Illness and exclusion policy March 2015 - Scotter Pre

Illness and Exclusion Policy
Scotter Pre-School/OOSC aim to promote a healthy environment for the children in our care
and we need your co-operation to support this.
If parents/carers notice their child becoming ill or infectious they must inform the
setting and they must have regard to the exclusion list. The Health Protection
Agency’s full list of notifiable diseases is displayed on the parent’s notice board.
If your child becomes ill at the setting his/her condition is brought to the attention of
one of the senior members of staff or Manager.
If a child becomes ill or infectious at the setting, every effort will be made to contact
the parent/carers. It is essential therefore that the setting has up to date information in
order to be able to contact the parents/carers during session hours. If the parent/carer
cannot be contacted the setting will endeavour to contact the other named contacts on
the child’s record. If the setting is unable to contact the parent/carer or other named
contact, Scotter Pre-school/OOSC reserves the right to take the child to seek
emergency medical advice.
Parents/carers will be required to give signed consent for this procedure on registering
their child at the setting.Please find below a smaller version of the most common
illnesses and infectious diseases.
Illness/Infectious Diseases
Chicken pox
Diarrhoea and/or vomiting
Hand, foot and mouth
Head lice
Measles, mumps and rubella
Illness and Exclusion
Period of Exclusion
At least 5 days after the onset of the rash
when all spots have scabbed over.
When child has started treatment – it is
essential treatment completed as advised by
the GP, even when the eye/s appear clear.
Children and staff should be excluded from
the setting until their symptoms have settled
and until 48hrs after the last episode of
Return once they feel well enough
None, however treatment is required. It is
also advisable to treat everyone in the
Until 48 hours after the start of anti-biotic
Measles- until 5 days after the onset of the
rash. Mumps- for 5 days after the onset of
swelling. Rubella - for 4 days after the onset
of the rash and whilst unwell.
Children will be too ill to attend.
The child or staff member should be kept
away from the setting until 24 hours after the
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Slapped cheek syndrome
Ring worm
Whooping cough
start of treatment. O
A child who is unwell and has a rash should
visit their GP.
Children need not be excluded but spread can
be prevented by good personal hygiene.
Parents encouraged to seek treatment for
whole family.
An effected child and unvaccinated contacts
under 7 years should be excluded until they
have had 5 days of antibiotics or 21 days
from onset of illness if no medication is
If a child contracts any of the above infectious diseases, other parents will be informed by an
emergency newsletter and information on the notice board.
If we have a reason to believe that any child is suffering from a notifiable disease identified
as such in the Public Health (Infection Diseases) Regulations 1988, we will inform the Health
Protection Agency and Ofsted. We will act on any advice given by the Health Protection
Agency and inform Ofsted of any action taken. The Health Protection Agency’s list of
notifiable diseases can be found at www.hpa, and is displayed on our parent’s notice
We will actively promote the use of the “Catch IT, Bin it and Kill it” initiative to teach
children about good hygiene practice by promoting:
The use of tissues for coughs and colds.
Access to bins to dispose of used tissues.
Hand washing as soon as possible, before eating, preparing food and after toileting.
The Lincolnshire Health protection team can be contacted on Tel. 01476 514699.
This policy has been approved and adopted by Scotter Preschool/OOSC.
Date written:…………………………….Date to be reviewed:………………………………
Committee Officer:………………………………………… Date:…………………………………
Preschool Manager:…………………………………………….. Date:……………………………
OOSC Supervisor:…………………………………………... Date:……………………………..
Illness and Exclusion
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