1 Matt Johnson Lecture Notes ORNITHOLOGY (Humboldt State Univ. WILDLIFE 365) LECTURE 3 & 4 - FLIGHT I & II Birds fly. Most of them anyway, and they do so in wonderfully spectacular ways, and with an amalgam of sophisticated adaptations. Indeed, flight is the central avian adaptation. Adaptations for flight are integrated throughout a bird's body; the obvious areas include musculature, skeleton system, and wing and feather shape. In this lecture and the next, we'll explore these adaptations and discuss how they enable birds of different sizes and shapes to fly with different abilities. In the following lectures, we'll talk about avian digestion, reproduction, circulation, and excretion systems, during which the concept of adaptations for flight will again frequently be important. I. Avian skeleton. Bird skeletons are uniquely structured for flight. Flight is physically stressful on a bird's skeleton, yet flight must overcome the force of gravity. Thus bird skeleton evolution has progressed in such a way as to maximize strength and rigidity while minimizing weight, seemingly conflicting properties. Powerful and delicate - the allure of birds. A. Fusion, reinforcement, and reduction. OVERHEAD 1. Most bones and bills are hollow to reduce weight, bones most in need of support have internal struts (wing bones) for reinforcement. For most flying birds, combined weight of feather exceeds that of bones! 2. Uncinate processes are bones in rib cage that connect adjacent ribs to one another for added rigidity. 3. Synsacrum. 4. A bird's wing is homologous to other tetrapods' forelimbs. However, the first, most proximate bone (humerus) is fairly short and wide, making the bend of the wing somewhat nonintuitive. What we instinctively call the shoulder is actually the wrist. a. Shoulder and elbow joints are elongated for greater flexibility, and are extra strong. b. Many wing bones are reduced and fused to be lighter and stronger. Most of the wrist bones are fused into a single structure called a carpometacarpus. c. Hand reduced to only 3 digits. 2 II. 5. Keel is an enlarged sternum that anchors the large flight muscles. B. Pectoral girdle. A major skeletal adaptation for flight is the pectoral girdle. Three bones which comprise the pectoral girdle (one set on each side of bird) are the scapula, coracoid, and furcula. OVERHEAD 1. The scapulae are on top of the rib cage, long and pointed toward the back of the bird. 2. Coracoid attaches at front end of scapula, and is a thick bone that stretches down to the keel. 3. The furcula is a thinner, more elastic bone that also extends from the connection of the scapula and coracoid downward and just anterior to the keel. The left and right clavicles together comprise what we call the wish bone (furcula). 4. These three bones therefore form a sort of tripod of support, centered on the bird's center of gravity and supporting the large flight muscles and tendons. Flight muscles. The two major great flight muscles - the pectoralis major and the supracoracoideus - both originate on the pectoral girdle and insert on the humerus. Thus, they both lie in the "belly" of the bird, keeping its center of gravity low and centered. A. Pectoralis major. Largest muscle complex, accounting for 15% of total mass of your average flying bird. When this muscle contracts, it pulls the humerus (and rest of wing) downward. The power stroke. B. Supracoracoideus. Powers the recovery (upward) stroke of wing. Much smaller and weaker than pectoralis. Originates on sternum, from which a very strong tendon extends upward through the hole created where the three pectoral girdle bones come together (called the triosseal canal), up and over the coracoid (like a line going over a pulley) and inserts on the humerus. When the muscle contracts, the line (tendon) is pulled and the humerus is drawn upward. This "pulley" system enables a muscle which draws a limb dorsally to be situated on ventral side of body. Clever, no? C. Muscle fiber types. There are two general types of muscle fibers. Most muscles are a combination of both types, but in different proportions. 1. Red muscle fibers. Dark meat. a. Used for aerobic respiration (free oxygen). b. Used for oxidative (requiring oxygen) work; most appropriate for sustained work. Dark because they contain lots of myoglobin and mitochondra. Many birds' flight muscles are mainly comprised of red muscle fibers, especially those that fly long distances -- duck breasts are dark meat. 3 III. 2. White muscle fibers. White meat. a. Used for anaerobic respiration (no oxygen). b. Used for rapid and powerful, but not sustained, work. Few mitochondria, so lactic acid builds up quickly. Most appropriate for quick bursts of flight. Birds that have short explosive flights (fowl) have mainly white meat in breast. Aerodynamics. A. Basic forces. Four basic forces act on a bird that is trying to fly. 1. Gravity. The force of the earth's pull downward. 2. Lift. The force exerted on the underside of a bird's wing, pushing it up. If lift gravity, birds stays aloft. 3. Drag. The forces (there are several) keeping a bird from travelling forward. 4. Thrust. The force a bird exerts by flapping its wings, pushing it forward. If thrust > drag, the bird [accelerates]. B. Lift. How do birds generate lift? 1. Much of our understanding of bird flight comes from our understanding of fixed wing airplane flight (which in turn was in part modeled after birds). 