College of Veterinary Medicine POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Subject: Date: 7/21/09 Research Use of CVM No: CVM/VTH X.X Teaching Herd Animals Page 1 of 2 PURPOSE: This policy describes the process and sequence of steps required to receive approval from the College of Veterinary Medicine to use CVM-owned Teaching Herd animals for research projects. OVERSIGHT: The use of College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) - owned animals for research must be approved by the Teaching Herd Oversight Committee (THOC). This committee includes the Director of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH), Clinical Sciences Department Head, Veterinary Medicine Animal Isolation Laboratory (VMAIL) Program and Facility Manager, and Large Animal Patient Services Manager. VTH clinicians may be requested to provide ad hoc review as necessary. PROCEDURE: The Principal Investigator (PI) must submit the Animal Care and Use Protocol (ACUP) to the VTH director for review and approval by the THOC before any research use of the VTH animals may begin. The completed ACUP must be reviewed by the THOC before it will be accepted by the IACUC for review. APPROVAL: The VTH teaching herd is maintained for teaching purposes. Therefore, use priority is given to educational courses. Proposed research uses that alter or may temporarily or permanently alter an animal and preclude it from subsequent teaching uses may not be approved. Approval will be given or denied based on the ACUP submitted to the THOC for review. Any proposed changes to an approved ACUP that significantly alters animal numbers or procedures would need to be reviewed and approved by the THOC prior to submission to the IACUC. Changes in non-key personnel would not need prior THOC approval, but would be communicated to the THOC by the IACUC when approved. Approval will only be given for studies that cause no more than momentary or slight pain or distress to the animals or for which pain and distress are appropriately relieved with anesthetics, analgesics and/or tranquilizer drugs or other methods for relieving pain and distress. SUSPENSIONS: If for any reason, the IACUC suspends the ACUP, the use of VTH teaching herd animals is also suspended. The IACUC will notify the VTH director of the suspension. College of Veterinary Medicine POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Subject: Date: 7/21/09 Research Use of CVM No: CVM X.X Teaching Herd Animals Page 2 of 2 Continued use of the teaching herd animals is contingent upon satisfactory resolution of the IACUC suspension and re-approval of the ACUP. If the Principal Investigator does not abide by the conditions of the approved ACUP, the VTH director may withdraw approval to continue use of the teaching herd animals until the situation is reviewed by the THOC and resolved. Withdrawal of use of the teaching herd animals will be communicated to the IACUC by the VTH director. FUNDING: The VTH director will not allow the use of teaching herd animals for research purposes without the PI’s verification that he or she has adequate funds and an assigned index to provide for all husbandry, care, and veterinary expenses for the animal(s) from the beginning to the end of the proposed study, as appropriate for the work described. Animal work cannot begin until funding is available. NON-CVM/VTH ANIMAL ACQUISITIONS: Principal Investigators who acquire animals for research purposes, either purchased or donated, must have an IACUC-approved ACUP that describes the use of the animals. Arrangements for appropriate housing of research animals will be determined by the Laboratory Animal Research Center (LARC) Attending Veterinarian. SUMMARY: 1. PI sends ACUP to VTH Director for THOC review and approval of teaching herd animal use. 2. PI verifies to THOC the availability of adequate funds for care of animals throughout the study period. 3. VTH Director notifies IACUC of review outcome. (If the use of CVM-VTH animals is not approved by the THOC, the PI can seek an alternate non-VTH source for research animals.) 4. IACUC reviews and approves the ACUP. (If the ACUP is not approved the use of the VTH animals is withdrawn. Animal work cannot begin without IACUC ACUP approval. Conversely, IACUC ACUP approval does not guarantee use of CVM-VTH owned animals. ) 5. PI coordinates project start dates with the Large Animal Patient Services Manager or VMAIL Program and Facility Manager. College of Veterinary Medicine POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Subject: Date: 7/21/09 Research Use of CVM No: CVM X.X Teaching Herd Animals Page 3 of 2 This policy was proposed by Dr. Helen E. Diggs and was approved at the CVM Cabinet meeting on July 21, 2009. Approved: _______________________ Cyril R. Clarke, Dean