid Evaluation Criteria of the bidding document will be rejected. 21.0 AWARD CRITERIA: TCC will issue Letter of Allotment (LOA) to the successful bidder (s) whose bid has been determined to be in full conformity to the bid documents and has been determined as acceptable based on evaluation of bid. 22.0 TCC’S RIGHT TO ACCEPT ANY BID AND TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS: TCC reserves the right to reject, accept or prefer any bid and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the ground for TCC’s action. TCC also reserves to itself the right to accept any bid in part or award to two or more bidders 23.0 LETTER OF ALLOTMENT (LOA): Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, TCC will notify the successful bidder in writing that its bid has been accepted. The issue of Letter of Allotment will constitute the formation of the agreement. 24.0 PERFORMANCE SECURITY 24.1 Within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of issue of LOA by TCC, the successful Bidder shall pay Security Deposit or furnish the Performance Security in accordance with the conditions of the contract, in the prescribed format, or any other form acceptable to TCC. 24.2 Failure of the successful Bidder to comply with the requirement of clause 24.1 above shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the bid security (EMD) as per clause 11.7(c). 24.3 The Performance Guarantee will be returned within 60 days of completion of agreement in all respects. 25.0 CORRESPONDENCE. 25.1 TCC's Telephone/ fax/ address is 0484- 2545016 / 2545083 / 2545186. 25.2 All correspondence from Bidders/ Buyers shall be made to the office of the Project Department from where this tender has emanated. 10 25.3 All correspondence shall bear reference to Tender/ bid number. 26.0 UNSOLICITED COMMUNICATIONS: 26.1. In case any bidder makes any unsolicited communication in any manner, after bids have been opened, the bid submitted by the particular bidder shall be summarily rejected, irrespective of the circumstances for such unsolicited communication. 26.2 Further, if the tender has to be closed because of such rejection, and the Sale has to be re-tendered, then the particular bidder shall not be allowed to bid in the re-tender. 26.3 The above provision will not prevent any bidder from making representation in connection with processing of tender directly and only to the (Chairman & Managing Director of TCC) . However, if such representation is found by Competent Authority to be un-substantiative and / or frivolous and if the tender has to be closed because of the delays / disruptions caused by such representations and the Sale has to be re-tendered, then such bidder will not be allowed to participate in the re-invited tender. 26.4 In case, any bidder while making such representations to Competent Authority also involves other officials of TCC and / or solicits / invokes external intervention other than as may be permitted under the law and if the tender has to be closed because of the delays / disruptions caused by such interventions and has to be re-tendered, then the particular bidder will not be allowed to participate in the re-invited tender. 27. OTHERS Intending Bidders are advised to visit TCC before submission of bids to ascertain for themselves about the, site conditions, the suitability of battery limits, security and safety precautions to be followed especially while laying of H2 pipes, length of pipe lines to be laid etc. & other clarifications if any. No complaint/dispute regarding these aspects would be entertained after submission of bids. Those Bidders who wish to visit the site will be permitted during 10:00 hrs to 17:00 hrs from 03.05.2013 to 31.05.2013 on working days only, with prior approval. 11 SECTION –II BID EVALUATION CRITERIA (BEC) FOR SALE OF HYDROGEN GAS FROM TCC. (A). General: 1. The BEC over-rides all other similar clauses existing anywhere in the Bid Documents. 2. The bidder/ Buyer is prohibited to offer any service / benefit of any manner to any employee of TCC and that the bidder/Buyer may suffer summary termination of contract / disqualification in case of violation. 3. Wherever the bidder submits the Xerox / photocopy of original documents, the originals must be produced on demand for verification. 