2. A bird's wing is cambered, or curved, especially on the upper surface. OVERHEAD As air hits and separates around the leading edge of the wing, it gets compressed on the upper side because the wing is curved. Air is a fluid just like water remember, and a compressed fluid always flows faster than uncompressed fluid (recall putting your thumb over part of a hose's flow to make it go faster). Thus, air flowing over the top of the wing flows faster than air on the underside. Bournoulli's principle (details beyond scope of this course) states that fastmoving air imparts less pressure on adjacent surface than slower moving air. Therefore, the pressure pushing down on the top of the wing is less than that pushing up from the bottom of the wing, so the net force is upward -- LIFT. 3. You can see from this that the more a wing is curved, the more lift it will produce. A bird can behaviorally functionally change the curve of its wing by angling the wing backward, changing what in aerodynamics is called the angle of attack. OVERHEAD a. At large angles of attack, more lift is produced, so birds tilt their wings backward to rise in the air. b. At very large angles of attack, the differential between air flow above and below the wing that the airflow separates, turning the flow from what is called laminar flow (as in, lamination of air over around the wing) into turbulent flow. This fails to generate lift, and the bird stalls. Birds do this on purpose all the time, such as when landing on a perch. 4 C. Thrust and drag. To move forward, a bird's thrust must over come drag (also called friction). 1. Two main types of drag. a. Profile drag. This is the frictional drag caused by the shape of the wing. It is reduced by streamlining. Same as for cars: a truck is less "aerodynamic" than a corvette; it has higher profile drag. The force of profile drag increases with the speed of a bird. b. Induced drag. Exists primarily at wing tips and is caused by pressure differences between upper and lower wing surfaces. DRAW Air flows around the tip of the wing from high to low pressure, creating little eddies (like whirlpools). Eddies act to slow a bird down. Induced drag is inversely proportional to bird speed -- the faster it goes, the less induced drag. Incidentally, one explanation for the reason large migrating birds fly in V's is that they are riding each others' wing tip eddies. DRAW 2. Thrust. a. Birds generate thrust by flapping. The secondaries of a wing act more like a fixed wing & produce lift (they're proximal so they don't move too much in a "flap"); the primaries are distal -- the provide most of the thrust. b. Asymmetrical vanes in feathers roughly correlated with flight strength. OVERHEAD i. The primaries are overlapped and stacked on top of each other such that the a leading primary (higher numbers) is beneath the one behind it. Thus, on the downward stroke (power stroke), air catches the large trailing vane of each feather and "locks" up against the one above and behind it, forming a "solid plate" that pushes air downward. ii. On the upward stroke (recovery stroke), air again catches the large trailing vane and pushes in downward, twisting each primary so that it slices upward with little resistance (much like "feathering" in crew). D. Power curves. Since profile drag increases with air speed but induced drag decreases with air speed, the power needed to fly follows a parabolic curve. DRAW 1. Minimum power speed. The speed at which a bird is using the least amount of energy is therefore at moderate speeds. Going really fast or really slow costs more energy. Watch birds in flight, you can see them "labor" at low and high speeds (whitetailed kites are good for this). 2. Maximum range speed is a little faster than minimum power speed. Ever been low on gas? To get to the next gas station, 5 IV. V. should you go really fast or really slow? Fast would get you there quicker, saving fuel, but you burn a lot of it to go so fast. Slow would burn less fuel per minute, but it would take so long..... Well, the answer is somewhere in between. The details are beyond the scope of the lecture, but might make an interesting lab project. As it turns out, the maximum range speed is a bit faster than minimum power speed. Studies of Common Swifts in Europe have substantiated this theory. When feeding, they fly 23 kmh; when migrating they fly 40 kmh. Wing sizes and shapes. A. Wing loading. The ratio of body mass to wing area is called wing loading. It is basically a measure of how much weight the wings are trying to lift and propel. 1. A high wing loading (small wings relative to body size) means a faster flyer, because profile drag is minimized (small wings are more "aerodynamic"). 2. But remember small wings (high wing loading) don't necessarily mean short wings. Albatrosses, which have the longest wings in the world, have very high wing loading because their bodies are so heavy and their wings are so narrow; very little surface area on their wings. 3. Low wing loading generally means the bird is more maneuverable (large wide wings relative to body). B. Aspect ratio. This is the ratio of wing length to wing width. High AR means "pointy." 