
by José Ángel GARCÍA LANDA
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
Vol. 1
Scholes, Robert and Comley, Nancy R. "Responsible Extravagance:
Reading after Post-Structuralism."Narrative 1.1 (1993): 3-11.*
Friedman, Susan Stanford. "Spatialization: A Strategy for Reading
Narrative." Narrative 1.1 (1993): 12-23. *
Saldívar, Ramón. "Lyrical Borders: Modernity, The Nation and
Narratives of Chicano Subject Formation." Narrative 1.1
(1993): 36-44.*
McKeon, Michael. "Reply to Ralph Rader." Narrative 1.1 (1993): 8490.*
Goellner, Ellen "By Word of Mouth: Narrative Dynamics of Gossip in
Faulkner's Light in August." Narrative 1.2 (1993): 105-123.*
Irele, Abiola. "Narrative, History, and The African Imagination."
Narrative 1.2 (1993): 156-172.*
Rader, Ralph W. "The Novel and History Once More: A Response to
Michael McKeon's 'Reply'." Narrative 1.2 (1993): 173-183.*
Moddelmog, Debra A. "Reconstructing Hemingway's Identity: Sexual
Classroom."Narrative 1.3 (1993): 187-206.*
O'Toole, Tess. (McGill U, Canada). "Genealogy and Narrative
Jamming in Hardy´s The Well-Beloved." Narrative 1.3 (1993):
207-222. *
Linda Wagner-Martin, Linda. "Notes from a Women´s Biographer.
Narrative 1.3 (1994): 265-273.*
Vol. 2 (1994)
Cohen, Keith. "Unweaving Puig's Spider Woman: Ecphrasis and
Narration."Narrative 2.1 (1994): 17-28.*
Mortimer, Armine Kotin. "Fortifications of Desire: Reading the
Second Story in Katherine Mansfield's 'Bliss.'" Narrative 2.1
(1994): 41-52.*
Lenrow, Elbert. "Memoir: The Young Kerouac." Narrative 2.1
(1994): 65-86.*
Langland, Elizabeth. "Inventing Reality: The Ideological
Commitments of George Eliot's Middlemarch." Narrative 2.2:
Rushdy, Ashraf H.A. "Ishmael Reed's Neo-HooDoo Slave Narrative."
Narrative 2.2: 112-139.*
Newsom, Robert. "Fear of Fictions." Narrative 2.2: 140-151.*
Walton, Kendall. "Duality Without Paradox: Response to Robert
Newsom." Narrative 2.2: 152-158.*
Newsom, Robert. "Doing Duality Once More." Narrative 2.2: 159162.*
Rabinowitz, Peter. "Betraying the Sender: The Rhetoric and Ethics of
Fragile Texts." Narrative 2 (1994): 201-13.
D'Souza, Dinesh. "Response." Narrative 2.3 (1994): 268-269.*
Vol. 3 (1995)
Berry, R. M. "What is a Narrative Convention? (Wittgenstein, Stanley
Cavell and Literary Criticism)." Narrative 3.1: 18-32.
Gregory, Marshall. "The Sound of Story: Narrative, Memory, and
Selfhood." Narrative 3.1: 33-56.*
Lanser, Susan Sniader. "Sexing the Narrative: Propriety, Desire, and
the Engendering of Narratology." Narrative 3.1 (1995): 85-94.
Kafalenos, Emma. "Lingering Along the Narrative Path: Extended
Functions in Kafka and Henry James." Narrative 3.2: 117-138*
Sweeney, Susan Elizabeth. "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Gazing in
Edith Wharton's 'Looking Glass'." Narrative 3.2: 139-160.*
Doyle, Laura. "The Folk, the Nobles, and the Novel: The Racial
Subtext of Sentimentality." Narrative 3.2: 161-187.*
Heehs, Peter. "Narrative Painting and Narratives about Paintings:
Poussin among the Philosophers." Narrative 3.3: 211-231.*
Chatman, Seymour. "How Loose Can Narrators Get? (And How
Vulnerable Can Narratees Be?)." Narrative 3.3: 303-306.*
Vol. 4 (1996)
Michaels, Walter Benn. "'You who never was there'; Slavery and the
New Historicism, Deconstruction and the Holocaust." Narrative
4.1 (January 1996): 1-16.*
Vol. 5 (1997)
Langland, Elizabeth. "Sexing the Text: Narrative Drag as Feminist
Poetics and Politics in Jeanette Winterson's Sexing the Cherry ."
