Protecting vulnerable adults, interagency guidelines: summary version

Protecting Adults at Risk: Ensuring Rights and Preventing Harm,
Interagency guidelines: a Quick Guide
This is a summary for staff and carers about (1) how to recognise harm and (2) what to do immediately
when harm is suspected, witnessed or reported. It is still essential to refer to the full guidelines: Ayrshire
Multi-agency Adult Protection Procedures 2008.
What is abuse?
Who is an adult at
Who can be an
Where can abuse
It is the violation of a person’s human rights. This happens through the misuse of
power by someone in a dominant position. It also includes neglect: things that
are not done to ensure someone’s well-being.
Persons aged 16 years or over who are unable to safeguard their own well-being,
property, rights or other interests; are at risk of harm and because they are
affected by disability, mental disorder, illness or physical or mental infirmity, are
more vulnerable to being harmed than adults who are not so affected.
Abuser or perpetrator can be a professional carer, informal carer, relative,
spouse/partner, volunteer, other ‘adults at risk’ or any other person.
In any social or health care setting e.g. the family home, hospital ward, care
home, day services, social clubs, activities etc.
Physical: hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking,
holding the person down (restraint),
inappropriate sanctions.
Sexual: includes rape and sexual assault
Financial or material: theft, fraud,
exploitation, pressure to hand-over or signover property or money, financial transactions,
misuse of property, possessions or welfare
benefits, reduction in assets
Psychological: emotional abuse, threats,
abandonment, humiliation, intimidation,
harassment, verbal abuse, controlling, not
allowed contact with other people or services,
Neglect and acts of omission: failure to
provide: medical or physical care; access to
medical, social or educational services;
appropriate medication, food or heating.
Discriminatory: making an unjust distinction
on the basis of race, colour, age or gender
Information abuse: denial of information or
Human Rights: as included in the 14 Articles
of the Human Rights Act 1998. See for details.
Unusual or unexplained injuries
Misuse of medication: giving too much, too little or
withholding medication.
Fear of another person, disturbed behaviour
Acts or actions they did to which the adult at risk
could not, or did not, consent
Unexplained debt, not paying bills for services
Sale of property, possessions, misuse of bank
account by the perpetrator
Pressure over wills, property, inheritance, money
Pressure by family or professional to have someone
moved into or taken out or care
Fear of another person
Hostile or rejecting behaviour by the care-giver
Person is found alone at home or in a care setting in
a situation of serious risk
Unexplained deterioration in health
Long gap between illness/injury and getting medical
Deprived of adequate food or heating
Prejudicial actions or remarks to the adult at risk
about age, gender, disability, race, colour, sexual or
religious orientation
Failure to provide adequate information
Being misinformed
Absence of information or not knowing rights
Being misinformed about rights
when harm is suspected, witnessed or reported
ALWAYS RECORD EVERYTHING IN WRITING: actions, discussions, referrals, decisions etc.
You have a duty to report. You must immediately report suspected or actual harm to your linemanager or supervisor. A ‘plan of action’ should be agreed in this discussion.
 Get the person’s  If you are satisfied that the person can consent and doesn’t want any
action taken their wishes may be respected but you must discuss the matter
consent to action
with your line manager. But if abuse that is a criminal offence is suspected
being taken where
a referral must be made to the Police regardless of whether they consent or
there is danger,
not – see step  below. Discuss with your line-manager. Where the
suspicion or evidence
person is a patient, tenant or resident and does or does not consent,
of harm
action must be taken. .
Contact the
emergency service
especially if the person
is in immediate
physical danger or
there is evidence of
physical or sexual
harm. The emergency
services are Police,
hospital, Social Work
Services (and outside
office hours, the
Emergency Social
Work Service.)
If you are unsure of the person’s capacity to decide, discuss with your line
manager or supervisor and refer to the Social Work Service.
If the person lacks the capacity to make this decision then you must take
action. See details about the Adults with Incapacity Act (Scotland) 2000,.
Consent and when to contact the police
If abuse that is a criminal offence is suspected or reported then if the person:
 Can consent, the Police must be contacted immediately. In the case of
physical or sexual abuse, immediate referral is essential to ensure vital
evidence is not lost.
 Does or does not consent and they are a patient, tenant or resident in
a statutory, voluntary or private institutional setting, contact the police.
 Does not consent and they are not a patient, tenant or resident as
above, you must speak with your line-manager who will refer the matter to
the Police.
 Record in detail the events and action taken..
 NB Line-managers and supervisors can at anytime contact the relevant
Detective Inspector in the local Public Protection Unit to discuss or get
Refer to the local Social Work Services as soon as possible and within 24 hours
Next steps
Support for Staff
Adult Protection Case Conference
Ongoing work with the vulnerable adult
Relevant procedures and legislation;
Ayrshire Multi-Agency Adult Protection Procedures 2008, incorporating
The Risk Assessment & Protection Plan
Assessment and Care Management Procedures
Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007
Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000
Mental Health (Care and Treatment)(Scotland) Act 2003
Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 as amended by NHS and Community Care Act 1990