CEINGE Biotecnologie Avanzate Functional proteomics for identification of miRNA targets Contact person details Name: ZAMBRANO , Nicola ( PhD) Name of Organisation: CEINGE Biotecnologie Avanzate URL: http://www.ceinge.unina.it/~zambrano/index.html E-mail: Contact Telephone: +39-081-3737877 Fax number: +39-081-3737808 Collaboration Type: Company Expertise Title: Functional proteomics for identification of miRNA targets Participation: Type A Type Details: The functions of miRNAs in normal conditions and in the altered biological processes leading to various diseases (cancer, cardiovascular diseases etc.) are clearly emerging. miRNAs usually lead to translation inhibition of targeted mRNAs; due to their ability to bind to multiple mRNA targets, their expression gives rise to altered protein expression profiles, which are relevant for the elicitation of their functions through altered expression of selected proteins. Bioinformatics can predict a genome-wide scenario of potential miRNA targets; functional proteomics, instead, will give an effective picture, more focused to the relevant targets, in the appropriate (cellular or animal) model. Implementation of subcellular and/or biochemical fractionations will also improve the identification of protein targets expressed at lower levels. Combination of bioinformatics and functional proteomics will indeed generate the most effective representation of miRNA functions in normal, as well as diseased conditions. Our Unit houses a complete workstation for differential proteomic analysis, based on bi-dimensional separation of proteins and fluorescent labelling (2D-DIGE). Taking advantage of the DecyderTM software, DIGE technology allows to obtain statistically and biologically relevant protein difference ratios, from any biological source. Automated spot picking will give purified spots for mass spectrometry-based identification of the differentially expressed miRNA target proteins. We can offer our collaboration, skills and technologies, to generate proteomic maps from cells or animal models treated with miRNAs mimetics or miRNA inhibitors (antagomir), either synthetic or encoded by retroviral/lentiviral vectors; this will result in the experimental identification of the relevant targets for the miRNAs of interest. Programme: TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS , FP7 , FP7-COOPERATION , FP7-PEOPLE , FP7-HEALTH Instruments: NoE Networks of Excellence,CP-FP Small or medium-scale focused research project,CP-IP Large-scale integrating project,CSA-ERA-Plus ERA-NET Plus,ERC-ER1 Experienced researchers 1st stage,NULLERC-ER2 Experienced researchers 2nd stage,CP-SICA Collaborative project for specific cooperation actions dedicated to international cooperation partner countries (SICA) Research interest: Expiry Date: 2009-01-25 Workprogramme area(s)/key action(s): (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2) Translating research for human health (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.4.2) Cardiovascular disease (FP7-PEOPLE PEOPLE-2007-2-1.IEF) Marie Curie Action: "Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development" (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.4.3) Diabetes and obesity (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-1.1) High-throughput research (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.2.2) Human development and ageing (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.2) Research on the brain and related diseases, human development and ageing (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.3.3) Potentially new and re-emerging epidemics (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.1) Integrating biological data and processes: largescale data gathering, systems biology (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.3.4) Neglected infectious diseases (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-4) Other Actions across the Health Theme (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.3.2) HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.4.4) Rare diseases (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-1.3) Predicting suitability, safety and efficacy of therapies (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-1) Biotechnology, generic tools and medical technologies for human health (FP7-PEOPLE PEOPLE-2007-2-3.COFUND) Marie Curie Action: "Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes " (FP7-PEOPLE PEOPLE-2007-1-1.ITN) Marie Curie Action: "Networks for Initial Training" (FP7-PEOPLE PEOPLE-1) Initial training of researchers (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.3) Translational research in major infectious diseases: To confront major threats to public health (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.1.2) Systems biology (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.2.1) Brain and brain-related diseases (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.4) Translational research in other major diseases (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.3.1) Anti-microbial drug resistance including fungal pathogens (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-1.4) Innovative therapeutic approaches and interventions (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-3.1) Translating the results of clinical research outcome into clinical practice including better use of medicines, and appropriate use of behavioural and organisational interventions and new health therapies and technologies (FP7-PEOPLE PEOPLE-2) Life-long training and career development (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.4.5) Other chronic diseases (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-1.2) Detection, diagnosis and monitoring (FP7-PEOPLE PEOPLE-2007-3-1.IAPP) Marie Curie Action: "Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways" (FP7-PEOPLE PEOPLE-2007-2-2.ERG) Marie Curie Action: "European Reintegration Grants" (FP7-HEALTH HEALTH-2007-2.4.1) Cancer Target Partner Expertise: Our Unit aims to join consortia "under construction" for collaborative projects, addressing biological processes relevant to health and diseases, requiring the definition of proteomic signatures, in clinical and/or experimental settings, for identification and validation of miRNA targets. Country: Any country Organization Details Name: CEINGE Biotecnologie Avanzate Department: Address: CEINGE Biotecnologie Avanzate Via Comunale Margherita, 482 80145 Napoli ITALIA Type: Research, Education Number of Employees: 50 - 249 Details: Keywords: Partners already acquired: 2D-DIGE antagomir micro RNA gene expression animal model