Elizabeth Ann Wisdom Lynch (ButterflySoul) wrote to

Elizabeth Ann Wisdom Lynch (ButterflySoul) wrote to Gareth Pollard: Sep 17, 2011
(12 hours ago)
Hello Gareth,
Thank-You for posting your tree on your 23andMe site. You came up as a match to me on Chromosome #1
Segment 197.1-200.1 with a length of 5.3 cM. I have sent you a genome sharing reqiest for myself, my son
Conner and my Mom Margaret. If correct, you will NOT match my Mom as our common ancestor is through
my Dad. You should match me, and maybe my son.
In looking at your tree, the match popped out immediately. Your (6th) GGGGGG-Grandfather was Paulus
Kuster. He is my (8th) GGGGGGGG-Grandfather. That makes us 7th cousins twice removed! It is truly
amazing to think that we share a segment in our genes that comes from this man so long ago! In addition, I did
not know his wifes name was Gertrude Doors. I do not know if Paulus married more than once, so I cannnot tell
(at this time) if the segment we share is from Paulus or his wife. Need less to say, this is very exciting news!
My line is as follows: Paulus Kuster- Johannes Custer- John Kester- Richard Kester- Sarah Ann Kester- Mary
Elizabeth Cupp- Elizabeth Ann Dunkelbarger- Harriett Chloe Huey- King Huey Wisdom- Elizabeth Ann
Wisdom Lynch (Me). I have a large tree on ancestry.com that is privatized. I will need your user ID or e-mail to
send you an invite. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. It is nice to meet you cousin!
Even though I know where our match is, I would still like to share genomes, and see if I match with any of your
family. In addition, I would like to know if my son Conner inherited this segment.
Take Care,
Ancestry.com Lynch-Wisdom tree
Gareth Pollard wrote to Elizabeth Ann Wisdom Lynch (ButterflySoul): Sep 18, 2011 (2 hours ago)
Thank you for your efforts. It's nice to find such a dedicated genealogist and I am happy to meet you. My email
gmpollard@grandecom.net Please use. I shall send you a relationship chart with Grandpop Paulus Kuster.
You can see it is from Pollard side of family all the way back to the Rhine River.
I have many many ancestors in that area.
You and I are alone on being cousins that I have found so far.
Bye for now
Gareth Sr
Hi Gareth,
Thank-You, I would love to see the relationship chart! I just sent you an invitation to my tree on ancestry.com via
your e-mail. Do you mind if I attach your lineage to my tree? You are the only cousin I have found with this match.
It appears my son Conner did not inherit the segment, or it is to small to register. I'm going to have my other
children tested in the future, and I hope some of them match. My relative finder only shows a match with you on
the particular segment, but I do have a match with a Liz Parkinson (from Australia) that overlaps slightly on our
shared segment. She is matching me on Chromosome #1 192-198.2 I am the only match to her, with neither my
Mother or son sharing any common DNA. I am going to have her send you an invite to see if this is a continuation
of the same segment. I seem to have a lot of German matches on this chromosome from my Dad.
Take Care,
CC: Liz on 23andMe
In a message dated 9/18/2011 12:23:56 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, gmpollard@grandecom.net writes:
Attachment is Relationship chart to grand father Paulus Kuster.
Family tree maker points me to parents of his but so much bad data, I don't know what to
use. I hope you have had better luck than I.
Hi Cousin,
Thank-You for sending the information. I will look it over tonight. I work the next few nights, and
hopefully I will get a break and can look over your information while I'm taking my lunch. I'm an
ICU/Trauma RN in Cali. My first love is my children, followed by genealogy and genetics. I have
always loved family history, from the time I was a little tike. I can remember asking my Gram Wisdom,
your 7th cousin, all about her German ancestors. They were my bedtime stories! I just love to close
my eyes and imagine what life was like for them. I have found the Mennonites in Germantown, PA
are doing quite a bit of research on the Kuster line. It seems to be accurate and thorough. I sent you
an invitation to my tree on ancestry.com, please let me know if you received it via e-mail. You can see
what I have entered so far. I am the home person, so just follow the lineage through my Dad- King
Huey Wisdom. Have a wonderful day.
I take it the Kuster family were Mennonites. Is that correct?
Here is some information I have on the Mennonites in my ancestors.--
Names of Mennonite Families:
Jacob Schumacher Kolb
Elizabeth Muesselman
Dielman Edward Kolb
James H. Zeigler
Erasmus Chambers
Barrick Chambers
Maria Henry Tyson
David Landis Tyson
Maria Margaret Henry
Dielman Kolb (Minister)
Daniel Fry Tyson
Barbara Hassler
James H Zeigler
Sarah VanSintern
Isaac VanSintern Kolb
Reverends Listed:
Thomas Lake
William Mease
William Mease Mayes
Jacob Lischy
Michael Bender Ziegler
Mennonite Church Cemetery, Perry Twp, Wood co. OH
These names came up when I was working with Family Tree Maker researching my mother's Ancestors. I spent
part of my youth in Wood County Ohio and went to a Mt Zion church. We lived on a farm and I moved to
Texas just before being in High School. I even have an older brother buried in Wood cty Mt Zion Cemetery
who died at child birth. It has been many years since I have visited that area.
I haven't been able to access your tree on ancestry.com. Please repeat the invitation again and I give it another
try. My last working days I was working in Real Estate as a Broker. Had a license for many years but didn't
really like the duties of the trade. I would rather work creating something or solve mechanical problems. Being
a flight engineer on a PBM in the Pacific, I enjoyed the flying and nursing the engines and aircraft.
I spent a few years as partner, owner of foreign car garage. I was bookeeper, parts man, and even engine
overhaul and electrician. That was much more satisfying than doing real estate. That was in the 70 and 80s.
Use any of my data with your research and genealogy to make your data complete.
Thanks for being such a nice cousin.