Role of Biodiversity and Healthy Ecosystems

Role of Biodiversity and Healthy Ecosystems
In Supporting Child Health
Closing Remarks: Juanita Castaño, UNEP NYO
In conceiving this event as a contribution to the International Year of Biodiversity, we
felt that it was high-time to shine attention on the often overlooked - yet fundamental
- fact that child health and well-being is highly dependent on healthy ecosystems that
provide us with clean water and air, food, and medicine. Biodiversity supports these
ecosystem functions which are essential to sustain our lives and support our health.
This evening, I have been struck by the clarity and conviction with which our
speakers have shown us the implications of continued biodiversity loss and ecosystem
degradation for child health – not only in helping us understand the general concepts,
but giving us striking illustrations of the linkages from their work.
They have offered us truly inspiring ideas for how we can achieve win-wins – for
biodiversity and child health.
We will be capturing these ideas, and the immensely rich discussion that we have had
tonight, distilling the key points into a small brochure that the partners will publicize
and use during the rest of the IYB, including for the General Assembly’s High Level
Meetings on the IYB and progress towards the MDGs in September, and the 10th
Conference of the Parties to CBD in Nagoya, Japan in October.
In this manner, I pledge to you the audience - and our esteemed panelists - that the
ideas we have heard tonight on this vital issue will be put to good use.
I would like to close by expressing gratitude – on behalf of the Executive Director of
UNEP, Achim Steiner:
- To our panelists - Aaron Bernstein, Sigrid Hahn, Montira Pongsiri and Erika
Vohman - for sharing their wisdom;
- To our opening speakers, Ambassador Okuda of Japan and Ahmed Djoghlaf,
Executive Secretary of CBD for setting the context and their support;
- To our valued partners for making this event a reality – particularly our sister
organization, UNDP – and our skilled moderator Charles McNeill; and
- Last, but certainly not least, to the AMNH and its Center for Biodiversity and
Conservation and its dedicated staff – Felicity Arengo, Fiona Brady and
Andrés Gómez for hosting and helping to organize this event in such a
supportive manner.
Thank you all for giving us your time and attention on such a beautiful Friday
evening in New York.