TREASURER THE ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC STUDENT COUNCILS 86 CITY VIEW DR. DALY CITY, CA 94014 (415) 584-9877 TREASURER Students should leave this workshop knowing: The role and responsibilities of the treasurer How to keep a record of expenditures and deliver reports How to prepare a student council budget How to open a student council account and write checks How to plan and execute fundraisers Overview of the workshop: This workshop will educate student council treasurers about their job on student council. They should leave the workshop confident in their responsibilities and full of new ideas about how to raise money for their schools Workshop outline: I. The Role of the Student Council Treasurer A. Prepares student council budget along with other officers. 1. Allocates the amount of money each activity and commissioner will receive 2. The budget should be prepared before the school year, preferably during the Summer Planning Meeting. 3. All student council officers should be present when the student council budget is planned. B. Record Keeper 1. The treasurer must keep a record book of all incoming and outgoing money 2. Everything must be written down on paper. 3. Student council expenditures should also be recorded in a computer. Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Money are great programs to help the treasurer record expenditures. 4. Records should be neat and organized C. Works with School Administration 1. The student council moderator should always be up to date on all matter regarding the financial status of the council. 2. The treasurer should meet with the school bookkeeper privately before the school year begins to learn basic and correct bookkeeping procedures and forms. 3. The school bookkeeper should be notified of the council’s financial status often (at least once a month). © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 1 TREASURER D. Reporter – Written and Verbal 1. The treasurer should be able to write complete treasurer reports and present the report verbally. This is usually done weekly at student council meetings. 2. The treasurer should be aware of all issues pertaining to the funds of his/her student council. E. Efficient, Organized, Neat & Honest! 1. The treasurer has a job that requires organization so he/she should become an example to their entire council. 2. Pay bills on time. 3. Keep an accurate record of receipts - make copies for back up! 4. Be able to account for all student funds at any given time. 5. Accept ideas and criticism of the moderator and principal. 6. The most important aspect of being a good treasurer is HONESTY! II. How to Open a Bank Account A. Check with your moderator or school principal first to see if the school already has a student account. B. Secure approval from the student council to open the account. C. Be sure the student council has the minimum amount (usually $100) to open a checking account. D. All accounts must be opened in person and not by telephone. BOTH the moderator and treasurer must go to the bank together. Ask for the person in charge of new accounts. 1. Bring all important documents with you (photo/school ID, cash to open account, etc.) 2. Treasurer will sign the account as a co-signer 3. Set up the account so two signatures are required for signing checks (usually the moderator and treasurer). © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 2 TREASURER III. Check Writing 101 (see sample check below) A. Step One – Write the payee’s name where it says Pay to the Order Of B. Fill in the correct date including the year. C. Fill in the amount of the check in the box where the dollar sign is Example: $100 or $100.75 D. Write out the dollar amount word for word including any change. Example: One hundred and 00/100 or One hundred and 75/100 E. Write on the memo line what the check was for. Example: Sweatshirts for the student council or chocolate chips for the bake sale. F. Record the amount of the check in your checkbook registry (see sample below). Include the check number (which can be found in the upper right hand corner of your check, the payee’s name, the amount of the check and the date. . SAMPLE CHECK SAMPLE CHECK REGISTRY © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 3 TREASURER How to Plan an Activity To ensure that your student council plans a successful, organized event, follow these nine steps: 1. GOAL: What is the reason for this activity? What do you want to accomplish? Examine your present position in relation to your goal 2. IDEAS: How will you carry out your purpose? What will the project be? Brainstorm – The more ideas the better. No idea is a bad idea. Establish guidelines for selecting the project. List ALL of the factors that must be considered (money, facilities, time, people) Narrow down ideas – keep in mind the goals as well as the guidelines. BE REALISTIC! 3. COUNCIL APPROVAL: Vote on what to do from your brainstorming. 4. ADMINISTRATION & MODERATOR APPROVAL: This is necessary for proper initiation. In some cases the moderator may be able to speak for the principal/administration. Nonetheless, good public relations dictate that the principal/administration should be aware of what is happening. 5. ORGANIZATION: Plan the details. The date, time and materials needed Committees Publicity Secure the necessary facilities 6. ACTIVITY: Make sure everyone is doing their job! REMEMBER! Check in advance to make sure that everything is ready and all assignments are completed. 7. THANK YOU: Thank everyone involved in the project. Faculty members Parents Principal Student body Custodial staff 8. EVALUATION: How did you do? What went right/wrong and why? 9. FILE: Complete a report in the student council records. As you come along or think of “better ways” to do it next time, write them down and add them to your file for future reference. © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 4 TREASURER FUNDRAISING IDEAS & DESCRIPTIONS AFTER SCHOOL SNACKS Description: Sell nutritional snacks after school when students are likely to want a quick bite to eat before sports practice, choir rehearsal, or a tutoring session. Fruit juices, apples, string cheese, peanut butter and crackers, yogurt, bananas and pretzels would all be convenient to sell. An alternative would be other popular foods such as pizza by the slice, fresh baked cookies, a bag of chips, pretzels, or low fat ice cream. BAKE SALE Description: Each month, a Bake Sale is sponsored by two different classes. Half the money is donated to the Student Council and half the money is kept in the class fund. Coordinate with the class helping to sponsor the bake sale and make assignments as to who will bring/bake the treats you will sell. BEAN FEED Description: Plan a Bean Feed in February where the proceeds can go to the charity of your choice. Each student is issued as many tickets they can sell. The person who sells $20 worth or more are eligible to attend a free movie, sponsored by the local theater owner perhaps. The top sales person is honored at an assembly and their name is placed on a plaquein an effort to make this an annual affair. The Bean Feed dinner is held on a night preceding a basketball game or some other special school event. Adults $4 and children $2. The menu consists of baked beans or bean soup), salads, rolls, dessert, milk and coffee. Mothers and fathers might be asked to donate their time to help prepare and serve the meal. (Get upper grade students involved in the preparation and serving as well.) © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 5 TREASURER BOOK FAIR Description: Over a few weeks or months, have students bring in any old or gently used books that are still in good condition. After a decent collection has been made, have a book sale. You can have your book sale during lunch when students have time to browse. You might also consider having the book sale on Sunday after Mass so parishioners can support the fundraiser as well. BREAKFAST BAR Description: Many students travel a long way to school by bus or car. Consider having a hospitality committee (run by the student council) that provides hot chocolate, juice and donuts waiting for students when they arrive at school. This is something that could happen once a week (on Fridays) or several days a week. The student council would be in charge of purchasing, preparing and selling the breakfast items for a small profit. BRING & BUY SALE Description: Beginning in November, the members of the student council make posters for each classroom requesting that each student bring one new item that would be suitable for a Christmas gift. Send out letters to the local stores and they can help provide valuable items. Set a day in December for the date of your sale. Plants, stuffed animals, perfumes, pins, picture frames, cookies, bread, cakes, brownies, pads to be placed by the phone, jewelry and many other things can be sold to students and parents at the Bring & Buy Sale. © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 6 TREASURER CALIFORNIA GOLD RUSH Description: This is a great idea for schools in California – or anywhere really! Collect old film canisters and bury them in an approved location. The canisters are filled with prize descriptions – example: a digital camera, a bag of M&M’s, movie tickets, etc. Students rent shovels from the student council - $1 for 5 minutes of digging. When a whistle blows, the shovels are collected and rented to a new group of prospectors. For schools that can’t dig up a field, shredded, computer paper could be used in a gymnasium. Students then “dive in” to find prizes. CANDY GRAMS Description: For any holiday, the Student Council distributes a card to everyone who pays $.25 to write a note to a student or teacher. The Council collects the papers, attaches a piece of candy and then delivers the grams. This is an easy and fun way to raise funds. Tip – The student council might think about purchasing one gram for every student in the school to avoid any hurt feelings. CANDY ROOM Description: During lunch, student council members or a group of volunteers sell candy to help raise money for the student council. The reward is the feeling or being useful and productive at school l and a free candy bar at the end of the week. © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 7 TREASURER CASH FOR CAKES Description: Sponsor a Radio Cake Auction. Have members of the student council and their parents bake cakes, cookies and other sweets. Take them to school and set up a radio station, using the school’s P.A. system. Student council officers talk on the radio, announcing the bakes goods and starting the bidding process. Students may enter their bid by calling a designated phone number, or they can e-mail bid to a given site in your school. Their bids are relayed to the “radio” room. The highest bidder wins the cake, which is delivered to the student’s house or homeroom. CELEBRATE LEAP YEAR Description: Celebrate Leap Year with a “Salute to Leap Year” fundraiser. Students pay $.25 for 3 leaps. Leaps are measure and prizes are given to the students with the longest leaps. CRAFT FAIR Description: Have students and their parents make holiday crafts. Be sure to give them lots of notice (months if necessary). Advertise your craft fair in the school newsletter, parish bulletin and in your local in the bulletin to generate support and awareness. Hold Fair on a Sunday after Masses. DOOR TO DOOR CAR WASH Description: This activity requires participation by students of the upper grades and parent/teacher supervision. The more you advertise in advance of this project, notifying your prospective clients, the more successful it will be. You can even pre-sell your services with tickets. Instead of waiting for people to come to you for a car wash, grab buckets, sponges, towels, soap, brushes, and other care washing equipment and go door-to-door in the neighborhood to wash cars. Pairs or trios of your group can approach a house and volunteer to wash their car for a set amount. Use the homeowner’s hose and water supply. For those experienced in the group, waxing could be done for an additional fee. © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 8 TREASURER DREAM ON AMERICA Description: This patriotic performance by students is given several times for the school and community. Money is raised from admissions to the performances and from the sale of commercial time to local businesses. The ads are written and performed by the students. DRIVE-IN MOVIES Description: Charge $1 per student to view the movie. Gather all students and charge for popcorn and soda. Design and paint boxes like cars to recreate the drive-in movie atmosphere. EASTER BASKET RAFFLE Description: In the springtime, make up Easter Baskets and raffle them off to the Student Body. Sell the raffle tickets for $1 and raise money for a charity. EASTER LILY PINS Description: Have a committee buy lily flowers and make pins out of them. They can be live or fake flowers. During Holy Week, sell the pins for ladies to wear them at Mass on Easter Sunday. ENDOWMENT FUND Description: Send letters to alumni asking for financial support for their alma mater. This can be an annual campaign or something you do every few years. Invite alumni to a special luncheon and discuss school related needs. All contributions are tax-deductible. This is a great fundraiser. © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 9 TREASURER GREAT GROCERY GRAB Description: Tickets are sold for an opportunity to have five free minutes in a grocery store. Sponsors should be sure to bring in more money than can possibly be spent by one shopper in five minutes. Rules should state that no alcohol or tobacco products may be purchased. HOBBY SHOW Description: Consider having your student council sponsor a Hobby show. Students exhibit their collections of model cars, airplanes, Barbie dolls, baby dolls, Storybook dolls, Raggedy Ann dolls, nutcrackers, stamps, cards, coins, etc. Students can show items they have built with Legos, Lincoln logs and so forth. Crafts such as crewel or needlepoint can also be exhibited. Hobbies are displayed in various categories and trophies are awarded in each category. Certificates are given to each of the participants. Students pay an entry fee which is decided upon by the student council. For example, 50 cents an item may be charged or so much for a collection over 10 items. On Sunday, parents and parishioners are invited to visit the exhibit in the church hall and the student council earns a little more money by selling hot dogs and punch at the same time. HOW MUCH CANDY IS IN THE JAR? Description: Fill a large jar with jellybeans or other candy – M&M’s, Mike & Ike, Hot Tamales, etc. Charge $.25 for each guess. Winner gets the jar and the candy! © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 10 TREASURER HUG-A-THON Description: This is a great activity to hold during February. Each student received a pledge sheet and collects sponsors for a certain amount for each hug (example $.05 per hug). The pledge sheets should be complete a few days before the hug-a-thon. On the day of the hug-a-thon, the student council makes an Announcement that the hug-a-thon will last for one minute and half. During that time, students go around and hug each other while keeping track of the amount of hugs he/she had received. When time is called, students line up by class and report the number of hugs they received to the student council. Each student receives a “Total Hugs Received” card and goes home to collect their pledges. ICE CREAM & SNOW CONE SALE Description: During the first and the last few months of the school year, sell ice cream and cold treats to the students. In order to be profitable, hold the sale for a few weeks and publicize. KISS A TURKEY Description: In November, sponsor this week-long fundraiser. Select faculty members to be potential turkey kissers. Students vote for the teacher of their choice by putting money into cans. At the end of the week an assembly is held. The winning teacher is announced and the turkey is kissed. MILE O’ CHANGE Description: Stick a mile of two-sided tape on a mall floor. Invite passersby to contribute loose change to cover the mile by sticking coins on the tape. Student council members can monitor the tape to ask for donations and make sure that they stick! © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 11 TREASURER MYSTERY BOX & GUESSING GAME Description: Each month, place a prize in a mystery box. Give clues over the PA system. Students buy a chance to guess and win the box contents. Every three days, the price to guess goes up. PANCAKE BREAKFAST Description: Have a class sponsor a pancake breakfast for the community. Sell pre-sale