NAVIGATION TRAINING DAY 29 August 2010 Programme: a. Endure lecture b. Relate map to the surroundings of Rummery Park. Answer questions 1 to 7 c. Assess personal walking characteristics. Answer questions 8 to 12. d. Walk south-east (from behind shelter shed) along Boggy Creek Walk (named ‘Trail’ on AGD66) and identify side creek from north-east at grid location 376 360 on GDA94 (375 358 on AGD66). Note contours on left (large hill). e. Proceed to point just north of first creek joining main creek from the west (not clear on AGD 66 so check on GDA94). f. Cross main creek to meet Minyon Falls Road at a point north of the junction of Wirupa Break, then turn south and attempt to locate the junction of Wirupa Break and the two creeks shown, one each side of Wirupa Break (careful - a trick here!!). Note the differences between GDA94 and AGD66 and accept GDA94 as being more correct. g. Continue south-east along Minyon Falls Road to the junction of Yaki Break (Point A). Answer questions 13 to 17 (refer to next line for location of Point B). h. Proceed along Yaki Break to junction with Minyon Fire Break (Point B). Answer questions 18, 19 and 20. i. Turn south along Minyon Fire Break and take shortest route to the top of Minyon Falls. En route: note turn-off for Quondong Road; identify knoll at 377 347 – GDA94 (377 345 – AGD66) and observe characteristics; note contours when descending steep, wide ridge. Answer question 21. j. Follow Boggy Creek Walk (Trail) back to Rummery Park. Questionaire: 1. Location of Peates Mountain (Map name, number & datum, grid reference) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. GPS location of Rummery Park Height of Peates Mtn above Rummery Park Magnetic bearing of Peates Mtn Road from Rummery Park Map bearing of Peates Mtn Road from Rummery Park Difference between two above bearings Time (t in seconds ) to walk a measured 100 metres at your normal walking pace Estimated speed (s) of your normal walking pace in km/hr (s = 360/t) Time to walk a measured 100 metres at a fast walking pace Estimated speed of your fast walking pace in km/hr. Number of normal paces to walk 100 metres. Grid location of Point A. Estimated distance from Point A to Point B. Estimated time from Point A to Point B. Map bearing of start of Yaki Break (compare with magnetic bearing). Anticipated gradient along Yaki Break (flat, steep up, steep down, other). Grid reference of Point B. GPS location of Point B. Magnetic and grid bearings of Minyon Fire Break on left from Point B. Height drop from knoll at grid location 377 347 on GDA94 (377 345 on AGD66) to top of Minyon Falls. Estimating Walking Speeds: Time to walk 100 m (t) 40 secs 60 90 120 Speed (s) 9 km/hr 6 4 3 Time to walk 1 km 7 mins 10 15 20