purity of intent, motivation, application

There is always a pathway of understanding unfolding for that is the purpose of earthly existence.
There is always a flow of that which would be helpful, supportive, and instructive, as the pure
consciousness of the soul, the consciousness of pure Spirit, flows into and through and blends
with the consciousness of the outer experience. This is the process of awakening, integrating that
which comes on an ever flowing basis from within with that which is of the externalized perception.
There is always a process of awakening taking place and every event, every activity, every step
along the way has within it the infinite scope of possibility when viewed from inner perspective, the
infinite possibility of triggering and accelerating the awakening process. There is never a time
when the potential is any less than any other time. The only variable is the willingness to awaken,
the willingness to take a step and to explore the depths of that consciousness which is being
revealed and offered on an ever flowing, ongoing basis.
We come together and there is a connection made with this infinite source of wisdom, of
knowledge, of experience. This source of true knowing is that which is eternal and real. There is
an ever flowing statement and expression that comes from within that absorbs and takes that
which is offered and presents it in a way that is palatable to the ears and to the hearts and to the
minds of those who would receive these messages. There is never an end to the flow or to the
manner in which the thoughts can be projected so that they can be received and then acted upon
or absorbed into consciousness as the soul so desires.
It must always be remembered that nothing is forced. Everything is available for the inquiring
soul. All that can be known, all that is, is available instantly as the soul opens and expresses its
intent to explore the depths and to integrate with the purity of the depths of consciousness.
There is a process that must always be remembered which we have spoken of before, and that is
that the soul is awakening whether recognized consciously in the outer realm or not. There is a
continuous process of learning and of remembering that is taking place. It is important within this
process that there be the purity of intent, the purity of intent to explore and to listen and to feel in
an unbiased, unfiltered manner, setting aside the mental and the emotional foundations of the
outer world and letting that which comes from within express itself in the purity that it is.
The purity of intent, the unencumbered intention to explore and to discover one’s true character
and nature is most important. For with the purity of intent there is also the willingness to listen, to
accept, to hear, and to have brought into one’s consciousness that which comes from the purity of
the Love and Light of the universe.
With the purity of intent, there then needs to be the purity of motivation -- motivation to take that
which is offered and to move into and through the world not from the perspective of the world, but
from the perspective of that which is revealed from within. As the motivation is pure, as the
motivation to share and to be Love, to share and to be the Light that is the penetrating, sustaining
energy of creation, to be that which the soul truly is, to explore and to express all the Attributes of
the Soul in the purity of statement of being that the soul is, if this is the motivation then the results
will be consistent with that which is the motivating concept. There is always the awakening taking
place and as the intent is pure and the motivation is pure, then the result of the process will
become rapidly evident and the acceleration into the total consciousness of Oneness will be very
With the purity of motivation there is then application. The purity of application is the result of the
intent and the motivation. Application is the doing, the being, the action, the process of fulfilling
the motivation that is guided by the intent. This is often where the stumbling block, you might say,
occurs because the application gets confused with the purity of doing something for the process
of awakening, doing something purely for the process of understanding and knowing and being
the conscious soul, and confusing that process with the process of doing something which results
in satisfying the outer mind or emotions or the ego.
It is very subtle, but it is in the purity of the application that the process of awakening gains great
momentum where the outer self as it is called, or the outer ego, is set aside and that which is
accomplished, that which is acted upon, comes from the pure foundation of Love and Light. It
comes from the pure intention of sharing and being all that the soul is. It comes from the
motivation to express and to explore and to be open to the awakening process that is coming from
within, and then to apply that which is consistent with this flow of Love and Light.
Be aware of each and every step. Be conscious of not only what you are doing but, more
importantly, why you are doing it. Be conscious of not what you say, but be conscious of why you
say it. Be conscious of not what you think, but be conscious of why you are thinking certain
things. It all comes together when the purity of intention, the purity of motivation, and the purity of
application are consistently aligned with the truth of one’s being. In this alignment the awakening
to soul consciousness, to recognizing and knowing the truth of who you really are, is
I embrace you in the Love and Light of the universe. I hold you in the perfection you are as a soul.
I hold you in the truth of who you are and embrace that truth as it expresses into and through
every thought, word, and action as the purity of intent, the purity of motivation, and the purity of
application become a consistent pattern enhancing and encouraging the process of awakening.
We are One. I AM, the Love, the Light, and the Life of the universe.