Issue: 13 OPERATING PROCEDURE NO 7.07 FOR Student Discipline – Non-Academic Revision History: Revision No Revision Details Date Approved by 0 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION 1 Responsibilities 12/09/03 RJ 2 Responsibilities 07/11/03 RJH 3 Responsibilities 06.06.05 RJ 4 Addition of informing academic staff 23.05.06 HM 5 Minor amendment 1/09/06 HM 6 General update 26.03.07 RL 7 Minor amendments 21.02.08 RL 8 Major amendments 01.10. 09 GMC 9 Minor Amendments 03.11.10 LW 10 Reviewed, no changes 03.01.14 LW 11 Reviewed, minor amendments 30.01.14 DH 12 Reviewed, minor amendments 28.08.14 LW 13 Reviewed, minor amendments 03.07.15 LW QUALITY OPERATING PROCEDURE 7.07 SUBJECT: Student Discipline – Non-academic Page 2 of 5 Current Owner: Lesley Worsfold Line Manager: Principal Purpose: To ensure that the Code of Conduct (including the Residential Regulations as appropriate) to which students are expected to adhere to is enforced in a fair, formal and structured manner. Scope: 1. The Code applies to all students of the College, whether full-time, part-time, whether or not their programme is validated by, or associated with, any other institution, and at all times during the year, whether or not during College terms, College working hours or on College premises. 2. The Code does not apply to matters relating primarily to academic performance which are subject to a separate procedure. Academic Discipline is covered by procedure 7.13. Responsibilities: 1. The Principal is responsible for the operation of this procedure. 2. The Director of Human Resources and Residential Services or his/her nominee has a formal role in the operation of this procedure. 3. Other members of College staff may be required to investigate and report on incidents to the Director of Human Resources and Residential Services or his/her nominee. Method: 1. Cases of misconduct not deemed to be serious misconduct will be dealt with by College Wardens, the Head Warden or Residential Safeguarding Manager or his/her nominee in accordance with the non-academic grid of disciplinary sanctions (C1-C4) communicated to all students and contained within the Residential Handbook. 2. Serious cases of misconduct will be treated by the College as gross misconduct. Examples of gross misconduct include but are not restricted to: unauthorised interference with safety or fire fighting equipment, any act which jeopardises the security of the College or its staff or students, drug misuse which includes possession, supply/cultivation or being involved with these activities on campus or in external residential property managed by the College, theft, physical assault/violence, drunkenness, disruptive behaviour, deliberate damage to property belonging to the College, its staff, visitors or students and/or possession of firearms or similar offensive weapons, serious breach of health and safety including visiting pubs/clubs off site and breaching the fob security system (under 18 students), deliberate bullying including cyber bullying.discriminatory behaviour. 3. Instances of alleged gross misconduct (C5) should be brought to the attention of the Director of Human Resources and Residential Services or his/her nominee or any other member of the College Executive if the Director of Human Resources and Residential Services is not available. It is important that the Principal is not involved in the process at this time. Disciplinary sanctions awarded are treated on a cumulative basis and as a result the Director of HR & Residential Services may initiate disciplinary action at a C5 level due to a student’s previous disciplinary record. QUALITY OPERATING PROCEDURE 7.07 SUBJECT: Student Discipline – Non-Academic Page 3 of 5 Current Owner: Lesley Worsfold Line Manager: Principal 4. The Director of Human Resources and Residential Services or his/her nominee will investigate the alleged misconduct and may as a result initiate disciplinary action against the student(s) involved. 5. The Director of Human Resources and Residential Services or his/her nominee may suspend a student pending the outcome of a formal disciplinary hearing with a Disciplinary Panel. During suspension, the student, whether residential or non-residential, may be excluded from all or specific College premises if it is felt to be in the best interests of the investigation. Parents/Guardians of any student aged under 18 years of age at the time of suspension will also be advised, in writing, of the suspension as will the student so affected. Parents/Guardians of any student aged 18 or over at the time of the suspension will be informed only with the student’s prior consent, as recorded in the minutes from the interview with the Director of Human Resources and Residential Services or his/her nominee. 6. Any resulting action from the disciplinary hearing will be reported to the Head of Department and Course/Programme Tutor within one working day of the hearing taking place. The Residential Safeguarding Manager, Residential Services Manager and the Duty Warden team, if the student is residential, will be informed as soon as possible after the hearing. 7. The Vice Principal (Higher Education) and Vice Principal (Further Education) or their nominees will offer the suspended student reasonable academic support during this period of the suspension. This support will usually be restricted to assignment work supported by learning materials and telephone tutorials. Disciplinary hearing: 8. The student will be notified of the date to attend a disciplinary hearing with the Disciplinary Panel within 14 days of the decision to commence disciplinary action. The Disciplinary Panel will be Chaired by a Senior Post Holder (but not the Principal) and consist of two other senior members of staff. The letter convening the hearing will indicate the nature of the alleged breach, or breaches, of discipline. The letter will also advise the student of his or her right to be accompanied at the disciplinary hearing by a friend or relative. 9. The Disciplinary Panel may adjourn matters, reinstate, exclude for a fixed period, expel the student or administer a formal warning as to the consequences of any further breach of College discipline. The Disciplinary Panel will confirm the decision in writing. The Disciplinary Panel may exclude a residential student from College accommodation for a fixed or permanent period as part of the range of sanctions available. 10. All staff must be aware of the nature of this procedure and the need to keep accurate detailed notes on any interview or incident which might lead to a student being charged with gross misconduct. QUALITY OPERATING PROCEDURE 7.07 SUBJECT: Student Discipline – Non-Academic Page 4 of 5 Current Owner: Lesley Worsfold Line Manager: Principal Appeals: 1. The student may Appeal against the decision of the Disciplinary Panel. Any Appeal must be made in writing to the PA to the Principal within seven days of the decision being communicated to the student formally in writing. The letter of Appeal must give the grounds of Appeal. Appeals will normally be considered on the basis of procedural irregularity, excessive nature of sanction or new evidence. 2. The Appeal will be heard by the Principal. The Principal can if he deems necessary, invite two Governors or two senior managers not already involved in the case to hear the Appeal with him. Where the Principal has been previously involved in the individual student’s disciplinary process or is not available then the Appeal will be heard by a panel of three Governors or two Governors and a Vice-Principal not already involved in the case. 3. The Appeal hearing will be convened by the PA to the Principal to take place within 21 working days of receipt of the Notice of Appeal. The Principal can, at his/her discretion, and in certain exceptional circumstances respond to the appeal in writing by means of a formal letter. The letter convening the hearing will state that the student has a right to be accompanied at the Appeal hearing by a friend or relative but not by a legal or professional adviser unless the College otherwise agrees, having been given notice before the day of the hearing. A legal or other professional adviser will be allowed if the College intends to have an external adviser present. 4. Relevant written evidence or submissions may be supplied to the PA to the Principal not later than five working days before the appeal hearing for consideration by the Principal. Any documents considered by the Disciplinary Panel in their disciplinary meeting with the student will be available to all parties for the purpose of the Appeal together with the minutes of the disciplinary meeting. 5. The Principal will consider any written evidence and submissions which have been circulated in advance and may be addressed by either or both parties. If any evidence is disputed, the Principal may agree to allow witnesses to be called and questioned and may, exceptionally, agree to hear evidence which has not been circulated in advance. 6. The Principal may adjourn matters, confirm the decision of the Disciplinary Panel or may substitute any alternative decision which was available to the Disciplinary Panel when they conducted the disciplinary hearing. 7. The decision of the Principal will be confirmed in writing and will be final and binding on both parties. QUALITY OPERATING PROCEDURE 7.07 SUBJECT: Student Discipline – Non-Academic Page 5 of 5 Current Owner: Lesley Worsfold Line Manager: Principal Finance: A student who has been suspended or expelled will still be liable for any debt owed to the College. Service of Documents: Service of any documents under these Rules may be affected in person, or by delivering it to the relevant office or last known place of residence, or by recorded delivery post. A document which is sent by First Class post will be considered to be served on the second day after it has been posted. Documents/letters may also be sent via email if all parties are in agreement. REFERENCE 1. Academic Discipline Procedure 2. College Rules and Regulations including the Residential Regulations and Procedures 3. Residential Handbook 4. Non-academic grid of disciplinary sanctions