Evidence Checklist OCR Level 1 Nationals in Leisure and Tourism Unit 5: Communication skills in leisure and tourism Potential links: Unit 1; Unit 5 AO1: Illustrate how communication takes place in leisure and tourism Planned activities (tick relevant activities) Evidence submitted (tick relevant evidence) Practical work/visits Written/verbal report Presentation Worksheet Guest speaker Observation witness statement Group discussion/debate Poster/leaflet/brochure Research Video/audio tape Quiz Photographs Other Other Portfolio ref Circle indicative grade Pass Candidates identify some of the ways communication takes place in leisure and tourism. They provide a brief description of these communication methods but with few supporting examples. OCR Level 1 Nationals in Leisure and Tourism Merit Candidates identify many of the ways communication takes place in leisure and tourism. They provide a clear description of these communication methods with appropriate examples. Distinction Candidates identify many/most of the ways communication takes place in leisure and tourism. They provide a thorough description of these communication methods with a variety of well chosen examples. 1 Unit 5 – Communication skills in leisure and tourism AO2: Demonstrate oral communication in ONE face to face situation and ONE telephone situation Planned activities (tick relevant activities) Evidence submitted (tick relevant evidence) Practical work/visits Written/verbal report Presentation Worksheet Guest speaker Observation witness statement Group discussion/debate Poster/leaflet/brochure Research Video/audio tape Quiz Photographs Other Other Portfolio ref Circle indicative grade Pass Candidates demonstrate basic oral communication in one face to face situation and one telephone situation. They are hesitant at times but overall their communication in both situations is acceptable. Merit Candidates demonstrate competent oral communication in one face to face situation and one telephone situation. Their communication in both situations is appropriate. Distinction Candidates demonstrate fully competent oral communication in one face to face situation and one telephone situation. They show initiative and their communication in both situations is effective and efficient. (continued overleaf) 2 OCR Level 1 Nationals in Leisure and Tourism Unit 5 – Communication skills in leisure and tourism AO3: Provide TWO examples of written communication Planned activities (tick relevant activities) Evidence submitted (tick relevant evidence) Practical work/visits Written/verbal report Presentation Worksheet Guest speaker Observation witness statement Group discussion/debate Poster/leaflet/brochure Research Video/audio tape Quiz Photographs Other Other Portfolio ref Circle indicative grade Pass Candidates provide two examples of basic written communication. There may be errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. Merit Candidates provide two examples of appropriate written communication in a suitable format. All information included is relevant. There are minimal errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. Distinction Candidates provide two examples of totally appropriate and accurate written communication in a suitable format. All information included is relevant and correct leisure and tourism terminology is used. (continued overleaf) OCR Level 1 Nationals in Leisure and Tourism 3 Unit 5 – Communication skills in leisure and tourism AO4: Review own communication skills used in Assessment Objectives 2 and 3 Planned activities (tick relevant activities) Evidence submitted (tick relevant evidence) Practical work/visits Written/verbal report Presentation Worksheet Guest speaker Observation witness statement Group discussion/debate Poster/leaflet/brochure Research Video/audio tape Quiz Photographs Other Other Portfolio ref Circle indicative grade Pass Merit Distinction Candidates provide a brief and not always accurate review of their own communication skills used in Assessment Objectives 2 and 3. They have difficulty in suggesting improvements. Candidates provide a clear and accurate review of their own communication skills used in Assessment Objectives 2 and 3. They suggest realistic improvements. Candidates provide a detailed and accurate review of their own communication skills used in Assessment Objectives 2 and 3. They suggest realistic improvements with justification. (continued overleaf) 4 OCR Level 1 Nationals in Leisure and Tourism Unit 5 – Communication skills in leisure and tourism OVERALL GRADE FOR UNIT - Circle indicative grade Pass Merit Distinction Feedback to candidate Assessor signature OCR Level 1 Nationals in Leisure and Tourism Date 5