4. Bidder shall duly fill, sign and affix seal of his firm on the Certificates (I), (II),& (III) and Annexure 1,11,111, 1V&V given in the Tender Document and submit with the un-priced bid. 5. Vital criteria: Bidders are advised not to take any exception/deviations to the bid document. If exceptions /deviations are maintained in the bid, such conditional/ non-conforming bids shall not be considered and shall be rejected outright. (B). REJECTION CRITERIA: 1.0 Technical rejection criteria The following vital technical conditions should be strictly complied with, failing which the bid will be rejected: 1.1 Quantity for bidding: (A) A minimum off-take quantity of 80 NM3/hr (633600NM3/annum or 52800 NM3/month) is to be assured in the 1st year and for any quantity below this, the decision will be to the discretion of TCC. 1.2 Eligibility of the bidder- Essential documents: The bidder must have following documents:- license, certificates valid on the date of tender submission and thereafter, as given in the tender or on extended tender submission date, if any, communicated by TCC in writing. Bidder should submit true copies of the following valid documents with “Un-priced bid”. Failure to submit copies of the documents, licenses, certificates etc. shall render the bid invalid and shall not be considered. However, In case license is submitted for renewal, the copy of renewal fee paid may also be submitted for evaluation of bid. 12 (a). Central Sales Tax / State Sales tax / VAT Registration Certificate. (b) Clearance from all Statutory bodies, like Pollution Control Board, local bodies, Controller of explosives etc. are required. The license should be issued by competent authority under the relevant Laws. In case license is submitted for renewal, copy of renewal fee paid should also be submitted. If any such License /Statutory certificates are not yet obtained, a declaration to the effect that such mandatory certificates demanded by the Law in force shall be obtained and produced one month before staring the H2 supply or within the time frame determined by TCC. 2.0 Commercial criteria The following vital commercial conditions should be strictly complied with, failing which, the bid will be rejected. 2.1 Bidder Should have Annual Turnover, not less than Rs. 300 lakhs per annum for the last three financial years . 2.2 Bidder should have sufficient experience either in H 2 bottling OR in handling of bottled H2 and has Infrastructure for Gas based facilities, Gas Distribution Networking, Gas marketing capabilities etc. 2.3 Bidders can also download tender document from TCC’s website. Such bidders should ensure to submit tender fee, 2.4. Acceptance of terms and conditions: a) All the terms and conditions of this tender should be acceptable to Bidder and as a token of the same each page of the tender should be authenticated. b) Conditional offers shall not be considered. c) Bidder must submit all the documents and details asked for in the Tender document. d) In case of any contradiction in the provisions of Bid Evaluation Criteria (BEC) and General terms and conditions of Tender document/ contract, Bid Evaluation Criteria shall prevail and shall be final. 3.0 Bid should be submitted in Two Bid system in two separate envelopes. The Techno Commercial bid (in Envelope-1) shall contain the quantity applied but the price columns of the price bid format shall only be tick marked (√) to indicate that there is a quote against this item in the Price bid. The bidder shall state in the Price bid (i.e. Envelope no.-2 ) the quantity, Rate/NM3 amount in figures and words in the relevant columns as per the price bid format. 4.0 Offers with techno-commercial bid containing prices shall be rejected outright. 5.0 Offers of following kinds will also be rejected: a).Offers made without EMD along with the offer b). Telex / telegraphic / fax/ e-mail/ Xerox/photo copy offers. 13 b) Offers which do not confirm unconditional validity of the bid for 90 days from the date o f opening of un-priced bid. d). Offers where prices are not firm and / or with any condition. e). Offers which do not conform to TCC’s price bid format at Annexure–III of tender document. 6. 0 Price Evaluation: 6.1. The minimum off-take quantity by any bidder to be considered for qualifying for allotment of H2 gas through this tender is 80 NM3/hr or 633600 NM3/annum or 52800NM3 in a Calendar month. (for 330days in an year). 6.2. The basic selling price for gaseous HYDROGEN offered for sale has been fixed as Rs.20.00/NM3. Basic selling price fixed by TCC from time to time for its HYDROGEN GAS, based on Furnace oil price and power tariff by KSEB, shall be taken as a “Reference FLOOR PRICE” for determining basic price of Hydrogen gas for sale. Bidders should submit their price offer (quote) for off-taking H2 with premium on the present Reference Basic price. 6.3 The ranking of bidders shall be done based on the aggregate (cumulative) amount that can be generated from the sale of H2 to each bidder .The bidder whose offer stands highest for the aggregate amount (Aggregate amount = Annual off-take quantity (in NM3) x Offered Price for H2 /NM3), shall be considered as the most successful bidder and shall be ranked 1st provided he fulfills the conditions stipulated under clause 6.1 & 6.2 6.4 The offer from other bidders which stands second highest for the aggregate amount shall be ranked 2nd and so on so forth. 6.5. Price bids of only those bidders, whose “techno-commercial / un-priced bids” are short-listed by TCC, shall be opened for evaluation. Offers will be evaluated on the basis of highest aggregate amount and subject to fulfillment of clause 6.1 & 6.2 above. 6.6. In case, none of the bidder offer, minimum “FLOOR PRICE” or Minimum “OFF-TAKE QUANTITY”, TCC shall take any appropriate action deemed fit in its discretion. 6.7. (a) Subject to Clause No.6.5 above, in case, the bidder who has been ranked 1st and offers to draw only lesser quantity than the total quantity of Hydrogen offered for sale as indicated for sale in the tender, the balance quantity shall be allotted, to the next highest bidder (2nd highest aggregate amount) whose price bids have been opened, and fulfils all conditions stipulated under clause 6.1 & 6.2 above. In such a situation TCC in its own discretion may consider more bidders for allotment subject to the availability of HYDROGEN GAS to one after the other in the order of the ranking of bidders price bids so on so forth, till the total indicated Hydrogen quantity for sale is exhausted. 6.8. If two or more bidders qualify for the tender and counts equally in all respects in terms of price & quantity, then the available gas shall be apportioned equally among these bidders . 14 7.0 QUANTITY OF HYDROGEN GAS The quantity of Hydrogen gas designated for sale through this tender is 15000 NM3/day OR 4950000NM3/Annum (Approx.) . 8.0 SPECIFICATION OF HYDROGEN GAS The Hydrogen Gas shall be 99.9% (v/v) pure and Mercury free. Temperature shall be maximum 45 degree centigrade (the Gas will be saturated with moisture at the supply temperature). 9.0 Activities under TCC’s Scope Supply of Hydrogen Gas through pipeline at TCC’s Battery limit. It may be noted that such pipeline will be constructed and made working for supply of Hydrogen Gas by TCC before the commencement of functioning of the bottling plant by the successful bidder. b) TCC shall supply H2 from the H2 holder using a blower at pressure 1000 -1500 mmH2O g (at TCCL end) . c) If the party require H2 at higher pressure, TCC shall arrange for delivering H2 at higher (medium) pressure but not more than 2.0 kg/cm 2g, (at TCCL end) a) 10. SUBMISSION OF BIDS 10.1. In the event of Tender being submitted by a Company, it must be signed by the Authorised Signatory of the Company and should be accompanied with the Certified copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, Audited Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss Account for the last 3 years and List of Directors with addresses. 10.2. In the event of Tender being submitted by a Partnership Firm, it must be signed separately by each Partner thereof or in the event of the absence of any Partner, it must be signed on his behalf by his Attorney and must be accompanied with Certified copies of Deed of Partnership, Certificate of Registration of Partnership, List of Partners and Audited Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss Account for the last 3 years. 10.3. Sealed Offers must be submitted along with Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs. 25,000/(Rupees twenty five thousand only) in the form of a Bank Draft in favour of The Travancore – Cochin Chemicals Ltd , Udyogamandal. Tender without EMD shall not be considered. Bank Draft for EMD shall be enclosed with Part I of the Bid (i.e. Technical Bid). The EMD amount shall not carry any interest and the EMD amount of all the Bidders except that of the successful Bidder(s) will be refunded by TCC within 45 days of the finalisation of the Contract(s). The EMD of a Bidder, who withdraws his Bid after the opening of the Tender, shall 15 be liable to be forfeited. The EMD will be converted as Security Deposit for the due and faithful execution of the Contract in case of the successful bidder(s). 11.0 SECURITY DEPOSIT A Security Deposit / Performance Security Bond (interest free) equal to the price for one month supply of Hydrogen by way of Bank Draft/Bank Guarantee (in the format to be provided by the Company) shall be submitted to TCC by the successful Tenderer(s) for faithful completion/execution of the Contract. Security Deposit shall be refunded/ returned after successful completion/execution of the Contract. In case of failure to perform any or all the obligations under the Contract, TCC will be at liberty to forfeit the Security Deposit. 12.0 PRICE ESCALATION The Price of Hydrogen Gas shall be subject to following ‘Price Escalation Clause’:“ For every 1(one) paise per KWH increase in power rate by Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB) made subsequent to the commencement of Hydrogen supplies, there will be an increase in the Basic Price of the Hydrogen gas by 1 (one) paise per NM3. The term Power Rate per KWH shall mean the total amount payable by TCC to KSEB for consuming one KWH of power, which shall include all charges payable on Electricity viz; Energy Charges, Maximum Demand charge, duty, etc . 