EVOLUTION - Department of Zoology

JUNE 2000
I would like to introduce myself to all those who I have not met already. My
name is Clair Castle and I have now settled into my post as Librarian at the
Balfour & Newton Library. I joined the Department of Zoology in March 2000,
having previously been in post as Senior Library Assistant at the Marshall
Library of Economics, University of Cambridge.
This bulletin is the first of regular bulletins I will be putting together, probably
once every two months. I will circulate it initially via email, but I want to
eventually publish it on the Library’s Web page. Its aim is to communicate and
promote the activities of the Library to our readers, and to encourage
feedback and communication from you all.
Any comments on this first, trial issue would be most welcome, my contact
details follow at the end of the bulletin.
I hope that the Balfour Bulletin will evolve into a useful and informative
publication for everybody.
Recent accessions
Missing books and other volumes
Web site review
---------------------------------------------------------------------RECENT ACCESSIONS
Here is a list of what the Library has acquired since January 2000. In future,
the list will only include those items acquired in the months since the last
New books are usually shelved on the New Books Shelf, otherwise at the
number given:
*Books / Pamphlets*
Ananthakrishnan, T. N. & Sen, Alok [eds.], Biocommunication in insects.
Enfield: Science Publishers; 1998. Q.7 (50)
Bassompierre, Marc, In vitro protein digestion in fish. Aalborg: Aalborg
University; 1997. V.5 (16)
Behrensmeyer, Anna K. [et al.], Terrestrial ecosystems through time:
evolutionary paleoecology of terrestrial plants and animals. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press; 1992. GJ.8 (5)
Bryant, Dirk [et al.], Reefs at risk: a map-based indicator of threats to the
world’s coral reefs. New York: World Resources Institute; 1999. qGHN (33)
Corbet, Philip S., Dragonflies: behaviour and ecology of Odonata. Colchester:
Harley Books; 1999. QC (15)
Davies, N. B., Cuckoos, cowbirds and other cheats. London: T. & A. D.
Poyser; 2000. KQ (7)
Duckworth, J. W., Salter, R. E., & Khounboline, K. [compilers], Wildlife in Lao
PDR: 1999 status report. Vientiane: IUCN; 1999. qGGW (53)
Dudley, Robert, The mechanics of insect flight: form, function, evolution.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press; 2000. Q.5 (77)
Durbin, R. [et al.], Biological sequence analysis: probabilistic models of
proteins and nucleic acids. Cambridge: CUP; 1998. EM (79)
Edwards, P. J., May, R. M., & Webb, N. R. [eds.], Large-scale ecology and
conservation biology. Oxford: Blackwell Science; 1994. GGW (149)
Green, Edmund, & Shirley, Frances, The global trade in coral. Cambridge:
World Conservation Monitoring Centre; 1999. qGHN (32)
Harvey, Paul H. [ed., et al.], New uses for new phylogenies. Oxford: OUP;
1996. EO (274)
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, International Code of
Zoological Nomenclature, Fourth edition, adopted by the International Union
of Biological Sciences. London: ICZN; 1999. D.15 (20b)
Janis, Christine M., Scott, Kathleen M., & Jacobs, Louis L. [eds.], Evolution of
tertiary mammals of North America. Volume 1: Terrestrial carnivores,
ungulates, and ungulatelike mammals. Cambridge: CUP; 1998. qUU (14)
Kandel, Eric R., Schwartz, James H., & Jessell, Thomas M. [eds.], Principles
of neural science, 4th ed., New York: McGraw Hill; 2000. qGF (7d)
Keller, Laurent [ed.], Levels of selection in evolution. Princeton: Princeton
University Press; 1999. EO (275) (two copies)
Konings, Ad, Konings’s book of cichlids and all the other fishes of Lake
Malawi. Neptune City, N.J.: T. F. H. Publications; 1990. qVVV (1)
MacPhee, Ross D. E. [ed.], Extinctions in near time: causes, contexts, and
consequences. New York: Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers; 1999. GJB
Mrosovsky, N. Sustainable use of Hawksbill turtles: contemporary issues in
conservation illustrated by the case of Cuba’s proposal to CITES, together
with remarks about whales, rhinos, elephants, crocodiles, and hutias. Darwin:
Key Centre for Tropical Wildlife Management; 2000. WN (8)
Ross, Kenneth G., & Matthews, Robert W. [eds.], The social biology of wasps.
Ithaca, N.Y.: Comstock Publishing Association; 1991. QJC (19) (another
Solomon, Nancy G., & French, Jeffrey A. [eds.], Cooperative breeding in
mammals. Cambridge: CUP; 1997. GFU (255)
Sparks, Tim [ed.], Statistics in ecotoxicology. Chichester: Wiley; 2000. EJ (77)
Speight, Martin R., Hunter, Mark D., & Watt, Alan D., Ecology of insects:
concepts and applications. Oxford: Blackwell Science; 1999. Q.8 (40)
Vrba, Elisabeth S. [ed., et al.], Paleoclimate and evolution, with emphasis on
human origins. New Haven: Yale University Press; 1995. qGJ.8 (1)
Wackernagel, Hans, Multivariate geostatistics: an introduction
applications. 2nd, completely rev. ed. Berlin: Springer; 1998. EBB (60)
Walls, Jerry G., Jewels of the rainforest: poison frogs of the family
dendrobatidae. Neptune City, N.J.: T. F. H. Publications; 1994. qWJV (1)
Waterman, Talbot H., Animal navigation. New York: Scientific American
Library; 1989. GFM (21) (another copy)
Wells, David R., The birds of the Thai-Malay peninsula: covering Burma and
Thailand south of the eleventh parallel, Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore.
Volume 1: Non-Passerines. San Diego: Academic Press; 1999. KZ.595 (3)
Wells, Martin, Civilization and the limpet. Reading, M.A.: Perseus Books;
1998. GHN (163)
*Cambridge Theses*
Adair, Dominic Edward, [PhD Thesis] Physiological senescence, predatory
pressure and the foraging behaviour of bees. Cambridge: 2000. Thesis (268)
Braendle, Christian, [PhD Thesis] The ecology of polyphenism in a soldierproducing aphid. Cambridge: 1999. Thesis (265)
Brotherton, Peter Nicolas Meade, [PhD Thesis] The evolution of monogamy in
the Dik-dik. Cambridge: 1994. Thesis (264)
Faisal, Ahmed Aldo, [MPhil Thesis] Control of righting behaviour in locusts.
Cambridge: 1999. Thesis (267)
Jeffery, Jonathan, [PhD Thesis], The morphology and phylogeny of the
European members of order Rhizondontida (Pisces: Sarcopterygii).
Cambridge: 1998. Thesis (262)
McIvor, Anna, [MPhil Thesis] Ecology and waterway management in the
conservation of Pseudoanodonta complanata. Cambridge: 1999. Thesis (266)
Morris, Oliver Talwin, [PhD Thesis] Roles of proprioceptive feedback in the
locust. Cambridge: 2000. Thesis (269)
Ott, Swidbert R., [PhD Thesis] Functional neuroanatomy of nitric oxide
signalling in the thoracic nervous system of the locust. Cambridge: 2000.
Thesis (270)
Tytell, Eric, [MA Thesis], Vortex wakes of flying insects: errors in impulse
estimates using particle velocimetry. Cambridge: 1999. Thesis (263)
*New hardback journals not on display but shelved in the journals collection*
Advances in Ecological Research, 2000, vol. 30. B.136
Advances in Second Messenger and Phosphoprotein Research, 1999, vol.
33. B.202
Advances in the Study of Behavior, 2000, vol. 29. B.153
Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 1999, vol. 30. B.233
Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 1998, vol. 63. B.80
Current Topics in Developmental Biology, 2000, vols. 47 & 48. B.226
Evolutionary Biology, 2000, vol.31. B.176
---------------------------------------------------------------------MISSING BOOKS AND OTHER VOLUMES
If you come across any of these, please return them to the Library Office
straight away:
*Journal volumes*
Advances in the Study of Behaviour, 1992, vol. 21
Animal Behaviour, 1992, vol. 44
Behaviour, 1995, vol. 132
Behavioural Ecology, 1999, vol. 10, issue 1
Benton / The phylogeny and classification of the tetrapods, vol. 1. W (22)
Martin / Quaternary extinctions. GJB (17)
Wrangham / Chimpanzee cultures. GFU (245)
Zigmond / Fundamental neuroscience. qGF (10) - Overnight Loan Shelf book
*Changes to BIDS service*
Please see also the emails I have already circulated on this (dated 22nd May).
To summarise: the Web of Science is the new Web-based service that will
replace the old BIDS service for access to ISI citation indexes. It is important
for users to become familiar with the new service before 1 st August, which is
when it will become the only service available. Up until that time, the two
services are running in tandem so users can familiarise themselves with the
new one.
The content of the new service is essentially the same, although there are
new features. Telnet connections to the new service will no longer exist; use
will only be possible via the Web.
Access for University of Cambridge users is at http://wos.mimas.ac.uk, using
your ATHENS password (this is the usual BIDS password, if you haven’t got
one or aren’t sure, please register in the Library Office for one – people must
do this individually).
I intend to attend a training course on how to use the new service and to
provide information on searching and so on for our readers.
More information can be found in the University Computing Service
Newsletter 204 (April 2000) at http://www.cam.ac.uk/CS/Newsletter/
*Library networking*
Thank you all for your patience during the often disruptive work that took
place in the Library at the end of the Easter vacation. Much of the work to
install new network and electrical cabling for new computing equipment was
completed, but the last stage of the work will take place in the Summer
vacation. Watch this space for more details of the work and the new facilities
we aim to provide.
*Oxford English Dictionary Online *
available via the University Library’s Home Page. Follow the links for
Electronic Services, then Online Databases.
This database contains the full text of the second edition of the Oxford English
Dictionary – a full subscription to this database is being arranged. Click on
Sign In to search the database.
*Nature online*
This is still available via the University Library’s A-Z list of electronic journals,
but for a trial period only. I am currently investigating how long the trial will last
– watch this space for more details. Follow the links for Electronic Services,
then Electronic Journals.
---------------------------------------------------------------------WEB SITE REVIEW
MarLIN (The Marine Life Information Network for Britain & Ireland) is an
initiative of the Marine Biological Association of the UK in collaboration with
the major holders and users of marine data. It provides a comprehensive and
easy to use source of information about marine habitats, communities and
species in Britain and Ireland.
MarLIN’s research is published on their Web site, including reports that can
be downloaded. An extensive links section also features, to Web sites relating
to marine environmental management, protection and education.
The Essex Wildlife Trust is a charity that manages 93 nature reserves, gives
advice on wildlife problems, campaigns on wildlife issues and runs 5 visitor
centres. There are 15 Local Trust Groups across Essex that organise local
events, help manage nature reserves, and carry out fund-raising activities.
Pages on the site include: About the Trust, News and Projects, Reserves and
Centres, Local Trust Groups and Wildlife Information. Of particular interest is
the About Wildlife link. It provides Guidance on Wildlife Topics (for example,
Helping hedgehogs, Coping with bees and wasps, Making a wildlife pond),
and Information about Wildlife (Birds, Insects and Mammals, for example,
Common garden birds, Common butterflies).
CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild
Fauna and Flora) came into force on 1 July 1975, after concern about the
billion dollar international wildlife trade which had caused a huge decrease in
the numbers of many species of plants and animals Its current membership of
150 countries bans commercial international trade in an agreed list of
endangered species, and regulates and monitors trade in other species that
may become endangered.
Pages include: About CITES, CITES Bodies (e.g. Plants, Animals,
Nomenclature Committees), CITES Programmes (e.g. Monitoring Elephants),
Conference of the Parties, CITES Databases (includes a CITES Listed
Species Databases for Fauna and Flora, and Other Conservation Databases),
The site is published in French, Spanish and English.
This comprehensive site offers 15 different book trade services, enabling you
to locate, buy and sell second-hand and antiquarian books online worldwide.
This site provides a useful list of University of Cambridge Full Term dates to
If there are any sites you think would be useful to include here, or if you would
like to review any yourself, please let us know.
Comments and suggestions would be especially welcome regarding this first
issue of the Balfour Bulletin. Is there anything you would like to see included
here? Do you have any suggestions for improvement? Also, if you want to
know more about items mentioned in the Bulletin, please let us know, our
contact details follow:
Clair Castle
Email cmc32@cam.ac.uk
Jane Acred
Assistant Librarian
Balfour & Newton Library
Tel. (3)36648