If a patient is unable to attend a clinic appointment or group

Leicestershire Nutrition and Dietetic Service - Adult Referral Criteria – Primary Care
Complexity guide
Services offered*
Not appropriate to refer
Nutritional support
Any primary care clinic
 Already tried food first and ONS for
 Reduced appetite but able to eat
maximum 2 months with no
normal foods and/or take milky
improvement - see LMSG
drinks and low or medium risk of
malnutrition - refer to LMSG
Any primary care clinic
 High risk of malnutrition and already
having Oral Nutritional Supplements
or continuing to lose weight
Any primary care clinic
 Underlying medical condition which
may affect the suitability of
supplements e.g. diabetes, food
Any primary care clinic
 Pressure ulcers / tissue viability
Any primary care clinic
 Undernutrition in addition to other
medical conditions
Any primary care clinic
 Cancer/Oncology
To refer an adult for enteral tube feeding at
 Enteral tube feeding indicated
home, please contact our Home Enteral
Nutrition Service on 0116 2227161 for advice
on how to refer
*** www.lmsg.nhs.uk/LMSGDocs/Guidelines/Oral_Nutritional_SupplementsV1.2_Sept2011%5b1%5d.pdf
Overweight / obese (BMI>28kg/m )
patients with co-existing diabetes,
hypertension, hyperlipidaemia or
other CHD / stroke risk factors
Obese with a BMI >30kg/m2
Post-op bariatric patients
LNDS Adult Referral Criteria – November 2015
LEAP and DHAL are 10-week group
programmes of physical activity and nutrition
with up to 2 years follow-up for patients 18
years and over.
LEAP is available in Leicester, Leicestershire
and Rutland and DHAL is available in
Leicester City.
Patients who are not appropriate for group or
who decline LEAP/DHAL will be offered an
appointment in a primary care clinic
Bariatric clinic (>2 years after surgery.
Before this send to Mr Ubhi at LRI)
BMI<30kgm2 with no co-morbidities
- these patients could be advised
by GP, practice nurse or
community nurse supported by
LNDS resources**
Follow-up support and weight
monitoring for those initially
advised by a dietitian could be
done in general practice
Pre-bariatric surgery assessment on
completed specific referral form
Newly diagnosed diabetes
Impaired glucose tolerance / prediabetes / risk of developing diabetes
Diabetes with co-existing
hyperlipidaemia, obesity or
Uncontrolled diabetes requiring
Bariatric clinic
Group education where available or any
primary care clinic
Some patients may be suitable for LEAP
after initial appointment (where available)
Any primary care clinic or if BMI>28 LEAP
where available
Any primary care clinic or specialist
diabetes clinic (consultant referrals)
First line advice while waiting for
dietetic appointment could be given
by GP, practice nurse or
community nurse supported by
LNDS resources**
Follow-up support if discharged by
dietitian could be done in general
Any primary care clinic or specialist
diabetes clinic (consultant referrals)
Coeliac disease – confirmed
diagnosis by biopsy
Group education where available or any
primary care clinic. Patient information
form to be completed prior to session/clinic
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Any primary care clinic initially followed by
FODMAP clinic if appropriate
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Liver or pancreatic disease
Other e.g. post-surgery, stoma,
malabsorption, gastroparesis
If no current consultant care can be
referred and seen in any primary care
clinic or specialist dietetic clinic if available
If patient has current consultant care, ask
consultant to refer to secondary care
specialist dietitian.
Food allergy/intolerance
Any primary care clinic or specialist
dietetic clinic if available
If patient has multiple food allergy, refer to
secondary care allergy clinic
Confirmed or suspected single food
allergy or intolerance
Psychological issues with food / Eating disorder
Any primary care clinic
If patient is under care of Adult Mental
Restricted eating / few foods
Health team, ask them to refer to mental
Binge / purge eating
health dietitian
Suspected eating disorder (not under
care of adult Mental Health team)
LNDS Adult Referral Criteria – November 2015
Neurological conditions e.g. stroke,
MND, Parkinson’s disease
Hypercholesterolaemia >5mmol/l or
>4mmol/l for those at high risk
Nutrition support for palliative care
Renal –CKD stage 1-3
Suspected vitamin / mineral
Neurological conditions
Any primary care clinic
Any primary care clinic
Huntingdon’s disease - Refer to specialist
Huntingdon’s Disease team at Mill Lodge
Any primary care clinic
Palliative care
Any primary care clinic
Any primary care clinic
When patient is reaching end of life and
dietetic intervention will not improve the
quality of life
Healthy eating advice
Constipation due to poor dietary
 Low fat for symptomatic
First line advice for these conditions can
be found on the LNDS website **
 Sports nutrition advice - not
appropriate for NHS referral
*If a patient is unable to attend a clinic appointment or group i.e. housebound, an initial telephone contact may be offered to the
patient/carer follow link to see ‘Adult Housebound Patients – Referral Guidance and Management’
**diet information leaflets and other resources can be found on the LNDS website www.lnds.nhs.uk
*** guidelines on Managing malnutrition in adults in primary care are available on the LMSG website
LNDS Adult Referral Criteria – November 2015