Paul C. Jones Southern Nazarene University 6729 NW 39th Expressway Bethany, OK 73008 Office Phone: (405) 789-6400, ext. 6656 Cell Phone: (405) 824-7295 Fax: (405) 491-6375 E-mail: Curriculum Vitae Education: Ph.D. – Clinical Psychology, Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, Sept. 2001 – Aug. 2007. M.A. – Theology, Graduate School of Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, Sept. 2001 – June 2006. M.A. – Psychology, Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, Sept. 2001 – June 2003. B.S. – Psychology & Theology (Summa cum laude), Southern Nazarene University, Bethany, Oklahoma, Aug. 1997 – May 2001. Pew Younger Scholar’s Program, Seminar in Psychology, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, May 2000 – June 2000. Teaching Experience: Assistant Professor of Psychology, Department of Psychology/Graduate Programs in Counseling, Southern Nazarene University, Bethany, Oklahoma, Sept. 2008 – present. (Graduate courses taught: Lifespan Development; Psychological and Family Assessment; Philosophy of Interpersonal Relationships; Psychopathology; Theories of Counseling; Undergraduate courses taught: History and Systems of Psychology; Principles of Counseling; Psychology of Religion) Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Lifespan Development, graduate course, Southern Nazarene University, Bethany, Oklahoma, March 2008 – April 2008. Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Introduction to Counseling, graduate course, Southern Nazarene University, Bethany, Oklahoma, Feb. 2007 – March. 2007. Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Psychology of Personality, undergraduate course, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, California, Sept. 2004 – Dec. 2004; Sept. 2005 – Dec. 2005. Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, undergraduate course, Azusa Pacific University, Azusa, California, Jan. 2005 – May 2005; Jan. 2006 – May 2006. Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Integration, graduate course, Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, Sept. 2002 – Dec. 2002; March 2004 – June 2004. Teaching Assistant, History and Systems of Psychology, graduate course, Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, Jan. 2004 – March 2004. Administrative Experience: Director, Graduate Programs in Counseling, Southern Nazarene University, Bethany, Oklahoma, Feb. 2012 – present. Executive Director, Life Counseling Center, Southern Nazarene University, Bethany, Oklahoma, Sept. 2008 – Aug. 2012. Research Experience/Publications: Montoya, B. M., Limke, A., & Jones, P. C. (2011, April). Relationship attributions, commitment, and satisfaction in married and dating couples. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Oklahoma Psychological Society, Edmond, OK. Myers, T., Limke, A., & Jones, P. (2010, November). Attachment Styles, Conflict Resolution, and Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships. Paper session presented at the 99th Annual Technical Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Northeastern State University, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Squire, A., Limke, A., Jones, P, (2010). The “Green-Eyed Monster”: Perceived Sibling Inequality, Attachment, and Jealousy in Romantic Relationships. Manuscript submitted for publication. Dueck, A., Taylor, G., Jones, P., & Goodman, D. (2009, April). Theological Reflections on Relational Psychoanalysis. Paper session presented at the Christian Association of Psychological Studies International Conference, Orlando, Florida. Jones, P. (2008). Traditioning as Integration: Rationally Justifying the Practice of Relational Psychoanalysis in Social Trinitarian Theology. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller. Jones, P. (2007). Traditioning Relational Psychoanalysis in Social Trinitarian Theology: A Project in Integration. Doctoral dissertation, Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California. Jones, P. (2005, March). Wesleyan/Trinitarian theology and relational psychoanalysis: Reciprocal informants in human transformation. Paper presentation at the Society for the Study of Psychology and Wesleyan Theology Annual Meeting, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, Washington. Dueck, A., Becker, B., Goodman, D., and Jones, P. (2005). Violent Religions: Monologue or Dialogue? [Review of the book series The Destructive Power of Religion: Violence in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Vols. 1-4, J. H. Ellens (Ed.)]. PsychCRTIQUES, 50, 7, Article 8. Jones, P., Sherman, G., & Dueck, A. (2004). Social character and the semantic analysis of ministerial roles. Manuscript submitted for publication. Jones, P. (2003, August). Social character and the semantic analysis of ministerial roles. Master’s Project, Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California. Jones, P. (2003, June). Evaluating institutional decisions regarding acceptance of potential clergy candidates according to historical analysis of ministerial roles. Paper presented at the Christian Association of Psychological Studies International Conference, Anaheim, California. Jones, P. (2002, April). Whatever happened to the body?: Christian transformation, psychotherapy, and relationality. Paper presented at the Christian Association of Psychological Studies International Conference, Chicago, Illinois. Jones, P. (2001, April). Relational redemption: Psychodynamic theory as a model for contemporary Wesleyan soteriology. Paper presentation at the Society for the Study of Psychology and Wesleyan Theology Annual Meeting, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California. Jones, P., & Wright, R. (2000, August). Gender differences in preferred attributes in heterosexual marital partners. Student poster presentation at American Psychological Association National Conference, Washington, D.C. Jones, P. (2000, June). Origins of guilt: A potential for the integration of object relations theory with Christianity. Paper presentation at the Pew Younger Scholars Program, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. Jones, P. (1999, March). Preferred attributes of marital partners among college age men and women. Poster presentation at Psi Chi Regional Conference, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas. Clinical Experience: Licensed Health Service Psychologist: State of Oklahoma (License #1083). Practicing Jan. 2009 – present. Individual and couples psychotherapy with outpatient adults. Supervised Clinical Experience: Post-doctoral Fellowship: University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Student Counseling Services, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Aug. 2007 – Sept. 2008. Clinical experience and supervision with Victoria Christofi, Ph.D. Individual and couples psychotherapy with outpatient adults (graduate students). Psychological assessment. Preventative education and campus outreach. Administrative duties. Internship: Oklahoma Health Consortium, Oklahoma, Aug. 2006 – Aug. 2007. Clinical training and supervision with Michael Daves, Ph.D., at the University of Oklahoma Counseling and Testing Services. Psychotherapy with individual outpatient adults and couples (college students). Psychological assessment. Preventative education and campus outreach. Clinical training and supervision with Rebecca J. Adcock, Ph.D. and Jane Kurek, Ph.D., at the Jim Thorpe Rehabilitation Hospital. Psychotherapy with individual inpatient adults and adolescents. Group therapy and psychoeducation with spinal injury and head injury patients (adults). Neuropsychological assessment and testing (adults and adolescents). Pre-Internship: California State University, Fullerton, Counseling and Psychological Services, Fullerton, California, Aug. 2005 – June 2006. Clinical training and supervision with Stephen L. Okiyama, Ph.D. Psychotherapy with individual outpatient adults (college students). Preventative education and campus outreach. Clerkship: Casa Colina Centers for Rehabilitation, Pomona, California, Sept. 2004 – Aug. 2005. Clinical training and supervision with Kelli McSwan, Ph.D., Katrina Keil, Ph.D., Audrey Khatchikian, Ph.D., and Melanie Sapienza, Ph.D. Psychotherapy with individual inpatient adults and adolescents. Group therapy with spinal injury and head injury patients (adults). Neuropsychological assessment and testing (adults and adolescents). Practicum II: Prototypes-ICAN, Pasadena, California, Sept. 2003 – June 2004. Clinical training and supervision with Lori Kaplan, Ph.D. Psychotherapy with individual outpatient clients (adults and adolescents). Group therapy with day rehabilitation patients (adults). Assessment and testing (adults and children). Practicum I: Fuller Psychological and Family Services, Pasadena, California, Sept. 2002 – June 2003. Clinical training and supervision with Ryan Howes, Ph.D. Psychotherapy with individual outpatient clients (adults and children). Assessment and testing (children). Clinical Foundations Training: Fuller Psychological and Family Services, Pasadena, California, Oct. 2001 – June 2002. Clinical training, role-playing, and supervision with Carlos Taloyo, C.T. Psychotherapy with single outpatient client. Undergraduate Practicum in Psychology: Presbyterian Hospital, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Jan 2001 – May 2001. Observed and assisted Dr. Jim Sturgis, Neuro Program Coordinator/Psychologist, in rehabilitation unit. Worked with patients with head trauma and other neurological disorders. Membership in Professional Societies: Member of the Oklahoma Society for Psychoanalytic Studies, 2008 – present. Member of the Oklahoma Psychological Association, 2008 – present. Member of the Division of Psychoanalysis (Division 39), American Psychological Association, 2008 – present. Member of the Christian Association of Psychological Studies, 2002 – present. Member of the Wesleyan Theological Society, 2001 – present. Member of the Society for the Study of Psychology and Wesleyan Theology, 2000 – present. (Acting Program Chair, 2009 – 2011; Acting President, 2011 – 2012) Member of the American Psychological Association, 1999 – present. Member of Psi-Chi, Psychology Honor Society, Chapter of Southern Nazarene University, Bethany, Oklahoma, Aug. 1998 – May 2001.