Core Element C - Northern Humboldt Union High School District

THRIVE Teacher Incentive Fund Grant
Together Honoring Rigorous Instruction for Valued Education
Rigorous, transparent, and fair evaluation systems for teachers and principals that
differentiate effectiveness using multiple rating categories that take into account student
growth as a significant factor, as well as classroom observations conducted at least twice
during the school year. The evaluation process must:
(a) Use an objective, evidence-based rubric aligned with professional teaching or
leadership standards and the LEA’s coherent and integrated approach to
strengthening the educator workforce;
(b) Provide for observations of each teacher or principal at least twice during the
school year by individuals (who may include peer reviewers) who are provided
specialized training;
(c) Incorporate the collection and evaluation of additional forms of evidence; and
(d) Ensure a high degree of inter-rater reliability (i.e., agreement among two or
more raters who score approximately the same).
The requirements of CORE ELEMENT C are 90% completed. The process will be completed, and
documentation finalized, prior to the opening of school, August 29, 2011.
The grantee must have an evaluation system for both teachers and principals
The THRIVE grant was designed to include participation of all certificated faculty in the Northern
Humboldt Union High School District – classroom teachers and principals, as well as counselors,
librarians, school nurses, and other administrators (assistant principals, deans of students).
For classroom teachers, the three components of the Performance Based Compensation System are: student
achievement on the Standardized Testing and Reporting System (STAR) California State Accountability
measure (only for those teachers grade 9-11 in the four academic subjects: English-Language Arts,
Mathematics, Science and Social Science); student achievement on standards-based common formative
(local) assessments; and collegial observation of effective teaching practices.
The PBCS for principals and other non-classroom certificated employees is structured similar to that for
classroom teachers, using measures appropriate to the specific employment groups. All non-classroom
certificated employees measure student achievement based upon student outcomes on the STAR and
California High School Exit Exams for identified high-needs populations. Principals and other
administrators, and other non-classroom certificated faculty (counselors, librarians and school nurses)
participate in the collegial observation process based on professional student support or leadership
standards. In addition, principals and other administrators, and other non-classroom certificated employee
groups, define specific measureable outcomes that contribute to overall student achievement.
All elements of the THRIVE grant, including development of the Performance Based Compensation
System, are being implemented in accordance with the NHUHSD Faculty Association Collective
Bargaining Agreement.
The grantee must show that each evaluation system:
 Includes a rubric or rating scale that defines multiple levels of performance in measurable
 Is based, in significant part, on student growth.
The THRIVE PBCS is based on the calculation of an “effectiveness score” for all certificated teachers,
principals and other administrators, and non-classroom faculty, using the PBCS components described
above. The resulting scale score defines multiple levels of performance related to the defined criteria.
Each component contributes a specific amount to the overall rating depending on the achievable range of
outcomes and the percentage growth designated for that outcome. Student achievement is measurable
using student test data on both state accountability and common formative (local) assessments. Student
growth assesses the change in student achievement for individual students between two points in time
(STAR and CAHSEE State Accountability – yearly test outcomes; common formative (local) assessments
– per six-week assessment period).
Evidence Submitted
 NHUHSD Performance-Based Compensation System (PBCS) Handbook
Identify the growth model to be used; the assessments to be used to measure growth; and the weight
that will be given to student growth in the overall evaluation
STAR Classroom Teachers
Growth model:
Performance level change on Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) system
assessments for individual students by classroom teacher
STAR tests in English-Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Science for grade 9-11
All Classroom Teachers
Growth Model:
Student achievement on standards-based common formative (local) assessments
Locally developed six-week assessments for all courses taught in the NHUHSD
40% for teachers in subjects that test using STAR
70% for teachers in subjects that do not test using STAR
Principals and other Administrators, Non-Classroom Certificated Employees
Growth model:
Performance level change on Standardized Testing and Reporting system assessments for
designated high-need student populations, including growth in participation rate for STAR
testing for specific high-needs student populations.
STAR tests in English-Language Arts and Mathematics
Principals and other Administrators, Non-Classroom Certificated employees
Growth model:
Performance level change on California High School Exit Exam for designated high-need
student populations.
California High School Exit Exam in English-Language Arts and Mathematics
Principals and other Administrators, Non-Classroom Certificated employees
Growth model:
Increase in specific job-related student outcomes by employment category
Assessments designed specific to job classification
Total of all assessments = 30%
Classroom Teacher
Certificated Faculty
Local Assessments
Collegial Observation 30%
Job Specific Criteria
Classroom Teacher
Incorporates 2 or more observations each year for both teachers and principals
As part of the THRIVE PBCS, all NHUHSD certificated faculty will be observed four times per school
year (quarterly observations). For classroom teachers, the observation criteria include 15 general effective
teaching practices and 5 content area specific effective teaching practices organized by department. For
principals and other administrators, and other non-classroom certificated employees, the 20 observable
practices are based on professional standards for each job classification (administration, counselors,
librarians, nurses). All criteria for the collegial observations were developed by the certificated faculty
through district wide collaboration.
Observations will be conducted by THRIVE Mentors based upon training they received during Year One of
the grant. Training was conducted by the THRIVE Leadership Team and the THRIVE Local Evaluation
Team. As part of the planning year, THRIVE Mentors have already conducted a series of observations for
their department members, including a pre-observation conference, a full classroom period (or hour long)
observation, and a post-observation follow-up conference. Non-classroom certificated employees were
observed by THRIVE Mentors or Leadership Team members. Administrators were observed by district
administrators from different school sites.
In order to ensure inter-rater reliability, members of the THRIVE Local Evaluation Team will participate in
three observations per THRIVE Mentor during Year Two and subsequent years of the grant. The THRIVE
Mentor and the Evaluation Team member will independently score the observation, and will meet
afterwards to compare their judgments. By working together with teacher observers, the Local Evaluators
will seek to meet an 80% effective practices agreement rate with all THRIVE Mentors. This process,
recommended by the University of Wisconsin Technical Advisory staff, has already been tested as part of
the Planning Year, and has proven to be a successful procedure for building inter-rater reliability among all
All Certificated Employees, including Principals and other Administrators
Growth model:
Collegial observation of effective teaching or professional practices
Specific observable practices, based on California Standards for the Teaching Profession,
Administrators, Counselors, Librarians and School Nurses.
Evidence submitted:
 Schedule of training date and a description of the training topics for THRIVE Collegial
 Schedule of Local Evaluator participation/training dates with THRIVE Mentors, Year One
 NHUHSD Performance-Based Compensation Handbook