AdversaryDoc -


Game Name – Adversary – An ancient warrior incarnates as a human to bring about a global shift in consciousness.

Copyright Information – Copyright Gilder Games 2012.

Version Number 1, Written by Max Leach, and Nick Rajan

Table of Contents – Make sure this includes all the subsections to make finding material. If practical, hyper linking the document will help here.

Design History – The Design of Adversary began in 2009 when Max watched a lecture on the military industrial complex by Phil

Schneider, a presentation that took place in 1996. In this presentation, Phil breaks his oath to uphold top secret confidentiality. He spoke publicly about black budget programs, extraterrestrial entities, and reverse engineered extraterrestrial spacecraft. The story of Adversary was born out of an idea to represent events in history that may have actually taken place, along with a an educated but fictitious manifestation of what the future holds, as well as who earth’s true enemies are.

Game Concept – Technological and spiritual evolution are the essence of Adversary. The story reflects on the concepts of reincarnation, past-life regression, hyper-dimensional travel, and resurrection.

Genre – First Person RPG.

Target Audience -

Game Flow Summary – The game is played in a linear fashion (not sandbox style.) The player progresses from level to level as he gets more powerful. The level at which the character progresses is directly proportional to how the story progresses. As the character grows stronger he will reveal information surrounding his mission and allies.

Number of levels – As of October 17 th , 2012, this game will have two maps. One is a larger map, taking place on the planet Akart. This planet features healthy vegetation that saturates the terrain. The map itself will be the floating island Erebus, where one of the main characters in the later series of Adversary is born. The grass on the island of Erebus is a super-food, and the planet sustains its inhabitants this way. The second level is the prison planet of Gall, a desert wasteland controlled by the Annunaki.

Story Locations:

Earth: Tibet, Nevada Desert (Groom Lake) Washington, D.C, Los Alamos

EG&G Lab (New Mexico)

Inner Earth: Agartha, Gematria

Number of NPC’s: On Erebus, 4, on Gall, 4.

Number of weapons: Three original UDK assets, as well as one original weapon.

Section II - Gameplay and Mechanics

Gameplay – Although not implemented yet, there will be multiple attacks that the player can perform.

Basic - 4 hit saber slash. Big hit on the fourth. Can turn either direction mid combo., or follow into

Sinner - sliding forward, rising diagonal slash, spinning into a perpendicular slash, turning into a fierce shoulder, into an under the arm inclining slash. knocks enemy down.

Afterimage - Creates a double behind himself, all hits hit twice.

Piledriver - Jumping overhead slash. Does AoE damage. Brief chargeup before attack. Creates a circular shockwave circle around user.

Brutalize - underslice, lower rushing forward, double swing (with twist)

Fusellage - pops an engine ray for a quick overdrive punch. pulls it out and puts it away at the same lightning fast speed using residual energy on the startup and cooldown of the weapon.

Deciever - Step forward, step forward slash. Cross and then steps in front of opponent with back turned, when they crumble he dragon kicks

(reverse spinning, crouching coffee grind kick, and jumps spinning the other way on the first hit, into a jump reverse round kick.

Virulence - boorish all in attack. Draws from a dark energy source and overdrives entire armor. Rampant charging forward light to double forward heavy slashes with a cancel into Afterimage, fires fussillage,

Scorcher - Ascending flame attack from the ground, in front of the user, continues for multiple spaces ahead. Good forward range attack. Characters animation will be similar to Ike's chargeup sheath into the ground.

Banesheath - impounding explosion. two blasts surround the user as he absorbs them, briefly charges up, slams ground. Massive explosion results in front of user.

Glaciate - fourth hit from attack combo performs different animation, freezing target. Can follow up with Scorcher.

Movement - The game is meant to be played on consoles. The character moves around with joysticks and can airdash by pressing the right bumper. The airdash is important because special moves can be cancelled out of it and the player will need to utilize the airdash in order to evade attacks and ultimately stay alive.

Objects - Objects can be picked up by walking over them. There will also be usable objects such as doors, computers, and other items. Most of the important objects that can be picked up will be secondary weapons. These weapons will come from enemies and can also be found by further investigation of new areas.

Section III – Story Setting and Character

Key Items and Story elements -

Under the Executive Advanced Medical Research Labs, Thamus, child of

Mayrene Armessen and Barrett

Armession, was engineered to be the first prototype human with a pathogenic insertion of element 115, containing a wide spectrum of possibilities within its heavy gravitation.

Ewan has been in power for three years – Enigma conspiracy.

Balian was a Biological insert, meaning that his mother was first induced to become emotionally attached to a symbiotic influencer, which meant lowering her vibrations enough to assimilate her behavior off of a parasitic agent. This agent would then implement itself into an egg, forming Balian, the dragon slayer. – father could technically be the creator of the project,

The father of the Guardian project, also seated on the board of the majestic 12, is able to home in on individual human frequencies and track them – god like.

Ewan uses the Guiver to create complex, bionic organisms that would respond the CIA drug used to control minds.

Ewan – Primary Nemesis. His ship will be the Metatron.

Esoteric Cube – The all is mind, the universe is mental. A conceptual construct of consciousness. The creators conceptual architecture, from which all things precipitate.

Consciousness is the ground of all being.

Hand wave over the chest to activate weapon

Corbamite – Element 140. 3 and a half times the weight of uranium, cannot be made to emit gamma rays. Cannot be isotoped. Totally stable. All phoenix class submarines use it. When combined with other alien elements, it becomes impregnable. There are 15 crystal systems, not 6.

Guiver Armor made of Corbamite. Individual wearing it has to be extremely adaptable and resilient to changes in their magnetic field. Val’s consciousness abilities neutralize the magnetic field around him, rendering his armor, and weapons weightless.

Guiver system allows the instantaneous transmission of a user’s neural impulses to an electronic or cybernetic system. This module could allow a person to turn a power plant on from a planets distance away instantly, for example. While the true power of this module seems apparent

Faurus Harthenaught and Valiant Thor have a sister Erebus Isis.

Valiant Thor – Skipper of TOWER. Guiverian Etheral Birthright

(Ancestry). Terum.

The father of the guardian project, Anuit Ceptis, promiscuously creates children over time on multiple planets, conceives new plans, and erases them from his head, a new form of self induced indication, or false manifestation, becoming 100% dedicated to a new cause.

Spacestation Names







Pontiac – Captain of the “Valhalla”

Aihandar – Chief Science advisor to Iscariot, creator of the

Ras Anumai, “Pharaoh”

Ewan - Emperor

Massimo - Emperor

Salvatore – Emperor

3 Neo-Illuminati High Council – Objective to Assimilate Humanity.

Khadrin - Annunakian

Romulus - Reptilian

Weilus – Human strontium-90, the deadly by-product of uranium and plutonium fission, had made their way into the public domain.

Pailot – Ascended Dark Master. Brother of Fallen St. Lucifer, his power equally rested on the minimal control he had remaining in the third dimension.

“Fallen angels” can ONLY retain power advancements in the third dimension and the only opposing case at this point in time is Pailot, who would attempt to expand that power to the fourth and fifth

Annuit will be in charge of the school, because exec will not be able to control the guardians. Need Dad’s help, who in return, provides full cell cultures and research. However he has to report to the special missions divison of TOWER, who provides executive oversight on the project.

The Echelons would eventually be formed by Val, Tim, and Chris, and would expand to include Ryuuka and other spiritual leaders, mostly humans.

Talking - Many of the NPCs in the game can be spoken to. They will give information on the surrounding area, as well as the enemies. For example, “There is only one guard that holds the security card that allows access to the next zone.” The player would then have to track down this guard, take care of him by whatever means the player feels is suitable, and then pick up the security card.

Combat – If there is combat or even conflict, how is this specifically modeled?

Economy – There will not be an economy in Adversary in the conventional sense. Most of the game will revolve around first person action, and the player can gain experience points by killing enemies.

These exp can be used to purchase various upgrades to the armor, and new techniques that can be used with Guivers melee attacks.

Replaying and Saving - The game can be saved at any time, and will autosave in between plot points. These autosaves are to ensure that the player does not have to start at the beginning of the level if he saves in a location and cannot move forward in the game due to certain

circumstances. For example, if the player saves with very little ammo and has to face a large amount of enemies in the next room- He can use the autosave feature to go back further in the game and plan accordingly.

Connections to other areas – the “TOWER” level features an elevator shaft that leads up to the top of a skyscraper, that has a battlefield and a stadium in the middle. From a distance, players can view the level “Erebus,” a floating island that sits comfortably in the sky, with a trail of water falling off the sides.

Animations - The game will be animation heavy. All of the attacks will be detailed and extravagant. As Guiver is an ancient warrior reborn, his attacks will be deadly to standard humans. Many of the animations will cover a wide area with an array of particle effects and hitboxes/hurtboxes to determine damage. The further along the player progresses in the story, the damage becomes greater along with the stylishness of the attack.

Style Guides – Takes place in the present but most of the art assets will be primarily futuristic.

Cut scenes - The game will have cutscenes. Cutscenes will be one of the primary tools to reflect what is happening in the story line but they will not be so frequent that it disrupts the player from continuous action. Some of the story will also be told with in game dialogue and sequences during downtime like running through an area or waiting in a room.

Encounters - Most of the encounters in the game will be long sequences of action such as shooting or melee combat. However, some encounters will be meeting allies where Guiver can learn more about the story as it unfolds or the world that surrounds him.

*Additional information

Website –

This is a website we created in order to release more information about the game. There is an avatar system incorporated so that users can rank up and earn rewards.
