GLOSSARY AND TERMINOLOGY We understand that different organizations utilize different terminology to refer to similar concepts. For purposes of our work, we rely on the definitions below. Activities The processes or actions taken by the foundation or a grantee to achieve outputs and move toward outcomes. Example: A grantee might conduct a review of successful communication approaches that are focused on prevention of a specific disease or promotion of a new savings product. Baseline An analysis or description of the situation prior to an intervention, against which progress can be assessed or comparisons can be made. Direct Beneficiaries People (or entities) who will receive some or all of the monetary or intellectual proceeds that result most immediately from the grant. Clarification: The foundation sees the benefits that accrue to these entities as a step toward helping other ultimate beneficiaries. Example: In a genetic science crop research grant, the direct beneficiaries of the grant may be the seed companies that will be able to market the improved seeds that result from the scientists’ prior research work. Evaluation An investigation into whether, why, and how results are or are not achieved. Evaluation can help the foundation answer key questions about grants, initiatives, and strategies. Question answered: To what extent did grant X, or institution X, successfully accomplish its strategic goals, and what were the key ingredients for success—or the reasons for failure? Example: The foundation commissioned an evaluation to determine how and to what extent charter management organizations are more effective at improving student achievement than comparable districts. Geographic Areas Served All countries that benefit or are intended to benefit from this project. This is where the target population is located, not necessarily where the work is occurring. Geographic Location(s) of Work All locations (country, and sub-region or state if known) in which work will be performed for this project, if this project gets funded. This includes locations in which sub-grantees or sub-contractors will work. Impacts Ultimate sustainable changes, sometimes attributable to action. Example: By 2025, twice as many low-income young adults will earn a postsecondary education credential with value in the labor market by age 26. Rev. 7/10 GLOSSARY AND TERMINOLOGY Indicators Quantitative or qualitative variables that specify results for a particular strategy, initiative, or grant. Similar terms: Metrics, measures Clarification: Indicators form the basis of monitoring and evaluation because they tell us how to assess different outputs, outcomes, and impacts. Example: An agriculture grantee might measure the percentage increase in an average crop yield as an indicator of the effectiveness of the improved seeds that it helped develop. Inputs The resources used to implement activities. Clarification: Inputs typically include financial, human, and material/equipment resources, as well as the efforts of foundation staff, partners, and grantees. Example: Inputs may include items such as building materials, technical assistance, staff, and vehicles. Key Milestones A subset of all milestones that may exist in a project workplan, these are the most critical project activities, outputs, and outcomes that are included in the grant agreement. Grantees regularly report on their progress toward achieving the key milestones; these reports are expected for future funding. Measurement The process of collecting and recording observations during an inquiry. Clarification: At the foundation, measurement activities include indicator monitoring, evaluation, and long-term impact tracking. We also use the term “measurement” to refer to a set of principles and practices associated with these activities. Milestones Sequential signs of progress during a project or initiative, usually tied to estimated completion dates. Example: One milestone for a grantee might be to mobilize a certain amount of additional investment from other partners by the end of 2011 to support the grantee's work. Monitoring A process of collecting, analyzing, and using data to ensure compliance and improve performance, comprised of both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. Monitoring tells us whether milestones and basic targets are being met, and whether critical activities are proceeding as planned. Similar term: Performance measurement Objectives The major components of the project required to achieve results. Clarification: An objective could be any subdivision of work that makes sense as a logical way to organize the project's key activities, outputs, and outcomes—such as a geographic location or a body of work. Example: One such body of work might be: “Conduct a needs or readiness assessment.” This objective would have a set of associated results (mainly activities and outputs), including conducting site visits, interviewing experts, analyzing data (activities), and writing a report (an output). 2 of 4 GLOSSARY AND TERMINOLOGY Outcomes Intermediate observable and measureable changes that may serve as steps toward impact for a population community, country, or other category of beneficiary. Examples: Possible outcomes may include a reduction in the number of new disease cases, an increase in crop yield, and statewide adoption of new best practices in education. Outputs The direct and early results of a grant or intervention’s activities. Outputs refer to the most immediate sets of accomplishments necessary, but not sufficient, to produce outcomes and impacts. Examples: Possible outputs may include the number of people trained, the number of public service announcement radio spots on the topic of proper contraceptive use, and the number of tons of new seed varieties distributed. Results Any of the foundation or grantees’ inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts. Clarification: “Results” is used as a generic, all-encompassing term that can include all positive or negative changes, as well as the absence of any change at all. When possible, it is best to use more specific terms, such as impacts, outcomes, outputs, activities, and inputs. The results of almost all grants will likely include outputs; some will include outcomes; and few, if any, will in and of themselves include impacts. Example: Possible results may include technical assistance (input), a review of communications approaches (activity), the number of people trained (output); an increase in crop yield (outcome), and by 2025 a doubling in the number of low-income young adults who will earn a postsecondary education credential with value in the labor market by age 26 (impact). Scalability The degree to which a piloted intervention can function, adapt to increased demands, and deliver similar/expected results when applied to a significantly larger context (e.g., with expanded sets of beneficiaries, regions, geographies, policies, and political circumstances). Sustainability The degree to which achieved results, particularly outcomes and impacts, can continue over time, especially after foundation funding ends. Targets Specific values or projections for intended results, to be achieved within particular timeframes. Clarification: Note that it is not necessary to set targets for all intended results. Example: If the indicator is “# of children vaccinated,” then a target might be “10,000 children vaccinated by June 2012.” So a result (in this case, probably an outcome) might be “5,000 children vaccinated” or “100,000 children vaccinated”—depending on what was achieved by June 2012. Ultimate Beneficiaries People (or entities) whose lives or experiences we expect to change as an eventual result of the grant. Clarification: Grant proposals should be able to trace a conceptual link to their intended ultimate beneficiaries, even if the proposed project itself will not work directly with these people (or entities). Example: In a genetic science crop research grant, the ultimate beneficiaries of the grant may be the farmers who will be able to buy and plant the improved seeds that result from scientists’ prior research and seed companies’ sales and distribution efforts. 3 of 4 GLOSSARY AND TERMINOLOGY Privacy Notice This document is subject to the Privacy policy and Terms of Use. 4 of 4 © 2010 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. All Rights Reserved. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries.