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Religious Education Topic Final Assessment
10D – The Middle Ages
This assessment has three sections with Achieved, Merit and Excellence questions. Try to
complete each section. The required number of marks to pass is indicated at the start of each
section. The marks for each question are indicated in brackets after the question.
Section One: Achieved Questions (6 Marks required to pass this section)
1. Define the period of the “Middle Ages”
(Three Marks)
2. Name two significant nations in the Middle Ages
(Two Marks)
3. Complete the following extract by selecting the correct words from the box below to go in the correct
gaps. (Note there are more words than there are gaps)
During the Middle ages Christianity grew stronger in Europe and came to _________________ every
aspect of life and society. The close ties that developed between the popes and the kings of the
_________________ in the early Middle Ages made it possible for Christianity to spread throughout
The first major split in the Christian church happened between the Church of the East and the Church
of the _________________. Despite this split Christianity still _________________ thanks to the
faith of those in monasteries. _________________ or religious journeys were an important aspect of
Christian and social life in the Middle Ages.
The _________________ were wars fought under the banner of _________________, to recover or
defend Christian territory in Palestine. The wars caused great and lasting damage to relations between
Christians and _________________.
Devotion to Mary was very strong during the Middle Ages. This saw the development of the Hail Mary
and the _________________.
(Five Marks)
Section Two: Merit Questions (6 Marks are required to pass this section)
1. List three differences between the Eastern and Western Church during the Middle Ages.
(Three Marks)
2. Circle the five mysteries below that belong in the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
 The Resurrection
 Jesus Carries his Cross
 The Agony in the Garden
 The Institution of the Eucharist
 The Birth of Jesus
 The Descent of the Holy Spirit
 The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
 The Annunciation
 The Ascension
 The Wedding at Cana
 The Crucifixion
 The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
 The Visitation
 The Transfiguration
 The Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven
 The Assumption of Our Lady
(Five Marks)
3. What was significant about the city of Avignon in France?
(Two Marks)
Section Three: Excellence Questions (7 Marks are required to pass this
1. The Crusades were a big even in the Middle Ages. Choose one of the two opinions and present a
detailed argument for this opinion in the form of a short essay (150-200 words).
 The Crusades were a good idea
 The Crusades were a bad idea
(Ten Marks)
Section One (6/10 required)
Section Two (6/10 required)
Section Three (7/10 required)
Final Grade:
Extra Paper:
Marking Schedule
Section One: Achieved Questions (6 Marks required to pass this section)
Define the period of the “Middle Ages”
Marks for each of the following ideas as shown with a maximum of three marks
 800-1500AD (Two Marks)
 After Roman Empire (One Mark)
 Before Modern Period (One Mark)
 Approx 700 Years (One Mark)
2. Name two significant nations in the Middle Ages
One mark each for any of the following – with a maximum of two marks:
 France
 Italy
 England
 Scandanavia…
3. Half a mark for each correct word
During the Middle ages Christianity grew stronger in Europe and came to dominate every aspect of life and society.
The close ties that developed between the popes and the kings of the Franks in the early Middle Ages made it
possible for Christianity to spread throughout Europe.
The first major split in the Christian church happened between the Church of the East and the Church of the West.
Despite this split Christianity still Flourished thanks to the faith of those in monasteries. Pilgrimages or religious
journeys were an important aspect of Christian and social life in the Middle Ages.
The Crusades were wars fought under the banner of Christ, to recover or defend Christian territory in Palestine. The
wars caused great and lasting damage to relations between Christians and Muslims.
Devotion to Mary was very strong during the Middle Ages. This saw the development of the Hail Mary and the
Section Two: Merit Questions (6 Marks are required to pass this section)
List three differences between the Eastern and Western Church during the Middle Ages.
One mark for any of the following with a maximum of three:
 Congregation Stands for almost the entire service
 Make the sign of the cross different
 Venerate Icons
 Iconostasis
 Possible married priesthood
 Other suitable differences may be accepted with discretion
2. The Five Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary are: (One mark for each correctly identified)
 The Annunciation
 The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
 The Visitation
 The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
 The Birth of Jesus
3. What was significant about the city of Avignon in France? (Two Marks)
Was home of the papacy (Pope) for 70 years in the 14 th Century
Section Three: Excellence Questions (7 Marks are required to pass this section)
The Crusades were a big even in the Middle Ages. Choose one of the two opinions and present a detailed
argument for this opinion in the form of a short essay (150-200 words). The marks are to be awarded in the
manor outlined below depending on how proficiently the marker feels the student has conveyed the required
 The Crusades were a good idea
5 Marks:
The Importance of defending the authority
of the Church and reclaiming the Holy
2 Marks:
Somehow mention that they could have
been done with greater care
2 Mark:
Some basic facts about the Crusades are
1 Mark:
General readability of the essay – Literary
 The Crusades were a bad idea
5 Marks:
Mercy and Compassion are important
aspects of being a Christian – hence
killing should be avoided – whether
Eastern Christians of Muslims
2 Marks:
Somehow mention that there was a small
purpose to them (even though it was not
2 Mark:
Some basic facts about the Crusades are
1 Mark:
General readability of the essay – Literary