4.3.11 Indigenous and Non-European Cultural Heritage Code PURPOSE OF THE CODE To ensure the conservation and appropriate management of sites, items, places and values of indigenous cultural heritage significance or non-European cultural heritage significance. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND PROBABLE SOLUTIONS PERFORMANCE CRITERIA The purpose of the Code may be achieved if the following criteria are satisfied. SOLUTIONS Probable Solutions (illustrate how compliance with the Performance Criteria may be achieved) P1 The significance of sites, places and areas of probable indigenous or non-European cultural heritage Is not impaired by proposed development. A1.1 No solution is prescribed. P2 Identified indigenous or non-European cultural heritage sites are managed so that the culturally significant attributes are conserved or enhanced. A2.1 Education and site-specific training of development staff in the identification and significance of indigenous and nonEuropean cultural heritage resources including stone artefacts, shell middens, traditional occupation sites and burial sites; and A2.2 All cultural heritage finds exposed or identified during construction are reported to the Environmental Protection Agency. Construction is carried out in a manner that protects all such finds from further disturbance until the matter has been adequately assessed. COMPLIANCE / REPRESENTATIONS Provide a brief illustration of how your proposal complies with the relevant Probable Solution or a detailed analysis how compliance is achieved with the Performance Criteria. NOTE: The Information Requests Planning Scheme Policy is a guide to the information required by Council to assess development applications in relation to the Indigenous and Non-European Cultural Heritage Code. Printed on 12 February 2016