What is Methanol Poisoning? - UK Aspartame Awareness Campaign

Methanol Poisoning:
One table spoonful (10ml) will make you blind – 3 tablespoonfuls (30ml) can be FATAL.
Up to 1983 methanol poisoning could occur from the industrial handling of pure methanol,
ingestion of commercial products like Screen wash, anti freeze etc. and from accidental or
deliberate consumption of neat methanol or adulterated potable alcohol – another name for pure
methanol is Wood Alcohol.
In 1983, COT, now our Food Standards Agency (FSA) surreptitiously introduced another more
dangerous source of methanol into our diet –Free Methanol delivered from Aspartame; FSA are
under the misguided impression, that the Free Methanol from aspartame is same as Methanol found
in Nature and that the body can handle small amounts of methanol safely – This is nonsense and is
part of the aspartame industry jargon which is still in use today, as a result of this belief, COT did
not take the severe toxicity of free methanol into account when they set their ADI for aspartame at
40mg/kg in 1983. When we take it into account today the ADI should only be 1.42mg/kg – 35
times lower!
In the section What is Methanol? we explain in layman’s terms why free methanol is not the same
as natural methanol and how we are harmed by it, also why, due to its cumulative effect even the
smallest amount of methanol consumed and its slow elimination from the body causes a cumulative
effect build-up of methanol in our bodies, gradually causing symptoms very similar to that of
methanol poisoning!. Due to our unique genetic and metabolic make up individuals can tolerate
methanol at hugely differing levels - I began suffering symptoms recently, whilst my wife of 47
years, who consumes the same food as me, so far has no symptom at all – I stopped consuming
anything containing aspartame and my symptoms have practically all gone.
In an EFSA National aspartame Experts report in March 2010, they analysed the cases of 1059
people who believe they suffered harm through the consumption of aspartame sweetened products;
EFSA scientists classify these cases as “anecdotal evidence”. The National Experts could find no
value in the results of the analysis of the anecdotal evidence, other than to say, that the data would
be “useful in pointing the way to further studies” I would like to share with you some of the
symptoms reported by the “anecdotal evidence” sufferers in the report:Headache*/ Dizziness and Giddiness/ Mild Cognitive disorder*/ Recurrent Depressive disorder* /
Epilepsy / Cognitive function awareness* / Joint Pains* / Irritability and Anger* / Panic Disorder* /
Nausea and Vomiting* / Insomnia / Malaise and Fatigue*/ Palpitations* / Speech disturbances* /
Functional diarrhoea / Abdominal and pelvic Pain* / Tinnitus, Blindness and low vision / Irritant
contact dermatitis / Somnolence, stupor and coma
The12 symptoms recorded >10% of the time are marked with an asterisk*
All these are classic symptoms of methanol poisoning reported by people in paragraph one above;
they have also been recorded in people suffering from Diabetes and MS; Since our GP’s are
unaware, that all their patients are snacking on methanol from aspartame every day, so cannot take
it into consideration in any diagnosis. - Could it just be possible that some understandable
misdiagnosis of Diabetes or MS could be occurring??
In the absence of any large scale abuse of methanol accidental or deliberate we must ask ourselves
where the “anecdotal evidence” cases come, what is poisoning them? particularly since the sufferers
are ordinary people from all walks of life - Natural methanol does us no harm, Pure methanol abuse
or accidents are rare and are isolated cases of acute poisoning, that leaves only one other methanol
source to consider – aspartame.
There is no doubt that there is a large group of people in our society today who are suffering this
range of symptoms, some very severe, who do not realise that the cause may simply be long term
methanol poisoning, and the cure is also simple – Stop consuming the only other source of
methanol in the diet - aspartame.
In the section “anecdotal evidence” we set out what we believe to be the 5 groups of people that
exist in the UK / EU and the World today who are suffering methanol poisoning without realising
it; the key factor in the whole process of the poisoning, is that our GP’s and other Medical
Professionals, with very few exceptions, are totally unaware that every one of their patients, is
consuming small daily amounts of methanol in their diet from aspartame consumption, without
realising it. The GP’s and other medical professionals are also unaware of this danger from
aspartame - when they look it up in their journals, the FSA always declares it safe!!
The only cure for methanol poisoning from a one shot pure methanol doses is to mimic nature’s
way - interrupt the metabolic pathway. This has to be done very quickly after ingestion if it is to be
successful and there are only two chemicals which can be used –Ethanol and Fomepizole. One or
other of these has to be injected intravenously in small measured doses over a long time as the
methanol clears the system. As in nature these injections are designed to interrupt the metabolic
process and prevent the pure methanol metabolising into formaldehyde and Formic acid.
The EFSA National Experts report 2010, accepts that the population group most likely to exceed
the current ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake) of aspartame /methanol, is our children, and the group
most likely to be high users is diabetics! They are at the same time recommending to the EFSA that
aspartame is safe. - This is not acceptable.
Our GP.s and other medical professionals MUST be made aware of the danger of the free
methanol from aspartame, and Free Methanol banned from the food chain.