13.0 MINIMUM GUARANTEED OFFTAKE. A minimum off take quantity of 80NM3/hr (633600NM3/annum or 52800NM3/ month) has been set for each prospective buyer of Hydrogen gas from TCCL. The Party(ies) shall indicate the minimum quantity of Hydrogen equal to or in excess of above quantity to be lifted by them each day/month/year. In case of failure to lift the same for reasons attributable to them, the Party(ies) shall be liable to pay penalty for not lifting committed minimum quantity. Anyhow, subject to the availability of Gas and operability of plants, efforts shall be made by TCC to supply more gas on resumption of off-take to compensate the shortfalls in a calendar month. The penalty shall be equal to value of the quantity short lifted by them calculated at the rate of prevailing Price of the Hydrogen in terms of the Agreement of Supply of Hydrogen to be executed with the successful Tenderer(s). 14.0 PAYMENT TERMS The payment for supply of Hydrogen Gas shall be made by RTGS /Bank Draft drawn on SBT, Udyogamandal. Banker’s cheque drawn on SBT Udyogamandal in favour of The TravancoreCochin Chemicals Ltd., payable at Udyogamandal, Cochin. Party shall make payment for the H2 supplied during the previous month against the invoice issued from TCC on or before 10th of every month. In the event, any discrepancy in quantity is noticed; party shall take up the matter with TCC and settle the issue within one month’s time. Party shall settle the bills within 15 16 days from the date of receipt of the bill. If payments are delayed beyond the said period TCC will have the right to stop supply of Hydrogen gas. 15.0 CONTRACT PERIOD: One year from the date of signing of the agreement. 16.0 MODE OF SUPPLY OF GAS The Hydrogen Gas shall be supplied from the H2 holder placed near to our HCl plant and shall be delivered through pipe line using Blowers up to the boundary wall( battery limit) of the factory located at Udyogamandal. 17.0 MEASUREMENT OF GAS The measurement of Hydrogen Gas shall be made by a mass flow meter installed by TCC in its premises. The meter reading regarding supply of Hydrogen Gas recorded by TCC shall be final and binding on the Buyer. 18 .0 COMPLIANCE OF STATUTORY OBLIGATIONS The responsibility for the installation of the Hydrogen Compressor and Bottling Plant / other Hydrogen based plant shall be entirely that of the Party(ies) finally selected. Party shall lay pipe lines from TCC’s battery limit up to their installations for drawing H2 gas. Party(ies) shall use pipes and allied fittings conforming to the required standard stipulated for such service. TCC shall be convinced of the safety and suitability of the piping and installation before effecting gas supply. The responsibility for taking all safety measures and precautions under the Petroleum Act, Explosives Act, Environment Act/ Rules, Sanction from local bodies and under any other law for time being in force shall be that of the selected Party(ies). The Party(ies) shall obtain such approvals/ permissions/ licenses and consents as may be necessary under law of the land prior to the set up/ start up and during the operation of the Bottling Plant. TCC shall be provided with the copies of all such approvals at appropriate time as decided by TCC. TCC’s representatives shall have the right to visit factory premises of the Party(ies) and to inspect their records including the records pertaining to Central Excise/ VAT etc. and cross check the number of cylinders filled in order to verify the quantity of Hydrogen Gas supplied. During the tenure of the CONTRACT AGREEMENT nothing shall be done by the BUYER in contravention of any law, act and/or rules/regulations, there under or any amendment thereof. BUYER shall, at his own expense, arrange appropriate insurance to cover all risks assumed by the BUYER including but not limited to the Workmen’s Compensation Act, under this CONTRACT AGR EEMENT in respect of its personnel deputed under this CONTRACT AGREEMENT as well as BUYER’s equipment, tools and any other belongings of the BUYER or their personnel during the entire period of their engagement in 17 connection with this CONTRACT AGREEMENT. SELLER will have no liability on this account. 19.0 LOCATION OF THE PLANT OF BUYER (S) The Party(ies) shall have to set up their Hydrogen Compressing & Bottling Plant/ other Hydrogen based plant adjoining/ near to the premises of TCC, Udyogamandal, Kerala. Any expenditure on the installation of pipe line for the supply of Hydrogen Gas and other gadgets/ machinery etc. from battery limit up to the Bottling Plant shall be borne by the Party(ies). 20.0 DISQUALIFICATION Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this ‘TENDER DOCUMENT’ and without prejudice to any of the rights or remedies, TCC shall be entitled to in its sole discretion to determine that a Bidder is to be disqualified or rejected at any stage of the process for the Transaction and subsequent submissions be dropped from further consideration for any of the reasons including without limitations those listed below: a) Bidder has made, incorrect, misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and attachments submitted, whether intentionally or unintentionally; or b) Any restrictions or limitations have been put on the Bidder pursuant to any regulatory or statutory Authority to participate in the process ; or c) If the ‘TENDER DOCUMENT’ submitted by the Bidder is in any respect inconsistent with, or demonstrates any failure to comply with, the provisions of the ‘TENDER DOCUMENT’; or d) TCC is not satisfied with sources of funds/ownership structure of the Bidder; or e) Failure to comply with the reasonable requests of TCC in relation to this tender ; or f) Breach of the confidentiality undertaking by the Bidder; or g) (i) An adjudication that the Bidder is bankrupt or insolvent, or the entry of an order for relief under applicable bankruptcy law; (ii) the making by the Bidder of a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; (iii) the commencement by the Bidder of a voluntary case or other proceeding seeking liquidation, winding-up or other relief with respect to itself or its debts under any bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar law now or hereafter in effect or seeking the appointment of a trustee, receiver, liquidator, custodian or other similar official of it or any substantial part of its assets or property, or consent to any such relief or to the appointment of or taking of possession by any such official in an involuntary case or other proceeding commenced against it; or (iv) if the provisional or official liquidator is appointed in relation to the Bidder by an appropriate court under any applicable law; or h) Any information regarding the Bidder which becomes known to TCC and which is detrimental to the proposed endeavor and/or the interests of TCC; or 18 i) The Bidder has been convicted for an offence under any legislation designed to protect the members of the public from financial loss due to dishonesty, incompetence or malpractice; or j) If information becomes known after the Bidder has been qualified at any stage to proceed with the Transaction which would have entitled TCC to reject or disqualify the relevant Bidder, TCC reserves the right to reject or disqualify the concerned Bidder at the time, or at any time, such information becomes known to the TCC; 21.0 EXECUTION OF DETAILED AGREEMENT The successful Bidder(s) shall have to enter into detailed Agreement (s) with TCC for purchase of Hydrogen Gas. 22. CONFLICT OF INTEREST A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest (the “Conflict of Interest”) that affects the Bidding Process. Any Bidder found to have a Conflict of Interest shall be disqualified. A Bidder shall be deemed to have Conflict of Interest that affects the Bidding Process, if: a) the Bidder, its member or the associate (or any constituent thereof) and any other Bidder, its member or associate (or any constituent thereof) have common controlling shareholders or other ownership interest; provided that this disqualification shall not apply in cases where the direct or indirect shareholding of an Bidder, its member or associate (or any shareholder thereof having a shareholding of more than five percent of the paid up and subscribed share capital of such Bidder, Member or Associate, as the case may be) in the other Bidder, its Member or Associate, as the case may be, is less than five per cent (5%) of the paid up and subscribed share capital thereof; provided further that this disqualification shall not apply to a bank, insurance company, pension fund or a public financial institution referred to in section 4A of the Companies Act 1956; or b) a constituent of such Bidder is also a constituent of another Bidder; or c) such Bidder receives or has received any direct or indirect subsidy from any other Bidder, it’s Member or Associate has provided any such subsidy to any other Bidder; or d) such Bidder has the same legal representative for purposes of the Proposal as any other Bidder; or e) such Bidder has a relationship with another Bidder, directly or through common third party / parties, that puts either or both of them in a position to have access to each others’ information about, or to influence the Proposal of either or each other. 