You will complete six activities based on the various levels of thinking as shown on the chart on the next page. You will compile a book showing
that you completed each activity. You have the opportunity to select any six that you wish as long as one activity is for:
1. Knowing
2. Understanding
3. Applying
4. Analyzing
5. Creating
6. Evaluating
As for the intelligences you get the opportunity to show what your strengths and giftedness are by picking any intelligence you like. The only thing
I ask is that if you chose to do the interpersonal intelligence, working with others, that you select only one of the activities for this.
You will be asked to share you activities with the class and myself, as the teacher, to see what you know, understand, have applied, analyzed,
created or evaluated. EVIDENCE is extremely important to showing me you have THOUGHT! This means you must include a WORKS
CONSULTED PAGE! Each activity will be worth 10 points for a total of 60.
Idea Generator – Days of Knights
Six Thinking Levels
Seven Intelligences
(Reading, Writing,
(Science and numbers)
(painting, drawing,
(Hands-on activities,
(Making and listening to
(Working with others)
(Working independently)
Identify the pieces of a
knight’s armor. Include
and image and a
description of the parts
Make a timeline that
shows some of the
important points in the
life a knight (page, squire
Research how a person
became a knight in
medieval times (rites of
Imagine what life was like
for a knight. Write a
story about a person
becoming a knight.
Compare and contrast the
kinds of armor used by
knights and a Greek
Write a jester rhyme or
riddle that has a knight as
the answer.
Write a book review on a
book on or set in
medieval times.
Create and test a sundial.
Make observations.
Learn Nine Men’s Morris.
Talk about how these
types of games were
popular during medieval
Compare and contrast
how we understand the
world today and how it
was understood in
medieval times.
Design a fiefdom. Make
a map and name all of the
Collect examples of
medieval art. Describe the
topic being depicted, the
artist, and the patron. 10
examples are needed.
Draw some common
medieval symbols and
learn about their
Design a coat of arms or
heraldic pennant using
you own symbols.
Explain the meanings.
Compare medieval and
renaissance times using a
Venn diagram.
Dress up in various forms
of medieval head dress.
In your book have an
image of each head dress
style. 5 needed.
Learn to juggle and about
the roles of the jester in
medieval times.
Make paper by hand.
Learn about medieval
book production.
Investigate medieval
sports. Be prepared to
demonstrate how 4 sports
were played.
Learn the art of
calligraphy and
manuscript illumination.
Illuminate a poem of your
creation or one of your
favorite poems.
Cook a medieval dish.
Include the recipe in your
book and be prepared to
feed the class a sample.
Evaluate law making in
medieval times and
compare to how laws are
made today. Look up
things like Parliament or
Estates General.
Discuss the coats of arms.
Talk about symbols using
the examples of coast of
arms and medieval
Learn a medieval song or
piece on the recorder.
Explain the song.
Listen to different kinds
of medieval music.
Include the music in your
book, explain the
Learn a medieval dance.
When and where would
this dance have taken
place? Be prepared to
dance for the class.
On what occasions and in
what places was music
played in medieval times?
Explain songs played at
different settings.
Perform a medieval song.
Either create your own
ballad or one that has
been done already.
In a group create a menu
of medieval dishes from a
local tavern. Include
appetizer, main courses,
desert and beverages in
your menu. Be prepared
to serve the class.
With a partner discuss the
similarities and differences
of growing up in medieval
times to the world you
live today. The script
should be in the book.
With a partner compare
and contrast how forms
of address are used today
with those of medieval
times. Create a list of
similar and different titles.
With a partner create a
stained glass window
from tissue paper (or real
stained glass). Have the
window tell a story.
Explain the story you
Research some famous
knights. Explain at least
what made 3 knights so
Research and write about
one mythical creature that
was believed to exist
during medieval times.
Where did the origin of
this creature come from?
With a partner practice
medieval forms of
address, role play
different members of
society. Each member of
society had a different
way to be address teach
this to the class.
Reflect on what it would
have been like to live in
medieval times. What
would you have liked?
What would you have
Investigate how castles
were designed and
Create a model castle.
Explain which style of
castle you designed.
Put on a court play to
illustrate how life was in
medieval times.
What medieval
instruments are still used
today? Review
contemporary music that
uses instruments or has
medieval instruments.
What happened to the
knights? Discuss and
evaluate the main factors
that lead to the decline of
knights. Discuss the
decline of knights with
your partner in an
interview or news skit.
Write a diary entry from
the perspective of one
person working at or
attending a medieval
celebration (child, knight,
peasant, king, queen, nun,
monk, etc.)