1. A high aspect ratio reduces induced drag (the kind that forms off wing tips) because wing tips are very narrow in high AR wings. 2. High aspect ratio wings are best for fast flying -- not as maneuverable. C. Slotting. Slots are holes or cracks in the surface of a wing created by asymmetrically shaped flight feathers and/or spaces between feather tips. Slotting serves to increase lift, especially at low speeds. OVERHEAD 1. Large soaring birds have slotted primaries that maintain laminar flow at low speeds by allowing air to slip from the lower to upper surface of wing. 2. Some other birds (some fowl) have slotting to maintain laminar flows at high angles of attack, generating more lift at take-off. D. Alula. The alula is group of feathers on leading digit (thumb) that is controlled separately from the rest of wing. It also serves to maintain laminar flow and create lift. OVERHEAD Gliding flight (flight without flapping). Best done where conditions create upward moving bodies of air, which help generate and maintain lift and thrust. 6 VI. A. Thermal soaring. Vultures and many hawks "ride" rising columns of air created by the sun heating the earth. OVERHEAD Vultures also hold their wings in a positive dihedral position. This yields a tendency for the body to right itself automatically and return to its resting position. Watch vultures "teeter" as they soar. Wings best for thermal soaring are large and wide, with substantial slotting. B. Slope gliding, or dynamic gliding. Slope gliding is accomplished by riding upward moving air that is deflected off of a surface. 1. Gulls can "sit motionless" in the air by riding upward moving air off of a sea cliff. 2. Migrating hawks soar along mountain ridges, creating traditionally used routes useful for counting hawks in migration (Hawk Mt. in Penn. and the Marin Headlands). 3. Long-winged seabirds are especially skilled at slope gliding. They can expertly glide along skimming the windward side of an ocean wave for miles without flapping. If the wave crest is not in line with where they want to go, they fly in a zig-zag fashion (much like tacking into the wind in sailing) flying fast in higher, faster moving air and accelerating into lower, slower moving air where they use their momentum and the upward lifting air off the waves to lift back into the faster moving air again. Flapping flight. A very different type of flight, one not much like a fixed wing aircraft, is flapping flight. A. Hummingbird flight. Hummingbirds are the epitome of flapping flight. This type of flight is much more like a helicopter than an airplane. OVERHEAD 1. When a helicopter's blades are rotating horizontally, each blade acts like a wing and it creates lift upward. 2. When that rotational plane is tilted forward, part of the upward force become forward force, and the blades produce lift and a little bit of thrust simultaneously. 3. A hummingbird's wings do the same thing. OVERHEAD 4. When a hummingbird is hovering, it orients its body vertically, unlike all other birds, so that its back is facing backward (not up) and its belly faces forward (not down). So by flapping, its wings go side to side (not up and down). 5. It generates lift because each feather acts like a blade of a helicopter. On the forward stroke, each feather pushes a tiny bit of air downward and creates lift. On the backward stroke, the wing is twisted so that the leading edge remains the leading edge, and now the "underside" of the secondaries are facing upward. Again, each feather generates lift. This rapid back and forth motion actually describes little figure 8's laying on their sides (infinities I guess), much like we do when we tread water. 7 VII. 6. As you can tell, both the forward and backward strokes in this type of flight are power strokes; there is no recovery stroke. So, as you'd predict, in a hummingbird the supracoracoideus (the muscle that pulls the wing up, or back in the case of the h'bird) is roughly the same size as the pectoralis (the downward pulling muscle), it is not much smaller like it is in most other birds. 7. To fly forward, the hummingbird simply tilts this figure 8 forward by rotating the wings and tilting the body more horizontally. Zoom. 8. To fly backward, the hummingbird tilts the figure 8 backward. 9. This work on hummingbirds was very helpful in that it highlighted that there was more than one way to generate lift, and now people are beginning to recognize the fixed wing model for bird flight is too simplistic, and that all birds probably have some elements of the hummingbird's "flapping flight" in their design. B. Rayner's work with vortex gaits. OVERHEAD 1. As birds fly, their wings actually move forward during the downward power stroke. 2. This seems counter intuitive because they want to push air backward. This is because on the downward stroke, each primary feather acts like an individual wing, generating "lift" perpendicular to its plane. So by being tilted forward much of this individual feather "lift" is transformed to forward thrust, just as the hummingbirds lift is made into thrust by tilting the figure 8 forward. 3. The result are small vortex rings that are created behind the wings with each power stroke. These vortex rings, shaped like smoke rings, create lift and thrust simultaneously and are probably important in the flight of birds with low aspect ratios and slow flight (like pigeons). 