Narrative 5.1 (January 1997): 99-108.*
Vol. 6 (1998)
Allen, Chadwick. "Blood as Narrative/Narrative as Blood: Declaring a
Fourth World." Narrative 6.3 (October 1998): 236-255.
Albrinck, Meg. "Borderline Women: Gender Confusion in Vera
Brittain's and the Evadne Price's War Narrative." Narrative 6.3
(October 1998): 271-291.
Vol. 8 (2000)
Abbott, H. Porter. "The Evolutionary Origins of the Storied Mind:
Modeling the Prehistory of Narrative Consciousness and Its
Discontents." Narrative 8 (2000): 247-256.*
Vol. 9 (2001)
Herman, David. "Story Logic in Conversational and Literary
Narratives." Narrative 9.2 (2001): 130-37.
Kafalenos, Emma. "Reading Visual Art, Making—and Forgetting—
Fabulas." Narrative 9.2 (2001): 138-45.
Vol. 10 (2002)
Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith. "The Story of ‘I’: Illness and Narrative
Identity." Narrative 10.1 (2002): 9-27.
Palmer, Alan. "The Construction of Fictional Minds." Narrative 10.1
(2002): 28-46.
Margolin, Uri. "Naming and Believing: Practices of the Proper Name
in Narrative Fiction." Narrative 10 (2002): 107-127.
Vol. 11 (2003)
Olson, Greta. "Reconsidering Unreliability: Fallible
Untrustworthy Narrators." Narrative 11.1 (2003): 93-109.
Zunshine, Lisa. "Theory of Mind and Experimental Representations of
Fictional Consciousness." Narrative 11.3 (Oct. 2003): 270-91.
Vol. 12 (2004)
Culler, Jonathan. "Omniscience." Narrative 12.1 (January 2004): 2234.
Nielsen, Henrik Skov. "The Impersonal Voice in First-Person
Narrative Fiction" Narrative 12 (2004): 133-50.
Vol. 13 (2005)
Richter, David. "Your Cheatin' Art: Double Dealing in Cinematic
Narrative." Narrative 13.1 (January 2005): 11-28.
Vol. 14 (2006)
Ryan, Marie-Laure. "Semantics, Pragmatics, and Narrativity."
Narrative 14.2 (2006): 188–96.
Keen, Suzanne. "A Theory of Narrative Empathy." Narrative 14.3
(2006): 207-36.
Baetens, Jan and Katherine Hume. "Speed, Rhythm, Movement: A
Dialogue on K. Hume's Article 'Narrative Speed.'" Narrative
14 (2006): 349-55.
Vol. 15 (2007)
Foster, G. "Freud, Faulkner, Caruth: Trauma and The Politics of
Literary Form." Narrative 15.3 (2007): 259-285.
Herman, David. "Storytelling and the Sciences of Mind: Cognitive
Narratology, Discursive Psychology, and Narratives in Face-toFace Interaction." Narrative 15.3 (2007): 306-34.
Vol. 16 (2008)
Kim, Sue J. "Narrator, Author, Reader: Equivocation in Theresa Hak
Kyung Cha's Dictee." Narrative 16.2 (May 2008): 163-77.*
Ferriss, Lucy. "Uncle Charles Repairs to the A&P: Changes in Voice
in the Recent American Short Story." Narrative 16.2 (May
2008): 178-92.*
Drucker, Johanna. "Graphic Devices: Narration and Navigation."
Narrative 16.2 (May 2008): 121-39.*
Heinze, Rüdiger. "Violations of Mimetic Epistemology in First-Person
Narrative Fiction." Narrative 16.3 (Oct. 2008): 279-97.*
Morgan, Monique R. "Narrative Means to Lyric Ends in Wordsworth's
Prelude." Narrative 16.3 (Oct. 2008): 298-330.*
Vol. 17 (2009)
McHale, Brian. "Beginning to Think about Narrative in Poetry."
