November - Drake Neighborhood Association

Drake Neighborhood Association Board Meeting
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 @ 7:00 p.m.
Holiday Inn Express Meeting Room
Board members present (X), term expires as noted
Deb Austin (12/31/08)
X Barb Freeman (12/31/09)
X Dean Blum (12/31/08)
X Bill LaHay (12/31/09)
X Bill Cappuccio (12/31/09)
Eldon McAfee (12/31/09)
Bonita Crowe (12/31/09)
Dolph Pulliam
X Trish Davis (12/31/08)
X Betsey Qualley (12/31/08)
Eric Moore, NBSD
Officer Mulford
Vince Rubino (12/31/09)
Claudia Schabel (12/31/09)
Marty Schmitt (12/31/08)
Kevin VenHaus (12/31/08)
Bruce Wilson (12/31/09)
Ed Leedom, NBSD
1. Call to Order
Marty called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Welcome and Introductions
3. Neighborhood Based Service Delivery/Nest Update
Ed Leedom reported on repeat code enforcement issues regarding debris and trash. He has filed
complaints. As of this year he has done more initial rental inspections than in the previous six yearsmore rental conversions have occurred. Reminder on the leaf management in yards- once raked must
do something with them because of problems with storm sewers. 1314 34th. has a new owner who is
trying to get rooming house status.
Officer Ihde was present but did not have anything to report.
Larry with sex abuse trauma unit, detective bureau was here to inform us of his responsibilities and
answer any questions we might have.
4. Approval of Agenda and Previous Meeting’s Minutes
Agenda approved.
Minutes were approved with two corrections a motion from Dean and seconded by Kevin. Passed with
aye vote.
5. Anawim Housing- Hubbell Homes and Schiffler Associates Architects
Anawim proposed development is going to be 9 houses in 9 days on September 9, 2009. This project will
be located at 21st & Forest. Architect Schiffler explained the proposed project in detail including parking
and materials. Each unit has 3 bedrooms. The rent has not yet been determined. The parking already
meets zoning requirements. It only has to going to P&Z for site plans and elevations. The building that will
sit along Forest will be a mixed-use building that will house the Anawim headquarters. This building will
probably be built in the spring of 2010. Rick Tollakson, Hubbell CEO, spoke about why Hubbell and their
trade partners are doing this project and explained Hubbell’s role in this project. Discussion on the
increase in rental properties in the area and DNA concerns with this. Bill Gieber from Carpenter
neighborhood also expressed concerns with lack of communication from Anawim on this project. Anawim
has a purchase agreement for the land with Polk County. Rick Tollakson offered to facilitate a meeting
with Anawim.
Board discussed what we could do about the project now. Bill Cappuccio offered some suggestions as to
how we can handle our concerns with this project. Marty will put together questions that we have for
Hubbell on the design. Bill C. will head a committee to deal with DNA concerns with the Anawim project.
Bill C. & Bill Gieber from Carpenter neighborhood will draft a press release on DNA’s position on this
6. Neighborhood Planning
There are 75 surveys are completed so far. Claudia volunteered to find a place for the upcoming
December 4th meeting. Discussion on how to get more people to fill out the survey.
7. Annual Meeting
Discussion on annual meeting details. Motion from Bill C. to nominate Claudia as Vice President and
a second from Barb. Passed with an aye vote.
Discussion on digitizing our records that Marty currently has, also need to be organized.
Next board meeting will be used as a planning session for the upcoming year.
8. Treasurer’s Report
Trish reported on checking and savings account balances and ran down our expenses for the
past month.
9. Committee Reports
Drake- Dolph reported that Drake currently has more parking than they need because of the new lots
and a raise in parking fees for overnight parking passes. Streetscape project on 28th street has been
delayed and slated for completion before winter break.
DABA- Negotiating with Drake to lease the parking lot between Irene’s and Hilal. Some of the
businesses will lease some of the spaces for their respective businesses.
10. Adjourn
Marty adjourned the meeting at 8:40p.m.