tickets to friends and family, as well as parishioners. This will draw a large crowd to your event and make a lot of money. The class could help prepare, serve, and clean up from the breakfast with the help of parents and teachers. You could write to local stores to get essentials for the event donated. PARENT PROM Description: A parent prom is similar to most student dances. It has a theme and you can crown a “Mom and Dad of the Year.” Student act as chaperones and a student photographer captures the moment. Proceeds from the event go to the school or student council fund. PARISH CAR WASH Description: Publicize in the Parish Bulleting that the Student Council will wash cars one Sunday after the morning Masses. This can be done a few times a year to raise money and get the students involved with the community. © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 12 TREASURER PENNY AN INCH Description: Sponsor a movie or dance. Charge students a penny-an-inch for admission. This could be an ongoing way of charging students for various events you have throughout the year. PENNY POOL Description: Give each class a large pickle jar. Have students put pennies (or other loose change) in the jar through out the school year. Each month the student council collects the money and gives a prize to the winning class. At the end of the year, announce the grand totals of each class and award that class with a free movie day and popcorn. PENNY WAR Description: Each classroom is given an oatmeal box in which to store their pennies. The object is for each class to fill their container with as many pennies as possible to win the prize at the end of the week, but there was one drawback, the other classes could sabotage the other classroom’s box with silver coins. The amounts of these silver coins are subtracted from the amount of pennies in the box. Each day, Student Council members count and tally each classroom’s pennies at lunchtime and the results of that day should be announced over the intercom system. At the end of the week, all the final results were announced and the winning class is awarded. PERSONALIZED ASSIGNMENT NOTEBOOKS Description: Sell personalized assignment notebooks. Call a large office supply company (Staples, Office Depot, Office Max)and they will often provide notebooks with anything you want printed on the cover, plus two pages on the inside. You could print the school rules, the school calendar and the special schedule used on assembly days. © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 13 TREASURER PUMPKIN CONTEST Description: Buy a large pumpkin and place it in a highly visible area. Students pay $.50 to guess the weight of the pumpkin. The guessing can go on for several days prior to Halloween. The closest guess receives the pumpkin. PUMPKIN PATCH Description: Parents and students buy pumpkins at a low price and sell them to the school and parish community. This activity involves lots of organization, adverting, scheduling and cooperation. REMEMBRANCE TREE Description: Buy a large Christmas tree or see if a local lot will donate one to your school. Students, teachers, parents and community members buy a light for the tree in honor of or in memory of a loved one. Lights are fifty cents for students and $2 for non-students, which are purchased from any student council member. This money can be donated to a charity. At the Remembrance Tree Lighting Ceremony, this is held on the two Sunday nights preceding Christmas vacation, have a short program that includes a Christmas reading and song. This is followed by a reception. ROOT BEER FLOAT & SUNDAE SALE Description: Have a root beer float and sundae sale once a month. The students will look forward to it and the student council provides itself with operating capital. © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 14 TREASURER SANTA’S PICTURE STUDIO Description: Prior to Christmas, the student council opens Santa’s Picture studio. It is a nice gesture for the little ones to visit with Santa and Have their picture taken with him for free. Students in the older grades can also visit Santa but pay $1 per photo. Individual and group pictures with Santa can be taken. Digital cameras and a cute backdrop make this activity easy and fun. Ask a friendly grandparent or parishioner if he’ll play Santa for you. Be sure to have candy canes for Santa to pass out to his visitors. SCHOOL-OPOLY Description: To raise money, make and sell a version of your school or town resembling “Monopoly.” Change the names of the monopoly properties to local businesses, landmarks, or places in your school. Local businesses buy spots on the boards (as a form of advertising). This covers the cost of creating the game. Sell the games for $15. Proceeds go to your school or student council fund. © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 15 TREASURER SPELL & RAISE MONEY Description: This is an easy but excellent way to raise funds for your student council. Hold a Spell-a-thon! 1. Enlist the approval and support of your moderator, principal and entire school faculty. This project will require the teachers in particular to be actively involved. 2. Ask the teachers of each grade to compose a list of 100 words their class could and should learn to spell. 3. Make enough copies of appropriate spelling lists for every student. 