EARLY CAREER TEACHER SUPPORT Grammar – Resources Teaching Strategies 2010 DEC See Literacy – Language Conventions A Grammar Companion for Teachers by Beverly Derewianka Publication If you only have one Grammar resource this would be it. The Grammar Dictionary – 250 terms, explained and illustrated with real-life texts Publication Education Services Australia – ESA – (National) Main national site for resources Education Services Australia is a ministerial company established by the Ministerial Council of Education, Early Childhood Development and Youth Affairs (MCEEDYA). The company membership comprises all Australian Ministers with responsibility for education. ESA brands: curriculumpress Reading Enriches Learning Curriculum Bytes Maths300 Resourcebank Centre for Excellence National Partnership on Improving Teaching Quality EARLY CAREER TEACHER SUPPORT NDLRN – National Digital Learning Resources Network – part of ESA see above (National) Assessment objects are interactive resources that support formative assessment. Learning Objects Resources from partner organisations have been sourced from leading Australian and New Zealand cultural and scientific institutions and private collections. There are moving images from documentaries, feature films, newsreels and television programs; still images such as photographs, artworks, posters, maps, documents and cartoons; and sound files such as speeches, songs, radio broadcasts and interviews. Home page Collections bring together up to 30 interactive, assessment and other resources with similar themes and subthemes drawn from the curriculum. Teacher ideas highlight ways that teachers use resources in their learning programs to inspire and challenge their students. Units of work are sets of activities and worksheets for a range of curriculum areas. Open-ended tools such as Open Explorer Builder and Snappyenable teachers and students to create their own learning resources. Centre for Excellence National Partnership on Improving Teaching Quality EARLY CAREER TEACHER SUPPORT English syllabus K-6 – Board of Studies NSW BOS English K-6 Modules - Board of Studies NSW BOS Tale – Teaching & Learning Exchange DEC Database of teaching resources Literacy continuum (K-6) DEC NB: This draft continuum will be revised and extended to Year 10. This continuum defines eight aspects of literacy found in the research to be critical to successful literacy acquisition. It describes the development typically expected of most students in the eight aspects : Reading texts Comprehension Vocabulary knowledge Aspects of writing Aspects of speaking Phonics Phonemic awareness Concepts about print Interactive version Interactive version further info in downloads for each cluster Centre for Excellence National Partnership on Improving Teaching Quality EARLY CAREER TEACHER SUPPORT DEC Literacy Website developed by the Literacy Unit. DEC The Literacy Unit at Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre leads the Department’s actions and responses to core literacy issues under the Office of Schools Plan 2009-2011 and the State’s Literacy K-12 Policy. The Literacy Unit provides literacy professional learning support, materials and programs for regions, schools and teachers. DEC Literacy Publications Main website which contains links to all literacy publications DEC In this section, you will find publications organised from new literacy publications to publications developed under the previous NSW State Literacy Strategy and finally literacy support materials for parents. \ You will find publications organised under the following headings: New literacy publications Best Start publications Publications developed under the previous NSW State Literacy Strategy. This guide, An introduction to quality literacy teaching, provides advice for teachers from Kindergarten to Year 12 on what can be considered the cornerstones of quality literacy teaching in NSW public schools, that is, literacy teaching that is explicit, systematic, balanced and integrated. DEC New Literacy professional learning packages and resources DEC Professional learning packages are collections of related learning materials assembled under particular topics. The contents of these new packages may include video presentations, professional reading, bibliographies, teaching ideas or professional learning suggestions. Centre for Excellence National Partnership on Improving Teaching Quality