The Rosary RC Primary School Behaviour Policy To be reviewed July 2011 1 As our policy for behaviour is firmly rooted in the Christian tradition we have introduced this policy with our Mission Statement. Mission Statement. Prayer and Worship are threaded through the daily life of the school and the Gospel message underpins the pursuit of academic excellence. Within the Christian community of the Rosary School: We aim to deepen the Catholic faith of our children, to foster their spiritual and moral development through the teachings of Jesus Christ, while respecting the beliefs of others in the multicultural/ multifaith society in which we live. We endeavour to promote love of learning and aim to achieve high standards across the curriculum, thus enabling each child to fulfil their potential. We strive to practise genuine forgiveness and a true generosity of spirit. Friendships are offered freely with a warm invitation and welcome to parents and visitors. We endeavour to ensure that everyone is made to feel that they can contribute and that their contributions are valued. We recognise, respect and show interest in the needs and values of every individual within the school community, thus promoting positive self-image and valuing one another’s gifts. See also the children’s version of the ‘Mission Statement’. 2 Anti-Bullying Statement In the Rosary School there is a clear and unequivocal commitment from the Head teacher, the Governing Body and all members of staff to implement an anti-bullying approach. Children are explicitly taught that deliberate, hurtful and persistently aggressive behaviour whether physical, verbal or indirect, will not be tolerated. Children are required to report any incidents of aggressive behaviour to a member of staff. Staff are trained to observe and intervene appropriately. Clear guidelines for behaviour are issued to all children at the beginning of the school year. Parents will be notified of any incidence of bullying that has involved their child. Children will write out an anti-bullying statement at the beginning of each school year. Staff will ensure this happens when children write their personal development target which is placed in the front of their RE books at the beginning of the school year. At the Rosary School class rules are drawn up with the children on the first day back in the autumn term and are displayed in the classroom. These have been agreed by the children and adults in the class and form the basis of expectations for behaviour within the class. AIMS At The Rosary School we aim: . to develop a caring and co-operative environment . to foster Christian values . for the children to have a high esteem of themselves . for children to understand the consequences of their actions . for children to respect each other as well as adults . to create a happy, safe & secure environment for all. WAYS TO PROMOTE POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR - by constant use of praise, reward and encouragement, e.g. smiles, verbal praise, as well as rewards within the class by house points by our ‘Golden Book’ b our ‘Two Stars and a Wish’ books by matching the work to the level of individual ability by careful classroom organisation which is attractive and accessible to all by giving special responsibilities by having a positive sharing time of children's work by establishing clear boundaries by remaining calm and always being consistent by establishing close home links by modelling appropriate behaviour by addressing the behaviour, not the individual and by praising appropriate behaviour 3 SUGGESTED WAYS TO HANDLE DIFFICULT BEHAVIOUR Keep calm and talk quietly. Allow a cooling down period. This prevents a confrontation with an audience watching and gives you time to think. Try to provide a place for time out within the classroom where the child feels secure and allows him/her to reflect on what has happened. Use eye contact and gesture. Remember to address the act and not the person. For example, 'You are fine, your behaviour is not fine. 'Love the sinner – hate the sin!’ Be consistent with decisions and consequences. Ask the child to go to another classroom or the Phase Leader. Send to the Head/Deputy if the behaviour persists. MONITORING BEHAVIOUR Children fill in a self evaluation of their own behaviour and how they can put things right. There are a variety of prompt sheets available in the ‘Teaching Staff’ folder on the shared area under ‘Behaviour Management Resources’. The class incident book should be used to record inappropriate behaviour. Any major incident, which occurs in the playground/classroom, must be referred to the Head Teacher/Deputy or Senior Management. Use behaviour contracts with those children who have the skills to work with them or behaviour diaries where appropriate. In cases of extreme behaviour children can be: 1. 2. 3. 4. Referred directly to the Head teacher/Deputy Head teacher or SMT if they are unavailable. Excluded from the classroom for a fixed term. Excluded from school for a fixed term. Permanent exclusion. Exclusions are taken very seriously and we hope to avoid them by home and school working together. If children do something very serious, or if they keep doing the same thing wrong, we get in touch with parents. If a child continues to behave badly - particularly violently - parents will be requested to take them home. Parents are involved if the children are unfair, or insulting, or violent to others because of their race or gender and all incidents recorded in the Racist Incident Book (kept in the Head Teacher’s office). Some children may need a special system - 'on report' - to control their behaviour. Rewards 4 or punishments for certain kinds of behaviour are discussed and made clear with the child when the system is set up. This often involves parents. If necessary the Head Teacher & class teacher will see the parents/carers to discuss ways that home and school can work together to address any behavioural difficulties. 