2013-2014 LCMS Club Information *Note: ALL students shall be

2013-2014 LCMS Club Information
*Note: ALL students shall be involved in at least TWO clubs. Please circle your two choices below.
Clubs meet the last Friday of each month during 7th & 8th periods. Meetings may occur before/after school & on weekends per sponsor requests.
Club Fridays: August 23, Sept. 27, Oct. 25, Nov. 22, Dec. 20, Jan. 24, Feb. 28, March 28, April 25, May 9
7th period clubs (1:16 - 2:01)
8th period clubs (2:05 - 2:50)
Beta (by invitation)
Student Government (by election)
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)
Green Team
Outdoorsman/Hunter Safety
Other Student Opportunities for Involvement:
Prayer Circle, O-Zone, GT (Gifted & Talented), Duke Talent Search, Academic Team, Yearbook, Tutoring and Athletic Teams at LCMS (Cheerleading,
Basketball, etc.) and LCHS (Volleyball, Track, Golf, Softball, Baseball, etc.).
Club Name: 4-H
Sponsor(s) Name: Carla Belt
Club Description:
Club dues/fees:
Membership Criteria:
Service Learning Activity:
Other Activities:
Meeting Time and Place: 6th period last Friday of each month in room #? and per request
Other Information:
Club Name: Science Club
Sponsor(s) Name: Mr. Eric Travers
Club Description:
Club dues/fees:
Membership Criteria:
Service Learning Activity:
Other Activities:
Meeting Time and Place: 7th period last Friday of each month in room #8 and per request
Other Information:
Club Name: National Junior BETA Club
Sponsor(s) Name: Mrs. Teri Walker and Mrs. Teresa Alsobrook
Club Mission: To promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership.
Club dues/fees: A one-time fee of $25.00 for the initial membership year then $10.00 each year. $15.00 is for
National membership dues and the rest supports our mission
Membership Criteria: By Invitation Only - students must have no grade less than a "B" in any class. There are
By-Laws the student will receive that outlines all the expectations for behavior, character, etc.
Service Learning Activity: Student driven
Other Activities: Each student is required to complete 10 service learning hours outside of school
Meeting Time and Place: First Wednesday of each month from 3:00-4:00, 6th period last Friday of each month
in room #5, and per request
Other Information: Members will receive  Certificate of membership
 Membership card
 Membership lapel pin
 Window decal
 Recognition for achievement in a prestigious national organization
 Opportunity to attend and compete at state and national conventions (where available)
 Opportunity to attend the Beta Broyhill Leadership Conference
 Opportunity to attend a National Beta Club State Leadership Academy (where available)
 Opportunity to be nominated for over $250,000 in National Beta Club college scholarships (for
graduating seniors)
 SchoolTube access (a free, safe media sharing website)
 Letters of recommendation (for Beta Alumni)
Subscription to BetaZone
Club Name: Cardinal Calligraphers
Sponsor(s) Name: Mrs. Janet Strickland
Club Description: Students will explore the art of fine writing by learning to write using a calligraphy pen and a
specific writing style.
Club dues/fees: $10 for Calligraphy marker pen and parchment paper
Membership Criteria: limit of 10 people based on commitment to learn & willingness to participate in service
learning activities as well as personal projects
Service Learning Activity: various opportunities will be explored such as writing name tags/place markers for
nursing home, school functions, community functions, etc.
Other Activities: Possible field trips or meetings at service organizations
Meeting Time and Place: 7th period last Friday of each month in room #4 and before/after school as determined
by members
Other Information: Students might enjoy designing small posters such as names, quotes, or Bible verses for
gifts or personal use. Calligraphy is an art, but it is also a learned skill. I learned how to do this, and I am NO
ARTIST! Calligraphy is nice to use when addressing envelopes, signing lists, or just showing others your good
Club Name: Drama
Sponsor(s) Name: Mrs. Samantha Veal
Club Description:
Club dues/fees:
Membership Criteria:
Service Learning Activity:
Other Activities:
Meeting Time and Place:
Other Information: 7th period last Friday of each month in room #19 and per request
Club Name: FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)
Sponsor(s) Name: Mrs. Cindy Kennedy
Club Description:
The FCA Vision
To see the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of athletes and coaches.
The FCA Mission
To present to athletes and coaches and all whom they influence the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus
Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in their relationships and in the fellowship of the church.
The FCA Values
Our relationships will demonstrate steadfast commitment to Jesus Christ and His Word through Integrity,
Serving, Teamwork and Excellence.
We will demonstrate Christ-like wholeness, privately, and publicly. (Proverbs 11:3)
We will model Jesus' example of serving. (John 13:1-17)
We will express our unity in Christ in all our relationships. (Philippians 2:1-4)
We will honor and glorify God in all we do. (Colossians 3:23-24)
Club dues/fees: TBA if national/state/etc. dues
Membership Criteria: Open to any interested LCMS Student
Service Learning Activity: TBD by members (working with local churches, etc.)
Other Activities: Speakers, college athletes, etc. to discuss being Christ-like role models
Meeting Time and Place: 6th period last Friday of each month in room #7 and per request
Club Name: Glee Club
Sponsor(s) Name: Mrs. Samantha Veal
Club Description: Any student interested (girls AND guys!) in singing and dancing with a group or by themselves.
We will sing a variety of musical styles including pop, rock, country, jazz, and others. Dancing will be mild – so
there is no previous dance experience necessary. It is preferred that all Glee Club members be enrolled in choir –
however, because of scheduling issues, this may be overlooked.
Club dues/fees: There will be a $10 folder fee. This will be used to purchase music.
Membership Criteria: Depending on the number of students interested, an audition may take place in order to
Service Learning Activity: We hope to perform community service by performing at nursing homes, or other
events that we may positively represent LCMS.
Other Activities: TBD
Meeting Time and Place: 7th period last Friday of each month in room #19 and per request
Club Name: Green Team
Sponsor(s) Name: Ms. Sondra Lawton and Ms. Nancy Smith
Club Description: Foster the recycling program at LCMS
Club dues/fees: None
Membership Criteria: Open to any interested LCMS Student
Service Learning Activity: TBD by group member
Meeting Time and Place: 7th period last Friday of each month in room #9 and per request
Other Information: This club will be responsible for helping to keep our school clean and contributing to the
effort to help keep our planet from being over run with trash.
Club Name: Hunter’s Information and Safety Club
Sponsor(s) Name: Mrs. Teri Walker
Club Description: learning about hunting and tracking -- as well as weapon's safety
Club dues/fees: $5.00 for Guest speakers and/or periodicals
Membership Criteria: Open to first 25 students to sign up
Service Learning Activity: TBD
Meeting Time and Place: 7th period last Friday of each month in room #5 and per request
Club Name: Photography Club/Picture-It!
Sponsor(s) Name: Mrs. Resanda Robertson & Mrs. Michele Powell
Club Description: Members will learn history of photography; characteristics of what makes a "good" picture;
will take pictures and share during meetings; will learn to make presentation of choice for possible use later on
in academic or personal situations; may enter photo contests as available.
Club dues/fees: $10.00 per semester to defray cost of printing supplies (photo paper, inks, matting supplies,
etc.)***; also if a student enters a contest, he/she will be responsible for own entry costs if there are any
Membership Criteria: Open to any interested LCMS students who have a genuine interest in photography; have
unlimited access to a digital camera with a memory card; willing to work diligently as needed; willing to take
pictures during free time at home (not to interfere with home learning, chores, etc.)
Service Learning Activity: good projects can be shared with others (i.e. nursing home/church groups/school
classes, etc.;
Other Activities: Will have a school contest at end of school year to show off skills (NO charge for members to
Meeting Time and Place: 6th period last Friday of each month in room #11 and per request
Other Information: Good experience for "budding photo-journalists," for sharing memories with others, for
capturing special moments, and simply for the joy of creative photography!
Club Name: STLP (Student Technology Leadership Program)
Sponsor(s) Name: Mrs. Dee Wright & Mrs. Teri Walker
Club Description: Broadcast, public service announcements, and current events dissemination
Club dues/fees: FREE
Membership Criteria: By Audition Only - Students tryout for STLP; acceptance is based on student interaction,
voice projection, oral reading, and communication skills.
Service Learning Activity: Students produce broadcasts to be aired by the middle school learning community.
These broadcasts are for student learners and staff members.
Other Activities: Students compete in state-wide technology competitions
Meeting Time and Place: 6th period last Friday of each month in media center and per request
Club Name: Student Government
Sponsor(s) Name: Mrs. Robin Belt
Club Description: Students will review school policies and procedures and make recommendations for
Club dues/fees: None
Membership Criteria: By ELECTION results. If students meet character criteria, they may run for President (8th
grader), Vice President (8th grader), Secretary (7th grader), or Treasurer (7th grader). They will do a speech in
front of student body. Teachers will appoint four 7th grade class representatives and four 8th grade class
representatives giving strong consideration to students identified as GT in leadership.
Service Learning Activity: Cards for nursing home, peer tutoring, others as suggested by members, etc.
Other Activities: Planning school activities/dances, etc.
Meeting Time and Place: 7th period last Friday of each month in Cardinal Room and as determined necessary by
Other Information: Great club if you’d like to help resolve conflicts at school, make decisions about discipline
procedures, etc.
Other Student Opportunities:
Prayer Circle
GT (Gifted & Talented)
Duke Talent Search
Academic Team
Athletic Teams at LCMS (Cheerleading, Basketball, etc.) and LCHS (Volleyball, Track, Golf, Softball, Baseball, etc.)