UNIVERSITETET I OSLO Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet Exam in: MBV4120/MBV9120 Eukaryotic Genes and Genomes Day of exam: Friday February 22, 2013 Exam hours: 10.00 – 13.00 This examination paper consists of 2 pages. Appendices: None Permitted materials: None The written exam gives a maximum score of 100 points. Each of the 20 questions gives 5 points each. Give short answers to all questions! Use drawings or figures to illustrate your answer if you like. Make sure that your copy of this examination paper is complete before answering. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Genes and Genomes 1. How would you define a gene? What is a gene family? 2. Briefly describe the different types of repeated and non-repeated sequences in a sequenced genome of your choice. 3. Where are the majority of the genes encoding the chloroplast proteome found? Which classes of genes are found in most chloroplast genomes? 4. How are organelle genomes inherited? II Non-coding RNA and transposable elements 5. The mRNA encoding the B-subunit of the mammalian glutamate receptor (GluR-B) is subject to editing. Describe how this editing affects the mRNA and protein sequences. Additional info: The affected amino acid, encoded by a AGG triplet in the pre-edited mRNA, is an Arg residue. Part of the genetic code: AAG=Lys; GGG=Gly; ACG=Thr; TGG=Trp 6. What are piRNAs? And what is their function? MBV4120/MBV9120 V2013 page 1 of 2 7. What are LINEs and SINEs? 8. Which sequence elements are present in a retrovirus? What is the difference between an LTR retrotransposon and a retrovirus? III Chromosomes and epigenetics 9. What are histone variants? Give an example of a histone variant and its function. 10. What is "position effect variegation"? 11. Describe the function of the mammalian long non-coding RNA Xist. 12. Which DNA modifications can result from the action of the TET enzymes? IV Genetic methodology and model organisms 13. Briefly describe reverse genetics technologies (or methods) that allows for direct targeting of a gene by "knock-out" and "knock-down". 14. Transposition of HML or HMR to the MAT - locus is explained by a synthesisdependent strand-annealing model (SDSA). How is the outcome of SDSA different to homologus recombination? 15. Which factors can affect the transcription of transfected DNA? 16. What is a suppressor screen? Give an example of such a screen. V Developmental biology 17. Briefly describe how apical meristems are maintained in Arabidopsis. What is the effect if CLAVATA3 is constitutively overexpressed? 18. Which genes and mechanisms are important for flowering time control in Arabidopsis? 19. Explain the term morphogen. Give an example of a morphogen in Drosophila embryogenesis. 20. How are homeotic selector genes regulated in Drosophila? MBV4120/MBV9120 V2013 page 2 of 2