Narrative 17.1 (Jan. 2009): 11-30.*
Chatman, Seymour. "Backwards." Narrative 17.1 (2009): 31-55.*
Briefel, Aviva. (Associate Prof. of English, Bowdoin College)."What
Some Ghosts Don't Know: Spectral Incognizance and the
Horror Film." Narrative 17.1 (Jan. 2009): 95-110.*
"Narrative Interest as Cultural Negotiation." Narrative 17.1 (Jan.
2009): 111-29.*
Dawson, Paul. "The Return of Omniscience in Contemporary Fiction."
Narrative 17.2 (May 2009): 143-161.
Grishakova, Marina. "Beyond the Frame: Cognitive Science, Common
Sense and Fiction." Narrative 17.2 (May 2009): 188-99.*
Vol. 18 (2010)
Pier, John. "Gérard Genette's Evolving Narrative Poetics." Narrative
18.1 (Jan. 2010): 8-18.*
Shapira, Yael. "Hairball Speaks: Margaret Atwood and the Narrative
Legacy of the Female Grotesque." Narrative 18.1 (Jan. 2010):
Alber, Jan, Stefan Iversen, Henrik Skov Nielsen and Brian
Richardson. "Unnatural Narratives, Unnatural Narratology:
Beyond Mimetic Models." Narrative 18.2 (May 2010): 11336.*
Haffey, Kate. (gs U of Wisconsin-Milwaukee). "Exquisite Moments
and the Temporality of the Kiss in Mrs. Dalloway and The
Hours." Narrative 18.2 (May 2010): 137-62.*
Goodman, Lesley. (gs Harvard U). "Rebellious Identification, or, How
I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Arabella." Narrative 18.2
(May 2010): 163-78.*
Borg, Ruben. (Hebrew U, Jerusalem). "Between Fact and Fiction: The
Nature of Events in Joyce and Beckett." Narrative 18.2 (May
2010): 179-98.*
Effron, Malcah. (Woman, Newcastle U, England). "On the Borders of
the Page, on the Borders of Genre: Artificial Paratexts in
Golden Age Detective Fiction." Narrative 18.2 (May 2010):
199-219.* (S. S. Van Dine, Carter Dickson and Edmund
Crispin, pseudonymous authors).
Petit, Laurence. (Woman, U Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3). "'Specters of
Kath': Negatives and Negativity in Penelope Lively's The
Photograph." Narrative 18.2 (May 2010): 220-28.*
Belling, Catherine (Assistant Professor of Medical Humanities and
Bioethics, Northwestern U, Feinberg School of Medicine).
"Narrating Oncogenesis: The Problem of Telling when Cancer
Begins." Narrative 18.2 (May 2010): 229-47.*
Hite, Molly (Cornell U). "Tonal Cues and Uncertain Values: Affect
and Ethics in Mrs. Dalloway." Narrative 18.3 (October 2010):
Bernaerts, Lars. (Ghent U). "Interactions in Cuckoo's Nest: Elements
of a Narrative Speech-Act Analysis." Narrative 18.3 (October
2010): 276-99.*
Bennett, Ashly. (gs Cornell U). "Shameful Signification: Narrative
and Feeling in Jane Eyre." Narrative 18.3 (October 2010): 30023.*
Benford, Cecilia. (Duke U). "'Listen to My Tale': Multilevel Structure,
Narrative Sense Making, and the Inassimilable in Mary
Shelley's Frankenstein." Narrative 18.3 (October 2010): 32446.*
Hentea, Marius. "The Forms and Functions of Back Story in the
Novel." Narrative 18.3 (October 2010): 347-66.*
Lang, Anouk. "'The Status Is Not Quo!': Pursuing Resolution in WebDisseminated Serial Narrative." Narrative 18.3 (October 2010):
Vol. 19 (2011)
Friedman, Susan Stanford. (Virginia Woolf Professor of English and
Women's Studies, U of Wisconsin-Madison; 2010 Wayne C.
Booth Lifetime Achievement Award).