4. Prepare a Spelling Sponsor Sheet and attach it to the list of words. Here is an example: Student's Name Sponsor's Name Amount of Money Per Word Correct Number of Words Correct Total Donation Received 1 2 5. Pass out a list of spelling words and a spelling sponsor sheet at the beginning of the week. Instruct students to: a. Study for a test on the words on Friday morning b. Gather sponsors, write their names on the sponsor sheet and inform them that their total amount due will be based on how many words they spell correctly. c. Bring their sponsor sheets to school on Friday. It will be collected before the test is given. 6. Be sure that every teacher has an aide to help them correct the spelling test. Attach corrected spelling tests to the sponsor sheets and mark the number of words spelled correctly in RED. 7. Return the spelling sponsor sheets and test paper to the students the following week with instructions to visit their sponsors and collect pledges. **Set a deadline when all funds are due. 8. Collect all of the money and get a big THANK YOU out to all teachers and those who helped make the project successful. 9. Award prizes to the student or class that spelled the most words correctly and brought in the most money. Consider this: Calculating very conservatively, let’s say that every student in a class of 35 has three sponsors (a very small number) who promised $.05 per word. Each student spelled 80 words correct. That class would have earned $420. If eight classes in the school did equally as well the entire school would bring in $3,360 with little confusion and almost no overhead expense. © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 16 TREASURER STUDENT AUCTION Description: Over a period of a few weeks, students, teachers, and local organizations donate items to be sold. It helps if the student council publishes a list of desirable items that could be donated for the event. An auctioneer is hired and students and faculty can bid on various items. STUDENT GARDEN SERVICE Description: This is a great recreation activity for older students and also a great way to make some money for the student council fund. Distribute flyers in the neighborhoods surrounding your school that details the garden work your school service will perform i.e. weeding, raking leaves, mowing, planting flowers, mulching, etc. Don’t forget to notify parishioners too! Choose a weekend date that student will perform the garden service. You can charge a fee for each service performed or ask for donations. This activity is something your school can offer monthly or quarterly. Be sure to recruit lots of upper grade volunteers to ensure a successful gardening service. STUDENT STORE Description: Run a student store throughout the year. The store is open once a week and the income is very good. Store inventory includes pencils, notebooks, and all school supplies, shirts and sweatshirts. © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 17 TREASURER STUDENT SWAP MEET Description: Each student rents a card table from the student council for three to five dollars, sets up their wares, and is in business for an afternoon. This show is held on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. You charge 25 cents for admission (children under three are free). Make posters to advertise and place them around the school and nearby supermarkets. Also advertise in your local newspapers, Pennysaver and Catholic paper. The children keep all the money they make from their table. Clean up is easy; they just fold their tables and go home. (Parents can help.) The student council can have a bake sale at the same time and keep all the proceeds from that along with the money you collect for rental space and admission. SUMMER FILM FEST Description: Work with your newly elected officers to organize a film festival. Rent movies and show them in the school auditorium two or three times throughout the summer. Decide who you will invite and choose movies that would be appropriate and motivational. You could sell popcorn and beverages to recoup the cost of renting the movie and put a little money in the student council treasury for the new school year. Include a good discussion of the movie after each showing. Advertise in the church bulletin. TURKEY RAFFLE Description: Students purchase tickets or “chances” for $.50 each with the grand prize being able to take the turkey home for their family’s Thanksgiving dinner. Hold this fundraiser early in November to ensure that you have a few weeks to sell tickets. © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 18 TREASURER TURKEY TROT Description: To raise money for a Thanksgiving project ask community members to pledge money to benefit needy families in the district. For an hour and fifteen minutes, students and faculty members run around the track, getting a pipe cleaner every time they finish a lap. The money raised is used to buy food gift certificates for those in need. VALENTINE PROJECT Description: Run off paper lips. Sell the lips at lunch and have the buyer write the name and the homeroom of the person receiving it. On Valentine’s Day the people who receive a pair of lips may return the lips for a chocolate kiss. WE MIX, YOU BAKE Description: Make and sell chocolate chip cookie dough. Take orders a week before delivery. The dough, which is packaged by students in plastic containers, is ready for baking, refrigeration, or freezing for later use. Sell the prepackaged dough for a reasonable price. WHAT’S THE WEIGHT? Description: Each contestant tries to guess the combined weight of the students in their class. There is an entrance fee of $.50 for each guess. Have students weigh themselves in class and teachers report the class combined weight to the student council. Closest guess wins a prize. #### © The Association of Catholic Student Councils 19