Biodiversity Policy Introduction In terms of this policy biodiversity is considered as: ‘Natural systems which support life on our planet including all living organisms and ecosystems in which they occur.’ Northumbria University’s Biodiversity Policy aims to conserve biodiversity and where possible create and enhance biodiversity. Northumbria University’s activities should be managed in such a manner as to safeguard and enhance the biodiversity connected with its estate. This should also crossover to wider environments where biodiversity can be affected. This policy compliments the University’s Environmental Policy, Environmental Strategy, draft Sustainability Policy, draft Sustainability Strategy and forms part of a growing portfolio of measures to maintain and improve our commitment to corporate and social responsibility. The University will: 1. Manage its land, buildings and activities to avoid loss of biodiversity 2. Manage its land, buildings and activities in a manner which could enhance biodiversity 3. Manage and measure waste to drain and set reduction targets where reasonably practicable 4. Support students’ learning in related subjects by allowing access to areas with biodiversity 5. Where required invest in ecological competent professional people to advise on achieving points one and two 6. Consider biodiversity in any estate development strategy or plan 7. Review this policy every two years and annually report on management of this policy Practical Biodiversity Practical biodiversity relates to the measures, working practices and approaches the University will undertake to fulfil its stated commitment to biodiversity. Such practical measures will involve: 1. Protecting existing trees, grasses and shrubs and the natural wildlife they support 2. Working with the Faculty of Engineering and Environment to carry out audits of the biodiversity of the University 3. Reducing the amount of fertilizers used on our estates 4. Highlighting key areas for potential overgrowth of grasses at key times of the year to encourage a wider range of biodiversity 5. Assessing and where practically possible reduce or remove risk to species who may be breeding, nesting or feeding 6. Engaging as wide a community as possible in the promotion of biodiversity 7. Highlighting to staff the do’s and don’ts of feeding wildlife on its estate Targets This policy will ensure that biodiversity quality is not reduced with species protection determined from on-going surveys and specialist advice and sets a target to increase: Biodiversity rich areas by 5% by 2020 Species by 5% by 2020 And to decrease or replace Pesticide/fertilizer by 5% by 2014 and by 20% by 2020