"Towards a
Transnational Turn in Narrative Theory: Literary Narratives,
Traveling Tropes, and the Case of Virginia Woolf and the
Tagores." Narrative 19.1 (Jan. 2011): 1-32.*
Charon, Rita. (General internist and narratologist, Columbia U,
founder of the Program in Narrative Medicine). "The
Novelization of the Body, or, How Medicine and Stories Need
One Another." Narrative 19.1 (Jan. 2011): 33-50.*
Halpern, Faye. (Assistant Professor of English, U of Calgary).
"Unmasking Criticism: The Problem with Being a Good Reader
of Sentimental Rhetoric." Narrative 19.1 (Jan. 2011): 51-71.*
Walsh, Richard. (Senior Lecturer in English and Related Literature, U
of York). "Emergent Narrativity in Interactive Media."
Narrative 19.1 (Jan. 2011): 72-85.*
Muth, Katie R. (Washington U, St Louis, Ph.D. 2010). "Postmodern
Fiction as Poststructuralist Theory: Kathy Acker's Blood and
Guts in High School." Narrative 19.1 (Jan. 2011): 86-110.*
MacLeod, Lewis. (Trent U). "'A Documentary-Style Film': Borat and
the Fiction/Nonfiction Question." Narrative 19.1 (Jan. 2011):
111-32. (Sacha Baron-Cohen).
Gosselin, Abigail. (Regis U, Denver, CO). "Memoirs as Mirrors:
Counterstories in Contemporary Memoir." Narrative 19.1 (Jan.
2011): 133-48.*
Young, Kay. "The Aesthetics of Elegance and Extravagance in
Science and Art." Narrative 19.2 (May 2011): 149-70.*
Ryan, Marie-Laure. "Narrative/Science Entanglements: On the
Thousand and One Literary Lives of Schrödinger's Cat."
Narrative 19.2 (May 2011): 171-86.*
Abbott, H. Porter. "Time, Narrative, Life, Death, & Text-Type
Distinctions: The Example of Coetzee's Diary of a Bad Year."
Narrative 19.2 (May 2011): 187-200.*
Rabinowitz, Peter J. "'The Impossible Has a Way of Passing
Unnoticed': Reading Science in Fiction." Narrative 19.2 (May
2011): 201-15.*
Journet, Debra. "George C. Williams, Kenneth Burke, and 'The Goal
of the Fox': Or, Genes, Organisms, and the Agents of Natural
Selection." Narrative 19.2 (May 2011): 216-28.*
Demastes, William W. "Portrait of an Artist as Proto-Chaotician: Tom
Stoppard Working His Way to Arcadia." Narrative 19.2 (May
2011): 229-40.*
Storm, William. "On the Science of Dramatic Character." Narrative
19.2 (May 2011): 241-52.*
Brody, Alan. "Operation Epsilon: Science, History, and Theatrical
Narrative." Narrative 19.2 (May 2011): 253-57.*
Weinberg, David. "From the Big Bang to Island Universe: Anatomy
of a Collaboration." Narrative 19.2 (May 2011): 258-72. (Josiah
McElheny, sculptor).
Matz, Jesse. (Professor of English, Kenyon College). "The Art of
Time, Theory to Practice." Narrative 19.3 (Oct. 2011): 273-94.*
Turk, Tisha. (Assistant Prof. of English U of Minnesota, Morris).
"Intertextuality and the Collaborative Construction of Narrative:
J. M. Coetzee's Foe." Narrative 19.3 (Oct. 2011): 295-310.*
Bell, Alice (Senior Lect. in English Language and Literature,
Humanities Dept., Sheffield Hallam U), and Astrid Ensslin.
(Senior Lect. in Digital Humanities, School of Creative Studies
and Media, Bangor U, Wales). "'I Know What It Was. You
Know What It Was': Second-person Narration in Hypertext
Fiction." Narrative 19.3 (Oct. 2011): 311-29.*
Horstkotte, Silke (U of Leipzig) and Nancy Pedri (Assoc. Prof. of
English, Memorial U of Newfoundland). "Focalization in
Graphic Narrative." Narrative 19.3 (Oct. 2011): 330-57.*
Anderst, Leah. (Marymount Manhattan College, Ph.D. City U of New
York). "Cinematic Free Indirect Style: Represented Memory in
Hiroshima mon amour." Narrative 19.3 (Oct. 2011): 358-82.*
Vol. 20 (2012)
Rothberg, Michael. "Progress, Progression, Procession: William
Kentridge and the Narratology of Transitional Justice."
