Code of Ethics - Hunter College

Code of Ethics Assignments
Overview of Code of Ethics Within Research Methodology, COCO 709
All graduate counseling students must study and know the code of ethics related to their own profession. Hunter College,
Rehabilitation Counseling (HRC) students must know and use the code of ethics established by the Commission on Rehabilitation
Counselor Certification (CRCC). This requirement correlates to the Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE) Standard, C.1,
relating to knowledge of appropriate CRCC ethics and their purpose in the profession, and Standard C.1.4. relating to the practice of
rehabilitation counseling in an ethical manner that adheres to the Code of Professional Ethics and Scope of Practice for the profession.
It is the purpose of the teaching assignment to insure that each student in the HRC knows and understands the code of ethics so
that the rehabilitation counseling student accepts his or her responsibility to provide caring services to individuals with disabilities
while always acting within the guidelines of the code when in practice or in life. It is expected that the rehabilitation counselor must be
familiar with and be able to follow the code relative to:
The counseling relationship
Confidentiality, privileged communication and privacy
Advocacy and accessibility
Professional responsibility
Relationships with other professionals
Forensic and indirect services
Evaluation, assessment, and interpretation
Teaching, supervision and training
Research and publication
Technology and distance counseling
Business practices, and,
Resolving ethical issues
All counseling students, mental health, rehabilitation and school counseling, learn about their own appropriate code of ethics
within many of the counseling courses in the program, as Counseling Skills, Psychosocial Aspects of Disability and all “clinical”
courses as Internship. However, the overview of the topic is taught within the Research Methodology course, COCO 709 since ethics
are involved in the ability to do research on a topic, select appropriate subjects for a study, use sensitivity to a person’s background
and disability and know how to interpret findings in an appropriate manner. It is felt that a complete overview of ethics is an
appropriate match to research since students must understand the need to follow standards for conduct and behavior within research
and the overall counseling profession.
Part 1. Knowing how to access the Code of Ethics and Understanding the Appropriate Code of Ethics (Standard C.1 and
Each HRC student must know and use the CRCC code of ethics.
Students are expected to download the online, free copy of their respective code of ethics, read it, attend the second class
lecture and discussion on the code(s) of ethics and each student must develop a four (4) page paper, using APA format, on their
understanding of their own code of ethics and submit the paper to the course instructor by the fourth week of class. The paper will
account for 10% of the grade. The paper is graded based on the student’s understanding of the code, use of material from the code and
their ability to present the data in a succinct, cogent manner.
The specific assignment that each student is expected to produce includes the development of a four-page double spaced paper
following APA format without an “Abstract” or a “Reference” section, entitled “Code of Ethics Term Paper, that covers the following:
 How you perceive the value of a code of ethics to your role as a counselor and the counseling relationship? (Standard C.1.)
 How do you perceive a code of ethics impacting confidentiality, communication and privacy? (Standard C.1.4)
 How do you perceive a code of ethics impacting your working relationship with other professionals outside of your own
profession? (Standard C.1.4)
Part 2. Demonstrating knowledge of confidentiality, privileged communication, privacy, professional responsibility and
resolving ethical dilemmas. (Standard C.1.)
The midterm examination contains two questions specific to confidentiality, privileged communication, privacy, professional
responsibility and resolving ethical dilemmas since all of these topics relate to research methodology via development of hypothesis,
selection of subjects, confidentiality and anonymity to subjects while interpreting data in a meaningful manner without harming
subjects. The two questions will account for 5% of the overall course grade for each student since the questions will be graded
independently of the full midterm examination.
The two midterm questions are:
a. Discuss the ethical concerns of confidentiality and privacy as they relate to the selection of subjects for a research design.
b. Does the researcher have a professional responsibility to research subjects and, if so, is that communication of a privileged
nature? .
Part 3. Demonstrating knowledge of evaluation, assessment and interpretation, research, publication and technology as these
code issues relate to research. (Standard C.1.4)
The final examination contains two questions specific to knowledge of evaluation, assessment and interpretation, research
publication and technology since each is germane and specific to research methodology and use of research. The two questions will
account for 5% of the overall course grade for each student since the questions will be graded independently of the full midterm
The two final examination questions are:
a. Does the researcher share evaluation and assessment of data with research subjects under the heading of ethics and, if so, when
and how are these topics discussed?
b. Is there ever a time when the researcher can use specific information about a subject in a published research paper or public
forum, as the individual’s name, nature of their disability or other pertinent identifying data?
Step 4. The instructor will tabulate the results of the written code of ethics paper assignment for each student, the results of
each student’s performance on the midterm two questions relative to ethics and the results of each student’s performance on
the final examination two questions relative to ethics. The results of each student’s performance on all three topics specifically
related to ethics will be tabulated and a single score (mean score) will be developed and submitted to the School of Education
for inclusion of data to CORE. (Standard C.1 and Standard C.1.4)
The overall worth of each component is as follows:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Code of Ethics four page Term Paper
Two code of ethics midterm questions
Two code of ethics final examination questions
Summary and mean of all three above items,
for each student
Verbal statement of each component for each student:
Exceeds awareness of standard
At appropriate level of awareness of standard
Approaches level of awareness of standard
Below appropriate level of awareness
below 13%
The overall value of each student’s performance relates to their ability to understand the purpose and use of the code of ethics as
discussed and used in COCO 709, Research Methodology.
It should be noted that the Code of Ethics “overall worth” is independent of the student grade for the course. The “overall worth” is
used solely as a measure of student learning to meet CORE standards.
COCO 709
Research Methodology
Code of Ethics Analysis
Performance Criteria
CORE Standards C.1 & C1.4
(10% of CORE Ethics Standard)
Student told to obtain
Code of ethics, read item &
Write a 4 page Term Paper
using APA format via
instructor and syllabus
CORE Standard C.1
(5% of CORE Ethics Standard)
Student completed the
midterm examination and
responded to the two (2)
questions related to confidentiality, privileged comm.unication, privacy, professional responsibility & resolving ethical dilemmas.
CORE Standard C.1.4
(5% of CORE Ethics Standard)
Student completed the
final examination and
responded to the two (2)
questions related to evaluation, assessment, interpretation of research, publication and technology.
CORE Standard C.1.1 & 1.4
(CORE Standard from 0% to 20%)
Overall student awareness of Code of Ethics
Below Standard
Approaching Standard
Meets Standard
Exceeds Standard
Student did not find
or read code of ethics
and/or did not write paper
and/or produce a paper
relevant to topic.
Student found and read
code of ethics but produced
a paper discussing personal
value only or only part of
impact on other professions
or work relations with others.
Student found and read
the code of ethics and
produced an appropriate
four-page paper discussing standards and
responding to all 3
sections of assignment.
Student found and read
the code of ethics and
produced an in-depth &
insightful paper demonstrating an in-depth awareness
of the topic beyond just
responding to 3 sections of
required paper.
Student took the
examination but failed
to answer either
question appropriately
and received no credit
for their answers.
Student took the examination but only completed
one of the two questions
properly, or only completed
both questions partially
Student took the exam- Student took the examination and completed
ination and completed
both questions properly questions properly &
by answering questions added additional material
completely with an
to their response providing
understanding of the
additional depth in a clear
and precise manner.
Student took the
examination but failed
to answer either
question appropriately
and received no credit
for their answers.
Student took the examination but only completed
one of the two questions
properly, or only completed
both questions partially
Student took the examination and completed
both questions properly
by answering questions
completely with an
understanding of the
Student took the examination and completed
questions properly &
added additional material
to their response providing
additional depth in a clear
and precise manner.
Student exhibited below
standard awareness
of code (below 13%)
Student exhibited fair
awareness of code (1314%)
Student exhibited
appropriate awareness of code (15-18%)
Student exhibited
complete awareness of code (19-20%)