An Overview of Herbivory as an Ecological Process. A. percent of NPP removed by herbivores B. Species-level effects 1. Tissue removal a. direct effects "bad"; consequences, however, vary. b. herbivores after "high quality" materials (roots, sapwood, foliage, flowers, fruits, seeds) 2. Natural selection favors mechanisms to reduce herbivory a. review of plant allocation figure (Aber, 11.2) b. types of inhibitors 1. quantitative inhibitors: esp. lignins (the dilution solution?) 2. qualitative inhibitors: carbon-based (isoprene, terpenes) nitrogen-based (alkaloids) c. the evolutionary dance between plants and their herbivores Boiled down: Optimization: how to maximize the benefit and/or minimize the loss under given set of resource limitations. (we only see the survivors...) C. Evolutionary view of herbivory 1. evolution of defensive chemicals have energy and nutrient costs that could have gone into reproduction or growth. 2. even when herbivores not present, costs are genetically programmed. agricultural plants bred for productivity. Defenses applied by humans. The field of coevolution developed around the analysis of plant-herbivore interactions and the discovery of the huge number of plant chemicals that appear to have evolved as plant defenses. First group: QUANTITATIVE INHIBITORS: reduce energy gain by lowering assimilation efficiencies. Plants simply dilute system with lignin, tannins and (perhaps) cellulose so that resource quality is "low" or ratio of carbon to essential nutrients is very high. Simply costs more to extract these...and starvation can result if a) energy gain insufficient or 2) nitrogen (or even vitamin) uptake insufficient to replace loses due to maintenance.... Many consumers have no trouble finding or consuming vegetation. Their guts are therefore almost always full. So, if the quality of what they are eating declines, their growth rates will also decline. While the argument has been made that reduced quality means that herbivores must consume more...and hence up their amount of consumption..., the slowed growth will undoubtedly pay benefits to the plant in terms of reduced reproduction potential of the herbivores and potentially higher rates of predation. (A herbivore busy with a meal is likely more vulnerable to predation.) QUALITATIVE INHIBITORS. Specific, nonstructural chemicals that poison specific herbivores. two groups: a) Alkaloids: nitrogen based chemicals that are not chemically stable, but have very specific effects...our favorite drugs...nicotine, caffeine, ... coevolutionary result...consumers detoxify, modify or even use chemicals to their benefit...lesson to chemical companies here...plants involved in a defensive arms race where they can't win, but, once committed, there's no turning back? b) carbon based terpines, isoprenes, phenolics...obviously, volatile. II. Herbivory as an Ecosystem Process A. Effects on Plant NPP 1. emphasis of ecological rather than evolutionary perspective. a. "grazed" vs "ungrazed" b. grazing intensity c. grazing frequency 2. The Grazing "Optimization" hypothesis (McNaughton 1979) a. interpretation of graph 1. verbal model (learn this one!) 2. mathematical model NPP = biomass*relative growth rate NPP = B*Ps g/m2/time = g/m2 * g/g/time 3. Outcomes of model: undercompensation, compensation, overcompensation B. Effects on Plant species composition l. stable grazing lawns (Serengeti, Shortgrass Steppe 2. unstable grasslands: Tallgrass, Great Basin McNaughton in a citation classic (American Nat. l979)...presented the counterintuitive finding known as the "Grazing Optimization Hypothesis", that grazing can maximize NPP in a system. How can this possibly occur? counter-intuitive at first. It's not magic...but it is a little Plant productivity = leaf area (biomass) times photosynthetic rate. or, NPP = B*Ps Herbivory reduces leaf area (with each bite), so 'B' decreases, what about Ps? Three outcomes are possible: 1. Ps can remain unchanged so that B*Ps becomes smaller with every bite. 2. Ps can increase enough so that its increase matches the decrease in biomass. Hence, productivity would be unchanged in the face of herbivory. 3. Ps can increase faster than B decreases! This would allow for greater NPP to be produced with less biomass. This generates three possible outcomes...three curves that are presented in class, but can be described as: Undercompensation, (what happens in my garden). Note that if a plant is not limited by any resources, then Ps will already be maximized, so that Ps remains unchanged with herbivory, but the amount of biomass producing that productivity declines, and NPP therefore declines! Compensation: appears to occur in many forest situations where low to moderate herbivory does not appear to either increase or decrease NPP. The plants clearly do a bit better with their remaining biomass, but the net result is that NPP is unchanged. Overcompensation: This is what we see in most grasslands. The plants often produce more NPP than they would without herbivores! Part of the reason for this is that Ps is adversely affected by other limiting variables (like light or water), so that removal of leaf area can potentially increase those resources, thereby increasing the NPP rates. Overcompensation often requires that a limiting nutrient like nitrogen also become more available. This can be done two ways 1. rapid recycling of readily mineralizable materials like urea. 2. reduction in microbial immobilization due to a reduction in the C:N ratio of litter, and/or an increase in the quality of those C:N substrates. (litter that plants have not have a chance to use resorption on, litter that may not have been heavily lignified, etc.) Also, there's evidence that plants do allocate resources to storage that they "are forced to use" when grazed. That's like moving your money from a checking account (no interest) to an account that provides a return on your money (or, in this case, on your biomass). By making new leaves and new roots rather than storing carbohydrates and nutrients, NPP is stimulated. How do you measure NPP under extensive herbivory? 