01.24.05 Regular - Sultan School District

JANUARY 24, 2005
7:30 PM
Roll Call
Board Members Present
Craig Roesler
Sholine Ravensberg
Patty Fountain
Charles Van Pelt
Tracy Cotterill
Superintendent Present
Al Robinson
Board Member Absent
Student Rep Present
Tim Meyer
Staff Members Present: Dale Fortenbacher, Kaarin Cargill, Bob Shacklett,
Andrea Fuller, Renee Aldofson, Dave Moon, Betty Donaldson, Cec Sparling,
Claire Tuohy-Morgan, Heidi Harder
Visitors Present: Blair Armstrong, Cassie Moon, Jewel Lazaro, Brittney Agnew,
Phomaly Sonsaykeo, Steven Thompson, Adam Hudock, Sheeley Ledosquet, Jacob
Howard, Nichole Brink, Rider Forseth, Michael Demin, Elizabeth Branham, Kevin
Call to Order
Chairman Craig Roesler called the regular board meeting to order at 7:30.
Audience Input
In recognition of School Board Appreciation Month, PSE representative,
Renee Aldofson and SEA President, Andrea Fuller presented each board
member with a gift of appreciation.
Tracy Cotterill made a motion to approve Consent Agenda, as presented:
6) Approval of Minutes of December 13, 2004 board meeting and
January 10, 2005 public input board meeting.
7) Approval of Certificated & Classified Personnel Report.
8) Approval of General Fund Vouchers for January 2005, Nos.
10518 through 10808 in the total amount of $474,543.73;
January 2005 ASB Fund Vouchers 4094 through 4161 in the
total amount of $86,777.82; January 2005 Capital Projects
Vouchers Nos. 2030 through 2039 in the total amount of
$7,815.23; and January payroll in the estimated amount of
9) Approval of Interlocal Agreement Contract to Perform Governmental Activities
for Visually Impaired Children
10) Approval of Title V Innovative Grant
11) Approval of 2004-2005 Browning Consulting Agreement
12) Approval of Sopris West Educational Services Inc. - contract for educational
Patty Fountain seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Minutes of Regular Board Meeting
January 24, 2005
Page 2
Good News
SULTAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Tsunami Relief Effort- Over the past two
weeks SES students raised over $1,300.00 (with a goal of $2000 by this weekend), to
be donated to a national agency for children and their families in Southeast Asia. For
each dollar donated, a student placed a heart with his/her name on it on the walls in
the front office. Please stop and see the display. Mrs. Allen, our Highly Capable
teacher, and her students, coordinated this fundraiser. A Bus Evacuation Drill for all
students was held on Wednesday, Jan. 19. After completing the drill with “flying
colors” each student received a certificate of completion from the Transportation
Dept. and thanks for a job well done. The Before/After School Tutoring Program is in
full swing. At this time we have 60 participants and 12 tutors. This program allows
students to have an intensive individual or small group learning experience. The
“Raising Safe Kids” presentations have begun. An initial parent presentation was
held in December as a warm-up to a full-scale program to be delivered to each grade
level, all staff, and again, to all interested parents. This safety awareness program,
scheduled for March 8 and 9 is presented by a non-profit organization, Protect-aChild-Today, and culminates with a voluntary school-wide ID program.
GOLD BAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Speed and Fluency- students not meeting
grade level expectations in grades 3-5 are receiving additional reading practice using
Read Naturally materials. Students are placed in the program at the correct level of
difficulty. Repeated readings, vocabulary and comprehension questions are also a
part of this program. Laurie Riordan and John Veleber are coordinating the
implementation process. Student Ambassador to Australia- one of our Excel students,
Jaden Reilly, has been selected to participate in the People to People Student
Ambassador Program due to his high WASL scores, application responses and
interview. He will be joining other outstanding 5th and 6th graders from the
Northwest and will be spending 15 days in Australia representing our country.
Tsunami Relief Effort- In 4 days students raised $1,023.00 to be donated to the Red
Cross for families in Southeast Asia. Our PTA and students made items for students
to purchase. Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Skadan coordinated this fundraiser.
Washington Organization for Reading Development (WORD)- Dianna and David
Harvey has been appointed to the State Executive Board as membership chairpersons.
Approval of
Resolution 1-02
Capital Projects
SULTAN MIDDLE SCHOOL: Boys' basketball and girls' soccer seasons came to a
positive conclusion with an awards program on January 12. Girls' basketball and
wrestling are underway, with contests starting next month. Progress reports went
home with students, and we are celebrating a 99% success rate in students returning
signed reports. This is part of our goal to increase communication between home and
school. Preliminary spelling bee rounds were held, with grade level winners getting
ready to move on to the finals, the spelling bee program is orchestrated by Mrs.
Douglas. Family Fun Night was held on January 20, with the highest number of
participants since the inception of the gala four years ago...453 participants!
Minutes of Regular Board Meeting
January 24, 2005
Page 3
The High Performing Schools Team organizes the event each year, as part of our
building goal to increase parent involvement in the school. Mr. Caster's exploratory
students have been working on a jewelry unit, in which they have designed and
created rings from sterling silver. Some of the students also worked with Mr. Caster
to create a toy rattle for Mrs. Martin's soon-to-arrive baby!
SULTAN HIGH SCHOOL: The Wrestling Team took First Place out of 9 teams at
the Sky Valley Classic Wrestling Tournament on January 8th. Practice has started for
Oklahoma! Reserve March 17-19. Tolo Dance coming up on February 5th. Famous
Couples is this year's theme. Nova Net is getting ready to begin. Software is in and
training is being scheduled. Dayna Derrick has been selected to run the program.
School Board
XXX XXXXX, ASB representative to the Board of Directors reported that the
ASB have been discussing painting lockers and a few other ideas that will
liven up the appearance of the high school campus.
Superintendent, Al Robinson, read the Governor's Proclamation and some
notes written by students in honor of School Board Appreciation. Afterwards
Mr. Robinson followed by presenting each board member with a certificate of
appreciation in recognition of dedication and service to the children of Sultan
School District No. 311 in honor of School Board Appreciation Month 2005.
Approval of
Rubric Cubes
Club SMS
Director of Finance, Kaarin Cargill presented the Sultan Middle Rubric
Cubes Club to the Board of Directors for approval. Charles Van Pelt made a
motion to approve the Rubric Cubes Club as presented. Sholine Ravensberg
seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Approval of
Al Robinson, Superintendent presented Out-of-State travel for Nick Hakiel to
attend 2005 National Renaissance Conf in San Antonio, Texas March 3-6
2005 to the Board of Directors for approval. The district agrees to pay for the
conference registration only. Tracy Cotterill made a motion to approve the
Out-of State travel as presented. Charles Van Pelt seconded the motion. The
motion carried unanimously.
Kaarin Cargill, Director of Finance reviewed the financial reports for the General
Fund, Debt Service Fund, ASB Fund, Capital Projects Fund and Transportation
Vehicle Fund for December 2004. Kaarin discussed in detail the treasurer's report
informing the Board that as of December the district has a positive cash balance in the
General Fund. Kaarin made the Board aware of state apportionment adjustments in
January 2005, which should increase the district's apportionment due to an increase in
enrollment. Kaarin pointed out that the district is 33.33% through the year with a
32.23% expenditure rate and revenues are at 31.78%. Ridership provided a
$28,000.00 increase to the allocation that funds transportation service in the district.
Minutes of Regular Board Meeting
January 24, 2005
Page 4
There are plans to purchase three (3) buses at approximately $90,00.00 each in this
and next fiscal year out of the Transportation Vehicle Fund.
The buses will be 66 capacity or larger and may include extras such as sanders
and chains. There are four (4) aged vehicles expected to be surplused from
the motorpool fleet.
The Legislative conference will be held in February, Superintendent Al
Robinson and Board Member Charles Van Pelt will be attending.
Patty Fountain moved and Sholine Ravensberg seconded a motion to meet in
executive session on Personnel for approximately one hour at 7:57 p.m.
Tracy Cotterill moved and Sholine Ravensberg seconded to reconvene the
regular meeting at 9:40 p.m.
Being there was no further business Craig Roesler adjourned the meeting at
9:41 p.m.
Jackie Whaley
Recording Secretary
Al Robinson, Superintendent
Craig Roesler, Chairman