4. Rayner also identified another type of vortex-flight, which he calls gaits (like a horse has different gaits, except for birds, different species have different gaits; the same species doesn't change). This he called continuous vortex gait, in which continual vortices (not intermittent vortex rings) are created behind fast flying birds with low aspect ratios (like falcons). Flightlessness A. Cost-benefit. An important concept in biology is that of costs and benefits. Flying is a great benefit; it allows birds to occupy niches that are unavailable to other animals. But growing and maintaining wings capable of producing flight is very energetically costly, and where the advantages of flight have not outweighed the disadvantages; flight has often been lost. B. Generally, loss of flight is associated with geographic isolation and an absence of terrestrial predators. Does this suggest that flight is 8 VIII. more important in evading predation than in acquiring food? Flightlessness has evolved independently in at least 13 orders of birds. Other means of locomotion. A. Non-air flight. Some birds use their wings for underwater flight. 1. Evolution follows a progression. All the following birds are in Charadriiformes. 2. Gulls use their wings for air-flying only -- and very well too. 3. Common Murres use their wings for air- and underwater-flying. 4. Great Auk (and penguins in southern hemisphere) use their wings for underwater flight only. 5. For these birds, lift is not much of a problem, since it is easier to be buoyant in water than air (especially the very dense salt water). So these birds use both downward and upward strokes of their wings for thrust -- making them behave more like flippers than wings. (supracoracoideus and pectoralis are similar in size here too) B. Swimming and diving. 1. Water is much denser than air, and requires a different shape for streamlining. Swimmers tend to be long and cylindrical, with the center of gravity near the rear. OVERHEAD 2. Legs are situated near the rear; better for paddling, but worse for walking and running -- this idea of evolutionary trade-offs is a pervasive one in biology. a. Dabbling ducks have relatively large wings and forward placed legs. This allows them to lift from the water directly into flight by pushing hard upward with their feet and flapping vigorously. b. Diving ducks have high wing loading (smaller wings) that are less of a liability underwater, and their feet are very far back on the body, which helps them paddle water directly behind them. So they are great divers. But they can only take off of the water after a long "run" during which they build up speed. The wings can't generate the lift to spring off the water, and a hard push of the feet only send them forward, not up. 3. Diving. a. Divers have heavier, laterally flattened bones to be more streamlined and to help them sink. b. Many also have less water repellent feathers, enabling them to become wet and heavy (cormorants are the extreme in this area). c. Can squeeze air from plumage and even air sacs to "sink" without diving. Grebes do this as you approach. d. Respiration physiology of diving birds is poorly known compared to mammals, but high concentrations of 9 oxyhemoglobin in blood and muscles of diving birds enable them to survive without inhaled oxygen for longer than nondiving birds. e. Most dives are short in duration, less than 3 minutes, but loons can stay down for up to 15 minutes. f. Most dives are relatively shallow too, less than 5 meters, but records are up to 250 m for penguins, 180 m for Common Murres. Data come from telemetry in former, fixed depth gillnets for latter. C. Running and walking. 1. Running birds have elongated legs and toes, but often reduced toe number (ostriches only have 2). Record speeds are 70 kmh for Ostrich, 32 kmh for Greater Roadrunner, etc. Adaptations also include a narrowing of the pelvis, which enables birds to run without waddling from side to side like a wide-pelvis duck does. 2. Birds with wide pelvises (most non-runners) are better off hopping than walking. They can't swing one forward by itself at a time very well. 3. Runners and walkers often "bob" their head to help their vision. Actually, the head stays perfectly still as the body moves forward during each step, then rapidly snaps forward before the next step. This is because an object, especially a moving object, is easier to see from a fixed than a slowly moving position. 4. Sometimes the best flyers have evolved to reduce expensive leg and foot development; hummingbirds and swifts have all but useless feet. They don't call them Apodiformes for nothing. D. Climbing. 1. Woodpeckers and similar species have suits of adaptations for climbing on tree trunks including an unusual toe arrangement (2 forward, 2 back), stiff retrices (tails feathers) to be used as props, and reduced keels to "hug" the trunk. An interesting lab project maybe to compare the morphology of unrelated species that feed similarly on tree trunks (e.g., woodpeckers vs. creepers vs. black-and-white warblers). 2. Other birds used other devices to climb. Parrots use their bills, and young hoatzin use small claws located on the bends of their wings.