1 Vocabulary Preview Prefixes/Suffixes/Roots OctEight MultiMany DiTwo NonNot SemiSomewhat ElectrHaving to do with electricity Key Vocab 1. Group 2. Period 3. Periodic Table 4. Atomic Shells 5. Valence Electrons 6. Atomic Number 7. Symbol 8. Average Atomic Mass 9. Oxidation Number 10. Octet Rule 11. Multivalent 12. Diatomic 13. Metals 14. Nonmetals 15. Metalloids 16. Electron Configuration 17. Periodic Law 18. Halogen 19. Noble Gas 20. Alkali Metal 21. Alkaline Earth Element 22. Transition Metal 23. Lanthanide 24. Actinide 25. Semiconductor 26. Atomic Radii 27. Ionization Energy 28. Electronegativity 29. Ionic Radius 2 Read p. 155. How did chemists begin the process of organizing elements? How many elements had been identified by 1700? Read p. 156. What method did Mendeleev use to develop his periodic table? Mendeleev arranged the elements in his periodic table in order of increasing _______________________. Why did Mendeleev leave question marks, or spaces, in his periodic table? Read p. 157. What problem occurred with Mendeleev’s periodic table? Moseley arranged his periodic table in order of increasing _______________________. Whose periodic table is the one we have today – Mendeleev or Moseley? What is the periodic law? Mrs. C Check 3 Organization of the PT Periods _____________ are called periods. All of the elements in a period have the same number of _______________________. As we increase the atomic number, the electrons fill the energy levels. Energy levels are labeled… Groups The _______________ of the PT are called groups. The elements in a group have the same number of ________________________. Valence electrons are the They are very important to _______________. Every element in the first column (Group 1) has _____ electron in its outer shell. Every element in the second column (Group 2) has _____ electrons in its outer shell. Etc. 4 Symbols on the Periodic Table 19 K 39.1 Let’s Label the PT 1. Oxidation number = Relates to… To become stable an atom wants ____ electrons THE OCTET RULE: 2. Multivalent – 3. Diatomic Molecules – o Only diatomic when ___________! 5 4. Metals, Nonmetals, & Metalloids TYPE LOCATION PROPERTIES Metal Nonmetal Metalloid 6.2 Classifying the Elements Groups of the Periodic Table Group 1: Alkali Metals Very Soft 6 Group 2: Alkaline Earth Elements Not Found in Nature Group 3 – 10: Transition Metals Electrons they use to bond are in more than one shell (MULTIVALENT) Metalloids Semiconductors Group 17: Halogens Exist as all three states of matter at room temperature 7 Group 18: Noble Gases Contain 8 electrons in outer shell (oxidation number of 0) = STABLE Lanthanides (57-71) & Actinides (89-103) Most are synthetic, or man-made Actually in Period 6 & 7 6.3 Periodic Trends Periodic Trends Activity Series of Metals – Most Reactive = WHY? The further to the left and down you go, the easier it is for ______________ to be given or taken away. Activity Series of Nonmetals – Most Reactive = 8 WHY? The further right and up you go, the stronger the element can “grab” other ________________ or ______________. Atomic Radii Calculated by finding… PERIOD TREND: Atomic radius ____________________ as you go left to right across a period. WHY? o Determined by the strength of the attraction between the nucleus and the outermost electrons o __________________ the attraction, __________________ the size of the atom o More Protons = GROUP TREND: Atomic radius ____________________ as you go down a group 9 WHY? There is a significant jump in the ________________________________ as well as the _____________________________________. Ions An atom or group of atoms with… o Cation = o Anion = Ionization Energy Energy required to ______________ an electron from the neutral atom to form a positively charged ion _______________ PERIOD TREND: Ionization energy ____________________ as you go left to right across a period. 10 WHY? o Metals (left)_____________ to get rid of their electrons, therefore it … o Nonmetals (right) ___________________ to get rid of their electrons, therefore it… GROUP TREND: Ionization energy ____________________ as you go down a group WHY? o Shielding Effect – Caused by an increasing number of electrons between the outer level and the nucleus o Blocks the ___________________ of the nucleus for the ________________. o Causes… Ionization energy relates to… o The highest ionization energy = the most active nonmetal (Fluorine) o The lowest ionization energy = the most active metal (Francium) 11 As electrons are removed, the ionization energy ___________________. Large jumps of energy indicate a removal of an electron from a new shell. Example: For Na the IE for each successive electron are 496 kJ/mol, 4562 kJ/mole, 4912 kJ/mol, and 5544 kJ/mol. How many valence electrons does Na have? Ionic Size Cations are always __________________ than the atoms from which they form. Anions are always ___________________ than the atoms from which they form. 12 Electronegativity Ability of an atom to … Discovered by ____________________. PERIOD TREND: Electronegativity ____________________ as you go left to right across a period. WHY? o Elements on the left side have _________________________ that they would rather give away than “grab” another element’s electrons, so they have _________ electronegativity o Elements on the right side only need a few electrons they want to “grab” another atom’s electrons giving them ___________ electronegativity. 13 GROUP TREND: Electronegativity ____________________ as you go down a group WHY? o Elements near the top of the PT have __________________________ to begin with so they have a stronger desire to acquire more electrons _____________________________. o Elements near the bottom have so many electrons already, that gaining or losing an electron is no big deal _____________________________. 14 15 Additional Notes 16