WS/FCS Unit Planning Organizer Subject(s) Grade/Course Unit of Study Unit Title Pacing Social Studies Grade Unit 1 Civics and Governance 13-15 days (approx.) Conceptual Lenses Rules Citizenship Conflict/Solution Authority Figures Unit Overview In this unit, students will learn about why rules are needed in the home, school, and community. They will begin to develop an understanding of good citizenship and the character traits that reflect it. Students will learn why authority figures are present in our home, school, and community, how they help maintain order, and how they provide role models for good citizenship. Students will learn about ways conflicts can be resolved. This unit includes: Why rules are needed. Classifying roles of authority figures. Resolving conflicts in homes, schools, and communities. Unit Enduring Understanding(s) Rules are needed to promote fairness and resolve conflicts in the home, school and community. Good citizenship means following rules and respecting the rights of others. Authority figures in the home, school, and community influence the wellbeing of people. There are various ways to solve differences and conflicts. Unit Essential Question(s) Why are rules important at home, school, and in the community? What is good citizenship? What is an “authority figure”? What authority figures are found in the home, school, and community? How do authority figures influence a person’s well-being? What ways can be used to solve conflicts? Essential State Standards Priority Objectives Supporting Objectives 1.C&G.1.1Explain why rules are needed in the home, school, and community. 1.C&G.1.2 Classify the roles of authority figures in the home, school, and community (teacher, principal, parents, mayor, park rangers, game warden, etc.) 1.C&G.1.3 Summarize various ways in which conflicts could be resolved in homes, schools, classrooms, and communities. “Unpacked” Concepts (students need to know) Rules are needed to ensure a safe environment in the home, school, and community. How to distinguish appropriate rules and why they are used. Good citizenship means following rules and begin respectful and considerate of those around you. The roles of authority figures. Ways to resolve conflicts. “Unpacked” Skills (students need to be able to do) Explain what rules are and why they are necessary. Give examples of rules that are appropriate for home, school, and community. Discuss the character traits of good citizenship. Explain who authority figures are, and what they do. Classify the roles of authority figures in the home, school, and community. Discuss ways in which conflicts may be resolved in the home, school, classroom, and community. COGNITION (RBT Level) Remember Understand Essential Vocabulary Enrichment Vocabulary Rules Citizenship Conflict Resolve character Appropriate Authority Figure Well-being Classify Standards Unit “Chunking” & Enduring Understandings Suggested Lesson Essential Questions Possible Factual Content 1.C&G.1.1 Explain why rules are needed in the home, school, and community. Rules are needed to promote fairness and resolve conflicts in the home, school, and community. I can explain why rules are needed. Rules are needed to promote fairness and resolve conflicts. Rules in a board game I can explain how rules are made to ensure a safe society. Rules are made to ensure a safe society in the home, school and community. Taking care of oneself, respect for the rights of others, following rules, and getting along with others, etc. I can distinguish appropriate rules and explain why they are used. Distinguish appropriate rules and why they are used. . I can explain the importance of home, school and community rules to a society. The importance of Driving on home, school and right side of community rules the street, etc. to a society. Authority figures 1.C&G.1.2 in the home, Classify the roles of authority school, and community I can identify the roles and responsibilities of authority figures in the home. Roles and responsibilities of people with authority in home. Example(s) from Unpacked Standards Parents (grandparents, guardians, figures in the home, school and community (teacher, principal, parents, mayor, park rangers, game wardens, etc.) influence the wellbeing of people. etc). I can identify notable authority leaders of the home. I can identify the roles and responsibilities of authority figures in the school. I can identify notable authority leaders of the school. I can identify the roles and responsibilities of authority figures in the community. 1.C&G.1.3 Summarize various ways in which conflicts could be resolved in homes, schools, classroom, and communities. I can identify notable authority leaders of the school. Conflicts are often I can identify and explain solved. conflict. I can explain various ways to solve differences in conflict. Roles and responsibilities of people with authority in the school. Teachers, principals, assistant principals, etc. Roles and responsibilities of people with authority in the community. Mayor, park rangers, wardens, etc. Definition of conflict. There are various ways to solve differences in conflict in homes, schools, e.g. Majority rule classrooms, and communities. I can explain various ways to manage conflict and promote equality, justice and responsibility in homes, schools, classrooms. There are various ways that individuals, groups, and communities manage conflict and promote equality, justice and responsibility in homes, schools, classroom and communities.