Narrative 20.1 (Jan. 2012): 1-24.* (Illustrator).
Hogan, Patrick Colm. "The Multiplicity of Implied Authors and the
Complex Case of Uncle Tom's Cabin." Narrative 20.1 (Jan.
2012): 25-42.*
Hoffman, Anne Golomb (Professor of English and Comparative
Literature, Fordham U). "The Body of the Child, the Body of
the Land: Trauma and Nachträglichkeit in Daivd Grossman's To
the End of the Land." Narrative 20.1 (Jan. 2012): 43-63.*
Schleifer, Ronald. (Professor of English and Adjunct Professor of
Medicine, U of Oklahoma). "Narrative Knowledge, Phronesis,
and Paradigm-Based Medicine." Narrative 20.1 (Jan. 2012): 6486.*
Nelles, William. (Professor of English, U of Massachusetts,
Dartmouth). "Microfiction: What Makes a Very Short Story
Very Short?" Narrative 20.1 (Jan. 2012): 87-104.*
Cohn, Dorrit. "Metalepsis and Mise en Abyme." Trans. Lewis S.
Gleih. Narrative 20.1 (Jan. 2012): 105-14.*
McHale, Brian. "Transparent Minds Revisited." Narrative 20.1
(2012): 115-24.*
Carrard, Philippe. "The Distinction of Historiography: Dorrit Cohn
and Referential Discourse." Narrative 20.1 (Jan. 2012): 12531.*
Narrative 20.2 (May 2012). Special issue on Alice Munro's Passion.
Lohafer, Susan. "Preface." Narrative 20.2 (May 2012): 133-34.*
Winther, Per, Michael Trussler, Michael Toolan, Charles E. May,
Susan Lohafer. "Introduction." Narrative 20.2 (May 2012):
_____. "Dialogues." Narrative 20.2 (May 2012): 239-53.*
May, Charles E. "The Short Story's Way of Meaning: Alice Munro's
Passion." Narrative 20.2 (May 2012): 172-82.*
Trussler, Michael. "Pockets of Nothingness: 'Metaphysical Solitude' in
Alice Munro's Passion." Narrative 20.2 (May 2012): 183-97.*
Winther, Per. "Munro's Handling of Description, Focalization, and
Voice in 'Passion'." Narrative 20.2 (May 2012): 198-209.*
Toolan, Michael. "Engagement Via Emotional Heightening in
'Passion': On the Grammatical Texture of EmotionallyImmersive Passages in Short Fiction." Narrative 20.2 (May
2012): 210-25.*
Lohafer, Susan. "The Stories of 'Passion': An Empirical Study."
Narrative 20.2 (May 2012): 226-38.*
Ciccoricco, David. (English dpt., U of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand).
"Focalization and Digital Fiction." Narrative 20.3 (Oct. 2012):
Weinberger, Christopher S. (Assistant Prof. Compartive and World
Lit. Dpt., San Francisco State U). "Critical Desire and the
Novel: Ethics of Self-Consciousness in Cervantes and
Nabokov." Narrative 20.3 (Oct. 2012): 277-300.*
Hollenberg, Alexander. (U of Toronto). "Recalcitrant Simplicity: Thin
Characters and Thick Narration in A Farewell to Arms."
Narrative 20.3 (Oct. 2012): 301-21.*
Grener, Adam. (Ph.D. Cornell U 2011; t. Johns Hopkins U).
"Coincidence as Realist Technique: Improbable Encounters and
the Representation of Selfishness in Martin Chuzzlewit."
