this document - Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy

Community Forestry Resource Center
Weekly News and Event Summary
May 6, 2004
This message includes news, headlines, and information gathered during the week.
White Mountain Apache Tribe Receives FSC Certification for 1.68 Million Acres
Loggers, landowners need to open lines of communication
Controlled Burn Team Gives Nature A Hand (TN)
Ontario Promotes Forest Certification
Board approves $7 million conservation land purchase (WI)
Birch bark extract - a value added boreal product
Forest Management and the Mississippi River to Benefit from McKnight
Foundation Grant (MN)
For more headlines visit:
The Natural Resources Foundation of WI (NRF) Spring Kickoff Event
May 14, 2004, Madison, WI
Science Day 2004
May 17, 2004, Madison, WI
Smallwood 2004: Creating Solutions for Using Small Trees
May 18 – 21, 2004, Sacramento, CA
Group Certification for Forestry Professionals: New Approaches, Tools and
May 18, 2004 University of Maine, Orono, ME
Forest Stewards Guild 2004 Annual Conference and Members’ Meeting
May 19 - 22, 2004, U of ME, Orono, ME
Minnesota Forestry Association Annual Meeting
May 21 – 22, 2004, Lake City, MN
International Association for Great Lakes Research Conference - Great Lakes Need Great
May 24 - 28, 2004, U of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
For more event listings visit:
Blue Ribbon Fire Commission Report
Environmental Internship with Higher Education Consortium for Urban Affairs
FSC-U.S. News and Views monthly newsletter
For more documents and information visit:
Community Preparedness for Wildfire Case Studies
Shorebird Habitat Management Report - Reed Canary Grass
The Integrity of Organic Agriculture and the National Organic Standard report
Balancing Ecology and Economics:
A Start-up Guide for Forest Owner Cooperation, 2nd Edition
White Mountain Apache Tribe Receives FSC Certification for 1.68 Million Acres
White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT) recently received FSC Forest Management
certification for its 1.68 million acres of tribal forestry lands on the Fort Apache
Reservation located near Whiteriver, Arizona, making it the Second largest forest
management certificate in the U.S.
----------------------------Loggers, landowners need to open lines of communication
The art of communicating between loggers and landowners is a two-way street, with each
side needing to be sensitive to the other's objectives and challenges, says former
American Loggers Council president Jim Mooney.
----------------------------Controlled Burn Team Gives Nature A Hand (TN)
Arnold Air Force Base’s controlled-burn team ensures that sufficient strategic planning is
done to select the appropriate areas for prescribed fires. They also ensure that operational
burn plans are completed, that team members are properly trained and equipped, that the
base fire chief is consulted about potential danger of the fire spreading
----------------------------Ontario Promotes Forest Certification
The Ontario government is promoting a strong and prosperous economy by working to
make Ontario's forest products more marketable, Natural Resources Minister David
Ramsay announced.
----------------------------Board approves $7 million conservation land purchase (WI)
The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board voted unanimously Wednesday to buy the
Rainbow Flowage in northern Oneida and Vilas counties for $7 million to preserve
almost 5,200 acres of primarily undeveloped forest land.
----------------------------Birch bark extract - a value added boreal product
Chemist Pavel Krasutsky calls birch bark nature's "white gold." Betulin, a powdery
substance in the outer bark of the birch tree, has been shown to help wounds heal faster
and cut inflammation. Many cosmetic companies, touting it as a skin toner and restorer,
add birch bark extract to some of their products. And a compound, betulinic acid, is being
tested as a treatment for melanoma and other serious diseases.
----------------------------Forest Management and the Mississippi River to Benefit from McKnight
Foundation Grant
Robert Hoefert, Chair of the Onanegozie RC&D Council is pleased to announce a
McKnight Foundation award of a two-year grant for $130,000. Funding from the
foundation is earmarked to encourage more sustainable forestry practices that will protect
and improve water quality within the watershed of the Mississippi River.
The Natural Resources Foundation of WI (NRF) Spring Kickoff Event
May 14, 2004, Madison, WI
The Natural Resources Foundation is beginning a fund-raising effort for the acquisition
and management of state natural areas. Come to the kick-off event and field trips!
Call (608) 266-1430 or email or visit
-----------------------------Science Day 2004
May 17, 2004, Madison, WI
Come to the Visitor Center Auditorium of the UW Arboretum - Madison for a series of
intriguing talks about invasive species and restoration.
Please contact Aaron Boers at or Michelle Peach at for more information.
-----------------------------Smallwood 2004: Creating Solutions for Using Small Trees
May 18 – 21, 2004, Sacramento, CA
Tours, both technical and poster presentations, discussions, and tabletop exhibits, visits to
mill sites, biomass energy facilities, and small forest products businesses in the Redding
area are planned. or
-----------------------------Group Certification for Forestry Professionals: New Approaches, Tools & Opportunities
May 18, 2004, University of Maine, Orono, ME
This 1-Day workshop will introduce forest managers, landowners, academics, and
consulting foresters to FSC Group Certification and provide tangible guidance and tools
for doing certified group forestry.
Contact Jessica Massanari at 802-434-5491 or or
----------------------------Forest Stewards Guild 2004 Annual Conference and Members’ Meeting
May 19 - 22, 2004, U of ME, Orono, ME
Maine is the nation’s most heavily forested state and its forest-based industries constitute
a major economic sector. Nationally, the state is in the very forefront of many forestry
issues, from liquidation to certification – and we expect intense discussion of where
forestry is headed in this region and beyond. We will also be providing a strong series of
technical workshops.
For more info: 505-983-3887 or or
----------------------------Minnesota Forestry Association Annual Meeting
May 21 – 22, 2004, Lake City, MN
Annual Banquet, silent auction fund raiser and time to learn about the areas forests and
forest history on Friday. Saturday is the Annual Meeting, educational sessions, and a
tour with stops at several properties including a site with more than 20,000 stems per acre
established through direct seeding.
For more registration information please contact Mike Reichenbach at or 218-726-6470.
----------------------------International Association for Great Lakes Research Conference - Great Lakes Need Great
May 24 - 28, 2004, U of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Speakers will address aspects of rural catchments, urban catchments, and airsheds.
Sessions planned will build on the themes of agricultural, urban and atmospheric impacts.
Blue Ribbon Fire Commission Report
On April 14, a final report was issued by the commission appointed by California's
governor after the terrible fires in Southern California. The commission came up with a
laundry list of dozens of recommendations, ranging from suggestions for more funding,
staff, and on-the-ground projects to increasing community education and supporting Fire
Safe Councils. The full report is available at
----------------------------Environmental Internship with Higher Education Consortium for Urban Affairs
A great fall course/internship opportunity offered: full title is Environmental
Sustainability: Science, Public Policy & Community Action. It is a full semester, offcampus study opportunity in the Twin Cities with integrated internship.
Call 651/646-8832 or email or check out
----------------------------FSC-U.S. News and Views monthly newsletter
The Forest Stewardship Council-U.S. produces ‘FSC-U.S. News and Views,’ each
month, with the latest information about forestry and certification. Check out the current
edition at
Community Preparedness for Wildfire Case Studies
These focus on (1) keys to wildfire preparedness in the community, (2) next possible
steps to improve wildfire preparedness, (3) lessons that other communities can take from
the experience of our case study communities, and (4) websites that people can visit to
get more information. You can find these and our earlier case studies at our website:
----------------------------Shorebird Habitat Management report - Reed Canary Grass
The report by Galatowisch and Reinhart (UMn)on best management practices for reed
canary grass can now be downloaded/printed from the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan
website at:
----------------------------The Integrity of Organic Agriculture and the National Organic Standard report
Sections include: Defining Organic Integrity; A History of Agriculture; Organic
Standards; The National Standard: Friend or Foe?
----------------------------Balancing Ecology and Economics: A Start-up Guide for Forest Owner Cooperation, 2nd
To help address some of the challenges faced by private woodland owners,
the University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (UWCC), Cooperative
Development Services (CDS) and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy's
Community Forestry Resource Center (CFRC) have published a second edition
of Balancing Ecology and Economics: A Start-up Guide for Forest Owner
Cooperation. The 160-page guide is intended to show how private landowners,
working together, can improve the ecological conditions of their lands while
at the same time improving their own economic well-being and that of the
communities in which their forest land is located.
The guide draws upon the experiences of several established or forming sustainable
forestry co-ops, as well as the experience of CDS, UWCC, and CFRC of IATP.
Intended primarily for landowners and resource managers, the guide provides
essential information on all aspects of establishing a forest owner cooperative,
* forest management,
* marketing,
* business planning,
* co-op governance,
* cooperative structures,
* non-timber forest products,
* sustainable certification,
* developing member education programs, and more.
The cost of the manual is $13, plus sales tax for Minnesota residents.
For more information about Sustainable Forestry Cooperatives, or to order a copy
of Balancing Ecology and Economics: A Start-Up Guide for Forest Owner
Cooperation, please visit: