Research Programs

RMT Areas of Research Engagement
Draft for Departmental Webpage
March 22, 2004
Community Building
This area of research considers the role of urban and rural life, the individual and
collective meaning we attach to places and spaces, and those individuals and institutions
that define a healthy community. How can the quality of life be improved and
maintained? What are the causes and consequences of quality of life issues and what are
the important components, such as the arts, cultural resources, historic preservation, open
spaces, youth development, parks, sports, recreation, leisure, and tourism? How are
community assets developed, negotiated, and understood in ways that help build a culture
of philanthropy (voluntary action for the public good) which increases the giving of time,
money and knowledge for the common good as one benchmark of a caring and connected
Ongoing and Recent Research
(bulleted research projects)
(names with links to info)
Organizational Capacity Building
Research focuses on providing organizational and professional development, knowledge
and research-based support for nonprofit, public and private sector organizations which
provide parks and recreation, nonprofit and tourism programs and services.
Ongoing and Recent Research
(bulleted research projects)
(names with links to info)
Sustainable Community Resource Development
Research that empowers communities to utilize natural and cultural resources in a manner
that promotes quality of life through economic growth, environmental protection and
social equity. This research program examines meanings of natural and cultural
environments at multiple scales, from individual to community to society, and across
subculture groups, with a focus on the significance of parks, protected areas, tourism
resources and the urban-wildland interface. Utilizing social-psychological research
methods and policy analysis, researchers examine the complex and shifting relationships
between society, environment and economy. This research is designed to improve
communication and decision-making strategies and assess the social viability and equity
of sustainable technologies.
Ongoing and Recent Research
(bulleted research projects)
(names with links to info)
The Intersection of Global and Local, especially in the Southwestern United States
In a rapidly changing but interrelated world, what are the critical issues concerning
planning, sustainable development and utilization of tourism, nonprofit and recreational
resources for highly mobile domestic and international populations, as well as
implications for local and cross-border communities?
Ongoing and Recent Research
(bulleted research projects)
(names with links to info)
Life-span Development and Demographic Change
Play, leisure, sport, tourism and volunteerism have been shown to be important life
domains in the cognitive, social, and affective development of children, youth and adults.
Moreover, leisure and the leisure/work are essential components to the quality of life
issues for communities – both for residents and visitors. What are the effects of the
enormous cultural and ethnic demographic shifts in the region on the nature and quality
of the leisure experiences as well as services to these dynamics populations? Finally,
many forms of leisure behavior result in negative consequences for the individual and
society. The faculty explores, particularly for youth, adolescents, families, elderly and
disabled populations, the motivations for such behaviors and ways to “intervene” or
prevent and/or change such behavior.
Ongoing and Recent Research
(bulleted research projects)
(names with links to info)