Narrative 20.3 (Oct. 2012): 322-42.*
Cadden, Mike. (Missouri Western State U, St. Joseph, MO). "All Is
Well: The Epilogue in Children's Fantasy Fiction." Narrative
20.3 (Oct. 2012): 343-56.*
Fludernik, Monika. "How Natural Is 'Unnatural Narratology'; or, What
Is Unnatural about Unnatural Narratology?" Narrative 20.3
(Oct. 2012): 357-70.*
Alber, Jan, Stefan Iversen, Hernik Skov Nielsen and Brian
Richardson. "What Is Unnatural about Unnatural Narratology?
A Response to Monika Fludernik." Narrative 20.3 (Oct. 2012):
Vol. 21 (2013)
Saldívar, Ramón. "The Second Elevation of the Novel: Race, Form,
and the Postrace Aesthetic in Contemporary Narrative."
Narrative 21.1 (Jan. 2013): 1-18.*
Macaskill, Brian. "Authority, the Newspaper, and Other Media,
including J. M. Coetzee's Summertime." Narrative 21.1 (Jan.
2013): 19-45.*
Slowik, Mary. (Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, Oregon).
"Simultaneous Narration and Ethical Positionings in Three
Short Animated Films." Narrative 21.1 (Jan. 2013): 46-64.*
Birke, Dorothee (U of Freiburg) and Birte Christ (U of Giessen).
"Paratext and Digitized Narrative: Mapping the Field."
Narrative 21.1 (Jan. 2013): 65-87.*
Benzon, Paul. (Temple U). "Bootleg Paratextuality and Digital
Temporality: Towards an Alternate Present of the DVD."
Narrative 21.1 (Jan. 2013): 88-104.*
Mailloux, Steven. (President's Professor of Rhetoric, Loyola
Marymount U) Disciplinary Identities: Rhetorical Paths of
English, Speech, and Composition. "Narrative as Embodied
Intensities: The Eloquence of Travel in Nineteenth-century
Rome." Narrative 21.2 (May 2013): 125-39.*
Shen, Dan. (Changjiang Professor of English, Director of the Cventer
for European and American Literatures, Beijing University).
"Implied Author, Authorial Audience, and Context: Form and
History in Neo-Aristotelian Rhetorical Theory." Narrative 21.2
(May 2013): 140-58.*
Claycomb, Ryan. (Associate Professor of English, West Virginia
U)."Here's How You Produce This Play: Towards a Narratology
of Dramatic Texts." Narrative 21.2 (May 2013): 159-79.*
Courtney, Hannah. (gs Uof New South Wales, MA 010). "Narrative
Temporality and Slowed Scene: The Interaction of Event and
Thought Representation in Ian McEwan's Fiction." Narrative
21.2 (May 2013): 180-97.*
Davis, Helen H. (Assistant Professor of English, Wilkes U). "'I
Seemed to Hold Two Lives': Disclosing Circumnarration in
Villette and The Picture of Dorian Gray." Narrative 21.2 (May
2013): 198-220.*
Fash, Lydia G. "The Chronicle and the Reckoning: A Temporal
Paradox in Hawthorne's Twice-Told Tales." Narrative 21.2
(May 2013): 221-42.*
Patron, Sylvie. "Unspeakable Sentences: Narration and Representation
in Benedetti's 'Five Years of Life'." Narrative 21.2 (May 2013):
Ning, Wang, and Brian McHale, eds. Postmodernist Fiction: East and
West. Special issue of Narrative 21.3 (Oct. 2013).*
Ning, Wang. "Introduction: Historicizing Postmodernist Fiction." In
Postmodernist Fiction: East and West. Ed. Wang Ning and
Brian McHale. Special issue of Narrative 21.3 (Oct. 2013):
D'haen, Theo. "European Postmodernism: The Cosmodern Turn." In
Postmodernist Fiction: East and West. Ed. Wang Ning and
Brian McHale. Special issue of Narrative 21.3 (Oct. 2013):
McLaughlin, Robert J. "After the Revolution: US Postmodernism in
the Twenty-First Century." In Postmodernist Fiction: East and
West. Ed. Wang Ning and Brian McHale. Special issue of
Narrative 21.3 (Oct. 2013): 284-95.*
Ning, Wang. "A Reflection on Postmodernist Fiction in China: AvantGarde Narrative Experimentation." In Postmodernist Fiction:
East and West. Ed. Wang Ning and Brian McHale. Special
issue of Narrative 21.3 (Oct. 2013): 296-308.*
Gomel, Elana. "Viktor Pelevin and Literary Postmodernism in PostSoviet Russia." In Postmodernist Fiction: East and West. Ed.
