Forest School - Maidford Montessori

Maidford Montessori Children’s Sickness/Illness Policy
We ask parents/guardians to ask themselves, “Is my child well today?”
before bringing them into the setting. As a general principle, children with
any infection are to keep away from the nursery while they have
symptoms or feel unwell.
If a child’s sibling is off school because they are unwell obviously, we do
not want them in our nursery either!
It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to keep us informed of any
symptoms the child may have had of unwellness. No matter how slight, so
we can make a proper informed decision about whether the child can
attend the setting.
It will always remain the sole discretion of the management as to whether
a child is well enough to be at nursery. You will be required as parents or
guardians to exclude your child from setting for the stated time if they
have any of the following:
Sickness and Illness Guidelines
(Always follow NHS Latest Guidelines we do!)
Rashes and Skin Infections
Chicken Pox: Five days from the onset of rash
German measles: Six days from onset of rash Notifiable Disease
Impetigo: Until sores are crusted and healed, or 48 hours after
commencing antibiotic treatment
Measles: Four days from onset of rash
Scabies: After first treatment
Scarlet fever: Child can return 24 hours after commencing appropriate
antibiotic treatment Notifiable Disease
Shingles: Exclude only if rash is weeping and uncovered by location
Diarrhoea and vomiting: Your child may return to our setting once they
have been clear for 48 hours from the last episode of diarrhoea or
vomiting. Ofsted informed if two or more children have food poisoning.
E.coli 0157
Typhoid Notifiable Disease
Paratyphoid (enteric fever): Your child may return to our setting once
they have been clear for 48 hours from the last episode of diarrhoea or
vomiting. Exclusion may require longer for some children until they are no
longer excreting. There is further exclusion for young children under five
and those who have difficulty in adhering to hygiene practises.
Cryptosporidiosis: Your child may return to our setting once they have
been clear for 48 hours from the last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting.
If a child has a loose nappy or is sick in setting: We will call you and
request you return to the nursery to collect your child. They will be kept
away from the other children with one member of staff, so we require
prompt pick up.
Spillages we clean using detergent or disinfectant and disposable paper
towels, which we remove from the environment appropriately.
PPE worn including Plastic Apron and Latex free CE Marked Gloves
encase of splashing or contamination with blood or bodily fluids.
Eye or Ear Discharge
Eye or ear infections must be clear of discharge before the child can
return to the setting. If your doctor informs you it is not infectious, they may
return to our environment as long as they are not in any discomfort, pain
or need of extensive care. Conjunctivitis does not require exclusion.
Respiratory infections
Flu: Until recovered
Tuberculosis: Ask HPU Notifiable Disease
Whooping Cough: 5 days from commencing antibiotic treatment / 21
days from onset if not receiving antibiotics Notifiable Disease
Other Infections
Diphtheria: Family excluded until cleared for return by HPU. Notifiable
Hepatitis A: Exclude for seven days until after onset of jaundice/symptoms
In an outbreak of hepatitis A, your local HPU will advise you on control
measures. Notifiable disease
Hepatitis B and C HIV and Aids: No Exclusion Notifiable disease
Meningococcal Meningitis/ Septicaemia: Until recovered Notifiable
Meningitis due to other bacteria: None Notifiable disease
Meningitis Viral: None Notifiable disease
Mumps: Exclude child for five days after onset of swelling Notifiable
If a child has a high temperature, we will call the parent/guardian then
continue through the emergency contact list until we get hold of
someone and ask the child is collected immediately. Failing that, we may
contact emergency services depending on the severity.
We always do our best to look after children who are a little ‘under the
weather’ but as we do not have facilities to look after sick children. The
responsibility must remain with the parent/guardian. We appreciate
disruption to work commitments by the nursery requesting that the child
be collected. We wish to assure all parents/guardians, we have only the
needs of your child and the protection of others in the Nursery in mind.
If your child requires medication whilst they are at our setting, you are to fill
in our Medicine Book.
All Notifiable Disease Inform:
East Midlands South Health Protection Unit
Atelius House,
2 Smith Way,
Grove Park,
Leicester LE19 1SX
Tel: 0844 225 4524, Option 1, 3
& Ofsted Tel: 0300 123 1231
Health Protection Agency
Date Adopted 09/04/2010 Julie Marriott
Reviewed By Julie Marriott
Date Reviewed 14.11.14