1-1 Chapter One Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks The human mind is the most complex computing device ever known. □ Conventional computers 1. Scientific and mathematical problem solving, 2. Creation, manipulation, and maintenance of databases, 3. Electronic communication, 4. Graphics, 5. Word Processing, 6. Desktop publishing, 7. Control functions. □ How do computers Learning, analysis, organization, comprehension, adaptation, association, recognition, planning, decision 1-2 ○ Many problems are not suitable to be solved by sequential algorithms or computers 。 Example: Perceptual-Organizing Problem Solving this problem should involve a number of processes, such as analyzing, associating, organizing, comprehending, and recognizing processes 25 line segments 1-3 Is local evidence so little use ? 26 line segments The above example and the following example illustrate that parallel-processing architectures may be good tools for solving difficult-to-solve, or unsolved problems 1-4 。 Visual pattern recognition Conventional processing Segment ─ locate primary areas Group ─ form significant regions Cluster ─ associate with objects Hole filling, Noise removal Edge detection , Edge following Preprocessing : Recognition 1-5 Input image Thresholding Grouping Segmentation * How does the nervous system perform recognition and others? 1-6 。 Subjective inference (Reasoning) 。 Visual illusion 1-7 1.1 Neurophysiology ◎ Nervous systems ○ ○ Distinguished Characteristics 。Adaptation 。Self-organizing 。Parallel processing 。Nonlinear function 。Associative memory ◎ Three major components constructing the human nervous system 1. Brain 2. Spinal cord 3. Periphery 1-8 ○ Biological Brain Activities: sensations, perception, cognition, recognition, imagination, dream consciousness, … thinking Functions manifested: feeling Willing 1-9 ○ Spinal nerves 1-10 ○ Neurons 1. Unipolar 3 types: 2. Bipolar neurons 3. Multipolar | | | Terminal Pathway Central 末梢神經 連絡神經 中樞神經 感覺器官 脊髓 腦 1-11 Signals: Frequencies of pulses Learning: Adjust Synaptic gaps Potentials Firing rates Memory: Synaptic connections Strength of connections 1-12 1.1.2. Synaptic Function 1-13 1-14 □ Artificial Neural System (ANS) -- A collection of parallel processing units connected together in the form of a directed graph ○ Architecture ○ Characteristics ○ Self-organizing ○ Associative ○ Adaptive ○ Parallel ○ Dynamic ○ Non-algorithm ○ Non-linear ○ Non-local 1-15 ○ Basic functions: Learn, analyze, organize, comprehend, associate, recognize, plan, decision 1-16 ○ Example: Character Recognition (a) 10 decimal characters 10 output units each corresponding to one character (b) Represent a character image as a vector containing binary elements 1-17 。 Two different phases of network operation (1) Training phase – encoding information (2) Production phase – recalling information 1-18 。Abilities of ANS: (1) Noise (2) Distortion (3) Incompletion 1-19 1.1.3 Neural Circuits ○ McCullock-Pitts Theory (1943) -- the first theory for treating the brain as a computational organism 。Assumptions: 1. All-or-none (on-or-off) process 2. Synapses excited ====> neuron active 3. Synapses delay 4. Synapses inhibited ====> neuron inactive 5. Fixed interconnection 1-20 。 Basic neural circuits: How do these relatively simple circuits combine to give the brain numerous abilities? 1-21 。 Propositional logic Statement Assertion T, F Proposition P Predicate P(x) Quantifiers , Operators , , , If…then Propositional expression ◎ Definitions N i (t ) : neuron i fires at time t N i (t ) : not fire Graphic representation of propositional expressions (1) Excitatory: (2) Inhibitory: (3) Fire: (4) Activate: 1-22 (5) Precession: N 2 (t ) N1 (t 1) Neuron 2 activates after neuron 1 fires (6) Disjunction: N 3 (t ) N1 (t 1) N 2 (t 1) (7) Conjunction: N 3 (t ) N1 (t 1) N 2 (t 1) (8) Conjoined negation: N3 (t ) N1 (t 1) N 2 (t 1) 1-23 。Example : Combination of simple networks N 3 (t ) N1 (t 1) N a (t 1) N a (t ) N b (t 1) N 2 (t 1) N b (t ) N 2 (t 1) N a (t ) N 2 (t 2) N 2 (t 1) N3 (t ) N1 (t 1) ( N 2 (t 3) N 2 (t 2)) Similarly, N 4 (t ) N 2 (t 1) N 2 (t 2) 1-24 1.1.4 Hebbian Learning ○ Learning process – Modifies the network to incorporate new information ○ Hebb’s Learn Theory -When cell A is near enough to excite cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some metabolic process takes place in one or both cells such that A’s efficiency is increased Example: (Pavlov experiment) Initially C -- B , A -- x -- B After training C -- B A -- B 1-25 1.2 From Neurons to ANS 1.2.1 Processing Element (PE) --- Sometimes called artificial neuron, node, or processing unit. ◎ PE model 1-26 Input: Excitatory, inhibitory, gain, bias x j Weight: Connection strength wij Net input: neti xjwijwixwiT x j Activation function (or state function): ai(t)Fi(ai(t 1), neti(t)) Transfer function (or output function): xi fi(ai) Simplification: xi fi neti , ◎ Dynamic system : a system evolves over time Example : xixi fi neti xi : output i, neti 0 for a sufficiently long time xi reaches an equilibrium value, i.e. xi0 xi fi(neti) ii, Remove input, neti 0 fi (neti ) 0 xi xi 1-27 ◎ Learning: modification of synaptic strengths (i.e., weight values) wijGi(wij, xi, xj, ), where Gi : learning law 1.2.3. Example Neural Models ◎ Photoperceptron Receptive field, Excitatory connection, Inhibitory connection, Feedback 1-28 In the above figure, 1. Each R unit inhibits the A units in the complement to its own source set 2. Each R unit inhibits the other The above aid in the establishment of a winning R unit (Competition) ◎ Applications 。Classify patterns into categories 。Distinguish pattern classes 1-29 ◎ The following NM can differentiate patterns only if the patterns are linearly separable. (Minsky & Papert 1969) Let 1,2, ,n : a set of inputs 1 where n 0 on off Let , , 1 2 ,n be a corresponding set of weights 1 0 if n n n otherwise 1-30 ◎ XOR problem (cannot be solved by a perceptron) 1 Output function: f(net) 0 net net Activation: net w1 x1 w2 x2 Question: select w1 and w2 such that each pair of input values results in the proper output value. This task cannot be done 1-31 Reason: Let w1 x1 w2 x2 A line in the (X1, X2) plane. One solution: