University of Ruhuna will entertain applications from suitably qualified persons for the following academic posts up to 1 st June 2009.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering:
Senior Lecturer
Preference will be given to the applicants who have specialized in the following areas:
Highway and Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering,
Environmental Management, Construction Management, Engineering Surveying
Department of Electrical and Information Engineering:
Senior Lecturer
Preference will be given to the applicants who have specialized in the following areas:
Power System, High Voltage Engineering, Energy System Planning, Embedded
Systems, Control Systems, Robotics, Microelectronics, Data Communication,
Mobile Communication, Signal Processing, Biomedical Engineering,
Networking, Computer Architecture, High Performance Computing, Web
Technologies, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing.
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering:
Senior Lecturer
Preference will be given to the applicants who have specialized in the following areas:
Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Design, Applied
Mechanics, Production and Operations Management
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies:
Senior Lecturer
Preference will be given to the applicants who have specialized in the following areas:
Mathematics and Industrial Management
Knowledge in aesthetic subject areas such as arts, music, dancing etc. and/or information technology will be an added advantage.
All Departments:
Lecturer (Contract Basis)
Areas of specializations should be relevant to the particular department that he/ she wishes to apply.
Dean’s Office:
Assistant Network Manager Grade II
Preference will be given to the applicants who have experiences in overall management and operations of Local Area Networks in universities or similar organizations.
Physical Education Instructor Grade III
Preference will be given to the applicants who have experiences in universities or similar organizations.
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture:
Senior Lecturer / Lecturer (Permanent / Probationary / Contract Basis)
Preference will be given to the applicants who have following qualifications:
B.Sc. Special Degree in Fisheries Biology/ Fisheries Science/ Zoology/ Biology;
Relevant postgraduate qualifications in the field of Fisheries/ Aquaculture with minimum 02 years research experience and relevant working experience for
Senior Lecturer posts; Specialization in Fisheries Science/ Fisheries Biology/
Fisheries Technology/ Fish Population Dynamics/ Fishery Economics &
Management; Teaching experience in the above fields and/or other fields related to fisheries biology at university level.
Scientific Assistant (Aquaculturist) – Grade II (Permanent / Contract Basis)
Preference will be given to the applicants who have following qualifications:
Graduate in Aquaculture related discipline; Three (03) years working experience in an aquarium/ in the field of Aquaculture; Technical experience in the overall management and operations of a freshwater/ marine aquariums; Additional experience in environmental and aquatic resource management will be an added advantage. work after hours.
Department of Oceanography and Marine Geology:
The person selected will be the in-charge of the aquarium and responsible for maintaining smooth functioning of the aquarium. He/ she may be needed to
Senior Lecturer / Lecturer (Permanent / Probationary /Contract Basis)
Preference will be given to the applicants who have following qualifications:
B.Sc. Special Degree in Fisheries Biology/ Fisheries Science/ Zoology/ Biology with Chemistry/ Physics/ Geology as subsidiary subject; Relevant postgraduate qualifications in the field of Oceanography and Marine Sciences with minimum
02 years research experience and relevant working experience for Senior Lecturer posts.
In addition, experience and/ or qualifications in one or more of the following areas will be an added advantage:
Field experience in marine sciences and underwater research; Proven experience in swimming and diving; Teaching experience at university level.
Department of Limnology:
Senior Lecturer/ Lecturer (Permanent / Probationary / Contract Basis)
Preference will be given to the applicants who have following qualifications:
B.Sc. Special Degree in Chemistry with Fisheries Biology as a subsidiary subject;
Relevant postgraduate qualifications with minimum 2 years research experience and working experience for Senior Lecturer posts.
In addition, Teaching/ Research/ Field experience in the following areas will be an added advantage:
Aquatic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Use of water sampling and analytical equipment.
Dean’s Office:
System Analyst (Contract Basis)
System Engineer (Contract Basis)
Industrial Placement Officer (Contract Basis)
Preference will be given to graduates in Agriculture, Science, Management or allied fields with good communication and entrepreneur skills. Fluency in
English and qualifications in Computer and IT will be an added advantage.
Department of Animal Science:
Senior Lecturer / Lecturer (Probationary)
Department of Soil Science
Senior Lecturer / Lecturer (Probationary)
Department of Agriculture Biology
Senior Lecturer / Lecturer (Probationary)
Department of Food Science & Technology
Senior Lecturer / Lecturer (Probationary)
Department of Crop Science
Senior Lecturer / Lecturer (Probationary)
Preference will be given to the applicants who have postgraduate qualifications and experience in following fields:
Plant Cell and Tissue Culture, Forest Management, Crop Modelling, Climatic
Change, Landscape and Architecture.
Dean’s Office:
Lecturer (Contract Basis ) in Computer Technology
Department of Sociology:
Senior Lecturer
Preference will be given to the applicants who have following qualifications:
Postgraduate qualifications in Sociology preferably in the fields of Gender
Studies, Conflict and Peace Studies, Community Development including social welfare and policy; Experience in coordinating postgraduate porgrammes in the above mentioned fields; Ability to conduct lectures both in Sinhala and English mediums; Research experience in the field of development and social welfare;
Ability to write high standard research / study proposals for funding.
Department of Chemistry:
Senior Lecturer / Lecturer (Probationary)
Department of Physics:
Senior Lecturer Grade II/Grade I (Electronics)
B.Sc. (Special) Degree in Physics and postgraduate qualification (preferably a
Ph.D) in Electronics or a related field.
Scientific Assistant Grade II (Contract Basis)
Preference will be given to the applicants who have extensive experiences in the following areas:
Excellent Command of English (both written and spoken); Good IT skills (Word
Processing, Internet searching, Database Management and Statistical packages);
Good Communication skills and ability to coordinate inter-university programmes and activities.
Application forms and other particulars for the above posts could be obtained by post from the Assistant Registrar (Academic Establishments) by sending a self addressed stamped envelope of 22 cm x 10 cm in size or personally calling over at the Office of
Assistant Registrar (Academic Establishments) during work hours up to 29 th May 2009.
Application forms and particulars for the above posts could also be down loaded from the University Web Site (
The title of the post should be indicated on the top left hand corner of the envelope.
Applications which do not confirm to these requirements, incomplete applications and applications received after the closing date will be rejected without intimation.
Applicants from Public Service/ Corporations/ Statutory Boards should channel their applications through Heads of Departments/ Corporations/ Statutory Boards.
Duly completed application forms should be sent under registered cover to reach the
Assistant Registrar (Academic Establishments ), University of Ruhuna,
Wellamadama, Matara on or before 1 st June 2009.
University of Ruhuna
06. 05. 2009