16 major longitudinal studies in partnership with various other

Wellcome Trust financial commitments for core costs of major longitudinal studies
NB Biobank is not included
Cost to the Wellcome Trust
Childhood cohorts
The National Child Development Study – the
1958 birth cohort
DNA case control series
£2.0 million over five years to 2006
Core support for renewal of DNA resources and
phenotypic data
DNA resource
£4.5 million over five years to 2010
DNA resource
£1.8 million over five years to 2006
Pelotas birth cohorts, Brazil (1982-1993)
Phenotypic data continuation
£1.1 million over five years to 2008
Birth to Twenty (BT20) cohort, South Africa
Phenotypic data; blood and urine samples
£1.7 million over five years to 2007
Adult cohorts
Mexico City Prospective Study (Proyecto
Coyoacan), Mexico
Blood sample storage and analysis
£2.0 million over five and a half years to 2006
Urban Health Study, Beirut, Lebanon
Household census and phenotypic data (a-cross
sectional study of a representative household
sample in three Beirut neighbourhoods rather than a
cohort study)
£1.9 million over five years to 2009
Determinants of cardiovascular disease in
eastern Europe: a multi-centre cohort study
Phenotypic data and blood collection
£1.1 million over five years to 2007
Thai health-risk transition: a national cohort
Phenotypic data collection
£0.46 million over five years to 2009
Family cohorts/demographic surveillance
systems (DSS)
Kanchanaburi DSS
Household census and phenotypic data collection.
One year 'sunset' funding provided in 2005
£2.8 million over six and a half years to 2006
Africa Centre for Health and Population Studies
(DSS and HIV surveillance)
Household census and phenotypic data collection;
HIV surveillance
£8.3 million over six years to 2007 for the DSS
The Vertical Transmission Study, South Africa
Phenotypic data collection
£3.6 million over six years to 2007
Agincourt DSS
Household census and phenotypic data collection
£0.9 million over five years to 2008
KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme,
Kilifi, Kenya
Household census and phenotypic data collection
£12.9 million over five years to 2010 for whole
programme – DSS is part of this
Karonga DSS
Phenotypic data and DNA collection continuation
£4.35 million over five years to 2006