1) Enclosures vs exclosures...enclosures will give you the response of a community to the ungrazed condition...but is this a valid estimate of NPP for grazed sites? NOT if: regrowth vegetation exhibits any changes in relative growth rates. Hence, permanent exclosures (example some on Boulder green space, will tell you the species comp and NPP of ungrazed system, but will not tell you how much productivity will occur under grazing. 2) Artificial grazing: control the amount removed. Artificial because missing many direct and indirect effects of herbivory: a) selective grazing, b) saliva???? (insect galls) c) trampling d) feces and urine deposition. Get good numbers, but may not match reality. 3) Moveable exclosures: create small exclosures. Sample inside, outside exclosure. Move the exclosure to new grazed spot. Wait until grazing event has occurred. Sample inside, outside...move...The data provide weekly estimates of consumption, which, when added over the growing season and combined with the last estimate of plant biomass, provide an estimate of NPP under grazed conditions. By repeating this in different pastures with different grazing intensities, the McNaughton model can be tested. III. Effects of herbivores across space and time. A. Time scale for plant and ecosystem response. 1. Instantaneous leaf (Ps) response, plant (Ps) response 2. Growing season nitrogen mineralization 3. Decades-Centuries soil organic matter accumulation effects on water, nutrients, soil texture, etc. B. Space scale 1. generalists (eat everything) consequences to plant species composition: minimal 2. specialists (selective eaters) consequences to plant species composition: maximal C. Consequences of frequency and intensity (assume generalists) 1. High intensity changes limiting resources 2. High frequency influences plant storage. (herbivory forces plant to use reserves) IV. Herbivory as the good, bad, and ugly? A. Indirect effects 1. soil disturbance, compaction a. loss of cynaobacterial crusts in certain rangelands b. effects on water runoff 2. creators of microsite/habitats a. watch your step b. nutrient hotspots B. Herbivore effects on biological diversity (Science, April 1998) 1. Historically, herbivores created disturbance patches within a sea of low resource availability 2. Grazing as mechanism for redistribution of nutrients 3. Currently, mowing with removal (no return of nutrients) may reduce trend towards nitrogen saturation. Grazing of Western Lands is controversial, and there appears to be substantial confusion about what's happening. How can grazing be a sustainable activity leading to a stable grassland, yet in other cases grazing leads to instability and the conversion of grasslands to shublands and deserts? THE RESPONSE OF AN ECOSYSTEM IS THE INTERACTION BETWEEN THE FORCING FUNCTIONS (THE INPUTS) AND THE STATE OF THE SYSTEM AT THE TIME OF THESE INPUTS. Ok...what does that mean? First, let's consider grazing as an "input" rather than as a within-ecosystem component. We can do that, and our system then becomes the vegetation-soil system. 1. If the only propagules in the system are those of the dominant vegetation (the grasses) the system will persist even if least, it will for awhile. In terms of either persistence or long as the plant species is harmed relatively less than every other species then it "benefits" from grazing, right? 2. If, however, seeds of either woody species or exotic vegetation are present and these are not grazed. a different result can occur. Grazing results in the removal of the canopy and increased inorganic nitrogen in the soil as a result of increased mineralization and decreased plant uptake by the dominant species, then the species composition is likely to shift. The winner of that competition is determined by who eventually can hog the "most limiting resources"...usually the water, but, perhaps, nitrogen, other elements, or light. If, in case 2, grazers are left on the system "too long", the conversion occurs. Once grazers are removed, the system may not return to a grassland. Why? The simple rule...the species that can control the most limiting resources wins. Once woody or exotic species are given an advantage, those same species MAY be able to hold that advantage if they can out-compete for the critical resources. ALSO...the rules of "the most limiting" resources could be changed as well. If for example, woody species can hog the light, then they can out-compete those grassland species that require full sunlight. Before the woody species got there, light may never have been limiting! So, part of the story is that the biota can change the rules...and we can't always a priori tell which rules are going to be changed! B. Irruptions of Herbivores You may remember why a species exhibits exponential growth. The species tend to have high potential growth rates, (high 'r-selected traits), and resources go through a period when these are not limiting. Grasshopper outbreaks in North America and lemming outbreaks in the tundra are good examples. (regretfully, so is the "human outbreak", but we don't study it as such!). What's important to us here, is that the ecosystem characteristics...NPP, nutrient cycling, etc., do show strong effects as a result of these outbreaks. Herbivore outbreaks in Colorado historically included “soil grub outbreaks”, where root-feeding beetles would disturb the prairie, and Grasshopper outbreaks. Neither of these natural disturbances have been seen in decades. In the mountains, however, a variety of wood-boring beetles periodically reach high densities and have killed many trees. This is a natural process, but likely has been influenced by fire suppression and climate change variables. Clearly, this is an example of how Consumers affect plant successional processes. (see also the figures on our web site.)