19 23.0 CONFIDENTIALITY Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and recommendation in relation to the Bidders shall not be disclosed to any person not officially concerned with the process or is not a retained professional advisor advising TCC in relation to, or matters arising out of, or concerning the Bidding Process. TCC will treat all information submitted as part of the Application in confidence and would require all those who have access to such material to treat the same in confidence. TCC will not divulge any such information unless it is ordered to do so by any authority that has power under law to require its disclosure or to enforce or assert any right or privilege of the authority or TCC. TCC however reserves the right to make public disclosure of the names of the Bidders. 24.0 GOVERNING LAW FOR DISPUTES & JURISDICTION OF COURTS Any disputes arising out of this ‘TENDER DOCUMENT’ and in connection with the subsequent agreement to be entered into between the parties shall be in accordance with the Laws of India including, but without limitation, to the relevant Central and State Acts and the rules, regulations and notifications issued and amended thereunder from time to time. The courts in Cochin alone shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any such disputes. 25 Amicable Settlement The Parties shall use their respective reasonable endeavors to settle any Dispute amicably through negotiations. Any dispute, controversy, difference or claim arising out of or relating to the agreement or breach, termination or validity thereof (“a dispute”) shall at the first instance be mutually discussed for resolution between the parties. 26.0 TERMINATION 26.1 Termination on expiry of the CONTRACT: The Agreement shall be deemed to have been automatically terminated on the completion of period as per the terms set out in clause No.15 of conditions of contract. 26.2. Termination on account of force majeure: Either party shall have the right to terminate this CONTRACT on account of Force Majeure, as set forth in clause 27. 20 26.3 Termination on account of insolvency: In the event the BUYER at any time during the term of the Agreement becomes insolvent or makes a voluntary assignment of its assets for the benefit of creditors or is adjudged bankrupt, then the SELLER shall, by a notice in writing have the right to terminate the CONTRACT and all the BUYER's rights and privileges hereunder, shall stand terminated forthwith. 26.4 TERMINATION FOR UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE If TCC considers that the performance of the Buyer is unsatisfactory or, not up to the expected standard, TCC shall notify the Buyer in writing and specify in detail the cause of such dissatisfaction. TCC shall have the option to terminate the Agreement by giving 30 days notice in writing to the Buyer, if, Buyer fails to comply with the requisitions contained in the said written notice issued by TCC. T C C shall have all the rights reserved with it and decision of TCC shall be final; Buyers’ right and privileges hereunder, shall stand terminated forthwith. 27. 0 Force Majeure “Force Majeure” means any circumstances preventing either Party from performing any or all of its obligations under the Agreement to be signed between TCC and the Successful Bidder(S), that are attributable to acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond the reasonable control of either Party (including Act of God, war, riot, civil commotion, unforeseen accident, fire, natural calamities like flood or storm, Labour strikes, Transporters Strikes, lock-outs or industrial disputes and similar other events not foreseen by the parties. Where force majeure event occurs prior to commencement of relevant bottling plant setting period, the obligation of Successful Bidder to commission the Plant shall be extended by the period for which such force majeure event subsists. Measures to be taken (a) A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall take all reasonable measures to remove such Party’s inability to fulfill its obligations hereunder with a minimum of delay. (b) A Party affected by an event of Force Majeure shall notify the other Party such event as soon as possible, and in any event not later than fourteen (14) days following the occurrence of such event, 21 28.0 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS i) The quantity of Hydrogen gas offered for sale is Tentative only and may vary at the sole discretion of the Company i.e. TCC. ii) The Company reserves the right to accept or reject the whole or part of any offer and split the quantity among any number of parties or cancel the Tender altogether. Offers for smaller quantities than the quantity indicated in the Tender shall also be considered. iii) The issuance of the Tender Documents to a prospective Bidder shall not mean that he is considered qualified. iv) Only the price Bid of those successful Bidders short listed after the technocommercial evaluation shall be opened . v) The Bids of the Tenderers shall be opened by a Committee of officials of the Company vi) The Bidders shall have the option of sending the Bid by Registered Post or submitting the Bid in person, so as to ensure that the Bids are received in the office of TCC, by the date indicated in the Tender. vii) The Bidder must sign each page of the Tender form and other Documents. ix) All cuttings/ erasures or other changes in the Bid Documents should be authenticated by the person(s) signing the Bid. x) The price quoted by the party is only the Basic price, all taxes, duties and other statutory levies applicable shall be extra to the account of buyer. §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ 22 Annexure-1 TECHNICAL BID PROFORMA 1. Name & Address of the Party: 2. Constitution of the Party Company/Firm/ Sole Proprietary (attach list of Directors/Partners with addresses) 3. Line of Business: a) Existing facilities b) Existing No. of Bottles of Hydrogen: c) Others(specify) d) Date of commencement of Business e) Nature of business/ products dealt with (Memorandum & Articles of Association in case of Company/ Partnership deed in the case of partnership firms) 4. Previous three years performance: 2009-10, 2010-11 & 2011-12 (attach Audited Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Accounts / Auditor’s Report and Annual Report). i) ii) iii) 5. Total Turnover Products manufactured Products sold Name and Addresses of the Bankers: i) ii) 6. Tenure of Contract of three years : a) Acceptable b) Non-acceptable 7. Mode of proposed security deposit : Bank Draft/Bank Guarantee 8. Details of Bottling Plant facility i) Existing with location & : 23 capacity Per day ii) planned for augmenting the capacity: 9. Time schedule for commissioning of the proposed facilities including all clearances, indicating month of start of lifting of Hydrogen gas. 10. Contact Persons: Name: Designation: Phone No.: Mobile No.: Fax No.: E-Mail Yours faithfully, Authorised Signatory 24 Annexure- II DRAFT OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE TENDER CONDITIONS The Dy.General Manager (Projects) The Travancore - Cochin Chemicals ltd, Udyogamandal, Kerala-683501 Dear Sir, With reference to the Tender invited by TCC, we have examined the General Conditions of the Contract. We hereby submit our offer to purchase the Hydrogen Gas from TCC at the price mentioned in the Financial Bid. We undertake to abide with the terms and conditions of the Tender. We have deposited a sum of Rs. 25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only) as Earnest Money Deposit by way of Demand Draft No.________ dated __________ favouring The TravancoreCochin Chemicals Limited, drawn on ___________ Bank, payable at Udyogamandal along with Technical Bid. We hereby agree to execute the necessary ‘Agreement for Supply of Hydrogen’ with TCC. Yours faithfully, Date: Signature & Address 25 Annexure-III FINANCIAL BID PROFORMA The Dy.General Manager (Projects) The Travancore - Cochin Chemicals ltd, Udyogamandal, Kerala-683501 Dear Sir, Sub: Financial Bid for Hydrogen Gas This is with reference to your tender No. TCC/ PROJ/CP-01/ H2/2013 for sale of Hydrogen gas generated from the Electrolysers of caustic soda manufacturing units situated at Udyogamandal. We are submitting hereunder our Financial Bid for off-taking H2 from the battery limit at your premises to our installation through pipe line. Minimum Guaranteed off-take quantity and price Description NM3/annum NM3/month NM3/day Basic Price (Rs.)/NM3 Yours faithfully, Date: Signature & Address 26 ANNEXURE – IV AUTHORISATION LETTER FOR ATTENDING TENDER OPENING Date To, The Dy.General Manager (Projects) The Travancore - Cochin Chemicals ltd, Udyogamandal, Kerala-683501 Sir, Subject: Tender No. No.TCC/ PROJ/CP-01/ H2/2013 dated: 03.05.2013 due to open on ………………….. Mr...........................whose signature has been given here under is authorised to be present at the time of opening of above tender due on................ at ....................., on my/our behalf. Signature Authorised Representative Yours faithfully Signature of Bidder 27 Annexure -V Format of Covering Letter (The covering letter should be on the Letter Head of the Bidding Company) To, The Dy.General Manager (Projects) The Travancore - Cochin Chemicals ltd, Udyogamandal, Kerala-683501 Dear Sir, We, the undersigned ……. [insert name of the ‘Bidder’] having read, examined and understood in detail the Tender Document No.TCC/PROJ/CP-01/H2/2013 published, for Sale “HYDROGEN GAS” hereby submit our bid comprising of Technical Bid and Financial Bid. 1. We give our unconditional acceptance to the terms and conditions mentioned in the Tender Document attached thereto, issued by The Travancore-Cochin Chemicals Limited. In token of our acceptance to the Tender Document, the same have been initialed by us and enclosed to the Bid. 2. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) We have enclosed Demand Draft No. …….. dated ……… for Rs. 25,000.00 (Rs. Twenty Five thousand only) in favour of Travancore-cochin chemicals Limited payable at Udyogamandal. We have submitted our Financial Bid strictly as per Format of Tender Document, without any deviations, conditions and without mentioning any assumptions or notes for the Financial Bid in the said format. 3. Acceptance. We hereby unconditionally and irrevocably agree and accept that the decision made by Travancore -Cochin Chemicals Limited in respect of any matter regarding or arising out of the Tender shall be binding on us. We hereby expressly waive any and all claims in respect of Bid process. 4. We confirm that there are no litigations or disputes against us, which materially affect our ability to fulfill our obligations with regard to participating in the Bid. 28 5. Familiarity with Relevant Indian Laws & Regulations We confirm that we have studied the provisions of the relevant Indian laws and regulations as required to enable us to submit this Bid and execute the Tender Document, in the event of our selection as Successful Bidder. We further undertake and agree that all factors as mentioned in Tender Document have been fully examined and considered while submitting the Bid. 6. Contact Person Details of the contact person are furnished as under: Name :………………………………………. Designation :……………………………………….. Company :……………………………………….. Address :………………………………………. Phone Nos. :………………………………………. Fax Nos. :……………………………………… E-mail :……………………………………… address 29 7. We are enclosing herewith the cover containing both Envelope 1 &2 Envelope-1: containing Covering letter, Annexure, Certificates, ‘Technical Bid’ and DD of Rs.25,000.00/-(Rupees Twenty Five thousand only) favoring The Travancore-Cochin Chemicals Limited, payable at Udyogamandal towards Earnest Money Deposit with caption “EMD” Envelope–2: containing ‘ Financial bid ’. 8. It is confirmed that our Bid is consistent with all the requirements of submission as stated in the Tender Document and subsequent communications from The Travancore-Cochin Chemicals Limited. 9. The information submitted in our Bid is complete, strictly as per the requirements stipulated in the Tender Document and is correct to the best of our knowledge and understanding. We would be solely responsible for any errors or omissions in our Bid. 10. We confirm that all the terms and conditions of our Bid are valid for acceptance for a period of ninety (90) days from the Bid Deadline. 11. We confirm that we have not taken any deviation so as to be deemed non-responsive with respect to the provisions stipulated in Tender Document. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Dated the day of , 2013 Name, Designation and Signature of Authorized Person. 30 C E R T I F I C A T E- I This has reference to our intention to submit our bid against TCC, TENDER No. TCC/ PROJ/CP-01/ H2/2013 Dated: 03.05.2013 for purchase of“ HYDROGEN GAS “ For the purpose of Section 297/299 of Companies Act, 1956, I/We certify that to the best of my/ our knowledge: I am not a relative of any Director of TCC. We are not a firm in which a Director of TCC or his relative is a partner. I am not a partner in a firm in which a Director of TCC partner. or his relative is a We are not a private company in which a Director of TCC is a member or Director. We are not a company in which Directors of TCC hold more than 2% of the paid up share capital of our company or vice versa. Signature of the Bidder Place: Date:---------------------- Seal Name 31 C E R T I F I C A T E- II DECLARATION BY THE BIDDER I / We hereby declare and submit that neither I / we nor any of my/our allied concerns, partners or associates or directors or proprietors in any capacity, are currently serving any firm / company banned / debarred by TCC/Government departments for carrying on business with TCC. Date - Place: signature of the Authorized representative: Name: Seal of the Bidder’s firm 32 CERTIFICATE-III DECLARATION ON USE OF HYDROGEN (Full applicable details to be given by the bidder in the format given below) Name: Office Address: a) Status on the present handling of hydrogen gas: b) Capacity ( safety aspects) in handling H2 gas: c) Purpose of off-taking Hydrogen from TCC: d) Details of any credential project utilizing the H2: e) Probable date of starting the off-take of H2 in case of signing the agreement: f) Firm’s proposed Activities and products intended to be manufactured with the H2 sourced from TCC: g) Details of Infrastructure like land available, building, Facilities, man power for developing H2 bottling plant: Place: Dated: Signature of the Authorized Signatory With Seal of the Bidder