Wang Ning and Brian McHale. Special issue of Narrative 21.3
(Oct. 2013): 309-21.*
Batra, Kanika. "City Botany: Reading Urban Ecologies in China
through Amitav Ghosh's River of Smoke." In Postmodernist
Fiction: East and West. Ed. Wang Ning and Brian McHale.
Special issue of Narrative 21.3 (Oct. 2013): 322-32.*
Feng, Zongxin. "A Mosaic of Fragments as Narrative Practice." In
Postmodernist Fiction: East and West. Ed. Wang Ning and
Brian McHale. Special issue of Narrative 21.3 (Oct. 2013):
Takayuki, Tatsumi. "Planet of the Frogs: Thoreau, Anderson, and
Murakami." In Postmodernist Fiction: East and West. Ed.
Wang Ning and Brian McHale. Special issue of Narrative 21.3
(Oct. 2013): 346-56.*
McHale, Brian. "Afterword: Reconstructing Postmodernism." In
Postmodernist Fiction: East and West. Ed. Wang Ning and
Brian McHale. Special issue of Narrative 21.3 (Oct. 2013):
Vol. 22 (2014)
Royle, Nicholas. "Even the Title: On the State of Narrative Theory
Today." Narrative 22.1 (2014): 1-16.*
Savarese, Ralph James, and Lisa Zunshine. "The Critic as
Neurocosmopolite: Or, What Cognitive Approaches to
Literature Can Learn from Disability Studies: Lisa Zunshine in
Conversation with Ralph James Savarese." Narrative 22.1
(2014): 17-44.*
Bujak, Nick. (gs Johns Hopkins U). "Form and Generic Interrelation
in the Romantic Period: Walter Scott's Poetic Influence on Jane
Austen." Narrative 22.1 (2014): 45-67.*
Bernaerts, Lars, Marco Caracciolo, Luc Herman and Bart Verbaeck.
"The Storied Lives of Non-Human Narrators." Narrative 22.1
(2014): 68-93.*
Herzberg, Bruce (Bentley U). "Isaac's Blindness: A Case of Narrative
Deficiency." Narrative 22.1 (2014): 94-109.*
Martínez, M. Angeles. "Storyworld Possible Selves and the
Phenomenon of Narrative Immersion: Testing a New
Theoretical Construct." Narrative 22.1 (2014): 110-31.*
Copland, Sarah. "To Be Continued: The Story of Short Story Theory
and Other Narrative Theory." Narrative 22.1 (2014): 132-49.*
Lanser, Susan S. "A Prince for All Seasons, with Notes Toward the
Delineation of a New Yorker Narratee." Narrative 22.3 (Dec.
2014): 289-97.*
Pavel, Thomas G. "Gerald Prince and Narrative Studies." Narrative
22.3 (Dec. 2014): 298-303.*
Dannenberg, Hilary P. "Gerald Prince and the Fascination of What
Doesn't Happen." Narrative 22.3 (Dec. 2014): 304-11.*
Nadel, Alan, and Diane Negra. "Neoliberalism, Magical Thinking, and
Silver Linings Playbook." Narrative 22.3 (Dec. 2014): 312-32.*
(David O. Russell, 2012).
Pederson, Joshua. "Speak, Trauma: Toward a Revised Understanding
of Literary Trauma Theory." Narrative 22.3 (Dec. 2014): 33353.*
Amherst; "The Work of Ambiguity:
Writerly and Readerly Labor in Carol Shields's The Stone
Diaries." Narrative 22.3 (Dec. 2014): 354-71.*
Gannon, Christiane. (Ph.D. in English, Johns Hopkins U, 2012; t.
DC; "Walter Besant's Democratic
Bildungsroman." Narrative 22.3 (Dec. 2014): 372-94.*
McKinnon, Catherine. "Case Study: Writing Unreliable Narrator Will
Martin." Narrative 22.3 (Dec. 2014): 395-416.*