Question 1: We are not able to find Section 4, Kindly advise. Answer: Should be Section 3. Question 2: What is the difference between these 2 requirements? Answer: First question refers to a general description of your organization’s capacity to provide the service, while the 2nd question focuses on the skill and experiences of your staff deploy to manage this project.. Question 3: Kindly clarify if this means that the experiences includes commercial/profit making organization? Answer: We would be more interested to know if your company has any experience in handling telemarketing program for not for profit organizations. Question 4: As there is no signatory column, please advise if we should sign on every page of Annex D? Answer: Yes, you may sign on every page of Annex D. Question 5: Please advise if there will be an ftp link for us to upload these voice logs? Answer: No, we expect your company to provide an FTP link for UNHCR. Question 6: We would like to clarify the actual % of contact rate and successful rate, e.g. 65-75% and 40-50% in Annex A (Refer to Column Batch no.DB1-DB12) whereas in Annex B1, it uses the highest rate for project. Should we use the average, like 70% & 45% respectively? Answer: No, please use the figures in Annex B1 for your financial proposal as the figures in Annex A is merely for reference. Question 7: Lead Conversion: The meaning of “the charge per effective contact should be lower than monthly donation” in Annex A (Refer to Column Batch no.3). But in Annex B1, we are request to project the charge by successful cases. Answer: The objective of Lead Conversion program is monthly donor acquisition primarily. We do not expect to receive one-off donation theoretically speaking. That is why in Annex B we simply assume all successful cases are monthly donation. However, we do understand that some donor may prefer (or even insist) to make one-off donation. Therefore we thought the charge per effective for one-off donation in this program should be lower and you can quote separately in the pricing proposal. Question 8: As donor base includes donors from China and Macau, we would like to know the arrangement of “reply mail”. Is UNHCR going to provide return envelope for outside Hong Kong donors? Answer: We can provide reply envelope for vendor to use, but the postage would be incurred by the vendor. Question 9: In Annex A P.4, vendor is require to give access to all voice logs, however, if vendor is unable to provide such access, are there any other alternatives? Send voice logs through email or mail disk everyday? Answer: We open for other alternatives as long as the alternatives are doable and practical. Question 10: Will UNHCR advise any preferred time for calling donors? Answer: Not in particular but we welcome vendor to provide calling service beyond normal office hour such as Saturday. Question 11: What kind of format will UNHCR used for providing data to vendor? Answer: Excel format. Question 12: How many days will be given for preparing emergency appeal? Answer: About one week. Question 13: Regarding the Re-activation programme, will one-off donation be counted as successful case? Answer: No. Only monthly donor will be counted as successful case. Question 14: Regarding the regular reports to UNHCR, could we put one-off donation into the report since one-off donation will not be counted as successful case? Answer: One-off donation can be put into the report in separate column for UNHCR evaluation. Question 15: Regarding the Upgrade Programme, if donor agrees to upgrade more than the ask amount, would it be considered as successful case? For instance, the proposed upgraded amount is from HK$100 to HK$150. And donor finally agrees to upgrade to $170 monthly. Answer: Yes. The upgrade amount provided is the minimum upgrade amount. Question 16: What kind of information will be provided in the Data file from UNHCR? Answer: Donor name, contact numbers, ID card number, credit card number, latest donation date and amount etc. Some sensitive information, such as ID card number and credit card number, will be masked partially. Question 17: When will be the expected pre-launch meeting date? Answer: Mid February. Question 18: In order to have better understanding on UNHCR’s campaign operation, will pre-launch meeting to be held for more than one time? Answer: Pre-launch meeting will be held before each campaign if appropriate. Question 19: When will be the expected start date of Credit Card Debit Fail programme? Answer: Late February. Question 20: How much time will be given for preparing the call script? Answer: A reasonable preparation time will be further discussed with the selected vendor(s). Question 21: What would happen if the successful rate is lower than the target rate? Answer: UNHCR will keep monitoring the performance of the campaign and discuss with vendor(s) for any measures to improve the performance during the campaign. Question 22: Any report sample can be provided? Answer: UNHCR would discuss with the vendor(s) our preferred key performance indicators to be shown in the report during the pre-launch meeting. Vendor is responsible for preparing the report. Question 23: If there is more than one vendor being selected, how do UNHCR divide work? Answer: This will be further discussed after selection. Question 24: Are there any special reason for deciding programme starting months. Answer: Lead conversion programs are after UNHCR events, while upgrade program preferred around Christmas time. Others programs have no special reason. Question 25: Regarding the emergency appeal, how do UNHCR divide donor data? Answer: Depends on actual situation during emergency campaign.