5 Welcome to The Rosary School This booklet reminds us of our rights and responsibilities. It reminds us of the rules we have agreed and what happens if we choose to break the rules. This behaviour plan is for all the children in The Rosary. Our rights in The Rosary. At school all of us have the right....... - To be treated equally and well. To learn To be safe in the classroom and the playground. To have a voice and to be listened to with compassion and care. We have responsibilities to...... - Care for each other. Respect each other. Respect each other's belongings. Respect the school's equipment. Listen to and co-operate with each other. Work sensibly in a group. Work sensibly on our own. Try our best. Be on time. To complete homework and give it in on time Act safely. To wear the correct uniform for school & for PE. To tell if we are being bullied or we see someone else being bullied. Our rules at the Rosary School. Treatment rules. - We are polite to each other. We remember to say please, thank-you and excuse me. We say things that help people feel good about themselves. There will be no putdowns. There will be no teasing. There will be no inappropriate language. We ask to borrow other people's things and remember to give them back. We are honest and truthful. We respect others wishes. 6 Learning rules. - We take pride in our work. We put our hands up without calling out. We listen to others in a discussion. We talk one at a time in a discussion. We listen to instructions. We work quietly on our own or in a group. We ask for help if we do not understand. We organise ourselves and our work. We allow others to concentrate without disturbing them. We do our homework & hand it in on time. Safety rules. - We sit sensibly in the book corner. We sit sensibly on our chairs. We keep our hands and feet to ourselves. We use and pass all equipment safely. Moving around the school. - We always walk around the school. We keep to the correct side when using the stairs. We ask for permission before we leave the classroom. We talk softly in the corridor. We line up in our class groups in the playground when the bell is rung. We walk in from the playground quietly and without pushing. Caring for ourselves. - We make sure that we wear the correct uniform & it is clean & tidy. We do not bring sweets, fizzy drinks or chewing gum to school. We eat fruit at breaktimes. Caring for our classroom. - We take pride in our classroom. We put things back in their proper places. We look after our books carefully. We tuck in our chairs. We put all litter in the bin. We care for each other's property. 7 Playground rules. - We play gently with each other. We do not pick children up. We put our litter in the bin. We tell an adult if we have a problem. We listen to those who are trying to help. We talk politely and do not swear. We use the water sensibly. We tell an adult if we see a stranger at the fence. We do not swing or climb on the benches, tables, fences, goal posts or structures. We keep to the rules of a game. We read books in a quiet area and remember to bring them back to the classroom. We use a football if it is our turn. We stand still in silence when the first bell rings & walk to our lines in silence at the second bell. We line up sensibly at lunchtime and the helpers will take us to the dining hall. Consequences. - - If we break a school rule, there will be a consequence. Consequences will be related to the problem and will be fair. If we choose not to work in work-time, then we will be asked to work in our own time. If our work is not our best we may be asked to do it again. If we use equipment in an unsafe way, then we will have to work without it or do something else. If we damage other people's property, then our parents or carers will be informed. If we make the classroom unsafe for others, then we may lose our playtime. If we use racist comments we will be seen by the head-teacher and our parents will be informed. If we bully our parents will be informed. If we are unkind we will be asked to apologise either verbally or in writing. If we lose our playtime we will be supervised by an adult. If we choose not to work within the class rules, then we will be asked to work separately or sit away. If it continues we will be asked to work in another classroom. If our behaviour still does not improve we may be removed by the head-teacher, our parents will be informed and we may be sent home. If we cannot keep to the playground rules we will stand by the fence If the behaviour does not improve we may be sent inside and lose our play. Rewards. - When we behave well in class we will get a sticker, a special stamp or a star. When we finish our work really well and have tried our best we will get a sticker, a special stamp or a star. When we have tried very hard and our work is special we may be asked to show other teachers. When we have tried hard with our work or have behaved especially well we may be 8 - asked to see the head-teacher. When we behave well for a longer time we will get a special certificate to take home When we have worked hard and have tried our best for a longer time we will get a certificate to take home. When we have reached a special achievement we will receive a certificate at assembly. 9