FOOD CHAINS AND FOOD WEBS I. Food chain models A. How to construct a systems model 1. The boxes or state variables i. what the boxes are ii. what the boxes contain iii. how to measure what's in the boxes 2. The arrows or transfer functions i. what the arrows mean ii. how to measure what's in the arrows 3. What a food chain model means B. Efficiency of food chains 1. What does efficiency mean? 2. Pyramids in nature C. The reality of trophic levels II What moves? A. Energy 1) Form C_C bonds 2) 2nd law of thermodynamics - loss B. Matter 1) Carbon 2) Nitrogen 3) Phosphorus 4) other nutrients III. Other views - Food webs Allen & Hoefstra 1992 Toward a Unified Ecology Columbia University Press Arruda, J A. et al. The Role of Suspended Sediments in the Nutrition of Zooplankton in Turbid Reservoirs. Ecology: 64: 1225–1235. Baird D, Asmus H, Asmus R . 2007. Trophic dynamics of eight intertidal communities of the Sylt-Romo Bight ecosystem, northern Wadden Sea. 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Tissue Growth efficiency Net productivity at n Gross productivity at n 4. Biological efficiency Gross productivity at n Gross productivity at (n-1) 5. Ecological efficiency Ingestion at n Ingestion at (n-1) 6. Net efficiency Net Productivity at n Net productivity at (n-1) 7. Food Chain efficiency Ingestion at n Energy available to (n-1) 8. Ingestion efficiency Ingestion at n Net productivity at (n-1) 9. Exploitation efficiency Ingestion of food Prey production 10. Assimilation efficiency Assimilation Ingestion 11. Net production efficiency Production Assimilation 12. Gross production efficiency Production Ingestion 13. Ecological efficiency Consumer production Prey production ~ Gross Primary Production a measure of food conversion efficiency