RT Definition

Summarized Strategic Plan for Research Teams Attached to the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y
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Institute: Historia
Research Team: Recent History of the Hispanic World GRISPAN
Team Leader: José Andrés-Gallego
Keywords: History, Latin America, Spain, The Philippines, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific, Society,
RT Definition
Research Line: Social and Cultural History of Spain and Latin America in the 20th Century
Secondary Research Lines: Cross cultural trends between Spain and America. Common
mindsets in the Hispanic world. Cultural interaction between Europe and America through Spain.
Brief description of scientific objectives: This RT seeks to understand the cultural trends and
common influences characterizing the existence of the Hispanic geographical and historical
world, highlighting the inclusion of Spain in this world and the role played by Europe, partially via
Spain. The RT members focus on cultural influences (lifestyles, attitudes, social and religious
feelings) that allow us to recognize the existence of a common mental –and factual– universe. It
is particularly important to analyze the most significant elements which reveal a cultural unity, key
in worldwide development during the 19th Century and presumably orchestrated around large
civilization blocks –and subgroups. Among our objectives, it is worth mentioning the role played
by large migrations during the 20th Century going from North to South and their impact as
disintegrating or integrating factors, depending on the case at hand– in the Hispanic world. We
are also particularly interested in the concept of a “Hispanic world” as an integrating element
across the ocean, both in American migration to European countries and in the Spanish presence
in the American republics, always keeping in mind how the Philippines have served historically as
bridgehead with Asia. In any case, our analysis will be historical and not sociological, searching
for common roots–for constant elements and changes alike. The chronological frame will be
preferably the 20th Century, but we usually extend it to the 18th and 19th centuries, never limiting
ourselves to the academic periodisation used when teaching History. In some cases, the study of
the present with a historical perspective forces us to go back, for instance, to the Indo European
origins or Mesolithic DNA insofar as these contribute to understanding today’s ethnic plurality in
the Hispanic world.
RT Make-up
Official Scientific Staff: José Andrés-Gallego (RP); Antón M. Pazos (TS)
Non-official Postdoctoral Staff: (name, type of contract or scholarship, start and end dates)
Non-official Pre-doctoral Staff: Almudena Sánchez Camacho, MEC Pre-doctoral Scholarship,
Scientific Staff Attached to Other Centers 1 (name, position, institution): Luis de Llera Esteban,
professor (=professore di prima facia), Università degli Studi di Genova.
Research Support Staff 2.
To include only those exclusively or preferentially identified as Team members and not participating in any other
2 Staff members intervening regularly in the RT’s research tasks.
Current Research Projects
Política cultural del primer franquismo. Cultural archives; MEC; BHA2003-09878-C02-01;
24,000€; 2003-2006; José Andrés-Gallego.
Política cultural del primer franquismo. Religious archives; MEC; BHA2003-09878-C02-02;
20,000€; 2003-2006; Antón M. Pazos
Current RT Contracts and Agreements with Public or Private Institutions
5th High Specialization Master´s Programme on History of the Hispanic World; 90,000€;
November 20, 2006.
RT’s External Relations
a).- Research Networks:
Aedos (“Asociación de Estudios Interdisciplinares”; José Andrés-Gallego belongs to the
History Chapter or Section and, as founding member of the organization, he also belongs to the
Anthropology, Bioethics, Communication, Economics, Education, Aesthetics, Family, History,
Legal and Social chapters) (www.aedos-dsi.com)
Universitas: Asociación para la Investigación y la Docencia (José Andrés-Gallego is an
honorary member and frequent collaborator). (www.asociacion-universitas.es).
University departments directly or indirectly involved in the RT’s subject areas and which
maintain regular contact with the RT have not been included herein due to their high number and
the frequency of contacts of this sort in every RT.
Neither have we included those associations to which RT researchers belong to.
Commission Internationale d’Histoire et d’Études du Christianisme (José Andrés-Gallego
is alternate member and Antón M. Pazos is vice chairman).
Università degli Studi di Genova (José Andrés-Gallego is member of the Doctorate
Academic Council.)
Instituto de Cultura at Fundación Mapfre (José Andrés-Gallego keeps in touch with more
than four hundred Hispanists from Asia, America and Europe.)
Afroamérica México A.C. (José Andrés-Gallego is consulting member.)
Studium Generale Marcianum, Venice (José Andrés-Gallego is member of the Consiglio
Scientifico Superiore Internazionale.)
b).- Associated Units:
c).- Participation in projects, contracts or agreements outside the CSIC:
Presently and in place are the Master’s Programme for High Specialization in the History
of the Hispanic World, Universidad de Castellón (José Andrés-Gallego is member of the Master’s
Programme Board of Directors.)
Forecast and Substantiation of the RT’s Growth during 2006-2009
The RT plans to develop research networks focused on the following tasks:
1. Consolidating and developing the network already in place and made up by participants in
the four editions of the high specialization master’s programme. Former students from the
master’s programme work at universities and research centres in almost every American republic,
which allows us to set a consistent working network, since the tools needed for social and
historical analysis learned at the master’s programme facilitate a common working methodology.
So far, some joint publications have materialized in magazines and books devoted to research
topics covered by each master’s programme. Our plan is to establish a working network between
Spain and America covering around twenty research centres focusing on common issues relative
to cultural and social reality in the Hispanic world. A Panamerican work meeting has been
scheduled for next year in America–possibly in Caracas.
2. The Commission Internationale d’Histoire et d’Études du Christianisme has shown great
interest in promoting research centres and associations devoted to social history and history of
mindsets in Latin America. Two team researchers are Adviser and Vice Chairman of the
International Commission, and we hope to consolidate the RT’s work in this line as well by
launching several international conferences and joint research projects in our professional
geographical context.
Future Research Projects
1. Documentary project: Civil War Archives. Gomá Archive. Volumes 11-14.
1. Multidisciplinary study (and subsequent publication) on the nationalist phenomenon in general
and that of Hispanic and Spanish nationalism in particular, by Aedos and both European and
American researchers.
Contracts and Agreements with Public or Private Institutions Planned by the RT
4th Agreement for the International Dissemination of the Gomá Archive (Ministry of Culture)
External Relations Planned by the RT (do not include coordinated projects or similar)
a).- Research Networks:
Those involved in the projects described above.
Asides from the networks mentioned in the previous sections, it is worth mentioning the Studium
Superiore Marcianum which hosts the International Center for Studies on the Eastern World–
called Oasis, which publishes a magazine named after it–, to whose editorial committee belongs
José Andrés-Gallego, and which has favored our relations (materialized in two-day meetings
every year, the last held in Cairo in June 2006) with more than fifty multidisciplinary researchers
who reflect together on relations between East and West. The RT would like to further this activity
(with Oasis) during the next three years, fully addressing the study of Islam in its Hispanic
dimension, and encouraged by members of the said Oasis team.
b).- Associated Units:
c).- Participation in projects, contracts or agreements outside the CSIC:
Those already mentioned herein in previous sections.
Scientific Production Planned by the RT
Total scientific production for 2006-09. Figures belong to the 2004-2006
Books (monographs, editor or coordinator):
- Domestic
- Internacional
Book Chapters:
- Domestic
- Internacional
- Domestic magazines
- International magazines
Participation in editorial scientific committees:
- Domestic
- International
Scientific meetings (1):
- Domestic
- International
- Exhibitions
- Scientific dissemination (textbooks or high dissemination papers, internet
Forecast No.:
( 1: only organization and guest seminars / communications)
Teaching and Postgraduate Activities Planned by the RT
Doctorate Courses
Postgraduate and Specialization Courses
Conducted and read doctoral theses
Forecast No.: